Cicada Moving

Chapter 920: Yuxiang

 Two hours before action.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the first unit of the military police stationed in the mountain city went on a routine vacation. After leaving the camp, hundreds of strictly screened soldiers merged into the crowd on the street and quickly disappeared.

 At 7:15, a small arsenal belonging to Junweihui drove out a number of trucks, and the trucks were filled with weapons and ammunition boxes.

At 7:30, former members of the Jinling Police Department and Bai Wenzhi failed to go to work at the Shancheng Police Station on time and temporarily lost contact.

At 7:45, the elite members of the Central Unification Operation quietly left the station in batches. Chief Secretary Shen Dongxin and Director Zhu Liuxian (Jia┴hua) took a car to a secret stronghold somewhere in the city.

 At eight o'clock sharp, the wounded barracks of the Seventh Army stationed outside the mountain city were relocated as a whole. This direct line unit of the Guangxi Army, which is best at mountain and jungle warfare, broke camp and moved closer to the city.

 At 8:20, all telephone lines in Shancheng City were cut off. The external reason was that there was too much wind and rain the night before, and the lines were seriously damaged and could not be repaired in the short term.

At 8:30, flag bearers from more than a dozen halls of the Shancheng Ge Laohui suddenly summoned their men and forbade anyone to leave. Immediately, many exchanges of fire broke out at the scene. Some people tried to escape and were shot to death.

 At 8:40, public and private ferries from the main urban area to Zhangbei, the south bank area and other cities were suspended, and naval gunboats conducted continuous patrols along the surface of Zhang.

 At 8:50, the Shancheng Telegraph Office ceased operations, and the power supply to private residences, government agencies, foreign banks, and temporary consulates of various countries was also cut off.

At the same time, more than a dozen electronic reconnaissance vehicles rushed out of the Juntong and Zhongtong compounds and conducted electronic reconnaissance in the urban area in a dense formation, searching for all radio signals.

At 8:55, in a building five minutes’ drive from Chaotianmen, Zuo Zhong came to the room alone and took out his mobile phone to light up the screen.

There is an unread text message in the inbox half an hour ago. After translation, there is only one sentence in it: The relevant personnel have withdrawn, Old K.

With no worries left, Zuo Zhong smiled slightly, put away his cell phone, looked at his watch, picked up the field phone and issued the final combat order.


With an order, multiple arresting teams secretly gathered in the city quickly rushed to the target location. Countless people were startled by the sudden appearance of military, police and special agents.

 According to the plan, the military commander and the central commander will each be responsible for arresting high-level officials from the two halls. This is also the first joint operation between the two secret service agencies after they were upgraded.

 As a student and old superior, Zuo Zhong must support the work of Zhu Liuxian and Shen Dongxin to help them gain a foothold in the Central Unification Committee.

As the saying goes, to shoot a man first, shoot a horse, and to capture a thief, capture the king first. The suspects, including four flag bearers and nearly 30 officials at all levels, became the targets of the first round of attacks.

Completely destroy the command network of Japanese spies, and the remaining small fish and shrimps will fall into a situation of fighting on their own, and they will not be able to make much waves.

The most important target, Wu Xiwen, was of course Zuo Chong who personally directed the arrest operation, and was closely guarded by Gui Youguang and the special operations team.

 The specific execution was carried out by a group of special agents led by Wu Jingzhong. Who allowed the biggest backstage of the King of Jinju to be cut off by the claws of the river crab mythical beast?

 Gu Qi and Song Minghao went to another hall to arrest people in the second place. They acted at the same time in all places, without giving the Japanese time to react.

The first encirclement of the arrest scene, Zuo Zhong was handed over to Bai Wenzhi's men. The police deal with all walks of life every day, so it is very suitable for interrogation.

As for the lower-level personnel in the four halls and many commercial places, Pao Ge, led by Wen Rentang, was responsible for the attack, and Wu Chunyang led a remaining group of people to supervise and support.

The military police and the military will block all traffic arteries and roads out of the city. No one is allowed to leave the mountain city until the operation is over to prevent Japanese spies from escaping.


Shrill sirens suddenly sounded throughout the mountain city, and the members of the Chongli Society scattered in the streets and alleys instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Yuanmen, the young steward who reported the situation in the city to Wu Xiwen the night before, was patrolling the territory with his people. When he heard the sound, his expression changed and he immediately led his people to rush towards the store he was responsible for.

Pairs of cloth shoes quickly stepped through the puddles, causing splashes of water. Pedestrians passing by hid on both sides of the road, getting closer and closer to the shops.

 But when they walked to a small street, dozens of strong men with feathers on their heads and oil-paper umbrellas suddenly appeared in front of them. They all had sharp hatchets on their waists.

This is the most typical mountain city robe brother's dress. The bright red feathers mean that a fight is about to begin, and only the living can leave this place.

Yuanmen's heart sank, he raised his hand to block his men and tried to turn around, but he immediately found that the direction he came from was also quietly blocked by a group of robe brothers.

 Shops and homes on both sides of the small street saw that the situation was not good, and closed their doors and windows one after another. The sound of banging door panels echoed in the rain alley.

The people passing by also ducked their heads and fled. Living in this era, knowing when to escape is the most basic survival skill.

The rain that fell all over the sky fell on the roof, gathered in the grooves of the tiles, and flowed onto the bluestone road. Soon, the only sounds left on the scene were the sound of heavy breathing and rushing water.

The robe guy who was blocking the road threw away his umbrella, silently pulled out a piece of cloth and tied the handle of the knife and his palm together. The rules of Zihu are that if the knife falls, the person will die.

When the people of Chongli Society saw this scene, they understood that a fight was inevitable. They all threw down their rain gear and pulled out their weapons without asking the other party's identity or reason. Since it was useless to ask, the only way to survive was to fight to the death. Yuanmen held a short knife tightly, bit the cloth wrapped around his hand with his teeth and pulled hard.

 “Form into formation!”

  After arranging his weapons, he shouted to his men. With a numerical disadvantage, the only way to turn defeat into victory was to rely on cooperation to fight a **** path.

Upon hearing the order, members of the Chongli Society automatically formed three-person teams, covering each other back to back and moving towards the shop, constantly turning their blades to prepare for counterattacks.

 Brother Pao, who was blocking the road, was not afraid when he saw this. Brother Laohu would rarely take action, but on the other hand, once he did, it would definitely be an irreconcilable conflict, and his methods would be more vicious than those of the Caohong Gang.

 There were no orders, no unnecessary nonsense, and everyone rushed towards the team of Chongli Society silently. Life and death depended on fate and wealth. If you want to get ahead in Qiao Lake, you can only rely on hard work.

   Sparks from the collision between blades bloomed in the rain. The sharp blades scratched the skin, creating wounds. Red blood mixed with the rain and flowed freely.

The battle became intense from the beginning. Yuan Men slashed one person on the shoulder, and took advantage of the opponent's retreat to swing the knife across the other person's neck.


A line of blood mist spurted out, and the opponent instantly lost his strength, clutching his wound and fell heavily to the ground, and then closed his eyes forever.

 No one cared about his death, everyone was red-eyed. One side was well-trained, the other was fearless of death. From time to time, someone fell down and became a stepping stone for others.

Life at this moment is like weeds on the roadside, worthless and extremely fragile. The most primitive killing instinct in human genes drives the two sides to start a **** showdown.

A Chongli Society group was surrounded by Brother Pao. Two of the three people had been hacked to death, and the remaining one was covered in blood and fled in confusion, waving weapons around.

Just after running a few steps, he suddenly saw the door of a restaurant open more than ten meters away. A strong desire to survive surged into his heart, supporting him and stumbling over.

Just when he was about to cross the threshold of the hotel with a smile on his face, a foot came out and kicked him **** the abdomen, sending him flying out.

Before he could get up, a dozen hatchets shining with cold light fell on him. When the crowd dispersed, a trace of surprise was fixed in his slowly dimming eyes.

After a while, a pair of feet stopped beside him. A military unified agent reached out and felt for his pulse. He turned back to the restaurant and reported to Wu Chunyang in a low voice.

 “Director, I’m out of breath.”

 “Well, sit down.”

Wu Chunyang picked up a peanut from the table, peeled it and threw it into his mouth. He replied casually, staring at Brother Pao and the Japanese spy who were fighting in the distance.

The little agent poured him a cup of hot tea with great discernment, then sat down obediently, glanced at the door and asked with a slight hesitation.

“Director, the deputy asked the brothers to arrest the steward of Chongli Society. Wouldn’t it be good if we handed it over to Brother Pao? If this gate dies, it will be troublesome.”

Wu Chunyang patted his pants, swept away the peanut skin on them, and pointed at the three-person team of Chongli Society with amazing fighting power and said leisurely to the little agent.

“Have you seen it? This is the standard hand-to-hand combat formation in the Japanese infantry drill. Three people form a triangular formation. Those who are good at fighting skills attack from the front and left, and those who are almost behind protect the flanks.

This kind of tactical formation can advance and attack, retreat and defend. With tacit cooperation, it can exert very strong lethality. The soldiers on the front line have encountered it many times. This group of Japanese spies is not so easy to deal with.

The deputy asked to capture as many people as possible alive, but he couldn't shoot. I won't let Brother Pao help, so why should you go? The government has spent so much money on you, and it is not for you to die together with the devils.

Furthermore, without Wu Xiwen, there will still be Zhang Xiwen and Zhao Xiwen. We must use this matter to give our brothers a long memory, not to give the Japanese an opportunity to take advantage of, and to cut off their way out of cooperation with the Japanese. "

After finishing speaking, he picked up the tea cup and took a few sips of tea with the little agent's suddenly enlightened expression. It wasn't until the sounds outside became smaller and smaller that he stood up and gave the order.

 “Let’s go out and wash the floor.”


Dozens of agents sitting in the lobby of the restaurant stood up at the same time. A group of people walked out of the door in a mighty manner and pounced on the enemy like tigers descending from the mountain.

Facing the sudden force, the exhausted members of the Chongli Society could not resist it. The battle ended in just a few dozen seconds.

Yuanmen, the leader, resisted until the end and tried to commit suicide, but was stopped by the eager and quick little agent and was taken to Wu Chunyang.

Looking at the defeated generals with dissatisfied expressions on their faces, Wu Chunyang chuckled and stopped paying attention, waving to the little agents standing solemnly in the rain.

“Control the scene and seal the store!”

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