Cicada Moving

Chapter 924: Change of scene

Chapter 924 Changing scene

Just when Zuo Zhong said those shocking words, a group of people at Haitang Creek Pier on the other side of the river were looking at the execution place with binoculars.

 Witnessing the suspects being shot one after another, the flag bearers of Shancheng Paoge, including Sun Renyi, the leader of Wenrentang, looked pale.

Every time a gunshot rang out, everyone tensed up subconsciously, as if a bullet had hit them, and felt sad at the same time.

We are all Pao Ge. Seeing this situation, we will inevitably feel sad. Under the influence of this emotion, some people quietly expressed their dissatisfaction.

 “Are these spies too ruthless?”

“Yes, these little ones didn’t do anything wrong, so why should they be killed?”

“The military commander is killing a chicken to scare the monkeys, they are a bunch of bastards.”

"Keep your voice down, don't forget that one of us is familiar with the left officer."

 “Haha, yes, betraying fellow disciples of Qiuhu, three swords and six holes.”

Listening to the faint discussion, Sun Renyi felt complicated in his heart. He understood that the other party was not sorry for the dead brother Pao, but was just jealous.

As the first court to surrender to the military, Wenrentang naturally gained the most territory and benefits in this operation for the purpose of buying horse bones with thousands of gold.

This aroused the jealousy of other people involved in the action. These people did not dare to object openly, and it was human nature to say strange things. Sun Renyi turned his head and pretended not to have heard these words.

But just because he didn't speak, it didn't mean that others didn't speak. The cheeky man who was the first to respond to Gu Qi's order during the Xiangtang suddenly jumped out, pointed at Zhang Qi who said bad things, and cursed.

“Bah, thanks for your words, what does it mean to have done nothing wrong? These people use their status as Pao Ge to bully men, dominate women, kill people and steal goods, don’t you know?

 What a group of Qing Shui Pao brothers did is something that even Muddy Water Pao brothers couldn’t do. If you ask me, it’s really easy for them to kill them so quickly. They should be chopped alive. "

Everyone was angry after hearing this and wanted to refute, but they were worried that the military commander would cause trouble, so they could only snort and say nothing.

Like a victorious general, he looked around triumphantly and came to Sun Renyi's side with a shy belly. The two chatted and laughed.

While the brothers were fighting, Zuo Zhong on the other side returned to his seat, patted the stool next to him and asked Wu Xiwen to sit down, his eyes refusing to refuse.

Wu Xiwen's face was uncertain, but he finally sat down obediently. He told himself over and over again that he lowered his head to implement the empire's important plan, and was by no means forced by the opponent's momentum.

Zuo Zhong didn't care what this guy was thinking. Thinking that the next conversation was confidential, he gently raised his hand to tell the surrounding agents to stay away, and then asked coldly.

“Tell me, how did you know that the appointment was at Huangshan’s official residence? Don’t try to hide it, otherwise I guarantee that you will be in a state of being unable to survive or die for the rest of your life.

 You should know that our military commander has the ability to do this, so don’t waste time. I will only give you one minute to explain. After the time has passed, I will hand you over to this person. "

Zuo Zhong pointed at Gui Youguang, who was eager to try, and solemnly introduced: "This subordinate of mine is particularly good at torture. Some of your colleagues are very stubborn, but all of his subordinates opened their mouths.

I know that you are a senior agent and have received anti-torture training. You can try our methods before we talk, but by then, I don’t know whether you can still speak. "

Zuo Zhong said something meaningful, picked up the teapot brought by the little agent and poured himself a cup of hot tea. He held the teacup in his hand and faced the east to bask in the sun.

Gui Youguang also took a step forward in time and showed a ferocious smile. He looked Wu Xiwen up and down and then licked his lips. He seemed to be very satisfied with this "toy".

Wu Xiwen has seen the big world, so naturally he will not be frightened by such a childish threat. He thought for a while and began to answer Zuo Zhong's question.

“Deputy Director Zuo, although I believe that the Empire will eventually defeat the Republic of China, now that it is in your hands, I just want to survive, so I am willing to cooperate.

The information about the Huangshan official residence was provided by No. 3, the tea waiter I sent to Sun Renyi. He should also have been arrested. You can go and verify it.

As for how No. 3 obtained the information about the official residence, the answer is very simple. Wenrentang controls Haitang Creek, and his ostentation is so grand, it is easy to guess.

By the way, I am affiliated with the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters. My mission is to infiltrate the Yamashiro Ge Lao Association, wait for opportunities to develop moles, and cooperate with the military's actions at critical moments. "

He not only explained the channel through which the official residence intelligence was leaked, but also revealed his true identity and specific tasks in detail, and seemed to be very cooperative.

But Zuo Zhong knew that Wu Xiwen did not tell the truth, or that he concealed something very important, so he looked at the other party and asked lightly.

 “What about the date change plan?”


The stool under Wu Xiwen fell to the ground with a sound. Hearing Zuo Zhong's words, he stood up directly, his eyes widened with disbelief and anger on his face.

The message from the General Staff Headquarters swore that this matter was the empire's top secret and would never be leaked. As a result, the military commander already knew the plan.    Top secret personal p!

There must be a spy in the military command within the empire, and his status must be very high, otherwise the news would not have been leaked so quickly. You must know that the day-changing plan has just been completed.

 This is dereliction of duty! Serious dereliction of duty! The key to intelligence operations is confidentiality. Once the secrets are leaked, the first to be unlucky are frontline personnel like them who are in the enemy's country.

Those fat-headed civilian bureaucrats in Tokyo who just look at maps and issue orders in their offices should all die, you incompetent bastards!

Wu Xiwen was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke. He wished he could immediately grow wings and fly back to the Japanese mainland and bite the intelligence staff of the Army General Staff Headquarters to death. It was so deceptive.

Zuo Zhongneng probably guessed what he was thinking, and pretended to be curious: "Mr. Wu, why are you silent? Since you said you know everything, can you please explain to me what the day change plan is?"

Wu Xiwen was awakened by these words and knew that he had been careless. As a professional agent, he should not be misled by the enemy's words. What if the Chinese were testing him?

Maybe the other party just inquired about the name, so what he just did was equivalent to admitting the existence of the plan, but Zuo Zhong's next words broke his luck.

"There is also the Special Committee on China. Wu Zhangqi, aren't you going to have a chat with Zuo? I have been on good terms with your General Doihara for a long time."

Zuo Zhong once again revealed a key piece of information, and then slowly moved his eyes to Wu Xiwen's face, wanting to see what the other party's reaction would be.

According to Hase's telegram, Doihara is currently responsible for Japan's intelligence work on China, especially the intelligence work south of Changchun.

The day-changing plan is likely to be the work of this person. Releasing this news may make Wu Xiwen think that the military commander has obtained a specific plan.

 Special Committee on China!

Wu Xiwen was in an ice cellar at this moment. Who are the Chinese inside the empire? How do they know so much top-secret information? They are **** non-nationals.

Standing there in silence for a while, he denied with a wry smile: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zuo, I really don't know what the Day Exchange Plan and the Special Committee on China are.

  I only acted according to the orders of my superiors. I had no idea about the plans of the high-level officials of the empire, and I had no contact with such a big figure as General Doihara.

All I can provide is information about the mansion and the bonfire, as well as information about the members of the intelligence network I command. Other than that, I really know nothing. "

It is said that a dead duck has a tough mouth, and Wu Xiwen's mouth is even tougher than a dead duck. At this time, he is still trying to muddle through, which is too disrespectful to the military commander.

Zuo Zhong laughed after hearing this. He already understood what this guy wanted to do, but now was not the time to expose it. He had to make the other party completely despair.

He skipped the two sensitive issues of the day-changing plan and the special committee on China, and instead asked him to reveal the identities of the other two spies who lit the bonfire.

Wu Xiwen said two words without hesitation, and then consciously named the informants recruited over the years. They numbered no less than a hundred people and involved all walks of life.

However, their status is not very high. Most of them are low-level civil servants and small traders. They are of little value. If you think about it with your heels, you will know that this person must not have told the whole story. He wants to avoid the important things and confuse the sight.

After the agents wrote down these names, Zuo Zhong looked at Gu Qi, who nodded slightly. Before the bonfire, the second branch was investigating, and the person Wu Xiwen confessed was among the suspects.

The information on these people is in the hands of the military commander. The following is just arresting people according to the list. Zuo Zhong thought about it and gave Gu Qi an order.

“Well, then let’s arrest people. No one involved in the case can be missed, and no property can be spared. The wealth at the four entrances of Ge Laohui is of great use and cannot be touched.

There isn’t much of a problem here. Let’s say 70 percent of the money is given to grassroots personnel. The brothers have a hard time going from Jinling to Changcheng, and from Changcheng to Shancheng.

The remaining 30 % of them sent them to the bureau seat and Deputy Director Zheng. 20 % are one person per person in accordance with the official level. "

 “No, thank you very much for your consideration, Vice-President. I am grateful for my humble position.”

Gu Qi was delighted. Don't underestimate the 20%. People who can be instigated by Japanese spies basically have some family fortune. The combined property of hundreds of people is a large sum.

Even if it is two tenths, it is a wealth that ordinary people cannot earn in a lifetime. It is still fun to catch Japanese spies. If you catch underground gangsters, you will get nothing but bullets.

Everyone around them also saluted happily to express their gratitude to the deputy director. After moving home twice, many people were almost out of rice, so this windfall came at the right time.

After presiding over the division of the spoils, he took another look at Wu Xiwen and then at the sky. It was already afternoon and it would get dark in three or four hours. It was time to end.

 He ​​turned to Wu Xiwen who said nothing and shook his head: "Mr. Wu, the first scene I prepared for you is over, but unfortunately you did not show the sincerity that a partner should have.

 Let's go to the airport later, where there will be a second scene. I sincerely hope that you can achieve real cooperation with us by then, instead of deceiving yourself and others with some tricks. "

Wu Xiwen's pupils shrank, and he chewed the word "airport" repeatedly. Suddenly he had an ominous premonition, and then he was once again put on a hood by the secret agent and pushed to a navy patrol boat.

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