Cicada Moving

Chapter 910: Each has his or her own actions

Chapter 910 Everyone has their own actions

 Two hours later.

Gui Youguang came back, sweating profusely. He picked up the water glass on the table and took two sips. He breathlessly reported the results of the hunt to Zuo Zhong.

According to him, the operatives found blood stains outside the camp and followed the blood traces to the edge of Ji. Judging from the traces at the scene, Du Heng should have escaped by jumping.

It was so cold that the target was injured again. He thought that the probability of the opponent's survival was low, so he brought a large force back first, leaving a small group of people to cooperate with the police in searching for bodies along the coast.

It’s not that he underestimated the enemy. The Changjiao narrowed near the mountain city and the current speed became faster. There were many reefs and whirlpools in the Changjiao. Even if Du Heng didn’t freeze to death, he would be swept to the bottom by the Changjiao water.

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong felt that Du Heng was not so easy to sacrifice. None of these underground party fighters with firm beliefs had climbed out of the dead. It was normal to overcome physiological limits.

But he still nodded and agreed to the arrangement. Anyway, someone would take the blame if something went wrong, so what did he have to do with it? So he immediately discussed the following work with Gucci.

Time passed unknowingly, and the sun set quickly. There were only a few scattered lights in a small village more than 20 miles downstream from the mountain city, and the river beside the village was flowing turbulently.

In the darkness, a pale hand suddenly grasped Chang'an. The weak Du Heng climbed up with all his strength, holding tightly the wooden box he snatched from the spy's hands.

Before he could stop the bleeding, he stumbled into the village and gently knocked on the door of one of the houses. A middle-aged man dressed as a teacher heard the sound and pushed open the door.

When Du Heng saw the familiar face, his expression relaxed. He used his last strength to write the words "Notification Thumbtack" on the ground and pushed the wooden box out, then passed out completely.

at the same time.

In a room in Shancheng with the windows tightly nailed with curtains, two people were discussing in a low voice how to deal with Xin Lisheng, and there seemed to be some differences in their words.

“Team leader, I think Xin must be eliminated in time. His existence is a hidden danger for us that cannot be ignored. If he confesses to the Chinese, you and the entire team will be in danger.”

One of them decided to get rid of Xin Lisheng, but the other person who talked to him did not think so and gave the reason.

“No, this person cannot be killed yet. When I met him, his appearance and hidden identity were not revealed, and he did not know your existence.

Besides, it is still unknown whether Xin Lisheng has been arrested. A rash move to eliminate him will only attract the attention of the military command.

What’s more, the underground party named Du Heng is of great intelligence value and may have a big secret behind it. We need Xin Lisheng to contact him. "

This person spoke neither too fast nor too slowly, with a standard mountain city accent. While speaking, he held up a hookah and puffed on it.

 In the smoke, the other person hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind to tell what he was really worried about.

“But you saw him at Haitangxi Pier. There are many people there. If someone recognizes you... the consequences will be very serious.”


The pipe rang again, and a voice sounded after more than ten seconds: "This matter is up to you. If there is a problem, deal with it. Don't let Sun Renyi find out. This person is difficult to deal with."

As you know, the opponent is a senior member of the Shancheng Ge Lao Guild. He is an old official, and together with our old rival Jun Tong, we need to recruit a few more good players during the operation. Don't be careless. "

  “Yes, team leader.”

The person on the opposite side responded and slowly disappeared into the darkness. A beam of moonlight shone into the main hall next door, and a black-plated plaque with gold paint hung high on the wall.

There is no shortage of conspiracies in this world, and there are no real secrets. The next day, Dai Chunfeng called Zuo Zhong's desk to inquire about the progress of the investigation of the case.

 When Lao Dai confirmed that the first and second divisions had captured a suspect and were interrogating the Japanese espionage organization behind the investigation, he felt relieved and hung up the phone.

As the first director after the reorganization of the military, the Huangshan Residence case put a lot of pressure on him. All parties were waiting for the results and the case must be concluded as soon as possible.

Now that a breakthrough has been found, it is only a matter of time before the case is solved. Lao Dai is still very confident in his proud disciple's ability to work.

However, Zuo Zhong was not as optimistic as Teacher Xianyi. He slowly put the microphone back on the stand. He asked Gu Qi to take a car to Haitangxi Pier and prepare to meet someone.

It rains constantly in the mountain town in winter. The sky that had just been clear for a day started to drizzle again. A black car was driving on the slippery mountain road, and the wheels brought up a mist of water.

In the carriage, Gu Qi asked one thing, that is, whether Wu Chunyang had gained anything. According to Xin Lisheng's confession, there were other people who leaked the location of the official residence, among which those subordinates were the most suspect.

Three suspects were found in one place last time. After several days of investigation, there should be more discoveries. If one of them can be related to Xin Lisheng, things will be simple.

In addition, during this period Wu Chunyang disappeared and did not report to the deputy director. This situation had never happened before. Gu Qi was indeed a little curious about what the other party was doing.

But Zuo Zhong looked at the raindrops hitting the car window and did not answer. Some things had not yet been said. This had nothing to do with trust. It was indeed that the task of one department had not been completed.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the entrance of Wenrentang's teahouse. The tea waiter in black quickly invited the two of them to the back hall to meet with Sun Renyi, the flag bearer.

At this time, the old man was holding a copy of "Thirty-six Stratagems" and reading it with gusto. It turned out that hooligans are not to be feared. I am afraid that hooligans are educated.

Zuo Zhong wanted to ask the other party if he wanted to eat fish, but his surname was Sun rather than Gao, so he probably didn't have such a hobby, so he handed over his hand and shouted.

 “Sun is in charge of the flag, it’s good for you.”

 Sun Renyi, who was shaking his head, looked up and saw that it was a spy from the military command. He secretly cursed that a lynx had entered the house—nothing good. On the surface, he stood up and replied with a smile.

“It turns out to be Sir Zuo, please sit down.”

Then he raised his hand to signal Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi to sit down, and poured them another cup of tea. This time there was no tea ceremony, because he had already seen the powerful energy of Jun Tong.

After Xu Enzeng, who was originally aggressive, was warned, he never caused trouble to Wenrentang again. The impoverished Bai Wenzhi did not ask for any money, and he was very polite to call him brother.

It would be fatal to show off in front of such a powerful organization. Sun Renyi was able to get to where he is today and knows when to bow his head. Zuo Zhong glanced sideways at this person, knowing that the other person was giving in, so he didn't bother to say any more polite words and directly explained his purpose.

“Sun Zhangqi, this person next to me is my old partner. Today we are here for one thing only. I want you to help us find out the details and whereabouts of a person.

The other person once appeared in a hotel at Haitangxi Wharf. At that time, he and this person were sitting in the Linxiang seats. Here are the photos and related circumstances. "

As he spoke, Zuo Zhong took out a photo of Xin Lisheng and a piece of paper with the name of the restaurant and the menu on it, put it on the table and pushed it in front of Sun Renyi, without giving the other party a chance to refuse.

Sun Renyi was complaining in his heart. Before he helped the army to conduct an investigation on the people belonging to the Huangshan official residence, he was scolded as a hawk by other brothers. If he attacks the dock again, his reputation will be gone.

Looking at the smiling Agent Gou, and thinking of the rumors that he would kill people when he smiled, he reluctantly picked up the photo and note and handed them to the tea waiter, saying a few words.

The tea waiter nodded while listening, and then walked out of the back hall quickly. Sun Renyi watched his men leave, turned around and confidently said that there would be news soon, and he would not lose the battle if he lost.

Zuo Zhong understood the meaning of his words, which were both to show off and show strength. However, the military commander did not allow such arrogant people in the mountain city, so he immediately coughed lightly and said.

“Sun Zhangqi, Zuo forgot to remind you about something. In order to prevent the Japanese from retaliating, I sent someone to invite your family and Lao Zhangqi who introduced you to a secret place.

 Don't worry, brother, unless all my people are dead, no one can hurt them. I guarantee this in the name of the Military Command Bureau. "

He used his language seriously to the extreme. After all, how could a dignified public servant threaten innocent people? After speaking, he took a sip of tea.

rest assured?

   Don't worry, I'm a hammer!

Sun Renyi’s teeth were gritting loudly, and his hands hidden under the table were tightly clenched into fists. Not only did the other party threaten his family, he even **** Lao Zhangqi.

I think that his grandson was just a poor farmer a few decades ago. If Lao Zhangqi hadn't first accepted him into the Ge Laohui, and then opened an incense hall and promoted him to be the leader, how would he be today?

No wonder they say that dealing with spies is like seeking skin from a tiger. This group of people doesn't follow the rules of Zihu, which prohibit harm to the family, and they arrest the old people who wash their hands in the golden basin at will.

Since he was under the eaves, he had to lower his head. Sun Renyi took a few deep breaths and prepared to coax the other party before making any plans. Unexpectedly, Zuo Zhong spoke again.

“Sun Zhangqi, don’t think that I’m doing this to harm you. Japanese spies can even sneak into the official residence of the commissioner. How can you fight with the people of Zihu on your own?

Once the Japanese know that you are assisting the military, believe it or not, within three days, all the people related to you will disappear and die without a burial place. "

  A warning is a warning, and you must grasp the right balance. A rabbit will bite when it is in a hurry, let alone a boss who has great hands and eyes.

Sun Renyi couldn't help but be stunned when he saw that he didn't seem to be lying. After all, he was a man who was used to running on the docks on the lake. He immediately stood up and bowed to express his gratitude.

Zuo Zhong pressed his hand to let him sit down, and suddenly smiled and joked: "Of course, if Sun Zhangqi cooperates with the Japanese, then there is no need to worry about this, and maybe we can take the opportunity to unify the Shancheng Brother Laohui. "

 “Sir Zuo!”

Sun Renyi's expression changed, and he said in a sincere tone: "You know the origin of my brother's association. Patriotism, loyalty, and protecting our family and country are the foundation for us brothers to settle down and live in peace.

The Japanese killed my compatriots and took over our territory. Although Sun was a reckless person, he also knew that there was no way for an egg to be intact under a large nest, and he would never act like a thief as his father. "

He said these two sentences extremely sincerely. There is a saying that those who are righteous are mostly dog-slaughters, while those who are unkind are mostly scholars. The common people of the lower class have their own simple view of right and wrong.

The atmosphere in the room was much more relaxed now. The three of them were drinking tea while discussing the progress of Brother Laohui's investigation of the officials and their relatives. Dozens of minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Just when Zuo Zhong was getting impatient, the tea waiter came back in a hurry. His hair and clothes were covered with wet mud, and he smelled of earth. He looked quite embarrassed.

He wiped the mud on his face, glanced at Zuo Zhong quietly, and then whispered into Sun Renyi's ear.

 “Holding the flag, there are brothers...”

"It doesn't have to be like this. We have no secrets in front of the two officers. Let's just tell them."

Sun Renyi waved his hands and pretended to be generous, but it would not work if he was not generous. His family and the flag of his boss were in his hands. If the other party mistakenly thought that he was playing tricks, he could not bear the consequences.

The tea waiter nodded and told the result of the inquiry angrily: "The brothers who were in charge of the flag and were in charge of the surrounding area of ​​the hotel were killed. It is not yet clear who the murderer is.

When I arrived, I found that one person was still alive, so I sent him to the hospital. He fell down several times quickly and finally managed to save his life for the time being.

The brothers outside have already started to take action after hearing the news. They will decide what to do next. After finding the murderer, whether to fight or make peace, you have to make a decision to hold the flag. "

 “What a courage!”

Sun Renyi was furious when he heard this. He stood up and slammed the table. Since he became the flag bearer, no one in Shancheng has dared to provoke him and Wen Rentang for many years.

Furthermore, he has always been kind to people and has good relations with all aspects, otherwise he would not be able to secure this position. You must know that Qiao Hu is not only about fighting and killing, but also has a sophisticated way of dealing with people.

Could it be that someone wanted to occupy Haitangxi Wharf, a land that was making a lot of money every day? Thinking of this, his expression became more gloomy and his heart was filled with murderous intent.

Zuo Zhong’s pupils next to him shrank. Just as he was about to investigate the whereabouts of the Japanese spy, Brother Pao at the meeting point was killed. Could it be such a coincidence?

I'm afraid this is not a fight in the lake at all, but a murder and silence. Why did the Japanese spies kill a few low-level robes? The answer is easy to come out - the dead have seen the Japanese spies.

It seems that the water in Ge Laohui is very deep, which is interesting. Let’s see how many big fish this net can catch. Zuo Zhong held the teacup in his hand with a smile on his face.

 (This plot is to introduce the overall situation of the mountain city)

 (End of this chapter)

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