Cicada Moving

Chapter 915: The situation is serious

Chapter 915 The situation is serious

 “Chongli Society? The hall of Ge Lao Hui?”

“Yes, Deputy Chairman, those unknown persons eventually returned to Chongli Society.”

  After Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang found out the origins of the ambushers around the theater, they returned directly to the headquarters on the south bank without leaving anyone under surveillance.

 Because their enemy is not an individual, but an organization, an organization with members all over the mountain city. As long as the surveillance personnel show a slight flaw, the operation may be exposed.

Instead of risking surveillance, it is better to suspend the operation first, report it, and then decide what to do next.

On the other side, Zuo Zhong didn't feel surprised at all after listening to the report of his two men. The moment he knew the identity of the target Japanese spy, he had guessed something.

 “Let’s go and talk to Sun Renyi.”

 After standing up and saying something, Zuo Zhong took the lead to walk out of the cold and wet tent. Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang followed closely behind him. The three of them drove straight to the Haitang Creek Pier down the mountain.

When the car stopped at the entrance of Wenrentang Tea House, the tea waiter came up to them again, invited them to sit down at the table with a smile, and trotted over to call Sun Renyi.

Not long after, Sun Renyi, who was wearing a silk robe, hurried in from outside. His subordinates were killed, and he, the flag bearer, also had a lot of things to deal with.

Seeing Zuo Zhong, he quickly invited three people to the back hall. There were many people in the hall, which was not suitable for talking, and it was not safe. Who knew if someone would suddenly stab him.

After the four of them sat down respectively, the waiter poured a cup of tea for them and then exited in a disciplined manner. However, Gui Youguang suddenly took out his cigarette and stood at the door and stood guard.

“Sir Zuo, what are you doing?”

Sun Renyi looked at Gui Youguang, then at Zuo Zhong who was drinking tea calmly, and asked with some confusion.

"It's nothing. Spies are rampant. My brother is also thinking about our safety. Come and have tea."

Zuo Zhong used a tureen to skim off some foam in the cup, explained to the other party with a smile, and then asked a question in an understatement.

“By the way, Sun Zhangqi, how many years has this tea waiter been with you? If he can be responsible for public affairs, he must be trusted by you. Is he a relative?”

After asking, he glanced at Sun Renyi, with a half-smile expression on his lips, which made the other person panic, but Sun Renyi still answered honestly.

“You have been following me for more than ten years, and you are not a relative. At that time, the Republic of China had just been established for more than ten years, wars were going on everywhere, and the city was full of people fleeing.

This kid came to a mountain city from his hometown in Yu Province and almost starved to death. I saw him as pitiful and accepted him into the Ge Laohui. What's the matter? Does Mr. Zuo have something to do for him?

Don't worry, even though he is young, he is still an old man with a wide network of contacts. If you have anything to do, just ask him and he will definitely help you get it done. "

 It can be heard that Sun Renyi is very optimistic about the tea server, and arranges him to be responsible for receiving guests at the public entrance, and even intends to train the next generation to hold the flag.

 Different from the Cao Gang and the Hong Gang, the Ge Lao Hui has much less violent attributes. Walking around the lake depends on its reputation and face. The more fellow members you know, the greater its energy.

So the job of tea server is really not suitable for everyone. It is a basic requirement to deal with people properly, and you must be trusted by the flag master to take up the job.

Zuo Zhong looked at the other party sympathetically, and said softly: "Thank you Sun Zhangqi for your kindness, Zuo doesn't dare to let a Japanese spy help."

 “Oh, it’s okay, it’s just a Japanese spy…spy…”

Sun Renyi realized something was wrong just halfway through his polite words. His tongue was knotted at that time. When did his cronies become traitors?

If a hairless person and Xu Zeng knew what he was thinking, they would understand it very well. After all, no one knows better than them about monks and thieves.

Looking back to the teahouse, Sun Renyi looked in disbelief and stammered: "Impossible, I watched him grow up, and Sun knows who he knows and what he said.

  Yes, there must be a misunderstanding here. Sir Zuo, please check carefully and don't wrongly accuse a good person. He is the person I carefully selected to be the leader of the hall. "

This elder brother of the Brotherhood is a little out of character. It is understandable that anyone who knows that the junior who has been with him for more than ten years will find it difficult to accept it.

 But this is normal in the intelligence field. It has been dormant for several years, more than ten years, or even for generations. For example, it was the same case that the Secret Service solved in Jinling.

Sun Renyi looked at Zuo Zhong excitedly, trying to get a negative answer from him, but Zuo Zhong's answer was destined to disappoint him.

“I’m sorry, Sun Zhangqi, your waiter is really a spy.” Zuo Zhong’s face gradually became serious, and he asked Sun Renyi: “Do you remember what color clothes he wore yesterday?”

“Black, what’s wrong with black? Are people wearing black clothes spies?”

Sun Renyi was confused by this question, and his tone was inevitably a bit harsh.

"No, there is no law in the government that prohibits wearing black clothes. The problem is that blood turns dark red over time and is difficult to distinguish when mixed with black." Zuo Zhong didn't care about the other party's attitude and continued to explain his reasons for doubting the tea waiter: "Sun Zhangqi also saw the scene of the murder. The murderer's methods were cruel and blood could be seen everywhere.

There was blood even on the walls and the floor. The murderer was closer, so it was impossible not to get it. Something strange happened. Neither you nor I noticed that there was blood on someone's clothes when the crime occurred, right?

 What does this mean? It means that the murderer either changed into new clothes at the scene, or there was a way to make the blood stains invisible. Changing clothes is unrealistic and can easily be exposed if someone sees him.

On that day when I was surveying the site, I accidentally got blood on my sleeves. While I was meditating beside the bed, I smelled a smell from the black clothes, but I couldn't detect it with the naked eye.

It wasn’t until then that I realized that the tea waiter who went to look for the five men was wearing black clothes. When he came back, he was still covered in mud and water, which was enough to cover up all the smell.

Moreover, just as we were about to question people who might have seen the Japanese spies, these people were silenced. The Japanese seemed to know all about our actions. Tell me, is this a coincidence? "

At this point, Zuo Zhong said to Sun Renyi meaningfully: "Everyone in our field knows a truth, that is, all coincidences are carefully arranged.

Sun Zhangqi, you don’t need to be too angry. You have indeed been walking on the lake for many years, but it is not a shame to be deceived by professional intelligence officers.

 All the training we have received is to deceive the enemy and take advantage of the enemy, not to mention you, even the Zhongtong... In short, this is normal, don't mind it. "

This is a nice thing to say. Sun Renyi really wanted to grab the other person's collar and ask him, how would you feel if the subordinate you trained for more than ten years was an underground party?

But an idea is an idea after all. He knew that if he really did this, he might not be able to see the sun tomorrow. These spies didn't have anything interesting to do.

In addition, even though he believed Zuo Zhong's explanation in his heart, Sun Renyi still did not give up. After thinking about it carefully, he actually found a flaw in it.

“Deputy Director Zuo, if he is a spy, why should he be left alive? Once the witness wakes up, wouldn’t he be exposed? How to explain this?”

As he spoke, Sun Renyi's eyes became brighter and brighter. No matter what angle he considered, he did not want Japanese people to appear under his hands.

Facing this question, Zuo Zhong chuckled: "Explanation? What if the witness is also a Japanese spy? You don't think that the other person has been in your Wenrentang for so many years just to lurk.

 If I guess correctly, there should be quite a few people who have entered the Ge Lao Hui through tea servers. There must be records on your seabed (roster). Do you need me to say more?

The spy is not stupid. We asked him to find someone, but the person died. He was the first suspect, and a witness must be found to prove him. The so-called eyewitnesses are nothing more than a trick.

Don't worry, the so-called injured person is already under our "protection" and is under the charge of Director Gu. If it weren't for the purpose of confusing the Japanese spies and preventing them from interrogating, the matter would have been revealed long ago.

You are lucky, otherwise you will die inexplicably soon, and your henchmen will take over. By then, Wenrentang will belong to the Japanese. "

Sun Renyi's heart skipped a beat. He was not a fool. Of course he knew what it meant to occupy a magpie's nest, and he also knew that what the other party said was likely to come true.

There were indeed some people who entered Wenrentang through the tea waiter, and these people were smart, brave and brave, and were the backbone of the hall. At that time, he thought this was because his subordinates were knowledgeable.

Looking back now, it was naturally an easy thing for a group of spies to get ahead in the Qihu gang. Hey, so to speak, the military commander really saved his life.

As a senior official, one must never deny favors received from others. Sun Renyi suddenly stood up, making Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang jump, and then he saw each other clasping their fists to show their support.

“Sir Zuo, Mr. Sun is not a fool. Thank you very much for your help this time. If you need help in the future, just speak and come, please.”

Say what he wanted to say in one breath, Sun Renyi replaced the wine with tea, raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp, and also turned the glass over to show his sincerity, which was very much the way of Qiaohu.

 Being given face, Zuo Zhongde followed. He also stood up and drank the water in the glass. He smiled and said politely: "Old Sun, there is no need to be so polite. Besides, you are not the only one who was deceived."

 “What? Who else?”

Sun Renyi was very excited when he heard this. Human beings are so complicated. It’s hard to accept just being unlucky. It would be much easier if other people were the same.

 “Chongli Society, are you familiar with it?”

Zuo Zhong softly uttered three words in his mouth and stared at the other party, wanting to see Sun Renyi's reaction. Information about Chongli Society was still being collected, and the other party should know better than them.

As soon as he said these words, Sun Renyi's smile disappeared, and he said with a livid face: "Of course I am familiar with it. That was my brother-in-law's cousin. He died last year, and the current flag-bearer's surname is Wu!"

Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang looked at each other and knew that things were in trouble. A brother Pao who was controlled by Japanese spies would be too harmful. Moreover, this was only Chongli Society, if there were others...

Thinking of this, the two felt that they could not wait any longer and must immediately investigate the spy intelligence network. The longer these spies existed, the greater the threat to the country.

With no time to comfort Sun Renyi who had lost his dearest relatives and friends, Zuo Zhong called him aside and gave him a few words. Under the hatred of the country and his family, Sun Renyi nodded vigorously with a fierce look on his face.

 (End of this chapter)

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