Cicada Moving

Chapter 914: Tacit cooperation (there are easter eggs, it’s better to watch them first)

Chapter 914: Tacit cooperation (there are easter eggs, so it’s better to read them first)

 Gui Youguang looked at the mysterious man walking in front of him, grinned, walked briskly to the end of the alley and turned left. A long staircase with the characteristics of a mountain city suddenly appeared.

At this time, the familiar figure happened to climb to the highest point and turned left again. Seeing this, he climbed up unhurriedly and always paid attention to what was behind him, maintaining a distance from the target.

At the end of the stairs, Gui Youguang turned left according to the mysterious man's route, and then saw the man standing in front of a door, hitting the person who opened the door on the neck with a knife.

Immediately afterwards, three or four little spies jumped out from the surroundings and rushed into the room. The mysterious man turned around and nodded to him and walked in. Then the door was slowly closed.

Before Gui Youguang had time to think about it, he heard the ghostly footsteps of the target again. He walked to the house where the mysterious man entered with a frown, raised his hand, knocked on the door and shouted.

"at home?"

 He squeezed his voice and called the door. Soon, with the creaking sound of the door shaft, the door was opened halfway from the inside, and a face appeared behind the crack of the door.

Wu Chunyang, who also wore a facial disguise, said "Please come in" in a tone that was mixed with surprise and joy. He stepped aside to open the door and asked about the current situation of his "old friend". There was no sense of unfamiliarity in the conversation.

Gui Youguang clasped his hands together to express that he was in an emergency and came to ask for help. It was really presumptuous and perfectly explained why the visiting friend did not bring any gifts.

The two of them have been working together since the 22nd year of the Republic of China. Needless to say, they have a tacit understanding with each other. They often know what the other person means with just one look.

While they were chatting, the target walked over without looking away. When he passed the door, he glanced at the empty yard and followed the path into a winding alley.

Wu Chunyang ignored the other party, closed the door, and listened against the door panel for a while, then waved to Gui Youguang to come inside to talk.

 The two of them walked into the main room one after another and immediately saw a man, a woman and several children sitting on the ground. Several of them had their mouths gagged and their hands tied behind their backs. Their expressions were full of fear.

Seeing someone coming in, a man and a woman twisted their bodies to block the child's way. Poor parents in the world. No matter what time of the day, parents always think of their children.

Wu Chunyang patted one of the seven or eight-year-old children on the head kindly, took out a police card and waved it in front of the male landlord.

"You two, we need to borrow your residence for a period of time. As long as you don't move or talk randomly, we won't hurt anyone."

After explaining his identity and purpose of coming, he asked the little agent to take the landlord and his family to the side room, and he followed Gui Youguang to sit down at the table in the main room.

 Gui Youguang pulled off his collar and took a deep breath, and asked with a hint of curiosity: "Chunyang, why are you here? Thank you so much this time. Damn, I almost capsized today."

 “We are all brothers, no need to be polite.”

Wu Chunyang waved his hand: "The deputy seat asked me to come over. He said that Japanese spies are cunning and the terrain of the mountain city is complicated. He ordered me to bring people to support you.

I found out that you were being followed as soon as I arrived, so I quickly looked for a suitable resident and finally caught up with you. How about it? The target didn't suspect you, right? "

“No, the other party is just counter-tracking normally. There are many mountains, slopes, and corners here, and the visual range is too small. If the target suddenly turns around, I have no time to react.”

With a dark face, Gui Youguang explained why he was almost exposed.

What happened just now will definitely be recorded in the action file in written form for evaluation and punishment after the war. He will inevitably be reprimanded, and naturally he will not look good.

Wu Chunyang nodded slightly. The terrain of the mountain city was indeed different from the places where they had carried out missions in the past. In the words of the deputy, it was a three-dimensional space.

It seems that the tracking methods of intelligence personnel need to be innovated. This time he came in time, but next time, they will not be so lucky all the time.

 As the director of a branch, he must consider this issue. In the past, the deputy chief had to worry about these matters, but now it is his turn.

 The division chief and unit chief not only change their status, but also have different perspectives in handling work. They must consider the overall situation in everything and achieve the transformation from executor to decision-maker.

Wu Chunyang, who felt something, smiled and said to Gui Youguang: "The person I brought has already caught up with the target. As long as he goes to contact him, there will be news soon."

 Gui Youguang sighed after hearing this: "I hope so. Judging from the current observation results, it is certain that the target is a professional spy. The anti-tracking technology is very professional.

At Haitangxi Pier, in order to avoid being watched, he deliberately chose to board the ship when it was about to leave the shore. If we hadn't been prepared, there would have been nothing we could do against him.

And the incident just now shows that the other party is very vigilant. Chunyang, why do I feel that compared with Japanese spies, we are like outsiders in the mountain city. "

 Listening to Gui Youguang's self-deprecation, Wu Chunyang felt the same in his heart. This was the sixth sense of an old intelligence officer.

Whether it was guiding the bombing of the official residence, poisoning the air defense troops, or killing the five robe brothers, the Japanese actions were so calm and unhurried.

However, considering the identity of the target, he felt that this situation was normal. They might have caught a big fish this time, and there was more than one.

While they were talking, the elites from the first station set up a dragnet around the target, watching closely the opponent's every move.

Wu Chunyang’s idea is very simple. Since the terrain is complex, use the advantage of the number of people to control all the surrounding stairs and intersections.

Since it is impossible to determine whether there are Japanese guard posts around, too many unfamiliar faces will appear at once to arouse suspicion. The disguised identities of all operators must be reasonable.

For example, farmers carrying bamboo baskets selling vegetables, refugees with their families, homeless wounded soldiers, and out-of-town students traveling around. These people are highly mobile and can be seen almost everywhere in mountain cities.

Special agents are divided into teams of two, each team is responsible for a single area, and backup personnel are available at any time to ensure the smooth progress of the operation.

 After discovering the target, the first person in the group will follow up and hand it over to other groups to take over when reaching the next section. If the target turns back in the middle, the second person in the group will be responsible to ensure that they are not left behind.

 At the same time, Wu Chunyang urgently "requisitioned" several single-family houses as cover sites to prevent targets from following the operatives again. Making some mistakes once is enough.

As for whether the target will be transferred again and go to other places to communicate with superiors, Wu Chunyang thinks it is unlikely for two reasons.

 First, because the target’s latent identity prevents him from disappearing for a long time.

 2 Judging from the past action patterns of Japanese spies, high-frequency counter-tracking operations mean that the connection is not far away.

Moreover, the urban area of ​​Shancheng City is not too big, and there is still time to make temporary adjustments to the deployment, unless the other party is willing to risk the risk of exposing their lurking identity by going to Jiangbei or surrounding towns.

The facts were just as Wu Chunyang thought. After walking around Chaotianmen several times and making sure there were no followers behind him, the target bought a ticket and walked into a theater under the surveillance of secret agents.

The theater is a favorite meeting place for spies. The advantage is that there are many people, a mixed crowd, and a dark environment. The disadvantage is that the place is relatively closed, and the people meeting you can easily be guarded.

 But if you use a dead mailbox to connect, there is no such worry. The dead mailbox stores information for a long time, and the contact can retrieve the information in a few hours, a few days or even ten days. This news was quickly delivered to Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang. The two of them were not too surprised. If it were them, they would also choose to use the dead mailbox to communicate.

Direct contact does allow both parties to directly communicate and deploy around tasks, but the risk is high. Once the joint location is discovered by the opponent, there is a risk of being wiped out.

According to the public intelligence collected by the national consulate in Red Russia, the Red Russian intelligence department used this simple and crude but effective tactic to deal with reactionaries and enemy spies.

As long as there is a suspicious person in a certain place, the troops will be immediately mobilized to block the intersections in the neighboring blocks and strictly check the people entering and leaving.

As soon as problems were discovered, they were arrested on the spot, which exposed many British and American moles. Even the military commander's only remaining intelligence team in Red Russia was implicated by Western spies.

 “Let’s go, put on makeup, and go see the scene.”

 After thinking for a moment, Wu Chunyang decisively decided to take command nearby. Some things must be seen with one's own eyes to judge. After saying that, he stood up and began to change clothes and adjust his facial disguise.

Of course, Gui Youguang would not object. He quickly changed his appearance and followed Wu Chunyang from the back wall, covering each other to a surveillance point not far from the theater.

As soon as the two of them entered the door, they picked up telescopes covered with fine gauze to prevent reflection, and observed the entrance and surroundings of the theater. Given the suspicion of the Japanese, they would definitely set up a guard post nearby.

 But after watching for a long time, they didn't find anything suspicious. There was nothing they could do. This was the most densely populated area in the mountain city. There was a constant flow of passing people and vehicles, making it difficult to monitor.

"Chunyang, do you want to send someone in?" Gui Youguang asked.

Wu Chunyang shook his head slowly: "No, it would be easy to be exposed. We can't take risks until we are sure to arrest him directly. Just observing from the outside is enough for the time being.

In addition, let the brothers squat between Chaotianmen and the South Bank Pier. Maybe the theater is just a cover-up, and the real connection will take place when the target returns. "

 “Okay, I agree with you.”

After thinking about it, Gui Youguang had no objection. It was okay to send someone in at the beginning of the movie. It would not be easy to be discovered if he was mixed in the crowd. It was indeed a bit suspicious to send someone in during the middle of the movie.

 He immediately issued an order, requiring some operators to evacuate covertly, and follow Wu Chunyang's suggestion to wait halfway until the target returned to his residence.

 The clock was beating loudly, and the surrounding area of ​​the theater was quiet. No one stopped in front of the empty entrance, and even the small iron window at the ticket office was closed.

The movie ended half an hour later. The target, who looked relaxed, came out of the theater and casually called a mountain sedan to move to the south of the city, probably to return to the South Bank area.

 Other spectators who came out with him also quickly merged into the crowd on the street. The little spies clicked the shutter from a distance and took pictures of their faces.

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang, whose arms were sore, put down their telescopes and were caught in a dilemma. It was risky to send people to follow these people, and they were afraid of missing clues if they didn't send people.

After hesitating for a long time, they still thought it would be better to continue to observe the surroundings. They had already checked to this point, and they must not alert the people behind the target.

 After reaching an agreement, the two took a short rest and began to wait patiently. During this period, news about the target's whereabouts was continuously sent back by frontline agents.

After the other party left the theater, he changed into a mountain sedan, and then took a boat back to the south bank. He didn’t stop at anything on the way, and he didn’t communicate with anyone.

This proves one thing, the target is either playing in circles with them, or the intelligence is released during the period when the theater is out of surveillance.

Wu Chunyang was thinking about how to find the dead mailbox. He turned the telescope in his hand to scan the air-raid shelter next to the theater, and then suddenly froze.

He thought for a moment and slowly turned his head and asked Gui Youguang a question: "Youguang, what do you think is the most important thing about a dead mailbox?"

 “What’s most important? Of course it’s safety.”

Gui Youguang replied casually, maybe feeling a little hasty after finishing his words, he added: "There is still stability. In case of an emergency, we must ensure that the superiors can receive the information in time."

safe and stable.

Wu Chunyang recited it silently in his mind and murmured to himself: "There is a question. Now the Japanese are bombing every three days. What if the theater is closed when the target is delivering intelligence?

 According to the air defense control regulations, once the siren sounds, all business places must be closed and personnel evacuated. I don’t think the Japanese Air Force will inform the Japanese spies in advance of the bombing time. "

 Gui Youguang was also stunned, yes! What to do if it's closed? The target can't force the theater to open. In case of emergency, you can't break the door to get in. That would be suicide.

 Different from the Heping period, there were various uncertainties during the war. Theaters were not suitable as a common intelligence transmission channel, and the possibility of problems was too high.


The two of them took a breath and looked at each other, their eyes full of fear. This was not a connection at all, but a trap.

Early warning means do not need to be so troublesome. A complete set of joint procedures are used to confuse possible stalkers. It is self-evident what the Japanese want to do.

Wu Chunyang was sweating from behind. If he had just sent people to spy on the theatergoers, it would be difficult to keep such a large-scale operation secret, and exposure would be almost inevitable.

If the Japanese take the opportunity to make a surprise attack, the operators will definitely suffer a big loss if they are attacked from both sides.

His mind was running rapidly, and he suddenly thought of what Zuo Zhong once said, about turning passivity into initiative, and immediately issued an order.

"Come here! Inform everyone not to move, and secretly monitor buildings within a radius of 500 meters. The target is residences and shops containing multiple adult males."

If the Japanese want to hit us hard, the number of surveillance personnel will not necessarily be small, but the number of action personnel will not be small, and there must be a gathering point.

Let them find and establish a surveillance point nearby. The other party will definitely retreat if they don't find the problem. Then we will follow the clues! "

  After saying the last word, Wu Chunyang patted his hand lightly on the table. Gui Youguang, with murderous intent in his eyes, also took out his gun and loaded it with a click.

If they dare to target the military commander, then they will break the opponent's claws this time. They must let the Japanese know that the mountain city is the mountain city of the Chinese.

 The experienced agents did not disappoint them. After adjusting the direction in time, it didn't take long for the operators to discover a suspicious location.

A large number of suspicious people gathered in a shop that ostensibly sold incense and candles. It was very strange to observe people in the room from a height.

As time passed, these people left one by one, and finally brought the spies outside a wooden building. A plaque was hung high in the inner hall of the wooden building with three characters - Chongli Society!

 (End of this chapter)

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