Cicada Moving

Chapter 909: branch

Chapter 909: Branches


Hearing Xin Lisheng shout out the information about the underground party, Gu Qi exclaimed and jumped up from the stool with a look of disbelief.

It’s no wonder he was so surprised. Counter-espionage is the job of the Second Division. Japanese spies must be caught, as well as informants of dissidents, but they have never found any clues.

Now that a traitor's confession actually involves the underground party, Gu Qi is naturally excited, even though he has no interest in the poor and unruly red head.

Zuo Zhongze's heart skipped a beat, and he asked in a deep voice: "Tell me, what information? Don't make it up, otherwise I guarantee you will die miserably!"

“No, no, there are indeed underground parties in the camp.”

Xin Lisheng shook his head repeatedly, licked his lips and replied: "Although the other party didn't say it clearly, he asked me to help collect medicines to treat gunshot wounds. This is something only dissidents need.

The reason why he came to me was very simple. Earthworm gave me a lot of scarce materials to buy information when we first contacted him. The fool thought I knew some big shot.

Furthermore, Du Heng had rescued me in Changcheng. If I reported it, I would definitely be suspected by Shangfeng. The other party knew this, so I had no choice but to tell Earthworm about it during the second meeting.

Earthworm knew about it and ordered me to agree, and gave me a barrel of gasoline, 20 bottles of white medicine, and 10 bottles of sulfa. The former was used to light the bonfire, and the latter was used to win the trust of the underground party. "

With the knife held at his neck, Xin Lisheng didn't care about bargaining and directly sold his colleague and savior. This shows the low character of this man.

After regaining his composure, Gu Qi's eyes flashed with disdain and contempt, and he slapped the table: "Don't talk nonsense, tell me who that person is. You know the rules in the army. The only one who can save you now is yourself."

Xin Lisheng swallowed and glanced at the two of them furtively. He wanted to get a safety guarantee before revealing the identity of the underground party.

But for some reason, when he saw Deputy Director Zuo with a calm expression, he immediately revealed the last bargaining chip with a bald expression.

“Duhem, it’s Duhem, the lieutenant you used to attract my attention, he sleeps next door to me, and the medicine is in an ammunition box.

 Sir, I will tell you everything. Please save my family and deal with Xin leniently. I was really coerced by the Japanese. "


Suddenly, a cry outside the tent interrupted his prayer, and then Song Minghao walked in quickly, came to Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi and whispered.

“Deputy Chairman, this guy has collected a lot of medicines. I suspect it is related to the underground party. Do you want to...”

“Wait a minute, where are the medicines and the lieutenant named Du?”

Before Song Minghao could finish speaking, Zuo Zhong immediately asked a question with an extremely serious expression.

Song Minghao was stunned for a moment and replied honestly: "The search hasn't ended yet, so I put him in Xin Lisheng's tent. Don't worry, there are three brothers watching over there.

The person named Du is also there. We have investigated this person’s background in the early stage. He has been in the army since the 15th year of the Republic of China. He has no contact with the Japanese and his daily words and deeds are normal. "

 “Not good! Someone is coming, watch out for the spy.”

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he stood up suddenly, picked up his gun and ran towards the camp. Gu Qi, Song Minghao and Gui Youguang, who were strolling outside the door, didn't know what was going on and hurriedly followed.

The group of people trotted to the outside of Xin Lisheng's tent. Zuo Zhong silently made a gesture. They stopped in tacit agreement, gripped their guns, lowered their steps and slowly surrounded the target.

The surroundings were unusually quiet. There was no way the search would be silent. Song Minghao was filled with regret. He had already guessed that Lieutenant Du's identity might not be simple.

Gui Youguang, who had the best movement skills at the scene, walked to the tent door with his head and body low. His posture was not very good-looking, but it could effectively reduce the area where he would be hit.

He put his ear against the rough canvas and listened for a while. He held the pistol in both hands and shook it slightly at everyone, indicating that he was not sure whether it was safe inside.

 Zuo Zhong, who was conflicted in his heart, nodded slightly and signaled the other party to start taking action. There was no other way. They were all his old subordinates here and were familiar with his style. Deliberate delay would only arouse suspicion.

Besides, after receiving the order, Gui Youguang first slowed down his breathing little by little, then held the gun with his right hand using Zuo's Action Technique to prevent anyone from snatching the weapon, and slowly opened the door curtain with his right hand.

Sunlight shone into the tent through the gaps. Taking advantage of the moment when the brightness difference between the inside and outside of the tent was the largest, he threw himself into the door with his feet. After landing, he rolled several times and moved to the corner.

 At the same time, his muzzle swept across all possible hiding places, ready to fire back at any time. This has formed a muscle memory.

Following Gui Youguang into the room was Song Minghao, who wanted to take advantage of the situation. The fat body didn't stop him from controlling the other side with the same neat movements.

"no one."


The two of them shouted one after another, then stood up and searched the room from both sides with guns. There is no 100% security at the intelligence site, and you must always be alert.

 Zuo Zhong outside heard the report and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately led Gu Qi and a team of people into the tent to support him, without forgetting to make an angry expression on his face.

He strode to Xin Lisheng's bunk, and the first thing he saw was the three little agents lying motionless. A pool of bright red blood was conspicuous on the ground not far away.

 “Check to see if you are dead, be careful of booby traps,”

 Zuo Zhong, with a gloomy expression, said to Gui Youguang, causing people to run away before his eyes. This was a vicious case that had never happened before in the Secret Service or the Military Command. As the deputy director, he had to react.

However, this underground party named Du Heng can actually fight one against three, and he can also run away silently among so many spies. His ability to act is not simple.

 The military commander is not the central commander, especially the intelligence officers during the Secret Service period. Combat training has not stopped since a few years ago, and ordinary professional soldiers are no match. Du Heng has probably received professional intelligence training, or at least professional combat training. If he guessed correctly, the opponent should be a senior intelligence officer stationed in the Guo Army by the underground party.

While he was thinking about Du Heng's identity, Gui Youguang squatted down to survey the scene, then touched the necks of the three little agents, and turned around to give an answer.

“Vice-in-Chief, I’m fine. I was just knocked unconscious and the target was injured. One of the brothers injured the target with a dagger he carried. The color of the blood showed that it was an artery.

In addition, there is half a tongue on the ground. It can be seen that the fracture has shrunk. It may have been bitten by the target when he was pretending to capture him. Damn, he is really a cruel person. "

Speaking of this, Gui Youguang showed admiration. He didn't see anything wrong with the other party at the scene before. You know, it was the pain of cutting off one's tongue.

He narrowed his eyes, raised the target's danger level to the highest level without hesitation, and spoke out a targeted pursuit plan.

"With such a serious injury, Du Heng cannot run very far. I suggest sending a team of operational experts to pursue him with police dogs, and then notify the police station and the military to seal off the surrounding area."

 “Well, let’s go.”

Zuo Zhong could not refuse this reasonable suggestion, so he waved his hand and let Gui Youguang arrange it, feeling a wave of regret and self-blame in his heart.

In order to prevent the Japanese spies from shooting, they chose to arrest other people to attract Xin Lisheng's attention. As a result, they accidentally caught the real underground party.

Perhaps Du Heng bit off his tongue the moment he was caught, in order to commit suicide through excessive blood loss without them noticing.

As for why they didn’t evacuate immediately after escaping, it must have been for the sake of medicine. Under the double blockade of the Fruit Party and the Japanese, the northwest was very short of medicine.

Many battle-hardened soldiers were injured on the front line. Since there were not enough medicines and medical equipment, they could only use their will to resist pain and injuries.

It can be said that each extra bottle of medicine means that one more soldier can be saved. No wonder the other party would take the risk to purchase medicines from Xin Lisheng, which would expose his identity.

Zuo Zhong walked to the pool of blood and looked around, imagining the scene of Du Heng enduring the severe pain and desperately trying to grab the medicine, and turned around suddenly to question Song Minghao sternly.

“Where are the medicines? Let me ask you where the medicines are! Didn’t you say you left them with the Japanese spy?”

 “Report, humble duty, humble duty…”

Song Minghao murmured twice, not knowing how to answer. Who would have thought that there was an underground party in the camp? Damn it, there are people from the other party everywhere.

And the same goes for this dissident, if you say you can run away, you have to grab the medicine before leaving. It's not top secret information or important documents, so why take the risk.

 Fortunately, the three investigators were fine, otherwise he would have shed his skin this time even if he didn't die. Song Minghao lowered his head and chose to follow his heart, waiting dejectedly for the deputy director's announcement.

 “You, you!”

Zuo Zhong pointed at the other party and hated him for not arguing: "How many times have I told you that you have to be cautious when doing things and move the evidence in a timely manner when you find it? This is a rule that all newcomers to the industry know.

How could you leave such a sensitive thing at the scene and let irrelevant personnel stay in the tent? Once this matter gets out, you will no longer be the deputy director of the Second Division.

It’s not just you who ran away to the underground party. The bureau chief and I both wanted to apologize to the committee members. We wanted to take this opportunity to show our face, but now it’s better. Instead of showing our face, we exposed our buttocks. "

 He got so angry not just to confuse others, but also because he was really dissatisfied with Song Minghao's work attitude.

What we encountered today was an underground party. No matter what the reason, they did not kill them. But what if we encountered a Japanese spy? Would the Japanese be so soft-handed?

  The long-term success of the intelligence operation against Japan has filled the military commanders and subordinates with the mood of underestimating the enemy, completely forgetting the principle that arrogant soldiers will inevitably lose.

With Zuo Zhong's angry rebuke, everyone was so frightened that they didn't even dare to scream. From Gu Qi to the little secret agent, everyone kept their mouths shut and didn't say a word.

After reprimanding Song Minghao, Zuo Zhong snorted at everyone: "Okay, don't be a stake here. It's not too late to make amends and strengthen the blockade of the camp.

The previous order to lift the blockade will be canceled immediately, and we will wait until Gui Youguang comes back to decide what to do next. Whoever dares to say what happened today will have his tongue cut out.

 Let the doctors treat the wounded, and when they wake up, ask them to take notes and figure out the specific events of the attack. Once they are injured, they can go back to the headquarters and train me in combat for three months. "

After ordering his men, he left the tent with a dark face. Gu Qi quietly winked at Song Minghao, and the two of them followed behind calmly.

Of course their actions cannot be hidden from Zuo Zhong, but they are all old brothers for many years, so they cannot drive people away. That would be too unkind, so just follow if you want.

Back at the headquarters, he asked Xin Lisheng a few more questions about the line and the other two people who set fire. Unfortunately, the other party didn't know all the questions, and he didn't even know how to contact Earthworm.

This guy only remembered where he was seated in the hotel and what he ordered on the day of the meeting. The earthworm did not raise his head or show his face during the whole process, so there is no way to talk about a simulated portrait.

The Japanese obviously don't trust each other and have only established one-way contact. Also, a small second lieutenant has no high intelligence value at all if the unit he belongs to is not special.

I'm afraid that after the mansion was bombed, the Japanese spies cut off contact with Xin Lisheng. They will not contact him again until they confirm that Xin Lisheng is okay.

The only valuable clue in the confession is the place where the Japanese spy met him. The hotel at Haitang Creek Pier happens to be Wenrentang's territory. Perhaps something can be found out through the Ge Laohui.

The premise is that Sun Renyi, the flag-bearer of Wenrentang, is reliable, otherwise it is easy to miss the fox and cause trouble. This is not unfounded worry. The Japanese have penetrated the Republic of China deeper than imagined.

Zuo Zhong waved his hand and asked people to take Xin Lisheng down and keep him under strict supervision. He sat on a stool and silently thought about how to find the real spy. Gu Qi and Gu Qi stood next to him and acted like the two generals.

 (End of this chapter)

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