Cicada Moving

Chapter 927: It was found... that it was on the head

Chapter 927: It was found...that it was on the head

 Early morning the next day.

Zuo Zhong and Wu Xiwen, who was wearing hoods, walked into the Huangshan official residence. Behind them were all the operational personnel from the first and second offices who were able to move. They would join the attendants' room and the security forces to conduct a thorough search of the official residence.

 After learning that there was probably a Japanese signal station in his residence, a man took his wife and ran away in a car overnight. The other party still understood that a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall.

As the head of a country, putting oneself in danger for the sake of temporary face is something that no one can do. If the situation did not allow it, these two men would not even want to stay in the mountain city.

In addition, in order to prevent Japanese spies from getting the information and damaging the equipment, starting from last night, all employees in the official residence have been restricted from moving and are staying in the dormitory on standby under the surveillance of the secret agents.


Following Zuo Zhong’s order, a joint search team composed of special agents, attendants, and guards began to search for suspicious objects and unknown routes from multiple directions, with Yunxiu Tower as the center.

At the same time, the Military Telecommunications Division, which was reorganized from the Lishan Company, sent personnel to serve as technical support and responsible for inspecting suspicious objects. In the field of radio communications, there is no doubt about the professionalism of these people.

 Groups of searchers, armed with probes and flashlights, bent over and lowered their heads to inspect the trees, grass, and the roofs, walls and even partitions of all rooms.

According to the principle of the signal guidance platform given by Gao Ziheng, as well as the derivation of the route of Japanese bombers, the northwest of Yunxiu Tower where someone lives is the focus of the search, and Zuo Zhong personally leads the team.

He inserted the wire at the top of the probe into the ground and reminded his men without raising his head: "Look carefully, the spy is not a fool and will not put the machine under your nose."

  Although the radio station is afraid of moisture, there are no absolutes in anything. We must rule out all possibilities and report anything that is wrong. Pay special attention to the antenna and wires. Do you hear me? "


After answering the questions, the little spies followed the same example and poked the wire into the soil to see if there was any obstruction. Soon the ground was riddled with holes and the plants planted on the roadside were trampled to pieces.

The eyes of the attendants who cooperated with the operation were dazzled by the sight. These were precious flowers and plants collected by Madam from various places. They were also transported by air force transport planes at that time and were worth thousands of gold.

This is not an exaggeration. Transporting them from the deep mountains and forests to the mountain city is an astronomical amount of money, and daily care is another expense. For example, three gardeners are hired, and the monthly salary is as high as several hundred yuan.

Not to mention that some tropical plants need to burn charcoal around the clock to keep warm when the weather is cold, which costs at least tens of thousands of yuan a year.

However, considering that the search operation was related to the safety of the committee members, the other party did not say anything in the end. At worst, they would just plant a batch after the search. It was nothing more than spending some money, a trivial matter~

ZHONG Zuo·Xianbao Zhong had no idea that the flowers and plants under his feet were more valuable than the same weight of gold. He continued to lead people to search northwest of Yunxiu Tower. Two hours passed quickly.

He raised his head and prepared to rest for a while. Unexpectedly, his head became dizzy and his vision went black. He staggered and almost fell down. Fortunately, Gui Youguang, who was accompanying him, caught him in time.

“Vice-seat Officer, are you okay?”

Gui Youguang asked with a worried look on his face. He turned around and wanted to call the doctor over. If the Japanese spy didn't catch him, he could break the deputy director first, then the matter would be lively.

Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop the other person and took a deep breath: "No, it's okay. I just lowered my head for a long time and the blood supply to the head is insufficient. Just rest for a while. Tell the brothers to get up slowly."

What a pity. If there were a mine detector, we wouldn't have to go through so much trouble today. The signal guidance platform must have metal parts. Just take the mine detector and run around the yard a few times, and the machine will find it.

After the last European War, Europe has begun to use mine detectors to detect dumb bombs and landmines left on the battlefield. There is intelligence that the Japanese also have a lot of equipment this year, but we can't afford them. "

The mine detector he mentioned is a metal detector designed and manufactured based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. When the coil passing the alternating current encounters a metal object, a magnetic field will be generated. This magnetic field will generate eddy currents on the surface of the object.

Eddy current will generate a new magnetic field, which in turn affects the original magnetic field. The changes in the electromagnetic field generated by the metal are captured by the vacuum tube and then amplified, causing harsh noises to appear in the operator's headphones.

It sounds very simple, but vacuum tubes are a big problem. Few countries in the world can manufacture them. If you want to use them, you can only buy them. However, vacuum tubes are very easy to damage and are expensive.

The government is capable of manufacturing. Before the war, the Central Electrical Equipment Factory carried out technology trade with the American Banker Electronic Tube Company and introduced and absorbed a large number of Western advanced technologies.

Relying on American technology patents and technological processes, the Electrical Equipment Factory not only produced American-style electronic tubes, but also produced various electronic tubes that were urgently needed by the Republic of China, such as special electronic tubes that must be used in telephones.

After the war, the Central Electrical Equipment Factory followed the national government and relocated many times. It did not restart production until it reached the mountain city. Without this batch of electronic tubes for emergency response, communications in the entire rear area would have been paralyzed.

The problem is that the power of these electronic tubes is too small to be applied to mine detectors. Guo Jun also tried to buy them in large quantities from Red Russia, Europe and the United States, but as soon as they heard the price and usage losses, the military purchasers gave up.

Zuo Zhong was a little helpless. The country's weakness was reflected in all aspects. Without advanced weapons and equipment, he could only rely on enthusiasm to defeat the Japanese and use his numerical advantage to offset the enemy's technological advantage.

Somewhat ironically, Japan's emphasis on the research and development of engineer mine detectors was actually stimulated by the Guo army. In September 18th and 128th, the Guo army laid a large number of mines on the positions of both sides.

For example, the 19th Route Army and the Fifth Army fighting in Shanghai used iron oil barrels filled with explosives to make landmines and rolling mines, specifically to attack Japanese cavalry, causing huge casualties to the Japanese troops.

Considering that landmines are relatively easy to manufacture and use, the Japanese army judged at that time that the Korean army would definitely use landmines on a large scale in the Sino-Japanese War, especially large anti-tank mines to block the advancement of tanks.

Therefore, Japanese high-level officials ordered the Army Scientific Research Institute to develop a high-tech mine detection device. After many tests and a large amount of money invested, the Type 98 mine detector was finally produced at the beginning of the year.

Although this kind of mine detector is of extremely poor quality, has low reliability, has high requirements on the use environment, cannot be bumped, and is not small in size, it is still more convenient, safer and more efficient than manual mine detection.     (with Easter eggs)

Comparing the attitudes of the top leaders of the two countries towards new technologies and new tactics, excluding the "micro-management" of some talented commanders and the objective gap in national strength, it is normal for the Guo army to suffer repeated defeats on the battlefield.

As a soldier, you have to complain, and you still have to do the work that you should do. Zuo Zhong took a short rest and started searching again. The team gradually entered an artificial forest.

Perhaps disturbed by the actions of the agents, a group of pigeons fluttered into the air in the woods, spread their wings and soared over the official residence, dropping a bunch of unknown objects along the way.

 Gui Youguang, who was inspecting a big tree, felt a chill on his forehead, and a pool of colorful liquid flowed onto his face. This made him furious, but he did not dare to attack the pigeons.

Everyone knows that there is a "Mr." in Guodang who loves to raise pigeons. No matter where she lives, there will be a pigeonhouse in her residence. Whenever she has time, she will bring bread crumbs to feed the pigeons.

For some reason, someone’s wife also raised homing pigeons in a fashionable manner. In order to show her status, there were quite a few pigeons. There were specialized personnel responsible for feeding them and even a veterinarian.

So let alone bird droppings hitting Gui Youguang's head, even if pigeons landed on his head and pooped on his head, he would still have to smile, bend down and invite these "big men" who are more precious than human life away.

Looking at Gui Youguang wiping the bird **** on his face with a dark face, Zuo Zhong felt angry and laughed at the same time. Finally, he shook his head with a wry smile and looked up at the flock of pigeons. The dark flock looked really spectacular.

But so many pigeons consume an unknown amount of food every day. The government has lost many grain-producing areas, and many people don't even have food to eat. What's the point of such a spectacular event? Zuo Chong couldn't understand.

Moreover, pigeons are difficult to raise. They are prone to disease at high density. Sufficient space must be left in the pigeonhouse, and construction is an expense. This money is reserved for the soldiers at the front.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong was stunned and quickly asked the members of the attendant room: "Where is the dovecot?"

“In the woods, due to the large number of pigeons, my wife asked us to build many pigeonhouses in the woods outside the official residence.” The other party replied with a proud face, not knowing what to be proud of.

 “Let’s go, take me to the dovecote in the northwest.”

Zuo Zhong gritted his teeth and said, he really wanted to ask a certain old woman what she wanted to do. She was planting flowers and raising birds. It was a time of war and everything should serve the war.

However, he did not say these words after all. As the saying goes, a good man never suffers immediate losses. When the other party regrets it in the future, Deputy Director Zuo, who chose to follow his heart, followed the people in the attendant's room to a big tree that was more than one meter thick.

“Look, this is the dovecot.” The attendant pointed to a wooden house that was as high as one person on the tree trunks.

Well, Zuo Zhong knew why the other party was so proud. This girl's house was clearly a tree house! Not to mention raising pigeons, there is enough room for people.

  In order to flatter themselves, these **** really worked hard.

What's even more exaggerated is that a wire extends from the ground to the pigeon house. He doesn't understand why a group of pigeons need electricity. Do they need to turn on the lights when they return to their nest? It's simply inexplicable.

The stunned Zuo Zhong was silent for a few seconds, patted the wooden ladder nailed to the tree trunk, and raised his chin towards Gui Youguang, who was about to scratch his face.

 “Go up and take a look, be careful of booby traps.”

He had no interest in entering a pigeonhouse full of feathers and bird droppings, so he could only hand over this glorious task to Gui Youguang. His face was dirty anyway, so it didn’t matter how dirty it was.

Gui Youguang climbed up the wooden ladder with tears in his eyes. After a moment of hesitation, he leaned into the dovecote. A pile of fluff stained with unspeakable things immediately fell to the ground.

Zuo Zhong immediately took a few steps back to avoid soiling his handmade suit. He looked at Wu Xiwen who had the word despair written on his forehead and sneered in his heart.

“Report, we found an unknown machine, which is still powered on. Do you want to dismantle it?” At this time, Gui Youguang shouted excitedly from the tree.

Wu Xiwen swayed and almost fell down, but still did not beg for mercy. For a professional agent, the success or failure of the mission is more important than life, and the failure of the plan is more painful than killing him directly.


Zuo Zhong uttered a faint word, turned around and ordered the little agent to check all the pigeonhouses. The entire radio guidance system requires at least three machines, and two more must be found.

After giving instructions to his men, he asked the attendant again: "Who is taking care of these pigeonhouses? This matter is very serious. You should think about it clearly before talking about it."

The guard was so frightened that he was sweating profusely and replied with difficulty: "It's... Qiu Dacai, who is responsible for taking care of and pruning the flowers and plants in the official residence. Maintaining the pigeonhouse is a hard job, and he is the only one willing to do it.

The wife also praised him for being honest and honest, and he received 30% more salary every month. How dare this **** do this? Not only will he lose his head, but I will also be in trouble. "

The attendant was almost crying. There was a spy under his command. No matter what the final result was, he would definitely not be able to stay in the attendant's room. This position required absolute loyalty.

Zuo Zhong also took a breath and asked for a salary increase for the spy. A certain old woman was afraid that someone would not die. If this matter spread, it might cause a big disturbance.

There is also Qiu Dacai, this person seems to have appeared in the previous investigation records. He closed his eyes and went through the memories quickly, and quickly remembered where he had heard this name.

Wu Chunyang's investigation into the official's staff turned out to be the No. 1 suspect. The reason was that the true whereabouts did not match his account. Zuo Zhong opened his eyes, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

 (End of this chapter)

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