Cicada Moving

Chapter 904: Clues in series (2)

Chapter 904: Clue connection (2)

After three days of large-scale investigation, Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong identified three suspects. Zuo Zhong did not express his position after hearing this, but asked the Second Division to continue reporting.

Gu Qi straightened his chest and looked at Song Minghao. Seeing that the other party signaled him to speak first, he stood up and talked about their latest progress.

“Deputy Chairman, bonfires and poisoning cases are two investigation directions. In order to open up the situation as soon as possible, we decided to take charge of each one.

I am responsible for finding the suspects related to the bonfire, and Lao Song leads people to solve the poisoning case. Let me first talk about my findings.

  You said before that the spies who appeared in Bonfire No. 1 should be nearby villagers and woodcutters, and they can freely enter and exit the mountainous area around Huangshan Official Residence without being suspected.

The person who lit bonfire No. 2 was a man who was powerful, had a military background, knew how to use an engineer shovel and a hatchet, and was between 1.58 and 1.62 meters tall.

The spy in Bonfire No. 3 can obtain scarce supplies such as gasoline. His identity should not be simple, and he may be related to the air defense force.

Following these three lines, we included 11 villages of various sizes within a radius of 5 kilometers of the official residence, the troops stationed around Huangshan Mountain, and the air defense troops into our investigation sights.

 At present, a total of 1,141 qualified suspects have been found. Using the channels of the Ge Laohui, I screened these individuals one by one and found multiple suspicious targets. "

 He spread out several personnel household registration files and began to introduce them one by one:

“Suspect A, male, 24 years old, moved to Linji Village from another place in the 25th year of the Republic of China. He made a living by cutting firewood and was unmarried.

Suspect B, male, 41 years old, served in the Sichuan Army and received basic engineer training. After being dismissed, he joined the police station. He is married and has 4 children at home.

Suspect C, male, 34 years old, captain and division chief of the air defense force. It was found that he had close contacts with black market personnel in the mountain city, and many materials were lost in the camp.

Suspect Ding……”

Gu Qi gave the basic information, background and past experiences of more than a dozen suspects in one breath, as well as who he had contacted and what they had said. This is the power of the country.

Zuo Zhong listened and took notes, stopping from time to time to ask a question, but still did not express his position. When he was in this position, he had to be cautious in making decisions.

When Gu Qi finished speaking, he put down his pen and looked at Song Minghao: "Old Song, please tell me how many people died in the air defense force, and have the types of toxins been determined?"

“A total of 24 officers and soldiers died, and 135 officers and soldiers suffered permanent physical injuries. It was better to rescue them in time, otherwise the losses would be even greater.”

Song Minghao briefly reported the casualties, and then replied: "Based on the technical staff's examination of the physical evidence at the scene, it can be determined that the Japanese spies added oleander skins to the vegetable soup that night."

 It turned out to be oleander, no wonder it was so poisonous, Zuo Zhong suddenly realized.

People often say that the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. Oleander is one of them. Its flowers are bright red and are in bloom almost all year round.

However, the entire plant is highly toxic because its toxin is located in the sap, and it can kill people whether it is flowers, leaves or branches.

Even the smoke produced by burning branches and leaves is still extremely toxic after the branches dry up, and is more stable than some synthetic toxins.

 After oleander poisoning, patients will initially feel dizzy, nauseated, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc., and then begin to have a heart rhythm disorder and irregular heartbeat.

 In the end, ventricular fibrillation, syncope, convulsions, tachycardia, and ectopic rhythm occur. If not rescued in time, the patient will die of circulatory failure.

 Compared with artificial toxins, it has another advantage, that is, it is easy to obtain. After oleander was introduced into the Republic of China during the former dynasty, it was widely distributed in the south of Changjiang.

There are many wild oleanders in Huangshan Mountain. A Japanese spy only needs to find a reason to go up the mountain to find bark enough to paralyze the entire air defense force.

Zuo Zhong felt that it would be difficult to investigate the poisoning case based on the source of the poison. After thinking about it, he turned around and asked, "Has the person who poisoned the poison not been found?"

 “Yes, deputy seat.”

Song Minghao's expression turned bitter. He almost dragged the dog raised by the air defense force into the interrogation room, but he still couldn't find any usable clues, let alone a suspect.

Worried that Zuo Zhong would blame him, he immediately explained: "The kitchen staff and the cook who were most suspected drank the most soup, so they were the most poisoned, and they were all killed.

Furthermore, discipline in the camp was lax. Many people had been to the kitchen. No one could tell how many people had been nearby that day. It was difficult to identify the murderer from his movement trajectory.

I have no choice but to check the bunks and belongings of all the people in the camp, but there are no results, but please rest assured, deputy commander, we will definitely catch this person as soon as possible. "

He issued the military order with sweating profusely. After following Zuo Zhong for such a long time, everyone present knew that it was useless to shirk responsibility. The deputy director only wanted results.



Zuo Zhong pondered for a moment, looked at the records in the notebook, and tapped his fingers on the table. After a long time, he slowly looked up at Song Minghao, who was tense all over, and comforted him with a smile.

“Don’t be nervous, everyone. This is how work is done. It can’t be smooth sailing. If there are no new clues, then dig into the existing clues and learn to use lateral thinking.

Just like this poisoning case, according to logic and common sense, the poisoner will definitely come up with a cruel trick in order to escape suspicion. Doesn't everyone have any opinion on this? "


Hearing his question, everyone shook their heads. Japanese spies are not stupid. If others are poisoned, even if the other party is not poisoned, then the fool will know who the poisoner is.

The Japanese are not only cruel to others, but even more cruel to themselves. They are absolutely capable of taking poison themselves. Besides, as long as you control the dose of oleander and take the poison before rescue arrives, your life will not be in danger.

Seeing that his subordinates had no objections, Zuo Zhong continued: "Okay, since everyone agrees with this point of view, let me ask another question.

The possibility that the spy in Bonfire No. 3 and the spy in the air defense force are the same person is very high. Do you accept this inference? "


Everyone answered again that intelligence officers are not cabbage. The Japanese do not need to arrange two spies in a small army. In that case, even if the Japanese give all the funds to the intelligence department, it will not be enough. Combining the above two conjectures, the spy who lit the last bonfire and poisoned the food was probably one person. This person first poisoned, then left the camp to set fire, and then returned to the camp to pretend to be poisoned.

The laxity of military discipline is evident from this. It doesn’t matter if irrelevant personnel enter and leave the kitchen. After all, they are in the camp, and it is understandable that they are sneaked in.

 But it is unimaginable that no one sees a person entering and exiting the military camp. This means that the entire defense system of the air defense force is ineffective.

Zuo Zhong complained about Guo Jun, stood up and went to the window of the study, looked at the mountains due north, and asked Song Minghao another question.

“Old Song, how long does it take to walk from the air defense force station to the No. 3 bonfire? What I’m talking about is that under heavy load, if you want to light so many bushes, you will definitely use not too little gasoline.”

Song Minghao gave an answer after thinking carefully about this question: "The straight-line distance between these two points is only more than 300 meters, but as the saying goes, it takes at least 15 to 20 minutes to walk with a heavy load."

 “Okay, let’s give it 15 minutes.”

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong turned around and estimated the espionage's operation time: "Collecting a large amount of ignition materials and pouring oil on them to light them will take at least ten minutes.

Including returning to the military camp, the whole process takes about 40 minutes. This time difference is the key to finding our target. Let me test everyone, what should we do? "

40 minutes…

 Is it necessarily related to finding the goal?

Everyone was lost in thought. Do we need to rely on the severity of the symptoms of poisoning? The spy did take the poison long after other people were poisoned. Then the doctor arrived.

Logically speaking, the symptoms displayed by the other party at the time should not be severe. If the medical staff had an impression of the patient, they could quickly find the suspect, but there was one thing they were not sure of.

 —How cruel the Japanese spy is to himself.

A Japanese spy is a professional intelligence officer and will not miss this loophole. If this person is ruthless and ingests more oleander toxin than others, it will be meaningless to look at the symptoms.

Looking at the people who were frowning attentively, Zuo Zhong pointed to his head in disappointment: "How many times have I told you that you must learn to use your brain and learn to look at the problem comprehensively.

It is uncertain how much toxin the spy ingested, but what about other poisoned persons? They always remember how much vegetable soup they drank that day, and supplemented by the eating time, the problem is solved. "

After he finished speaking, he saw that his subordinates still looked confused, so he leaned over and opened the book, drew an "L" shaped pattern on the paper with a pen, and muttered something.

“Next, you should make statistics first. Set the eating time of the poisoned person on the day as the horizontal axis, and set the amount of food eaten as the vertical axis. The intersection of them represents the person’s current degree of recovery.

These three are directly related. Ignoring the treatment gap between officers and soldiers, people who drink more vegetable soup or drink it later should have more severe symptoms now, and vice versa. "

As he spoke, Zuo Zhong clicked a few points on the horizontal and vertical axes of the "L" shape, and then connected their intersection points with a curve to form a peak-line graph.

Then he wrote the four characters "physical condition" on the top of the peak and line chart. After writing, he threw the pen aside and looked at the people whose eyes were getting brighter and added.

“If we specify the physical condition, it refers to four types of data: body temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure. By combining these four data with the intersection points, we get a recovery trend chart.

 Relying on the recovery trend chart, we can know what the body temperature and blood pressure of a poisoned person who drank a certain amount of vegetable soup at a certain time should be. The data and body reactions do not lie.

 Although due to differences in personal physique and tolerance level, even if the poisoned person eats at the same time or drinks the same amount of vegetable soup, the physical symptoms after treatment are not exactly the same.

 But the gap will not be too big, there will be a general range. Unlike a spy, the other party's data on the horizontal and vertical axes are false, so the physical signs are naturally different from those of a real poisoned person.

 Substitute everyone's data and find the person with the biggest physical difference. The other person is our suspect. To put it simply, we use other people as reference objects to find abnormal points.

Everyone must remember that the most powerful weapon of our intelligence officers is not guns, but wisdom. Otherwise, why didn't Shangfeng just find an elite unit and transform it into a military commander? "

Zuo Zhong reprimanded with a bit of resentment that iron cannot be made into steel. An idiom in their profession can be used to describe it as a battle of wits and courage. Wisdom comes before courage. They can’t do intelligence work well without using their brains.

Wu Chunyang and others were ashamed when they heard this, and at the same time they benefited a lot from using statistics to solve the case. The deputy director taught them another lesson. It seems that spies can do more than just kill.

“I don’t need to say more about what to do after finding the suspect. Let me remind you that there are no more than three people in the air defense force who know the function of the official residence.”

While his men were reflecting, Zuo Zhong said with a dark face that if everyone couldn't keep up with their thinking this time, he would scold them.

 “No need, deputy seat.”

Everyone shook their heads quickly. Since only a few people knew who lived in the official residence, assuming there were no problems with these people, there must be someone else who leaked the information about the official residence.

Most likely it is a subordinate in the official residence. Regardless of whether the poisoned Japanese spy has interacted with the other party or other Japanese spies, he must always contact his superiors to receive orders.

The military commander can completely follow this clue to investigate further. Everyone seems to have smelled the enemy and has a clear direction of investigation. Solving the case is only a matter of time.

 “Well, I’m not that stupid yet.”

Zuo Zhong made a joke, then his face became serious: "We will continue to monitor and investigate Qiu Dacai, Xing Tie, and Fang Wei, especially the half-open door and Xing Tie's missing wife.

 The Second Division continues to look for suspects who meet the screening conditions and find the person who poisoned according to the idea I just mentioned. The poisoning case is related to the No. 3 bonfire. If necessary, a combined investigation can be conducted.

 Lao Gu, you have to pay attention to something. From now on, your work must be kept strictly confidential, and the Ge Lao Society cannot be involved. All intelligence personnel who have relatives from the southwest within three generations must also be excluded.

Today is the last mobilization before the war. The next meeting will be a deployment meeting before arresting people. Everyone must do a solid job and secure and protect evidence and witnesses. Okay, let’s adjourn the meeting. "

After assigning the task, he waved his hands to let his men leave, and then whispered a few words to Wu Chunyang who stayed behind. After hearing this, Wu Chunyang looked surprised and nodded immediately, and walked out of the thatched pavilion quickly.

 (End of this chapter)

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