Cicada Moving

Chapter 905: statistics

Chapter 905 Statistics

Early the next morning, Zuo Zhong, accompanied by Gu Qi and Song Minghao, arrived at the air defense unit located just north of the Huangshan official residence. Military green tents stood in the camp.

The people who lived here were all poisoned officers and soldiers. At this time, these people were pale, lying weakly on the camp bed, making a groaning sound, and swearing incessantly.

“I’m so lazy, doctor! Doctor, I can’t urinate.”


 “Come quickly, someone is vomiting blood again.”

Several medical staff in white uniforms heard the sound and ran into the tent, quickly treating the sick and wounded. In fact, they just infused some saline solution.

 Most of the country's seaports were blocked by the Japanese, leaving only Guangdong Province. All kinds of strategic supplies were in short supply, and no one would use precious medicines on a group of big soldiers.

 Besides, it’s not life-threatening. If you vomit blood, just vomit it. You’ll get used to it. Maybe the blood congestion will heal faster. Anyway, that’s what the military doctor told Zuo Zhong.

“Deputy Director Zuo, please see, in order to help the sick and wounded recover as quickly as possible, we have specially arranged for elite soldiers from the Army Hospital to come for treatment. The poisoned people are currently in relatively stable mood.”

 “Ah~~I can fly~”

While the deputy director from the Army Hospital was introducing, a trance-stricken soldier rushed out of the tent and rushed toward the cliff like crazy, followed by several angels in white holding syringes and restraints.

Oleander poisoning can cause unconsciousness and confusion, and may cause hallucinations in severe cases. It seems that this person drank a lot of soup that day and is still not completely awake.

Zuo Zhong stared at this scene dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. After a long time, he coughed lightly and sent the military doctor away. He was afraid that he could not help but punch the opponent.

What kind of treatment is this? It all relies on the natural metabolism of the human body. So what do they need to do? The military commander can handle it. Just let the wounded drink more hot water.

He hesitated for a moment, and Gu Qi, who was following him, said: "Inform Ling Sanping and ask him to bring our own medical staff and medicines to treat the poisoned people as much as possible and record physical signs.

They are all anti-Japanese martyrs. They cannot die in the hands of the Japanese, but in the hands of their own people. Moreover, if the spy dies without timely treatment, the case will be difficult to solve, so hurry up. "

Gu Qi was also speechless about the miraculous operation of the Army Hospital. After hearing the instructions from the deputy director, he said hello and immediately turned around to contact Ling Sanping.

Amidst the chaos of war, Zuo Chong nodded towards Song Minghao, who was standing respectfully beside him: "Old Song, let's get started, ask and record one by one, and wait for Dr. Ling.

We must ensure the authenticity of the registered physical signs. This is related to whether we can find the spy and do a good job. I will ask the committee for credit after the case is over. "

He drew a big pie skillfully, gave the old youtiao a swig of chicken soup, and then watched a puff of smoke and dust rise up from his feet and disappear before his eyes.

  Tsk, the military morale is available.

Zuo Zhong sighed silently, and then walked around the sealed kitchen. It was not accurate to say it was a kitchen. To be precise, it was a simple shed made of wooden sticks and oilcloth with ventilation on all sides.

 It’s no wonder that it’s impossible to determine who poisoned the vegetable soup. The spy only needs to pretend to be passing by and throw oleander bark into the pot or into the vegetables waiting to be cooked, to complete the poisoning.

 Lifting the heavy lid of the pot, Zuo Zhong stretched his head and looked at the spoiled vegetable soup inside. The gray-white cabbage leaves were mixed with a few pieces of dark brown bark, which looked very conspicuous.

 Such an obvious method of poisoning, why didn’t the air defense force discover it?

Because this is so normal, anyone who has eaten in a big pot like this knows that it is not surprising to see anything in the pot, such as soil, insects, etc., and tree bark is an added ingredient.

While Zuo Zhong was conducting on-the-spot inspections, agents from the Second Division entered the tent in twos and threes and interrogated the poisoned persons with pens and paper in order to verify their previous confessions.

The content of the questions is very complex, including basic information such as name, age, past experience, and resume, as well as gossip such as military personnel relations.

For example, who spends money at a rate that is not in line with the economic situation, who often leaves the military camp, and intelligence collection work on meal times and how much food is eaten are hidden in these questions.

The officers and soldiers were very resistant to this. They were about to be poisoned to death. This group of spies knew how to ask questions. They didn't even catch the murderer. They were still elite. I tui~

No one is a fool. When verifying the confessions, they clearly suspected that they were not telling the truth. Therefore, the poisoned persons were talking about him one by one and refused to cooperate with the investigation.

In such a situation, the agents were not angry and asked patiently over and over again until the other party answered the question honestly and asked the person being questioned to sign.

During this period, Ling Sanping, who had not appeared in many chapters, hurriedly arrived with doctors from Renxin Hospital. They measured the body temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure of the poisoned person.

As Zuo Zhong said, data and body reactions cannot lie. It is easy for spies to lie, but it is difficult to deceive these doctors who have intelligence foundation and are proficient in medical science.

 After this set of procedures, the day passed quickly, and the sky became darker and darker. The doctors and spies who had completed recording physical signs and verifying confessions left the camp one after another.

 “MD, what the hell, you just know how to catch your own people!”

In one of the tents, a second lieutenant of the air defense force spat vigorously in the direction of the door, then fell on the bed, put his hands behind his head and looked at the bunk next to him.

"Lao Du, they asked so many things, did they find out anything? There are also those doctors who look at people with a gloomy look, especially the pretty boy, which makes me feel panicked." He called almost four people Lao Du. He was about ten years old and had a simple and honest appearance. His collar badge indicated that he was a lieutenant. After hearing the second lieutenant's question, the man clutched his stomach and expressed pain.

"Then I don't know. Maybe I found some clues, otherwise it would be impossible to mobilize troops like this. I heard that the military commander is very powerful, and maybe he can find out who poisoned him.

As for doctors, they are better than those Mongolian doctors before. I understand clearly that in the future, even if I die of illness or pain, I will not absolutely not be able to go to the Army Hospital. "

 “Humph, that’s the best.”

The second lieutenant snorted coldly, turned around and said viciously: "If I catch the poisoner, I must punish this bastard.

If you can even harm a brother who eats with a horse spoon, can you still be considered a human being? This time it is poisoning, next time it will be a black shot. Brothers, am I right? "

Lao Du and others all agreed. The most important thing in the army is the friendship between comrades. After all, on the battlefield, the only ones who can save your life are the comrades beside you.

Such shameless people must be found. If they fight against the Japanese in the future, the other side suddenly comes out and stabs them in the back. Who can bear this?

The indignant victims expressed their inner anger by exhaling fragrances in various local dialects and greeting the murderer's ancestors for eighteen generations.

  In their excitement, everyone discussed how to torture the **** traitor, and after brainstorming, they really came up with a few good ideas.

The most active speakers in the crowd were the second lieutenant and Lao Du. The method proposed by the two was unanimously praised by everyone, and there were constant cheers in the tent.

Having suffered from vomiting and diarrhea for several days, they are now so weak that they cannot even beat a chicken. All they can do is to have a good time here, which is regarded as psychological treatment.

  After a while, the conversation slowly stopped. The excited second lieutenant was chattering endlessly one second, and then closed his eyes and snored the next. This shows that cursing is also a strenuous task.

Not only him, but the officers and soldiers in the camp also fell asleep one after another. The cold wind blew through them and the canvas on the tent rattled non-stop.

In the darkness, two figures slowly stood up from behind the tent where the second lieutenant and others were, and tiptoed to a remote place. One of them asked the other.

 “Have the conversations been recorded?”

“Remember it, Deputy Director Song.”

"Well, give it to me. You go back and continue to monitor, and I will report to the deputy chairperson."


Song Minghao, who was covered in dirt and grass clippings, said a few words to the little spy. He took the note and looked at it with a ray of moonlight leaking from the clouds. He saw that it was full of words.

Text recording and drawing in a low-visibility environment are the basic skills of an intelligence officer. He roughly checked the content once, and after confirming that there was no problem, he immediately walked out of the military camp.

 The temporary command headquarters of the military commander was set up in an open space one or two hundred meters away from the military camp, so that the scene could be monitored nearby and intelligence leakage could be prevented.

Song Minghao came to the headquarters and nodded to the guards, then quickly walked into the largest tent. As soon as he entered the door, he saw two large blackboards with graphs on them.

A dozen little spies were walking around in front of the blackboard, marking the graphs with chalk, looking down at the information at hand, and shouting in low voices.

“Record, target 75, meal at 17:20, drink half a bowl of 150 ml, body temperature 37.3, pulse 115 beats per minute, respiration 22 times per minute, high pressure 145, low pressure 90.”

“Record, target 76, meal at 18:00, drink a bowl of 300 ml, body temperature 37.8, pulse 121 beats per minute, respiration 25 times per minute, high pressure 150, low pressure 85.”

“Record, target 77, meal around 17:15, expected to drink half a bowl of 200 ml, body temperature 37.2, pulse 113 beats per minute, respiration 21 breaths per minute, high pressure 144, low pressure 90.”

“Statistics, No. 75, No. 77, included..."

Amid the noisy shouting, Zuo Zhong, Gu Qi, and Ling Sanping stood in the corner and discussed something in a low voice. When he saw Song Minghao arriving, he waved and raised his voice to ask.

 “Lao Song, how are you? Are you okay?”

 “No, everything is normal, everything has been recorded in writing.”

Song Minghao shook his head and handed over the prison notes.

This result was within Zuo Zhong's expectation. Their enemies were professional spies, not the losers of Zhongtong, and their identities would certainly not be exposed in daily conversations.

Now it was time to see if he could find anomalies in the data. He took the record and briefly looked at it before throwing it back and watching his subordinates continue to count.

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