Cicada Moving

Chapter 908: Outside the holidays (I have a day off tomorrow, happy Valentine’s Day)

  Except Chapter 908 (I have a day off tomorrow, happy Valentine’s Day)

Lieutenant surnamed Du walked into the tent where he lived with firm steps, and his eyes happened to collide with Song Minghao who came to search. The two men looked at each other and nodded slightly.

They all wore this military uniform. Even if they were not in the same army, they still felt like brothers. The agents did not disturb other officers and soldiers and concentrated on searching Xin Lisheng's belongings.

“Report, Baiyao and sulfonamides were found in large quantities. They were hidden very well. If the entire camp had not been searched, they would not have been discovered.”

At this time, a little spy ran in from outside and shouted, holding an ammunition box in his hand. Under the half-open lid were dozens of brown glass bottles.


Song Minghao was shocked. Baiyao and sulfa were both first-class controlled substances strictly prohibited by the government. No one was allowed to trade or store them privately.

He quickly reached out and picked up a bottle from the box and put it in front of his nose. He immediately smelled a familiar pungent smell of Chinese medicine. Yes, it was Baiyao.

 Looking at the packaging, it is a wax seal specially used by the military. This method can isolate moisture and air, and the medicine will not lose efficacy even if it is soaked in water.

The matter is serious. There are so many in-demand medicines that are definitely not something that a second lieutenant of the air defense force can get. Could it be the work of the people behind Xin Lisheng?

This guy was very cunning. He did not put the things in the bunk, but put them in the ammunition boxes that can be seen everywhere in the military camp. Otherwise, he would be discovered in the first search.

 But what the Japanese spies do by collecting medicines cannot be to buy and resell them. The Japanese are willing to spend money on intelligence, and spies are not short of funds.

After thinking for a long time, Song Minghao unscrewed the cap and put the medicine bottle back into the box. Then he stood up straight and looked at the officers and soldiers with different expressions in the tent.

“Do you know that Xin Lisheng secretly collects controlled pharmaceuticals?”

 The officers and soldiers shook their heads rapidly and joked. Under the current environment, those who secretly collect medicines are either black marketeers or dissidents.

The former is okay, but if you get involved with the latter, you don’t know how you will die. Just join forces to fight against Japan. The fruit party and the underground party are still at the same level.

Song Minghao nodded helplessly and stopped pushing the frightened guys. After a moment of hesitation, he informed the officers and soldiers present that the blockade of the camp had ended, but they had better not leave too far.

The reason is that Xin Lisheng's case may require their cooperation, and the Military Command will ask the Junwei Commission for credit for those who take the initiative to help.

 After saying that, he asked the agents to take careful care of the medicines and hurried out of the tent, preparing to report the findings here to Zuo Zhong. The medicines were an important clue, and perhaps the origin of Xin Lisheng could be found.

Song Minghao left happily, but the officers and soldiers who heard the words "please take merit" became uneasy. Many people's eyes flickered, recalling what happened when Xin Li was born in Pingping.

Someone quietly came to Lieutenant Du's side and asked in a low voice: "Lao Du, you are familiar with Mr. Xin. Do you know where he got the medicine?"

Not only the person who asked the question, but also the people around him pricked up their ears. If they heard any inside information, it would be the first step to promotion. Who would not be tempted.

As a result, Lieutenant Du shook his head in confusion, then lay down on the camp bed and pulled up the quilt to cover his head, obviously not wanting to answer this question.

Seeing this, everyone had no choice but to disperse in anger. However, facing the temptation of military glory, some people still refused to give up and went out to inquire about the news. Soon, there were only three agents responsible for the search and Lieutenant Du surnamed left in the tent.

However, the agents did not notice that there was a pair of bright eyes a few meters away looking through the gap in the quilt, staring motionlessly at the pill box on Xin Lisheng's bed...

 Outside the air defense force camp, the military command temporary headquarters.

The weather in the mountain city is always so humid and cold in winter. The atmosphere in the interrogation room, which was temporarily converted from a tent, was solemn. Combined with the torture instruments placed all over the place, it made people feel chilly.

Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi sat behind a small table while communicating quietly. The two discussed the division of labor during the interrogation for a while. On the interrogation chair opposite was a frightened Xin Lisheng.

At this time, the second lieutenant lost the arrogance at the arrest scene. The heavy handcuffs and shackles made him understand that his status had changed from a soldier to a prisoner.

Zuo Zhong slowly sorted out several files, holding a pen in both hands, staring at Xin Lisheng, and introduced their identities straight to the point.

“Xin Lisheng, I am Zuo Zhong, deputy director of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Weihui, and this is Director Gu Qi. You are now being interrogated in accordance with the Wartime Military Law Regulations.

 Attention, it is an interrogation, which means we have the right to use all means against you, including torture. Tell me, are you a Japanese spy? "

Xin Lisheng trembled, and sat there with his shoulders hunched, silent, and pursed his lips tightly to remain silent. He knew in his heart that telling the truth would lead to death.

The person who lives in the official residence is related to the attack on the other party. Not only will he be subject to military law, but his family will also be implicated. He must not admit it.

Aware of the seriousness of this matter, Xin Lisheng closed his eyes and looked like he was waiting to be killed, as if he was going to fight to the end.

Gucci, who was responsible for playing the bad guy, saw the other party's reaction, picked up the file and threw it on the table, pointed at the other party angrily, and yelled at the other party.

“Did you set that bonfire in the north of the official residence? Did you poison the air defense troops? Tell me! I have seen many tough-talking Japanese spies, and they were all killed under severe punishment.

 Don't think that as long as you bite the bullet and don't talk about it, we have no evidence and you can save your family by dying. You are naive. The team to rescue your family is already preparing.

 Be honest, you will see them in the mountain city before long. If you don’t tell them, the rescue operation can also become a sanction operation. You have to think clearly about where to go. "

"It's me! It's me! I said, don't hurt my family." Perhaps he was stimulated by the last sentence. Less than two minutes before the interrogation started, Xin Lisheng suddenly opened his mouth and roared, and every word was: Emotions of despair.

The reason why traitors are traitors is because they are not strong-willed. It is unrealistic to expect such people to continue to work for the Japanese under the dual threat of torture and death.

 Besides, Xin Lisheng was probably a spy who was threatened. He hated the Japanese in his heart, so he could get him to speak with a little pressure. It was normal for him to speak so quickly.

Facing the other party's pleading, Zuo Zhong, who had long been accustomed to it, remained unmoved. He got on the interrogation chair and knew he regretted it. When he heard that his family had been sanctioned, he knew he was scared. What had he done?

It may be a bit unkind to say this, but if Xin Lisheng could ask the Secret Service or the military commander for help as soon as possible, the matter would not have developed to this point.

Although surrendering will definitely affect his future promotion, after all, someone who has been in contact with the enemy's intelligence system will inevitably have concerns when appointing him.

But on the one hand, it is the interests of the country and the nation, and on the other hand, it is the enemy. Even if there is the factor of family safety, it is still not the reason for Xin Lisheng to choose to surrender to the enemy and rebel.

It is understandable that outsiders do not know the capabilities of the military commander. As a member of the military, Xin Lisheng is not unclear. He can only say that he does not want to delay his future, but also wants to keep his family safe.

There is no such good thing in the world. In the final analysis, he was just lucky. He thought that as long as no one found out, he could do both without delay, and he even used the help of Japanese soldiers to climb to a higher position.

Zuo Zhong sneered secretly, nodded slightly to Gu Qi, indicating that the interrogation would enter the next stage, then fiddled with the pen in his hand and asked lightly.

“Tell me specifically how the Japanese threatened you, how they contacted you, and who revealed to you that the appointment was at the Huangshan official residence, as well as your online number, contact information, and code name.

 Don't be anxious, tell them one by one, we have plenty of time. The clearer you explain, the faster your family will be out of danger. If you dare to talk nonsense, you know the consequences. "

Xin Lisheng had a look of regret on his face. He lowered his head gloomily and told the whole story in a hoarse voice.

“While the army was still in Qicheng, someone sent me a letter saying that they had kidnapped my parents and younger siblings and asked me to meet them at a location in Wuchang City.

I went there, and the person present was a middle-aged man, very short, who claimed to be an intelligence officer of the Japanese military, and was also my future supervisor, codenamed Earthworm.

 He threatened me to work for the Japanese military, otherwise he would kill my family. If he promised, he would give me money and help me get promoted. I had no choice but to agree for the sake of my family. "

Sure enough, the Japanese are still using the same old tactics of coercion and inducement, but the tactics are not new, they just work, especially when facing government officials.

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong looked at Xin Lisheng coldly. This guy said it nicely. If it's for his family, I'm afraid it's more about having money and an official position.

Xin Lisheng still didn't know that the evil in his heart had been seen through, so he continued to portray himself as a victim who was forced to treason, answering Zuo Zhong's questions.

“At that time, he asked me about the combat data of various types of anti-aircraft weapons in the army and the location of the anti-aircraft units, and then asked me to leave, and then we lost contact.

  Until we moved westward to the mountain city and the troops moved to their current camp, Earthworm once again sent me a secret letter to inform me to meet at a hotel at Haitang Creek Wharf.

After meeting, he gave me a note and a bottle of liquid, and told me that the note contained the location and time of the operation, and that the liquid was used to interfere with the tracking of the police dogs.

He... He asked me to light a bonfire on the north side of the official residence and told me the details of the operation, including how to identify oleander and how to poison it. "

 At this point, Xin Lisheng began to hesitate in speaking, hesitant to speak, his eyes blinked rapidly, and his breathing became short.

Zuo Zhong judged that the Japanese must have told him the specific situation of Huangshan's official residence, otherwise the other party would not have reacted this way. As expected, what Xin Lisheng said next proved this guess.

“I asked Earthworm why he did this, and he said that he was appointed at the official residence and asked me to provide ground guidance for Japanese bombers, otherwise he would kill my parents!”

Xin Lisheng gritted his teeth and told the inside story. This kind of thing could not be hidden. Once Earthworm was arrested, he did not think the Japanese would keep a traitor a secret.

But he did not give up treatment. He burst into tears and talked about how helpless he was. Treason was purely a threat, and he explained in tears.

"I have no choice, I have no choice, sir, please spare me, hurry up and save my family. If the Japanese know that I have been arrested, they will definitely kill them!"

 The more he talked, the more desperate he became. He thought of his stern father, gentle mother, and naughty younger brother and sister in a daze. He just wanted to save them and keep his family safe.

Zuo Zhong seemed a little uninterested in this and covered his mouth and let out a long yawn. In terms of acting skills, Xin Lisheng was like a younger brother to people like Lao Dai.

After quietly watching this slightly exaggerated performance for a while, he gradually became impatient and thought that he was getting excited, so he knocked on the table to interrupt the other party's crying.

“I regret it now, it’s too late! From the moment you choose to steal intelligence for the Japanese, the lives of you and your family are no longer your own.

Whether you save people or not is not your business. If you want us to save people, help us catch earthworms as soon as possible and strive to make atonement for our sins. "

 Perform meritorious service and atone for your sins! ?

These four words suddenly appeared in Xin Lisheng's mind, like a flash of lightning that kept echoing in his mind. The next second he shouted with all his strength.

“Report to Chief Zuo, I want to make a meritorious service, and I know the information about the underground party!”

 (There are easter eggs, it will be closed every month on 2.14, I wish everyone a happy Valentine’s Day)

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