Cicada Moving

Chapter 926: signal guidance station

Chapter 926 Signal Guidance Station

Hearing Gao Ziheng's answer, Zuo Zhong immediately asked the other party to elaborate. In terms of aviation technology, this man was a rare professional talent in the Republic of China.

Gao Ziheng nodded and explained the development of nighttime ground guidance or aircraft navigation in order to better answer his question.

“Deputy Director Zuo, ever since the American Wright brothers invented the airplane, for a long time, airplanes did not have any navigation equipment and relied entirely on pilots to visually observe iconic landmarks and fly along mountains or rivers.

However, without landmarks, how to prevent aircraft from getting lost in the sky where visibility changes greatly has become an important issue. Civilians and military forces in various countries have conducted relevant research on this and come up with many solutions.

For example, Americans invested in building a large number of airmail flight road signs on the ground in the 1920s. The main body was a huge arrow, about 20 meters long, spanning the entire United States.

These arrows are painted a bright lemon color, and there is a 15-meter-high tower near each arrow. There is a high-intensity gas lamp on the top of the tower to remind passing pilots to pay attention. (with easter eggs)

With this easily identifiable design, USPS pilots can see the arrows from dozens of miles away and follow them to the next arrow location several miles away. "

At this point, the plane slowly stopped, and the agents dragged the ashen-faced Wu Xiwen out of the cabin. Zuo Zhong and others also walked down the gangway and chatted, and came to a conference room at the airport.

Everyone found a place to sit down. Wu Xiwen was escorted to a corner, and several spies surrounded him vigilantly. Gao Ziheng rubbed his sore thighs and continued to introduce.

“However, this method is expensive and cannot be used in foggy weather, which greatly limits the flight range of the aircraft. It was fine during the peaceful period, but it seemed a bit useless in the real period.

Some people also took the magnetic compass and sextant into the aircraft based on their navigation experience, but there was still a problem. The speed of the aircraft was much faster than the speed of the ship, and these devices could not play their role.

At the time of the European War, Western science and technology developed explosively. As a new carrier that was invisible and ignored the weather, radio was regarded by various countries as a breakthrough in navigation.

As a result, radio navigation technology came out one after another. The specific method is to install radio navigation beacons near the airport to help aircraft accurately fly to the airport and land.

At the same time, the pilot can judge the location through the signal strength of the beacon and the compass. The advantage is that it is not limited by time and weather, has a long range and short positioning time.

The disadvantage is that the radio has poor anti-interference and requires the support of a navigation station. Once the navigation station fails, the corresponding navigation equipment cannot be used, and is prone to malfunctions and poor accuracy.

 The first aviation pointing beacon of the Republic of China was built in Huaniaoshan, Zhejiang Province in the 16th year of the Republic of China. The second one was built in Chengshantou, Shandong Province in the 21st year of the Republic of China. The effect was pretty good. "

 “Wait a minute.”

Zuo Zhong interrupted Gao Ziheng's introduction and asked with some confusion: "Can the aviation pointing beacon you mentioned allow the Japanese to fly from thousands of miles away to the mountain city to accurately bomb the Huangshan official residence?"

 “Of course not.”

Gao Ziheng shook his head and replied helplessly: "This thing can only allow the pilot to roughly judge how far away from the airport it is. If it is bombing, it is also necessary to find out the distance between the target and the airport. The two are used in conjunction with each other.

If you want to bomb a city, that's no problem. After all, the target range is large and you can hit it. Bombing a building is simply impossible, at least not with the skills of Japanese navy and army pilots. "

Zuo Zhong nodded when he heard this. If others said this, he would raise a question mark, but this person has fought with the Japanese Air Force many times and has a clear understanding of the opponent's capabilities, so his evaluation should be objective.

After thinking for a while, he looked at the other party: "Director Gao, you just said it can be done. Could it be that some countries have overcome the technical difficulties of radio navigation and achieved precise guidance for bombing?"


Gao Ziheng said as he took a piece of paper, drew two horizontal lines on it, one short and one long, and marked the four words "short sound" and "long sound" next to it, and then looked up at Zuo Chong.

“Deputy Director Zuo, you are an intelligence officer and have received telecommunications courses. You should know the principles of Morse code. The so-called code is the use of short and long sounds in regular combinations to represent different meanings.

When I was studying in France, I heard that the British Marconi Company was experimenting with a new technology. They used two radios to transmit Morse code, one to transmit short tones and the other to transmit long tones.

  If the aircraft flies in the middle area between the two signals, it can receive short-tone and long-tone signals with the same intensity at the same time. If it yaws, one signal will become stronger and suppress the other signal.

 The pilot corrects the direction accordingly, and the heading problem is solved. As for how to know whether the plane has reached the target, there are many ways. I think there are two more reliable ones.

 One method is to calculate the mileage based on the flight time, which has a relatively large error. The other method is to set up an auxiliary signal transmitting station in another place and use the beams transmitted by the two stations to converge to the target.

 Assuming a war breaks out, bombers can rely on the signal guidance platform established at the front line to carry out precise strikes on a certain target. The Japanese probably used this method to bomb the official residence.

 But this requires very reliable radio technology. I am not sure whether the Japanese have done relevant research. That is what you, Deputy Director Zuo, have to do. I am simply analyzing it technically. ” ˆ ˆ Gao Ziheng not only explained the principles, but also drew a schematic diagram on paper. It is very simple, even people who don’t understand radio can understand it at a glance. (There are easter eggs)

Gucci and others looked around at the note for a while and roughly figured out the technology. Then a question came to their mind.

—If the situation is as Gao Ziheng guessed, where can the Japanese signal guidance platform be located?

The Huangshan official residence is not a front line. As a sinking area for the commission, the surrounding area is heavily guarded. Electronic reconnaissance vehicles from the Central Command and the Military Command often patrol the area.

In this case, let alone guiding the aircraft, I am afraid that the Japanese will be discovered as soon as they turn on the aircraft. The current monitoring records have not found any abnormal signals in Huangshan Mountain.

The agents who were confused looked at Wu Xiwen in the corner and found that he was looking at his nose and heart. He was sitting there motionless and seemed not to have heard what Gao Ziheng just said.

Zuo Zhong did not look at the schematic diagram, but sat aside and put his hands on the table, tapping his fingers lightly on the table. After a long time, he slowly asked Wu Chunyang something.

“Chunyang, have you checked the wires in the official residence to see if there are any lines of unknown purpose, especially those that have been connected without permission from the Attendant’s Office.

The Attendant’s Office is in 24-hour contact with military and political agencies in various places. The Japanese can hide the signal guidance station in the official residence, but no matter where it is hidden, the signal station must be powered on. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately reacted, yes, hiding it in the official residence. In this way, even if the electronic reconnaissance vehicle detects the signal, it will treat it as normal communication and ignore it.

 In addition, they were investigating the suspects before and were looking for who had gone out. Now it seems that the direction is completely wrong. The spy does not need to go out at all and can guide the bomber directly from the official residence.

At this time, Wu Jingzhong and Gu Qi, who are good at observing words and expressions, discovered that Wu Xiwen's nostrils dilated, which was a signal that the brain needed more oxygen when he was emotionally excited.

He didn't run away. The deputy director was right. The signal guidance platform was real, and the Japanese had even brought it to the committee member's side. Now, I don't know how many people were going to die.

Since the Japanese can bring things like radios into the official residence, I don’t know if they can bring explosives in, but the security work in the attendant’s room is obviously not done well.

Wu Chunyang also noticed this scene, knew something in his mind, and raised his voice slightly: "In order to prevent eavesdropping, the Yunxiu Tower where the envoy lives and the Songting where the wife lives will check the lines every month.

  After the incident, we also checked and found nothing suspicious, but...the official residence is so big, it is impossible to determine whether there are any problems with the lines in other places, so I suggested a thorough inspection of the entire official residence. "

After speaking, he turned his head slightly and saw Wu Xiwen's body shaking. Now he was even more sure that the deputy director's judgment was correct, otherwise the other party would have nothing to shake.

Zuo Zhong also noticed Wu Xiwen's unusual behavior, but did not expose it on the spot. The scene had not finished yet, so he stood up and bowed his hands to Gao Ziheng and Guan Shaoyu to say goodbye.

“Director Gao, Captain Guan, thank you for your help, we will leave first. Please keep this matter confidential today. If anyone asks you about it, please contact me immediately.”


Gao Ziheng and Guan Shaoyu knew the seriousness of the matter and replied in unison.

To have a relationship with the man in the official residence, no matter how small it is, it is a big deal. Just get the 100 barrels of aviation gasoline. They don't want to get involved in other things.

Zuo Zhong was still relieved about the two of them. After shaking hands, he took his men and Wu Xiwen away, returned to the dock, boarded the navy patrol boat and returned to the mountain city.

The shabby little robot boat turned on its full power and headed upstream, puffing out black smoke, leaving Guangyangba Airport behind in a short while.

Looking at the dark mountains on both sides of the bank, Zuo Zhong lit a cigarette and stood on the bow of the boat. Under the dim moonlight, his long slender waves became extremely tame and calm.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of a suona playing from the shore. He thought that noise was strictly prohibited in the air defense regulations, so he frowned and asked everyone what was going on.

Gu Qi and others looked at each other in confusion. They couldn't see anything at night. They didn't know who did this. However, Wu Chunyang stood up and explained a few words.

“Secretary-in-Chief, there is a cemetery nearby. Someone must be singing a funeral performance. I visited this place before when I was investigating the whereabouts of the officials in the official residence. Don’t worry, there are no residents around here.”

As long as there are no residents, Zuo Zhong waved his hands with relief and started thinking about the finishing work of the case. This matter is actually not complicated. The case can be declared over after finding the signal guidance station.

This era is unlike later generations. The size of electronic products cannot be reduced, and the area of ​​official residences is huge. As long as there are enough manpower, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you still have to find the equipment installed by the Japanese.

Zuo Zhong listened to the riotous play in the distance, raised his hand and flicked the cigarette **** into his bag, ready to turn around and assign the task. This was not an easy task.

But at this moment, he seemed to have thought of something. His body paused and then returned to normal, and he calmly arranged the search for the Huangshan official residence.

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