Cicada Moving

Chapter 911: Brother Pao’s death scene

Chapter 911 Brother Pao’s Death Scene

Sun Renyi was furious at the deaths and injuries of his men, and he immediately wanted to summon people to find the murderer. If this revenge was not avenged, what would the people on the lake think of Wenrentang.

Brother Pao is just trying to save face. Losing face means telling others that he is easy to bully. Then cats and dogs will dare to attack Qiu Feng, which will cause trouble.

 “Sun is in charge of the flag, etc.”

Zuo Zhong suddenly raised his hand, stood up, looked at the other person and said calmly: "Don't worry, you can take us to see the corpses and the injured first. We are professionals in solving crimes, and maybe we can help Guitangkou find the murderer."

After speaking, he ordered Gu Qi: "Inform Gui Youguang, Dr. Ling and the surveyors to come over, and send someone to protect the injured. Shopkeeper Sun's business is our business. Tell the brothers to do their job carefully."


 Gu Qi immediately walked out without any hesitation. He also felt that this matter was a bit too coincidental. These people died sooner or later, but they died when they were about to investigate. There must be something weird in it.

Sun Renyi on the side couldn't help but feel suspicious. When did Agent Gou become so enthusiastic? This matter may have something to do with the military commander.

The person surnamed Zuo just said that if the Japanese knew that Wenrentang was assisting the government in the investigation, they would definitely send someone to retaliate. Could this be a warning from the other party?

Turtle son, these devils are also trash who bully the weak and fear the strong. They dare not deal with the military commander. Do the people who come to kill him really think that he is a soft persimmon who is at the mercy of others?

Thinking that he might have been harmed by Chi Yu, Sun Renyi's face became even more ugly. He ignored Zuo Zhong, turned around and left the teahouse with the tea waiter and walked towards the place of the incident.

At this time, the light rain gradually stopped, and the Haitangxi Pier was already in chaos. The streets were full of men armed with guns or cold weapons. They stopped pedestrians and passing vehicles and conducted searches.

The stalls of small vendors were also overturned to the ground. Faced with this situation, many people were so frightened that they trembled and huddled in corners and did not dare to move.

Zuo Zhong, who followed him out, frowned when he saw this scene. When did Ge Lao become qualified to search? This kind of public power can and can only be held in the hands of the government.

If everyone does things like this, where is the prestige of the government and where is the dignity of the law? He immediately found Sun Renyi and reprimanded him unceremoniously.

“Sun Zhangqi, let your people go back. Since it is a criminal case, it should be handed over to the government. What is the point of embarrassing these people?

There are military police units nearby. I will arrange for them to cordon off the surrounding areas. What you have to do is to mobilize all the eyes to see if anyone has seen the murderer. "

Perhaps he realized that it was inappropriate to do so. Sun Renyi did not refute after hearing this. He waved his men away with a dark face and came to the body angrily.

The incident occurred deep in an alley with a low flow of people. It was in a hidden location and difficult for passers-by to see. If the waiter hadn't been searching carefully, the incident might not have been discovered until a long time later.

 There were a total of 5 corpses at the scene, either lying on their backs or lying on the ground. There were many marks of slashing and stabbing on their bodies. The murderer's methods were very cruel.

One of the deceased had an expression of surprise and fear on his face, his eyes staring straight at the sky, as if he didn't believe that he would be buried here until his death.

The amount of bleeding at the scene was huge, the surrounding walls were covered with blood stains, the soil also showed a strange dark red color, and a pungent smell of blood rushed towards the face.

Even the corner a dozen steps away was stained with splatters of blood, showing how aggressive and arrogant the murderer was when he killed.


 Sun Renyi cursed fiercely, and at the same time began to doubt his own guess. Things that could be solved with one knife had to be cut with so many knives. This was a standard method of killing in Zihu.

The purpose was only one - to intimidate and threaten him. He had seen it many times in Pao Ge's career over the past few decades, but how much hatred did the murderer have against Wenrentang did he do this?

 His mind quickly thought of a dozen colleagues who had the ability to do such a thing, and evaluated the strength of these people, trying to find the murderer.

Zuo Zhong didn't care what the other party thought. He walked around the alley with his hands in his pocket, picked up a few stones and surrounded an area on the ground, and told the tea waiter that no one was allowed to enter.

The scene has been trampled many times by the deceased, the murderer, the tea waiter and the brother who came after hearing the news. Many physical evidences have been contaminated and can only be protected as much as possible now.

The tea waiter asked Sun Renyi for instructions and guarded both ends of the alley with several tall and round men, blocking the entrance and exit to prevent onlookers from damaging the scene.

 Dozens of minutes later, Gu Qi came with Gui Youguang, Ling Sanping and the surveyors. Everyone saluted Zuo Zhong, put on their shoe covers and gloves and started surveying.

 First of all, the investigators found 6 pairs of suspicious footprints around the body and at the two exits of the alley through the footprints of Brother Pao who had entered the scene and the footprints of the deceased.

These footprints most likely belong to the murderer. Eye-catching red flags were placed next to the footprints, and several action tracks were immediately recovered.

Based on the direction of Xiao Qi, it can be seen that six people led Brother Pao from Wenrentang to the scene from the entrance of the alley, and then a moderately violent fight broke out between the two parties.

 The reason why I say this is because most of the footprints are clear and strong, the strides are very normal, and no one will attack from a walking stance during the fight.

Hearing this conclusion, Zuo Zhong looked at the corpses lying in a mess, nodded thoughtfully, and said nothing to signal them to continue the investigation.

On the other hand, Ling Sanping confirmed that the five deceased people died of massive hemorrhage due to damage to their internal organs, and there were multiple fatal stab wounds on the chest and back.

Judging from the scars, the murder weapon was a sharp, long-edged dagger. The murderer used it to penetrate the body and then spun around half a circle. He was completely rushing to kill.

In addition to the cause of death, he also used liver temperature to detect the approximate time of death of the deceased. The result was that it was less than two hours, which corroborated the tea server's confession.

 Compared with conventional rigor mortis judgment, this detection method is more accurate because the liver is inside the human body and is not easily affected by external temperature changes, and the body temperature drops regularly after death.

The only inconvenient thing is that measuring liver temperature requires preliminary dissection. A small opening must be made in the liver to allow the thermometer to enter, which causes some damage to the body.

Looking at the handsome agent whose gloves were stained with blood, and the fellow who had his abdomen disemboweled open on the ground, the man felt a slight chill in his heart and took two steps back unconsciously.

As the flag bearer, Sun Renyi almost vomited out his words. He didn't want to lose face in front of his subordinates, so he pinched his slightly trembling thighs and stood there pretending to be calm.

He has certainly seen dead people, many of them, but seeing a person cut into pieces like a grilled fish in a mountain city did challenge his bottom line.

With his Adam's apple twitching a few times, Sun Renyi made a request to Zuo Zhong in a low voice: "Sir Zuo, I know that we must do an autopsy to find out when they died.

 Could you please let this gentleman... to stitch it up? If the body is not intact, my brother will not be able to go to the underworld, and he will not be able to be reincarnated as a human being. " This was a very reasonable request. Zuo Zhong had no reason to refuse. He agreed with a tap of his head, and then shouted to Gui Youguang to ask about the situation.

 “Have you finished reading?”

Following the shouting, Gui Youguang, who was squatting on the ground, stood up, came to his side with a serious expression, and spoke his speculation in a low voice.

“Deputy Master, this is definitely not a vendetta in Qiaohu, and the murderer and the deceased must have known each other, and were even from the same family.”


Sun Renyi, who was eavesdropping on the side, couldn't help it and retorted loudly: "Sir, Sun has been working **** Qiaohu for decades. It can still be distinguished whether it is a vendetta or not.

 There were so many scars on the body, and there were many fatal wounds. It was obvious that the murderer wanted to vent his anger, otherwise there would be no need to do so, and there would be blood everywhere.

My men are even less likely to kill their own people. Killing fellow sect members and betraying their ancestors are taboos for Brother Pao. Anyone who dares to do so will only have one result, and that is to wait for three swords and six holes. "

Three knives and six holes, a gang rule. If someone does something irreparable, he must use a sharp knife to punch three holes in his body as a punishment.

If the crime is serious, stabbing in the chest will result in death or life after three stabs. If the crime is not serious, non-vital parts will be chosen, such as the thigh or hand.

In Sun Renyi's opinion, no one in Wenrentang would dare to make such a big mistake. Not only would he die, but his family would also be affected, and he would never be able to hold his head high in the local area.

But Zuo Zhong did not believe that a single punishment could prevent fratricide or betrayal of the country. National law and military discipline were stricter, and the Guo army had not yet surrendered the entire division and regiment.

 Human nature is difficult to withstand the test. Money, status, and beauty will make a person give up the things he used to stick to, so he just asked two words.


“Of course, please take the deputy seat.”

Gui Youguang led Zuo Zhong to a corpse, pointed to the wounds and said: "These wounds look messy, but in fact the location chosen by the murderer is very accurate.

Each fatal wound stabs the internal organs exactly without any deviation. This requires extremely professional training, and ordinary people will definitely not be able to do this.

Even if someone in the gang can do it, the possibility of killing a few low-level robe brothers and dispatching 6 such masters at once is very slim and basically impossible.

I believe that the murderers are operational masters with an intelligence background. They created unnecessary wounds in order to cover up others' eyes and ears, but forgot to cover up their actions. "

After explaining the first point, he pointed to the rows of small flags on the ground: "As for why I said the murderer knew the deceased, the answer lies in these action tracks.

From the footprints, it can be seen that the two parties walked very close to each other, breaking the safe distance in normal interpersonal communication, which shows that the relationship between them is very close.

 In addition, the scene was so remote that unless someone could be trusted, a group of robed men who had been licking blood from their knives all year round would not be able to safely follow the murderer into the alley.

At the same time, because they were unprepared, the deceased had no time to resist when they encountered a sneak attack so close, so there were very few signs of fighting and the bodies were all together.

From this, it can be seen that even if the murderer is not a member of Wenrentang, he must have some connection with Wenrentang. Through this and the testimony of eyewitnesses, the murderer can be found. "

Gui Youguang ended the conversation with confidence and waited for praise with his chest raised. It was indeed not easy to deduce so many clues through traces.

Sun Renyi opened his mouth wide after hearing this. He felt that he had been killed by the Japanese as a warning to the monkeys, but who was the murderer? His mind was a little confused for a while.

If the Japanese spy is really hiding in Wenrentang, it means that the members of the hall may be stabbed several times at any time, including him, the leader.

Thinking of this, Sun Renyi, the old man of Jianghu, became uneasy and turned his attention to Zuo Zhong for help. This trouble was caused by the military commander, and the other party must be responsible.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the other party and nodded to Gui Youguang to express his satisfaction. In fact, he had a similar conjecture when he saw the scene for the first time.

It's hard to say whether the living person can really help them find the spy. He was silent for a while and comforted the panicked Sun Renyi with gentle words.

“Shopkeeper Sun, don’t worry. The military commander will protect you and your family. You will be safe. The most important thing now is to let the living witness speak.

In this way, after the on-site investigation is over, I will ask my best doctors to go to the hospital to take care of the treatment. Once the witnesses wake up, we will know the identity of the murderer.

But you have to pay attention to one thing. You cannot tell anyone what you found at the scene, and you are not allowed to communicate with witnesses. Leave everything to us. Do you understand? "


Sun Renyi looked at the stern Zuo Zhong and quickly promised that he would keep it a secret. He was eager to take care of this matter. Regardless of whether the murderer could be found or not, he would still have to give the deceased's family a penny in settlement expenses.

 Getting a positive reply, Zuo Zhong ordered the small agents to keep an eye on the scene and called Gu Qi, Gui Youguang, and Ling Sanping to walk to Haitangxi Pier.

Looking at the Qishui rolling eastward, Zuo Zhong crossed his arms and frowned, thinking carefully about what happened today, always feeling a strange feeling.

what is it then?

He fell into deep thought. The deputy director didn't say anything, and the other three stood not far away without saying anything, waiting until night fell.

Zuo Zhong, who noticed that his surroundings were gradually getting dark, came to his senses and decided to go back to the headquarters to make plans. However, the moment he raised his feet, he suddenly smelled a strange smell.

Out of curiosity, he lowered his head and smelled it for a long time, and finally determined that the smell came from his clothes. The moment he raised his head, a light flashed in his mind.

I see…

Looking at the black tunic suit on his body, Zuo Zhong seemed to have figured out something. He strode to his men and started whispering to Gu Qi and the other three amidst the rushing water.

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