Cicada Moving

Chapter 925: flaw

Chapter 925 Flaws

Due to the rugged terrain of the mountain city, too little flat land, and the lack of government construction machinery, it was impossible to carry out large-scale mountain excavation and rock removal projects, so the airport could only be located on a relatively flat island in the middle of the mountain.

 Guangyangba Airport, the first airport in the southwest region, is located on Guangyang Island in the east of the south coast. It has bunkers, oil depots, barracks, guest houses, air raid shelters, and power generation rooms, covering an area of ​​about 900 acres.

 After the government moved westward, this place became an important gateway to protect the air security of the mountain city and an outpost of airspace defense. The Fourth Battalion of the Guojun Air Force was stationed here.

The naval patrol boat carried Zuo Zhong and others, drove along Changjiang for more than an hour, and finally stopped at the dedicated pier of Guangyangba Airport.

When he saw the patrol boat docking, two officers in air force uniforms came up to him. One of them was holding a walking stick and greeted Zuo Zhong with a smile.

“Deputy Director Zuo, long time no see.”

Zuo Zhong looked at the man in front of him with emotion in his heart. In this era, he has changed a lot of history, but this is the first time he has changed the fate of a celebrity.

He walked quickly onto the shore, held the other person's hand and shook it: "Team Gao, no, I should call you Director Gao. It's been a long time indeed. The last time we met was in Jinling.

Zuo was worried when he learned that you were hit by an air raid in Zhoujiakou. Fortunately, he soon learned that you were only injured in the leg. How are you doing? How is your body recovering? "

Standing in front of Zuo Zhong was Colonel Gao Zi Henggao, the captain of the Fourth Battalion of the PRU Air Force, the current director of the Training Division of the Aviation Commission, and had cooperated with the Secret Service in Jinling.

In November of the 26th year of the Republic of China, the other party was ordered to go to the northwest to receive Red Russian fighter aircraft to aid China. When the fleet transferred to Zhoukou Airport in Henan, it encountered a sudden air attack by Japanese planes and suffered heavy casualties.

At that time, Gao Ziheng braved the hail of bullets and prepared to take off for a fight, but the plane could not start. If the opponent's past temper was followed, the ending would inevitably be the same as in real history.

After saying these heroic words as a member of the Chinese Air Force, how could he let the enemy's plane fly above his head, he continued to start the plane despite a hail of bullets, and finally died heroically for his country.

 But the situation changed here. The opponent remembered what Zuo Zhong told him that protecting himself was to better attack the enemy, so he led the team away from the apron.

Although he was still injured by an aerial bomb at close range and will probably have to bid farewell to the blue sky in the future, he at least saved his life and can continue to cultivate talents for the Republic of China Air Force.

 As a top student from the French Molana Aviation School and the East Army Aviation School, this position may be more suitable for him. This protracted war needs fresh blood.

Gao Ziheng heard Zuo Zhong’s inquiry and patted his leg with a wry smile: “They found an American doctor for me and used the best medicine. Finally, the leg was not amputated, but it was still a little painful on a rainy day.

 Compared to those comrades who died, I am already very lucky. Deputy Director Zuo, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have died at Zhoujiakou Airport. By the way, this is Guan Shaoyu.

He is the acting captain of the 4th Aviation Group and a good friend of mine. He is in the third batch of the Aviation Officer School. He has participated in many air battles against Japan and is very reliable. He will be flying the mission today.

The last time Director Wu Chunyang came here, he was also flying the plane. For your mission, I sent out the most elite pilots under my command, and the one hundred barrels of aviation gasoline."

After catching up on old times for a while, Gao Ziheng got back to business, pointing to a handsome air force major next to him and introducing him. By the way, he reminded Zuo Zhong not to forget the promised reward.

 This is normal. It is an informal combat mission and a dangerous night flight. The air force definitely needs benefits when dispatching. This has nothing to do with friendship. Gao Ziheng is not a person who uses public weapons for private use.

Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes at the other party and said angrily: "Director Gao, just keep an eye on our military unified sheep, right? Don't worry, one hundred barrels of aviation gasoline will be delivered by the end of the month at the latest.

 You have no idea how much effort it took me to buy this aviation gasoline. I even set up a secret line to purchase it from the British garrison in the port city, and then transported it to the mountain city by land.

Alright, let’s get down to business. The plane is ready. Do you want to take off with us? I happen to have some technical questions that I need to consult with you, but there is no benefit this time. "

Gao Ziheng smiled and nodded: "Of course we are ready. It is a German-made JU52 transport aircraft that was originally in service with Lufthansa and Eurasia Airlines. It is very young and can seat 17 people.

In addition to the pilot and navigator, your military commander plus Gao can have up to 10 people on board to ensure the maneuverability of the aircraft. Otherwise, it will be very dangerous if it encounters a Japanese aircraft. "

Zuo Zhong nodded to express his understanding, then called Wu Chunyang, Gu Qi, Gui Youguang and a few small agents, and took Wu Xiwen and Gao Ziheng to the military truck parked next to the dock.

Wu Jingzhong and Song Minghao stayed on the ship and waited. The risk of flying at night was extremely high. If the heads of the first and second offices were to board the plane, in the event of an accident, the military intelligence system would be completely paralyzed.

There are "lessons learned" from this. After Lao Dai fell freely in the suburbs of Jinling, many senior intelligence personnel who were only controlled by the other party lost contact, which directly blinded the entire national government.

Similarly, many core executives of companies in later generations will not take the same plane when traveling on business unless absolutely necessary, because no one knows which tomorrow or accident will come first.

After all, even the expert aircraft of a certain country investigating train derailments and explosions crashed mysteriously, and more than once. Of course Zuo Zhong would not make such a low-level mistake. He has many more enemies than experts.

 Twenty minutes later.

The truck drove into the airport apron. A huge plane was parked at the end of the runway. The ramp was ready. Zuo Zhong and others got off the car one by one and walked to the side of the plane. Before boarding the plane, Zuo Zhong suddenly stamped his feet at the gangway, looked at Wu Xiwen, who had fallen into silence since getting on the ship, and said something meaningful to him.

“Mr. Wu, don’t blame Zuo for not reminding you. This is your last chance. After the plane takes off, it will be too late if you want to explain. By then, you will have no choice but to die.

 There is no need for you to sacrifice your life for those people in Tokyo. Even if you die, they will not be sad for you for a second, and will even put the responsibility for the failure on you. "

In the silent airport, his voice spread far away. Gao Ziheng and Guan Shaoyu looked at Wu Xiwen who was handcuffed and shackled, and boarded the plane with a cold snort.

On the other side, faced with the persuasion to surrender, Wu Xiwen still said nothing. Zuo Zhong shook his head upon seeing this and motioned to Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang to take him up and keep him under strict supervision.

As soon as everyone was seated, the navigator closed the hatch and started the engine. Multiple cars on both sides of the runway turned on their lights at the same time, forming the most primitive ground indicator lights.

With a roar, the plane slowly accelerated. After gliding for several hundred meters at high speed, the plane's nose nodded twice and the ground tilted slightly, then roared into the dark night sky.

Zuo Zhong looked at the extinguished car lights below, turned his head and leaned on the back of his seat, silently waiting for the time when the plane passed the expected location. The cabin was quiet.

Five minutes later, someone in the cockpit reminded loudly: "Reporting to sirs, we have thirty seconds to reach the scheduled airspace, and the Huangshan Official Residence is ahead.

The wind speed in the air is very strong now, and there may be turbulence for a while. Officers, please do not leave your seats or move around for the time being to avoid danger. "

As soon as he finished speaking, ju52 began to shake violently, but under Guan Shaoyu's control, it successfully stabilized its flying posture. The opponent was worthy of being an elite member of the Fourth Air Force. No wonder he could become Gao Ziheng's successor.

In the cabin, Wu Chunyang looked at his watch under the dark red indicator light. He stood up, holding on to the luggage rack with one hand and the front seat with the other, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Everyone, look at the ground."

Everyone looked down from their portholes. Two fires not far apart in the darkness were eye-catching. Gu Qi and Gui Youguang were shocked. Could it be that another Japanese plane was going to bomb the official residence today.

But looking at the calm deputy director, it seemed that he was not. Who set these two bonfires? What on earth did the deputy director do by bringing them and the Japanese spies here? It couldn't be just to see the scenery.

 “Mr. Wu? Mr. Wu?”

At this time, Zuo Zhong, who was across the aisle, called Wu Xiwen twice and asked with a smile: "Can you please explain why we set the fire according to your position, but we can only see two bonfires in the air?"

Wu Xiwen, who was sandwiched between Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang, stretched his head and glanced out the window when he heard this. Then he froze in his seat, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his head was dizzy.

He could not explain that the location of the bonfire was selected through a map. Chongli Society did not have the ability to survey the scene from the air, and he did not know why there were three bonfires instead of two.

But what is certain is that the mysterious disappearance of the bonfire completely ruined his plan. Thinking of this, Wu Xiwen closed his eyes in pain, and everything was over.

Seeing Wu Xiwen's reaction, Zuo Zhong smiled and said: "You don't understand, do you? Then Zuo told you that the bonfire that Xin Lisheng lit on the river beach was blocked by a protruding rock on the top of the mountain.

You can see the bonfire from the ground or even from other directions, but you can't see it from the air when flying in the southeast-northwest direction. Isn't it amazing? I only discovered it after someone flew over it.

 So, how did your bombers rely on two bonfires to bomb the official residence? Is it possible that your pilots are night owls and clairvoyant, and can clearly see the official residence from hundreds of meters above the ground?

 Don’t treat me like a fool. There must be someone else who guided the bombers that day, or there must be other methods. Tell the truth and I will give you a chance to survive, otherwise you will just wait to die. "

As he spoke, his tone became colder and colder. Gu Qi and Gui Youguang next to him suddenly realized that the so-called bonfire was actually just a cover-up.

Gu Qi suddenly remembered something. A night flight also appeared the night before Xin Lisheng was arrested, which caused panic. At that time, the deputy director said that one of his own people was on the plane.

 If he guessed correctly, it was through that night flight that the deputy director found out the flaws of the Japanese spy, and thus determined that there was a problem with the guidance method.

Also, Wu Chunyang should be the one handling this matter. No wonder this guy’s whereabouts have been so secretive during this period. He was also the first one to remind everyone to look at the ground.

 Gu Qi, who quickly sorted out his thoughts, turned his attention to Wu Chunyang. The two smiled at each other and looked at Wu Xiwen, who was breathing messily, to see how this guy would explain.

 One minute passed,

 Two minutes have passed.

Until the plane returned, Wu Xiwen remained silent the whole time. Zuo Zhong was too lazy to pay attention to this die-hard member anymore and handed him over to Gui Youguang, and asked Gao Ziheng, who was watching the theater, a professional question.

“Director Gao, excluding light signals, is there any other way to guide aircraft in the dark to carry out precision bombing on fixed targets?”

Gao Ziheng did not reply immediately. He frowned and recalled the cutting-edge military technology of the air forces of various countries. Finally, he nodded at the moment of landing: "Yes, but it is very difficult."

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