Cicada Moving

Chapter 919: Day change plan

Chapter 919 Day Change Plan


Lightning flashed in the sky, followed by thunder, and a heavy rain that had accumulated for several days quietly struck. The storm fell and the mountain city was reduced to a swamp inside and outside.

Just before dark, a dozen men wearing raincoats and bamboo hats braved the wind and rain and returned to Chaotianmen Pier from all directions, and hurriedly walked into the Chongli Community Entrance.

These people took off their rain gear at the door and carefully came to the back hall. Wu Xiwen, the flag bearer of Chongli Society, was sitting under the candlestick holding an account book with an abacus beside him.

 “Hold the flag, we are back.”

The brothers automatically lined up in front of each other. One of them took a step forward as a representative, bent slightly and reported softly.

Wu Xiwen did not look up, he opened a page of bills at random and asked lightly: "Old Shi, how are you? Is there anything unusual in the city today?"

“Reporting to Zhang Qi, nothing special happened, and there was no sign of large-scale mobilization of the military and police. However, Wenrentang made a statement and said that the murderer would be found.”

Lao Shi, who was responsible for conveying the report in Chongli Hall, replied at the gate, and then hesitantly made a suggestion.

"Do we need to monitor Wen Rentang and Sun Renyi? If they discover anything, it may be detrimental to us."

"Haha, this is normal. Sun Zhangqi has never suffered such a big loss. Naturally, there will be some commotion when his subordinates are killed, otherwise he will inevitably be despised by other sect members."

Wu Xiwen chuckled and fiddled with the abacus beads flexibly, not caring about the reactions of Sun Renyi and Wen Rentang.

Yuanmen suddenly understood, and his head dropped sharply: "Yes, Zhang Qi, I understand. The other number three did not send a safety signal at the specified time. Do you want to send someone to investigate."


Hearing this, Wu Xiwen frowned and finally put down the account book. He glanced at the clock on the wall with a serious look. He immediately got up and went to the window to check outside.

 Pedestrians walked quickly through the rain. Occasionally passing cars brought up mud and water without stopping at all. The stalls on the roadside had already left. Everything was normal.

 After confirming that there were no surveillance personnel outside, at least there was no suspicious situation, he turned back to his seat and sat down. After a moment of silence, he said to the gate.

“Sun Renyi wants to find the murderer, so No. 3 must be involved in something. This has happened several times in the past, so don’t be too nervous.

 Just send people to investigate. Now Wenren Hall is full of soldiers. If our people are discovered by the other party, it will be a troublesome thing.

But you do need to be careful. When you go out, tell everyone to be more vigilant, monitor the surroundings, and report any abnormalities in time. "

Yuanmen nodded, then waved and led the other brothers out of the back hall. When the door opened, a chill almost blew out the candle.

Wu Xiwen picked up a bamboo stick and picked out the candle wick. The flames suddenly jumped, and the room became a little brighter. The mottled light shone on his face, making it look eerie.

Looking at the candlelight and listening to the patter of rain, he seemed to have returned to the small mountain village on that rainy night twenty years ago. The blood, gunfire, grinning, and crying were all so clear, as if it was just yesterday.

The greatest pleasure in life is to defeat the enemy, drive away the enemy, seize what he has, see the people closest to him in tears, seize his wealth, and humiliate his wife and daughter. This sentence is indeed correct.

Licking his dry lips, Wu Xiwen couldn't help but smile ferociously when he remembered the scene of those mountain people kneeling on the ground begging for him. It was such a nostalgic memory.

 Hurry, soon, the empire will capture this city soon, and then they can do whatever they want in this rich land and plunder everything they want.


At this time, thunder sounded again, shaking the roof tiles, interrupting Wu Xiwen's sweet dream, which made him a little unhappy. He looked up at the dim sky and cursed in his heart.

Although he began to learn Chinese and everything about Chinese people at a young age, and later lurked in the Republic of China for more than twenty years, he was still used to expressing his emotions in his mother tongue whenever he was happy or unhappy.

 For an intelligence officer, this is undoubtedly unqualified, but only in this way can he remember his identity and his mission.

 Being among countless Chinese people, even though he was full of disgust for this ancient country, he still unknowingly learned to set up a dragon gate formation and smoke a hookah.

The taste has also become like that of ordinary people in mountain cities. When they have nothing to do, they will invite a few friends to play mahjong (Mahjong) or pour a few cups of tea to chat.

This made Wu Xiwen very frightened. As an imperial soldier, he did not allow himself to become an inferior Republican. Speaking his mother tongue became a way to strengthen his self-awareness.

  Quickly adjusting his mood, he finished sorting out Chongli Society’s account books and thinking about the latest orders from the Army General Staff Headquarters.

 —Launched another air raid on someone's official residence in conjunction with the "Sun Exchange Plan."

The last air raid failed, only destroying a corner of the official residence. Military commanders mobilized to investigate the inside and outside of the official residence, and also found Wenrentang to cooperate.

Wu Xiwen looked disdainful. The people of the Republic of China were completely wasting their time. The extent of the empire's penetration of the national government and the science and technology were beyond the imagination of the other party.

As long as...there is no problem, they can conduct air strikes whenever they want.

He subconsciously set his sights in the direction of the south bank, and decided to wait until he contacted No. 3 to start deploying a day-changing plan. This time, he must blow someone into pieces.

Once the action is successful, that person can take advantage of the situation and further control the country, fulfill the agreement reached with the empire, and the Japanese Empire will achieve complete victory. As the executor of the sun-changing plan, he will also be received and rewarded by high-level officials and even Locusts. Wu Xiwen shuddered with excitement at the thought of this.

Just when he was fantasizing about becoming an imperial hero, Gu Qi came to the temporary headquarters outside the air defense force with a secret telegram and reported to Zuo Zhong.

 “Vice-seat, Mahavira’s secret message.”


Zuo Zhong frowned when he heard the sound. He had told Hase Ryosuke not to contact him without important information. He put his own safety first.

  After all, the opponent is the most important chess piece installed by the military commander in the Japanese intelligence system. It is related to the outcome of the future war and must not be exposed.

Now that Hase has taken the risk to send a telegram, it must be that something big has happened in Japan. Could it be that this guy has been discovered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

He immediately stood up and took the message from Gu Qi's hand, put his hand in his inner pocket, took out the code book from the space and started to decipher the message.

 Gu Qi turned around consciously. After a rustling sound of the pen tip scratching the paper, he heard the deputy director slam the table hard.

 “Wang Ba Dan!”

Zuo Zhong looked at the content of the telegram and cursed angrily. Although he knew that some things were destined to happen, seeing the specific information still made him furious.

Intelligence sent by Ryosuke Hase showed that after the Japanese army occupied Chicheng in October, they were temporarily unable to launch large-scale military operations, and Japanese high-level officials had to re-examine their policies towards the Republic of China.

After discussion, Tianlu and the Japanese cabinet decided to adopt a strategy of focusing on political inducement and supplemented by military strikes to end the war between the two countries as soon as possible.

Without waiting for the victory over the Republic of China, Japan's economy will collapse first. By then, not to mention that the locusts only eat two meals a day, they will not be able to raise military expenses even if they don't eat.

 Considering someone's tough attitude towards Japan, the Japanese once again focused their attention on Ji's head, and the two sides conducted many secret negotiations in the port city.

 The specific content is that the government should stop the joint anti-Japanese war and implement the anti-underground party policy. Someone must step down, and Ji Ji should be the host of the party and the government.

The Republic of China should not only recognize the puppet North China government, but also regard it as a legal local government and merge it with the Jinling puppet government that may be established in the future.

Due to the fierce fighting at that time, Ji and his party members did not dare to agree easily, so the negotiations were interrupted. It was not until after the westward migration that the two sides started peace talks again.

The Japanese representatives include Takeo Imai, the head of the China Section of the General Staff Headquarters, Yoshio Ito, his assistant, and Masaki Kagesa, the chief of the Military Affairs Section of the Army Ministry.

Ji's representatives are Gao Zongwu, whose name appeared in the Renxin Hospital case, and another important member of the reorganization faction.

 The negotiations were held at Doihara's residential Sogo Hall in Shanghai, the former Japanese military garrison, and six agreements were finally reached in the past few days.

 1. Japan and China conclude an agreement to prevent the proliferation of underground parties.

 2. The Republic of China recognized the Puppetry of Manchukuo.

 3. The Republic of China recognized that Japanese people had the freedom to live and do business in China. Japan recognized the abolition of extraterritorial rights in China and considered returning the concession.

4. Recognize Japan’s priority, especially regarding the development and utilization of North China’s resources, and provide Japan with special conveniences.

 5. China should compensate for the losses suffered by Japanese nationals in China due to the incident, but Japan promised to give up war reparations as a sign of goodwill.

 6. The Japanese troops outside North China, Northeast China, and Mongolia began to retreat immediately after Japan and China restored peace.

More importantly, the Japanese side has formulated a top-secret "Japan Exchange Plan", and even as Ryosuke Hase, he cannot obtain relevant information.

All we know is that if the plan fails, the Japanese intelligence agency will cooperate with Ji and his men to escape from the mountain city and go to Jinling to establish the so-called new government.

In addition, Ryosuke Hase’s Hase Agency was included in the Doihara Agency. The full name of this newly established Japanese intelligence agency is the Special Committee on China.

Responsibility is to collect important intelligence from the national government and "guide" the new government. Its members are composed of senior officials from the army, navy, and foreign affairs provinces.

  Directly under the command of the Five Prime Ministers' Conference of the Japanese Cabinet, it has operational jurisdiction over all departments except the military command department, and is responsible for various political and economic strategies except military operations.

 The top person in charge is Doihara, an old rival of the military reunification. This person has arrived in Shanghai and is conducting an internal review of Shanghai's intelligence system.

This information was of great importance. Zuo Zhong said hello to Gu Qi and immediately took a car to Huangshan's official residence. He submitted a message to someone and notified Lao Dai at the same time.

But what surprised him was that someone who had previously expressed anger at Mr. Ji for negotiating with the Japanese side said nothing this time, and after the telegram was submitted, it seemed like nothing happened.

The attendant's office only issued an oral instruction. Someone asked the military commander to solve the case as soon as possible and not to worry about other matters. Zuo Zhong seemed to understand something while being surprised.

 For political enemies, it is easy to destroy the body but difficult to eliminate the influence. The other side wants to use the hands of the Japanese to get rid of Ji's major problem.

 Forget it, this kind of thing is not something he can get involved in. He sighed, turned around and left the mansion, thinking about the words "day change plan" over and over in his mind.

As the day changed, could it be that the Japanese still refused to give up and wanted to attack someone again and let someone named Ji take over? Zuo Zhong recalled the information thoughtfully.

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