Cicada Moving

Chapter 906: emerge

Chapter 906 emerges

“Record, target number 152, body temperature…”

The little spy's voice kept ringing, and the wind outside the tent became louder and louder. The cold wind poured into the room through the gaps, and the temperature dropped several degrees in a short period of time.

Zuo Zhong rubbed his hands, had someone dig a fire pit on the spot, threw in a few pieces of wood and poured gasoline to light it. The erratic light of the fire finally dispelled some of the chill.

He, Gu Qi and others gathered around the bonfire of Bibipipi, listening to the statistical work progressing little by little, and taking the opportunity to discuss the technical issues in the poisoning case with everyone.

“If there was a technology for detecting the level of oleander toxin in the blood, we wouldn’t have to go through so much trouble this time. Dr. Ling, is this technically possible?”

As a detective in his previous life, Zuo Zhong had a certain understanding of modern criminal investigation technology and knew that the technology for detecting trace amounts of poisons in blood was already very mature.

 In this way, the metabolism of toxins in the human body can be seen more intuitively. Once the results come out, it will be clear who is lying, and there is no need to laboriously collect body temperature and other physical data.

Ling Sanping heard what he said, and after thinking about it, he gave a disappointing answer: "As far as I know, European and American countries do not have this technology, and they have not even proposed an idea.

 Because when toxins enter the blood, they will be contaminated by the blood itself, making it difficult to separate. This problem cannot be solved. The detection is just a dream, and it is difficult to realize what you said. "

 “I cannot agree with you.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand and frowned: "Europeans and Americans haven't suggested that we Chinese can't study it and don't be superstitious about Western science and technology.

Now everyone is on the same starting line, and we are all ordinary people with two shoulders and one head. I don't believe that you, Ling Sanping, are any worse than foreigners.

You can try to study this technology first. By the way, there is also footprint identification. You don’t have to worry about funding. I can’t guarantee anything else. The Japanese yen is enough.

 Besides, we have an advantage over the other side, that is, we have more experimental samples. Once the case is solved, all the spies will be handed over to you after interrogation. "

 When mentioning the funds, Ling Sanping immediately became confused. He considered it for a moment and nodded. At the same time, he spoke a lot of medical terms, which made Gu Qi and others feel dizzy.

“Well, there is some truth to it, just go and study it.”

Zuo Chong pretended to nod his head, as if he understood. Then he changed the topic and pointed at the blackboard to analyze the abnormal data.

Everyone laughed secretly in their hearts, but they still cooperated and ended the previous topic. It would take a fool to make the commander unable to step down.

At this time, Gucci, who was about to open his mouth to give a hug, was suddenly stunned. The sound of a buzzing engine came from far away in the air and became closer and closer, becoming more and more clear.

He looked up at the canvas above his head in confusion, then thought of something and his expression suddenly changed. He shouted "Japanese plane" loudly, picked up the left heavyweight and ran out.

Others also heard the sound, so they turned off the lights, evacuated, and protected the information. The scene became chaotic.

Not only the special agents, but also the people in the air defense camp were on their backs. When they heard the familiar sound of aircraft, the awakened officers and soldiers rushed towards the anti-aircraft guns without even having time to put on their clothes.

In the tent, Zuo Zhong gently shook off Gu Qi's hand and said in a deep voice: "Calm down, we are in the air. Send someone to notify the camp and let them continue to rest. Don't be nervous."

With that said, he walked slowly to the tent exit and lifted the curtain, looking at the few night navigation lights that flickered in and out of the night sky. Under the moonlight, a small black dot could be seen with the naked eye flying from southeast to northwest.

Gucci, who had come to his senses, also came to his side. When he saw this scene, he wanted to ask what was going on, but was interrupted before he could speak.

 “No need to ask, it’s not time to say anything yet, go back.”

Zuo Zhong didn't explain anything to his old partner. He turned back to the campfire and ordered the agents to continue. He raised his hand and looked at his watch with a thoughtful look on his face.

People present looked at each other in confusion, wondering why the deputy director arranged for the plane to fly at night. Since the army did not have night take-off and landing equipment, night flights were guided by car headlights or even horse lanterns, making take-off and landing very dangerous.

In the event of a flight accident, the Air Force can bring the lawsuit to the commission's desk. You must know that the immediate leader of these airborne beauties is your wife. Even the military commander must give the other side some face.

Amidst the confusion of the agents, the plane gradually flew away, the roar of the engine slowly disappeared, and it left the airspace near Huangshan, and the surroundings returned to silence.

Members of the air defense force on the other side also received the order, and walked back to the tent in twos and threes, muttering something that was definitely not a good thing without even thinking about it.

In the dark night, a person glanced at the night sky with his peripheral vision. A trace of confusion and confusion flashed in his eyes, but he immediately lowered his head and left among the group.

 “Record, target 181…”

The counting sound in the tent sounded again, and the speed was getting faster and faster. The little agent who was familiar with the process quickly processed the physical sign registration forms.

 Unfortunately, so far, the physical signs of all the poisoned persons are normal, and no suspicious targets have been found that contradict their confessions. Gu Qi can't help but feel a little anxious.

It has been three or four days since the incident. If the suspect is not found again, the military commander will have a hard time explaining it to the superiors and subordinates. Who made them famous? I don’t know how many people are waiting to see the joke.

 Feeling irritated, he took out his cigarette case and lit a cigarette, took two puffs in succession, and walked around the fire pit, stopping from time to time to look at the blackboard and sigh.

Song Minghao was the same. He was so anxious that he scratched his head and head. Finally, he couldn't help but go into battle, picked up a stack of information and joined the statistics team.

Ling Sanping found a stool and sat down with a relaxed expression. His task had been completed. If he had time, he might as well think about how to detect the toxin content in the blood.

Looking at his subordinates who had different reactions, Zuo Zhong chuckled, folded his arms and remained silent. He struggled to survive and fell short of success. The more critical a moment like this, the more calm he must be.

It is useless to be anxious, but it will affect the final result. If a number is wrongly marked, all the previous work will be wasted. As the leader, he must stabilize the situation and the morale of the army cannot be disturbed. But he soon threw this idea aside because a little agent held a piece of information high and shouted something.

 “Report, abnormality found!”

Before the little agent finished speaking, Zuo Zhong took three steps at a time to reach the other party. He grabbed the information and glanced at it a few times. Several key data came into his eyes immediately.

“Target 178, self-reported meal at 17:30, drinking half a bowl of 150 ml, body temperature 37.8, pulse 125 beats per minute, respiration 27 times per minute, high pressure 155, low pressure…”

 Sure enough, there is a problem. This suspicious person who claimed to have drank half a bowl of soup at 17:30 has more severe poisoning symptoms than a person who drank a whole bowl of soup at 18:00. This is not normal.

No matter how useless the army is, the soldiers still have basic physical fitness. There should not be such a huge gap in physical signs, unless there is something wrong with the other party's confession.

 “What’s going on with this person?”

Zuo Zhong raised his head and asked Song Minghao. There were hundreds of people in the air defense force, and it was impossible for him to remember them all.

 “Vice-in-Charge, this person’s name is...”

Song Minghao took out a file and read the suspect's information. According to the information, the suspect was from Zhejiang Province and had a clean background. It did not look like he had been impostered.

Is that the traitor who was instigated to rebel?

This is not surprising, because people have a price, and they cannot be bribed because the money is not enough. The Japanese are still very generous in bribing spies, and few people can resist this temptation.

Moreover, the files show that the suspect’s family did not join the army and are probably still in their hometown in Zhejiang Province. If the family fell into the hands of the Japanese, they would have no choice but to give in to the threat.

Looking at the smiling face in the black and white photo in the file, Zuo Zhong had a hunch that the Japanese spy they were looking for was this person, but the statistical work could not stop.

Perhaps someone misremembered the meal time or forgot how much soup they drank at that time. They need to find all the abnormalities and eliminate them one by one.

Zuo Zhong shook the information and said the next arrangement: "Let's continue counting and put the suspicious persons aside first. We can't relax now.

 Lao Gu, you informed the Telecommunications Office to contact the East China District and asked them to conduct outsourcing while ensuring their own safety. I want to know two things.

 First, whether the suspect’s family is being held hostage by the Japanese; second, if the suspect is held hostage, conduct a safety assessment immediately to determine whether he can be rescued. "

 The excited little agents quickly fell silent, stopped celebrating, and started counting and marking again as ordered, but their mood was completely different.

Finding the first suspect proves that the statistical method is effective. As long as we work harder, the spies hiding behind the scenes will be unable to hide.

 Gu Qi and Song Minghao were equally excited. Gu Qi suppressed his laughter and walked briskly to the field phone to call the bureau headquarters and conveyed Zuo Zhong's order.

 In the cheerful atmosphere, the originally thick pile of registration forms quickly became smaller. When the last registration form was taken away, the data statistics and analysis work was completed.

  The agents found a total of 5 suspects from the information, but except for the first one, the physical data of the other 4 people were not large compared with those of normal poisoners, at least not as exaggerated as the first one.

 More importantly, these four people not only have clean backgrounds, but all of their family members are in the Kuomintang-controlled areas. This alone eliminates most of the suspicions against them.

After all, there are only a few people who are willing to abandon their families and careers to become traitors. Without parents, wives and children, what's the point of making more money, just to burn more paper money?

 Humans are social animals and have emotional needs, so Zuo Zhong’s hunch is correct. Suspect No. 1 is most likely to be a Japanese spy. The problem is that there is no evidence.

Gu Qi, who wanted to arrest people on the spot, thought for a long time and carefully suggested: "Deputy Chairman, the East China District is lurking under the noses of the Japanese. I'm afraid it will take some time for external transfer.

 In addition to waiting for their return, I think we can start with the footprints found at the campfire site. As long as the feet of suspect No. 1 match the footprints at the scene, we will arrest him directly! "

This method sounds good, but it only sounds good. The feasibility of actual operation is very low. Zuo Zhong smiled softly and asked.

“Lao Gu, if this is useful, why don’t I just pull out the people from the air defense force for comparison? Why bother collecting data? The enemy is far more cunning than we thought.

The other party would have thought of spraying dog secretions on the way back to interfere with the tracking of the police dogs. Wouldn't they have thought of camouflaging the footprints? It is not difficult to buy a pair of large shoes. "


Gu Qi was speechless. How could he have forgotten this? Japanese spies, even those who instigated rebellion, were very professional and could not leave such a big loophole for them to discover.

It seemed that he would have to stalemate with the opponent for a while, but just as he was thinking about how to urge the East China District to increase the speed of external transfers, Zuo Zhong next to him suddenly said something else.

 “Just arrest them.”

  ? ?

This sentence confused Gu Qi and the little agents. What happened to the deputy director? Didn't he just say that footprints were useless? Why did he change his mind again? Or did he say there were other clues?

Looking at his subordinates with question marks on their faces, Zuo Zhong sighed heavily: "Our military commander arrests people, especially people with no backing. Whenever evidence is needed, arrange it immediately."

Everyone is waking up from a dream. Yes, it’s just a matter of arresting one person. No matter what evidence is required, no one will argue with the military commander for an ordinary member of the air defense force.

As long as you pry open the other party's mouth and follow this line to find the spy hiding in the official residence or the other party's superior, the case will be solved, so he will immediately salute and return the order.


 (End of this chapter)

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