Cicada Moving

Chapter 916: Chongli Society Information

 Two days later.

In a private house in the urban area of ​​Shancheng City, light shines through the surveillance holes on the left and right, and one quietly looks at Chongli Society, where people are coming and going not far away.

Since it was determined that the tea server suspected of being a Japanese spy was related to this place, most of the military command's forces have been transferred from the south bank to this place.

It's a pity that after being monitored for so long, Chongli Society's Wu Zhangqi lived in seclusion and never appeared in public, not even returning home.

Gui Youguang said something while monitoring and recording the number and identity of the people coming.

“Vice-in-Chief, the other party has a lot of subordinates. There are more than a dozen small bosses who have appeared in the past two days alone, and this does not include the lower-level gang members.

If these people are all Japanese spies, then we have caught a big fish. Then I will see who dares to say that military command is a waste of funds. "

He muttered to express his dissatisfaction with some of the upper-level figures in the army. When the military commander is proud, some people will naturally be disappointed. There are many people who say strange things about this.

Zuo Zhong ignored this guy, straightened up and turned around and asked, "Isn't Chunyang back yet? Have you found out the details and relationship network of Wu and his men?"

"No, according to your order, Sun Renyi took Chunyang to visit the elder Zhang Qi of Shancheng Brother Laohui to inquire about the news. It will probably be a while before he comes back." Gui Youguang replied, looking at his watch.


Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. The incident with the Chongli Society had caused him to distrust the new generation of Shancheng Pao Brother in charge of the flag. Those old guys who had withdrawn from Qiaohu were more reliable.

This is just like some nonsense experts in later generations. Only when the word "Yuan" is added to their names can they dare to tell the truth.

In the words of Teacher Zhao, once the **** leaves that position, the virus will be shut down, and the smart IQ will occupy the high ground again. After all, there is no stake in it.

 So he asked Sun Renyi to recommend a group of reliable old men, especially those who had children and property, and asked him about the situation of each village in Shancheng City.

While the two were talking, Wu Chunyang and Sun Renyi, who had made disguises, came back. As soon as they entered the door, they didn't have time to rest and started talking about the results of their trip.

“Deputy Chairman, we have almost found out the situation of Chongli Society. The flag bearer is Wu Xiwen, male, 42 years old. He has a son and a daughter at home. His wife is the only daughter of a wealthy local businessman, 27 years old.

The files show that he is from Shancheng, and his native place is in a small mountain village under the jurisdiction of Zibei County. The background of his family members is unknown because all of them are dead.

Twenty years ago, this village was attacked by a group of bandits. Only one of the more than 300 people survived. The local police station closed the case after several months of investigation without any results. "

Wu Chunyang took out a stack of photos, which showed a frontal portrait of an ordinary-looking man, a few pages of old files and a piece of ruins, and then he continued to introduce the relevant situation.

“This is a dossier. I was worried that the other party had buried someone in the police station, so they did not contact the police through formal channels, but conducted secret infiltration and evidence collection.

 The photo comes from the household registration file. It looks like it was registered just a few years ago, and it lacks a network of connections from childhood. I don’t think it has much intelligence value.

 We also went to take photos of the abandoned mountain village, and found this at the scene, a 6.5mm warhead used in the Japanese Type 30 rifle.

This kind of gun is rarely seen in Sichuan Province. The reason is that the bolt of this gun is easy to get stuck in the soil. It is heavy and has a long body, which is not conducive to fighting in jungles and mountains.

Local warlords and bandits do not like to use them, and even if they exist, they are not in large numbers. Only the guards of the former Japanese Consulate in Wangjiatuo used them on a large scale. "

As he spoke, he raised the rusty warhead and put it in front of Zuo Zhong's eyes. The bright red rust looked like blood, describing the tragedy that destroyed the village many years ago.

Zuo Zhong looked at the files and warheads and threw them aside. His heart was filled with anger. Hundreds of lives were lost in a village, and the Japanese had another blood debt on their hands.

There are also problems with the dossier. The investigation back then was a complete formality. The police did not record any easily discovered physical evidence such as warheads.

Whether it was negligence or deliberate concealment, this matter is worth pondering. If the evidence was deliberately concealed, the Shancheng Police Department is also not worthy of trust.

 For some reason, he suddenly thought of Bai Wenzhi's local specialties, and a plan came into his mind, but that was for the future, and he still had to return to Chongli Society now.

Zuo Zhong glanced at Wu Chunyang and asked the other party to talk about the specific situation. He couldn't find out this thing after two days of investigation, then he would be scolded.

 Fortunately, Wu Chunyang was well prepared. Like a magic trick, he took out a document again and calmly began to report on the organizational structure and personnel situation of Chongli Society.

“Chongli Society belongs to Paoge Lizitang. Most of the groups are traffickers, beach workers, gamblers, and half-year-olds. They make a living by gambling and extortion.

 The structure is relatively independent and is divided into 10 levels, namely big two, three, five and six, eight and ten. Since the fourth and seventh lao of the Ge Lao Hui made mistakes and were expelled in the early days, the fourth and seventh positions are no longer set.

There are two types of uncles. One is the idle uncle, who has a bit of reputation and does not care about affairs, but may not be in charge. This position is not set up in Chongli Society.

There is another kind of flag-bearing deacon, who is called the dragon head uncle like Sun Zhangqi. There is only one at the entrance of the hall, which is where Wu Xiwen sits.

The remaining second masters are also called sages, and they are chosen to be loyal and virtuous people. The sages of Chongli Society competed with Wu Xiwen to hold the flag. The relationship between the two is the same, but the possibility of acting cannot be ruled out.

The Third Master is the head of the family, in charge of money and food accounts, and is responsible for internal affairs. He is an important figure in the hall. The other party is Wu Xiwen's confidant, and his origins are also quite suspicious. Judging from the archives, he claimed to be a refugee from North China. Within a month of arriving in the mountain city ten years ago, he was recommended by Wu Xiwen to enter the Ge Laohui, and then he rose through the ranks.

The fifth master is called the steward, responsible for external reception, connecting the previous and the following internally, and has a key position. Brother Pao has a saying that if you don't know the internal affairs, ask the master, and if you don't know the foreign affairs, ask the steward.

Chatkeeper has the same position as this person, and they are both from Henan Province. They came to the mountain city in the same year. Their past experience seems to be OK, but external investigations must be conducted to confirm the authenticity.

Now stations in various regions are busy with military intelligence, and people are shortage. Otherwise, as early as when we have exposed to Sun Gaoqi, we can find out the flaws of tea. "

As if thinking of something, Wu Chunyang explained to the second officer who was responsible for the inspection of Wenrentang at that time. Seeing that Zuo Zhong's expression did not change, he felt relieved and continued the introduction.

“The sixth platoon is no longer called the master, but is called the Patrol Wind and is in charge of the roster. The eighth platoon is called the Discipline and is responsible for enforcing discipline. The ninth platoon is called the hanging list and implements etiquette. The tenth platoon is called the camp gate and is responsible for conveying reports.

These people above all have problems. They either come to the mountain city alone from other places to make a living, or their backgrounds are unclear and they are suspected of being Japanese spies. At least their identities need further investigation and verification.

Those tenth level and below are collectively referred to as the youngest and the youngest. They are responsible for running errands and gathering information. There are many of them, nearly 500 of them, spread across the urban area of ​​Shancheng, Zhangbei, and Nan'an.

 After preliminary surveillance, we found that some of them behaved in a military manner in their actions, sitting and sleeping. Strangely, we did not find in the files that they had military experience.

 In addition, Chonglishe operates 8 restaurants, 34 grocery stores, 17 grain stores, 4 construction factories, 5 foreign companies, 1 department store, and a total of more than 100 sets of large and small properties.

This is the general situation. The details are in the documents. Thanks to Sun Zhangqi for his help this time, otherwise it would be difficult to collect so much information. Now I ask him to introduce you to the information about the Ge Laohui. "

Wu Chunyang took a step back after speaking, looking exhausted. In order to find out the personnel, structure, and property of a paoge Tangguo in two days, he had been working non-stop for 48 hours.

Zuo Zhong did not disturb his old subordinates to rest with their eyes closed, and roughly calculated the property of Chongli Society. It was very good, and he had one more reason to kill Wu Xiwen.

Then he turned his attention to Sun Renyi, who looked embarrassed. He was obviously embarrassed about the tea waiter. Who let Wenrentang have a mole?

However, the situation was urgent now. Zuo Zhong didn't care about Sun Renyi's inner thoughts, so he went straight to the point and asked the most important and important question.

“Sun Zhangqi, please tell me. Do the seniors of Ge Laohui know how many Tangkou Zhangqi, like Wu Xiwen, came to power after the sudden death of Lao Zhangqi?”

Sun Renyi, who was wandering in his mind, came back to his senses. When he heard his words, he seemed to have thought of something bad and nodded with difficulty.

“I asked several well-informed seniors and found out that there are quite a few such situations. According to their knowledge, this situation has occurred in at least 4 halls, including Chongli Society.

There are four branch halls involved: Yi, Li, Zhi, and Xin. Moreover, the flags in front of these halls were in their prime and died of illness. Some people suspected it at the time, but no problem was found.

 There is no evidence, and most of the people in the hall support the new banner, and the Ge Lao Hui Headquarters only nominally commands the halls and has no actual power, so the matter is settled.

As for the members under the banner, due to their low status and large number, it is difficult to say whether there are traitors like tea servers. If necessary, Sun can summon other banner holders to open an incense hall. "

The so-called opening of Xiangtang means that the flag bearers of each hall gather together to discuss some major matters related to the life and death of Ge Laohui.

Sun Renyi is no longer afraid of embarrassment now. If the Japanese spies lurking among Pao Ge are not caught, the entire Ge Lao Association will be implicated. Face is not as important as life.

Having been dealing with military commanders for so long, he understands that the police need evidence to arrest people, and agents only need a list, and they can arrest anyone with the label of a Japanese spy on them.

Instead of being dragged into the water by the Japanese and causing disaster to the entire mountain city of Zihu, we should resolutely dig out the carrion and fully rely on the government in order to gain a chance of survival.

More importantly, the leaders of the Four Halls of Yi, Li, Zhi, and Xin all died in mysterious circumstances. If it weren't for the military commander, I'm afraid he, the leader of Renzi Hall, wouldn't have survived long.

On the other side, Zuo Zhong listened to Sun Renyi's suggestion and was a little hesitant. He didn't know how many Japanese spies there were in the Ge Laohui. It would be easy to leak information when opening the Xiangtang.

Looking at Chongli Society outside the surveillance hole, he raised his hand and knocked on the table in front of him and thought for a long time. After the knocking stopped, he raised his head and looked at the other party.

“Okay, without further ado, let’s get rid of those four suspicious halls, and ask Sun Zhangqi to find a reason to summon all the halls’ Zhangqi to Wenrentang to open an incense hall.

 Tell them that only one person is allowed to come. You will guarantee the safety. You don’t have to worry. I will arrange for my people to be on guard and protect the surroundings. "

The official residence case has been dragged on for so long, Zuo Zhong doesn't want to continue to deal with the Japanese spies. With the caution of the Japanese intelligence organization, it is almost impossible to catch them all.

In this case, it is better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure ten of his fingers. Completely destroy the Chongli Society and the other three suspicious halls. Maybe we can find a new breakthrough through oral confession.

 Nothing is perfect in the world. People must learn to give up. Temporary retreat is for better progress. He felt that it was time to give the Japanese a final blow.

Sun Renyi received a positive reply and immediately left again, accompanied by Wu Chunyang. This matter was related to the life and death of Ge Laohui and no delay could be tolerated.

Zuo Zhong watched the two of them go out, with a stern look in his eyes. He could start after the incense hall was opened, but before that there was still a little bed bug that needed to be dealt with...

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