Cicada Moving

Chapter 897: survey

Chapter 897 Survey

“Quickly, surround Yunxiu Tower, clean it inch by inch, and inspect the scene.”

“In all work in the building, the service staff must restrict (separate) their movements and take statements.”

“Who is that, turn off the lights, be careful of Japanese planes coming back to kill you.”

In the early morning, Wu Chunyang, as the first director of the new military command, stood in the Huangshan official residence and whispered a few orders to his subordinates.

 After receiving a call from Zuo Zhong, he immediately rushed here with his elite troops and various technical equipment and began to survey the site.

 He understands that there are many people who are dissatisfied with his (separation) life. If he wants to completely secure his position in the bureau, this case is the best opportunity.

So as soon as he arrived at the scene, Wu Chunyang devoted himself to his work, preparing to go all out to solve the case with the highest standards and the most serious attitude.

Zuo Zhong, who was assigning tasks to the second office, smiled slightly when he saw this scene, then his eyes fell on Gu Qi's face in front of him, and he said seriously.

“Lao Gu, I didn’t let you go to the first place, and you are at the same level as a junior, so you don’t have any complaints in your heart. We are old partners. If you have any ideas, just say it.”

"No." Gu Qi quickly shook his head: "I know my abilities well despite my humble position. Intelligence work is really not my specialty. You know my temperament, but it is suitable for counter-(separation) espionage."

Regardless of whether he really understood or pretended to understand, Zuo Zhong nodded slightly: "Well, that's good if you think so. Later you will cooperate with the first department to screen the people in the official residence and the people from the surrounding air defense forces.

 The purpose is to find the moles among them, especially the air defense troops. These **** have not sent anyone to report until now. There must be something wrong. Remember to bring more people and be careful not to capsize in the ditch (separation). "


After Gu Qi replied with two words, he summoned a team of armed agents and rushed to the air defense force's station in the dark. It was a bit strange that such a big thing happened, but there was no movement from the other party.

Zuo Zhong watched his old partner go away, turned around and strode to the door of Yunxiu Tower, asked the agent for clothes, headgear and shoe covers made of linen and walked into the building.

This is an eclectic three-story brick and wood structure building, covering an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, and the overall construction area is more than 300 square meters.

The main body is a Chinese-style pitched roof with a north-south ridge. On the west side of the gate, there is a Western-style square column integrated with the watchtower on the third floor.

In front of the door is a corridor about two meters wide. A row of four log pillars stand on the stone platform along the corridor. All doors and windows are of Western design.

The ground floor is a conference room, guard room, reception room, kitchen, and dining room. The second floor has a bald office and bedroom, and the third floor has a sentry post.

The interior decoration is very simple, with smooth pine floors, which fully meets the requirements of the new life (separation). It can be regarded as a combination of knowledge and action.

However, the first floor had become a mess by this time, and several rooms on the right were completely destroyed by Japanese bombs (dividing bombs) and completely collapsed.

According to the guard at the official residence, there may be 2 to 3 local villagers who were recruited as handymen in the ruins. It seems that the situation is very bad.

Waving to the surrounding agents to go about their business, Zuo Zhong walked around the left side of the relatively intact main building with his hands behind his back. The more he looked at it, the more doubtful he became.

 Originally, he thought that someone might have used light guidance at the official residence to lure the Japanese plane over, otherwise the bombing would not have been so accurate.

But it seems impossible now. All the windows in Yunxiu Tower were arranged strictly in accordance with the air defense regulations, and were completely sealed with thick black cotton cloth, and there were paper seals at the corners.

As long as someone tries to uncover it, there will definitely be traces left. Even if the other party sends a light signal to the aircraft on the right side of the small building, the sentry on the top of the building and the guards constantly patrolling are not blind and cannot miss it.

To be on the safe side, he looked through all the remaining dozen windows and seals, and carefully checked each seal to make sure there was no trace of disturbance.

 It’s interesting. Do the Japanese really have night vision? Zuo Zhong raised his arm and scratched his chin, feeling that he couldn’t rush to a conclusion until the on-site investigation and confession came out.

Wu Chunyang did not keep him waiting, and completed the relevant work before dawn. A thick survey record and confession were immediately delivered to him.

“Deputy seat, no suspicious signs were found on the intact side of Yunxiu Tower, the doors and windows are intact, and no dangerous goods or communication tools were found.

 A total of three corpses (separated) that were suspected to have been killed in the bombing were found at the scene, two men and one woman, who were servants of the official residence.

 The specific cause of death cannot be determined until an autopsy is performed back at the headquarters. The possibility that someone killed them and then dumped (separated) the bodies cannot be ruled out.

 All the items in the ruins were also cleared out by the brothers. Because the damage was so severe, inspection and screening will take a certain amount of time.

But I took a general look and found that except for the masonry tiles and fragments of furniture and electrical appliances, the remaining items were all originally present in the official residence. "

 After briefly introducing the survey results, Wu Chunyang focused on the oral confession. He held a stack of records and spoke slowly.

“According to the roster provided by the Attendant’s Office and the personnel’s oral testimony, there are a total of 26 handymen, 46 clerks and 158 guards at all levels in the official residence.

These people visit relatives once every half month, and live in dormitories the rest of the time, with the same room and board (separated) in order to minimize the risk of information leakage (separation).

  It was already dark when the incident occurred, and the handymen were busy preparing meals, cleaning, and taking care of flowers and plants. The clerks were all in the office, and the guards were patrolling inside and outside the official residence. No one acted alone. I verified this and found that each person had more than three witnesses, and there were no flaws in the household registration files.

 Next, I will prepare to interrogate (separate) their family members and friends, or they may find clues from the side. "

 After speaking, he handed over the confession. He was able to basically figure out the situation in such a short period of time, which shows that he put a lot of effort into the first part.

After years of professional skills training and practical training, there is no doubt that the intelligence personnel of the former Secret Service are excellent at handling cases, and searching a small building with a small area is naturally no problem.

Zuo Zhong was previously worried that if the Secret Service was upgraded to include too many personnel from the original bureau headquarters, its combat effectiveness would be reduced. Now it seems that this worry is unfounded.

  Put a wolf in a pack of dogs. As time goes by, the wolf will lose its wildness and become docile. It will wag its tail and beg for mercy when it sees people, and become a barking dog that can only guard homes and courtyards.

But if you put a dog in a pack of wolves, the situation will be exactly the opposite. The nature hidden in its bones will be stimulated, and it will eventually turn into a beast that chases and bites its prey.

In reality, the agents of the Secret Service are wolves, and the people in the bureau are dogs. Under the influence of wolf nature, these people began to gradually become ferocious, at least they did not hold back.

Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction, reached out to take the confession and flipped through it. Suddenly, the file of a stenographer named Joanna from Jiangsu province flashed by, and he continued to read down without pausing.

 Maybe he missed the era when the country was prosperous and the people were strong. The longer he stayed in this troubled time, the more profound some of the memories left to him in later generations, such as the name just now.

 The female warrior who fights at the heart of the enemy, the red (partitioned) agent who holds the pulse of the bald head, compared to him, this one is truly an un(divided) hero.

 But now is not a good time to contact the other party. If Joanna is noticed by the enemy due to his reasons, then he will die.

After turning over the confession while thinking wildly, Zuo Zhong frowned. The scene and personnel could not find out the problem for the time being. How did the location of the official residence be leaked, and who gave the direction to the Japanese bombers through what method.

Just as he was thinking about it, Gu Qi, who went to screen the air defense troops, came in a hurry. As soon as he entered the door, he said nervously: "Deputy seat, it's bad, the air defense troops were attacked last night!"


 Zuo Zhong was shocked by the news (Separation). Who dared to attack the regular army, and it was hundreds of well-trained professional soldiers (Separation), not hundreds of pigs. Why didn't they fight back when they were attacked?

What Gu Qi said next answered his question. It was not that Guo's army was not strong enough, but that the enemy did not act openly and honestly, but used extra-ordinary moves.

“I found the staff officer who was on duty at the time. According to him, shortly after dinner last night, I felt numbness in my mouth and lips, difficulty breathing, trembling limbs, and a rapid rise in body temperature.

The rest of the soldiers have also been poisoned. So far, hundreds of people have died. The remaining people are also suffering from vomiting and diarrhea and are lying on the ground. Military doctors were rescuing them when we went there.

 The specific poison (separation) drug is still being tested by technicians. They have already sent the sample to the headquarters and are waiting for news from Dr. Ling. These Japanese spies are really ruthless. "

  Seemingly thinking of the corpses with hideous faces and miserable death forms, Gucci gritted his teeth in anger, and then told the latest discovery.

“Through questioning several lightly wounded people, we determined that someone lit at least three bonfires near the official residence last night, and there were many witnesses in the army.

It is a pity that they were unable to protect themselves at the time and were unable to call for help. The telephone line to the official residence was also cut off, making it impossible to alert the official residence in time. "

It turns out that the enemy not only sent planes to bomb the Huangshan official residence, but also used poison (separation) to solve the biggest instability (separation) factor of the air defense force.

 We must know that the most effective tool against aircraft is radar. Before radar, did people have any way to deal with threats from the air?

The answer is yes. This is what appeared in the last European War. It was the crystallization of the wisdom of countless European and American scientists and the original "high-tech" detection tool for air defense - the listening device.

 Well, it’s actually a loudspeaker (partitioner). This thing is like a stethoscope. It detects targets by listening to the noise and vibrations caused by aircraft flying in the distance.

Once an enemy aircraft is detected approaching, the controller begins to adjust the direction to determine the enemy aircraft's flight direction and guide fighter jets and anti-aircraft guns to intercept it.

 Although the structure and principle are simple, the effect is good. Because the planes at this time were slow and noisy, the effective distance of the listener was more than ten kilometers.

This distance is enough for the ground air defense forces and the air force to respond. Even if it is not enough to transfer heavy equipment, personnel can still escape. In that case, the Japanese air strikes will be meaningless.

 Could it really be possible to bomb an official residence so accurately just by relying on a bonfire? This is not impossible. The skills of Japanese pilots are indeed extraordinary, and with luck, they might be able to do it.

Who was the one who set the fire?

Zuo Zhong fell into deep thought after listening to Gu Qi's words. It was possible that it was someone in the official residence or a spy hiding outside. The so-called time witness was not reliable.

  Later movies and TV dramas always struggle with this kind of thing. Don't you know that if the enemy can bribe one informant, he can bribe the second one? People are the most reliable and the least reliable.

 After thinking for a moment, he asked Wu Chunyang to look for the entry and exit records of the people in the official residence. Leave aside the external spies for the time being. If the informants are in the official residence, they must pass on the relevant information.

Let's first check the officials of the official residence and make sure there are no problems before checking the outside. Of course, we also have to look for traces of the three bonfires. After Zuo Zhong determined the initial investigation ideas, he handed the matter over to the second department.

 (End of this chapter)

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