Cicada Moving

Chapter 912: Mysterious Target (Modified Version)

Chapter 912 Mysterious Target (Modified Version)

  When the wheel of history came to December 1938, the world began to become magical. For example, a "small incident" occurred in Germany last month.

Under the control of a certain person, hundreds of thousands of people in Germany "singed and danced", physically "mingled" with the Jewish people, and wildly destroyed homes, department stores, and churches.

 The Jews, who once monopolized the German economy, suffered huge losses. About 300 churches, 7,000 shops, and dozens of companies were damaged or destroyed by raging fires.

 Many Jewish windows were broken that night, and the broken glass glowed like crystal under the moonlight. The German newspaper gave this catastrophe a very poetic name—Crystal Night.

Although the name is beautiful, the damage was considerable. The value of the smashed glass alone reached 6 million marks, which is equivalent to the total value of glass produced in Belgium in half a year.

In addition, tens of thousands of Jewish men were arrested and thrown into prison. More Jewish people were also required to give up all their property and leave "great" Germany as soon as possible.

 Most of the media in the world criticized this act and condemned the German government. Many countries also chose to cut off diplomatic relations with Germany in protest.

As for the national government, it has two completely different attitudes towards the Germans' consistent anti-Semitic policies. One is that German spies and Japanese spies tried to sow discord between Red Russia and the Republic of China before Maocheng.

At that time, the "Ta Kung Pao" declared that the Jewish people were eating hair and soil, and did not know how to respect the people. They actually repaid kindness with hatred and repeatedly committed criminal offenses. They were really ignorant of the current affairs and openly looked after the Germans.

But after the Changcheng spy case occurred, the government and private newspapers immediately changed their stance, which can be seen from various sensational news headlines.

Headlines such as "Germans committed atrocities, the whole world is panicked", "The tragedy of the Dark Ages is repeated", "The Berlin row is like crazy and hinders the diplomatic relations between the United States and the United States" are common.

In this case, the relationship between the people and Germany quickly fell to the freezing point, many military cooperation plans were interrupted, the German-made equipment of the German army lost supplies, and the frontline situation became increasingly unoptimistic.

Military passivity triggered a series of consequences, which were ultimately reflected in politics. Some people in the government were uneasy about the status quo and began to express pessimistic remarks about the war against Japan.

 (I have been warned, from now on Wang will be changed to Ji, and others will only use pronouns and abbreviations to try to downplay the upper echelons of the Fruit Party)

Especially Mr. Ji, who has stated in public many times that the government has never closed the door to mediation. If Japan proposes peace terms, we will accept them if they do not hinder the survival of the Republic of China.

The situation gradually became turbulent. The military intelligence station in Hong Kong found out that important figures from the Ji family had a secret meeting with Japanese intelligence personnel in Hong Kong. The reports were passed up to someone.

Realizing that his deputy might be treasonous, someone broke through the defense and immediately ordered the military commander to end the investigation of the official residence case as soon as possible and find out what kind of tricks Ji was doing.

Someone urged Lao Dai, and Lao Dai naturally urged Zuo Zhong. He called almost half a day to inquire about the progress of the case, and he felt very anxious.

On the morning after the five Wenrentang brothers were killed, Zuo Zhong had just gotten up and read the morning newspaper when Teacher Cheap's life-threatening series of calls once again hit the temporary headquarters outside the air defense force camp.

During the call, the other party said that if that didn't work, the troops could be divided first. The second division would continue to be responsible for the official residence case, and the first division would be transferred back to monitor Mr. Ji and his party members.

Of course Zuo Zhong would not agree with this kind of behavior of breaking off sticks and throwing away one by one. Moreover, even if he knew that the person named Ji was going to treason, what could the military commander do?

That was the nominal second-in-command in the government, and even someone limited Ji's power little by little, excluding him from the decision-making level, and did not dare to take action directly.

 So transferring one place is, at best, helping Ji find a group of free bodyguards, which has no practical significance. Many things can only be dealt with after they happen.

Zuo Zhong talked hard and finally persuaded the impatient Lao Dai. After hanging up the phone, he called for Gui Youguang and spoke to the other party in a solemn tone.

“How about it, are the actions arranged? I tell you, you must not make any mistakes. The committee is very dissatisfied with our progress and has already reprimanded the bureau chief.

Today's goal is of great importance. If the operation fails because of you, everyone, including you, will be dealt with according to military law. No one will be exempted. "

 While speaking, he mentioned a person, but did not name him directly, but replaced it with a target, obviously for the purpose of confidentiality.

Gui Youguang was not afraid after hearing this. He patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, people have been targeted. I will lead the team later. The operators are all old brothers from the Jigexiang era. Nothing will happen."

 Lao Gu and Dr. Ling also went to the hospital. As soon as the witnesses woke up, they immediately conducted inquiries. In order to prevent the Japanese from sending people to kill the witnesses, I arranged for the elite of the special operations team to protect them nearby. "

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. The senior agents in the bureau had all performed missions with him and were trustworthy in terms of ability and loyalty. So he waved his hand with confidence and let Youguang leave.

 After the opponent left, he reviewed the action steps and made sure there were no omissions. This was already the strongest action force of the military commander. If he couldn't keep his eye on the target, he would have no choice but to arrest him directly.

But this is the last resort and there is a certain risk, because they don’t know how long it will take for the target to speak. Japanese spies are not iron men. Faced with cruel punishment and methods, they will definitely confess.

 But how long the other party can hold on is unknown. If the confession cannot be broken within a short period of time, and other spies get wind of the situation and evacuate, what they have done will be in vain. The most ideal result is to find the person behind the target through this surveillance and tracking. The Japanese spent so much effort to kill Brother Pao, so this person must be very important.

After pondering for a while, Zuo Zhong left the headquarters and came to the official residence to find Wu Chunyang. The two pointed at the surrounding terrain and discussed something in a low voice.

On the other side, Gui Youguang finished his facial disguise, changed into a coarse cotton coat common in mountain city wells, wrapped a turban on his head, and appeared at Haitang Creek Pier carrying a bamboo basket on his back.

He hunched over and blended in with the crowd. He walked and walked to the stall gathering area. After some picking and choosing, he squatted in front of a fish shop.

"How's it going?"

Gui Youguang picked up a fish in his hand and looked down at the gills. He asked the fishmonger in a low voice, and then pretended to be dissatisfied and shouted at the throat that the fish was not fresh.

The fishmonger looked dissatisfied when he heard this and snatched the fish from his hand. His eyes quickly scanned the passers-by and the stalls nearby, and he replied without moving his lips.

“The target is eating sesame cakes across the street. The details of the shop’s regular customers, owner, and job are being investigated. Brothers are watching the traffic thoroughfares near the pier, and they can be followed at any time.”

  After saying that, he put the fish back on the ground, cursed with disdain and said, "If you can't afford it, don't buy it." Then he turned to greet a new guest.

Gui Youguang rubbed his hands in embarrassment. The moment he stood up, he glanced at the sesame cake shop across the street. When he saw the target's back, he walked away.

He walked along the muddy dirt road for a while, and finally stopped beside a ferry boat. He shook off the mud from his feet and climbed onto the boat awkwardly.

It is said to be a ferry, but it is actually a wooden boat more than ten meters long, with a sail hung in the middle and a paddle at the tail to control the direction. Such boats can be seen everywhere in mountain cities.

  After all, the only way from the South Bank area to the main urban area of ​​​​the mountain city is by water, and cross-strait exchanges are frequent, so many savvy people took advantage of the situation and started a ferry business.

These ferries stop randomly at the riverside to collect passengers. Once the number of people is full, they cross the river. The fare is cheaper than the steamer. It only costs one or two cents per trip, and ordinary people can afford it.

Besides, Gui Youguang got on the boat and sat down at the front of the cabin. He gave the boatman dressed as a secret agent a hidden look, then turned to look at him and said nothing.

To be honest, he is still a little confused. The deputy leader asked him to lead people to control the land and water passage from the south bank to the outside world, and said that the target would definitely appear.

I do n’t know where I ’m the information from the deputy seat. I did n’t understand that I was scratching my head and scratching my head and simply I did n’t want to look at it.

In order to ensure that the target was not out of sight, while he was taking action, more than 30 ferries docked along the south bank area had all been driven by military special agents.

 Fortunately, the ferry does not have a fixed stopping point, the people are highly mobile, and there are many new faces. Otherwise, he would not dare to do this. The Japanese are not the Central Government.

On the other side, the boatman received the hint and turned his attention to a big tree by the river beach. Under the tree, there was a fortune teller holding a high guise, and he was doing divination for the people.

Different from other Zhaohu warlocks who are observant, this person's attention is not on the customers. Instead, he is always observing the roads near Haitang Creek Pier.

The sun slowly rose into the sky, and it was soon morning. There were only a few seats left on the originally empty ferry, but the boatman had no intention of sailing.

The passengers were used to it and knew that it would be useless to complain as each other would not move unless the seats were full, so they all took out their hookahs and set up a dragon gate array.

Gui Youguang also spoke a mountain town dialect and chatted happily with the people next to him. His face was so honest that no one could tell that he was the captain of the special operations team of the military command.

The boatman was still sitting high on the stern of the boat, his bright eyes fixed on the fortune teller. Suddenly, a pedestrian walked past in a hurry, and the fortune teller's hand turned upside down.

 “Let’s set sail~”

After a loud shout, the boatman went to the mast to raise the sail, and then went to the bow to retract the gangplank and anchor hook. The passengers smiled when they saw this, and they were finally ready to leave.

Everyone stopped talking, stabilized their seats and prepared to set off, but just as the ferry was about to leave, a figure ran from the direction of Haitang Creek Pier and shouted.


Before the sound could be heard, the man quickened his pace and jumped onto the bow of the boat with vigorous movements. With a thud, the ferry shook violently, and the people on the boat suddenly cursed.

But the other party acted as if nothing had happened. He sat down on his seat and gently lifted up his clothes. The passengers sat up straight and closed their mouths.

  Gui Youguang, who was in the corner, glanced with his peripheral vision and found that the person coming was exactly the target. There was also a Zilaidi in his waist. After confirming that he was not following the wrong person, he slowly withdrew his gaze and lowered his head.

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