Cicada Moving

Chapter 928: Take care

The staff at Huangshan Official Residence were sitting or standing in the dormitory, looking at the spies walking around outside and feeling uneasy. No one knew what was going on, and they all talked in low voices.

Some people said that a spy had been caught, and some said that Japanese people ran into the official residence. The voices became louder and louder, and the spies outside the door ignored them and allowed them to make random guesses.

In one of the rooms, several official residence handymen were so furious that they almost started to fight, but a middle-aged man with a simple face next to them saw this and quickly stopped them.

“Okay, okay, we’re all brothers, what’s the point of quarreling, the external affairs have nothing to do with us.”

After listening to his persuasion, the quarreling handymen stopped. One of them said unconvinced: "Lao Qiu, I'm only looking at your face, otherwise I will kill this turtle son."

"Okay, okay, wait until the secret agent leaves. You can go ask the attendant room and you will know what happened." Lao Qiu, whom the other party referred to, said with a smile.

When everyone heard this, they felt it made sense, so they stopped arguing and set up the dragon gate array again. The patrol agent glanced at the window, said nothing, and continued patrolling.

Lao Qiu glanced out the window, rolled his eyes twice, and felt relieved. He went back to his bunk and lay down with a smile, crossing his legs and looking at the handyman with a mocking look on his face.

He finds it very ridiculous what these colleagues are doing. National affairs have nothing to do with them. No matter whether they are the head of the government or the Japanese, they are still at the bottom.

With this time, it is better to find ways to make more money and be happy. Thinking of the charming half-open door, Lao Qiu licked his lips, his face full of memories.

“Come out and work and clean Yunxiu Tower.” Just as he was immersed in the "happy time", someone shouted through the door.

When everyone heard the sound, they immediately stood up reluctantly, picked up brooms and other tools in the corner and opened the door. Lao Qiu was sneaking around at the end, following the team out.

The handyman's dormitory is naturally not too luxurious, and the door can only accommodate one person. People lined up one after another to walk out of the door towards Yunxiu Tower.

When it was Lao Qiu's turn, he made sure that the others did not behave abnormally. He finally relaxed and stepped out of the threshold. Then two agents standing nearby jumped up and knocked him down.


 “Take off the joints quickly!”

As soon as the agent took control of the person, Wu Chunyang walked out of the side room and gave two orders. After saying that, he walked up to Lao Qiu, grabbed his hair, exposed his face, and asked sternly.

“Did you install the machinery in the dovecote? Let me ask you, did you install it?”

 “I was just pretending.”

Lao Qiu lost his previous pride and replied tremblingly. His pants became damp when he trembled all over. This made the agent who was searching him frown, but his men did not stop their movements.

 After quickly checking that Qiu Dacai did not carry poison or weapons, and asking people to check the person's personal belongings and guard the scene, Wu Chunyang took him to Zuo Chong and Wu Xiwen.

 “Is this the goal?”

Zuo Zhong asked, and after receiving a positive answer, he observed the reactions of Wu Xiwen and Qiu Dacai. Qiu Dacai didn't seem to know each other, and just kept begging for mercy. It seemed that the two had never met.

Wu Xiwen's reaction was also very calm, and he didn't even look at Qiu Dacai. Also, since he found the signal guidance station, it was not too difficult to follow the clues to find the person who installed it. Wu Xiwen should know this.

  Sniffling, Zuo Zhong waved his hand in disgust: "Take this guy who peed his pants down, interrogate him properly, and control his family members and the half-open door."


A few spies dragged the howling Qiu Dacai away, leaving a trail of water on the ground. This was another sign of peeing. It is unimaginable that someone so cowardly dared to be a spy.

 After disposing of the garbage, Zuo Zhong said: "These people have no intelligence value. You are allowed to use any method to implement the confession as soon as possible. There must be no mistakes in the report."

Wu Chunyang nodded to express his understanding. After checking the details of Ban Menmen and Qiu Dacai, the two people had clear backgrounds and should be ordinary traitors. The Japanese would not reveal too much information to them.

This kind of person betrays the nation for money or other interests. He has no faith or will at all. As long as he gets on the interrogation chair, he will tell the truth honestly. The interrogation is indeed not difficult.

The real difficulty is Wu Xiwen, who has been lurking in the Republic of China for more than 20 years. This person is more stubborn than imagined. Even now, he still remains silent. I am afraid that it will take a heavy hand or even an injection of veritaserum to get him to speak.

This can be seen from the fact that he did not mention his family once after his arrest. The so-called wife and children were just tools for him to disguise his identity. Wu Xiwen did not care about his life or death at all, so he stayed in the main hall of Chongli Society every day and never went home.

Wu Chunyang, who had a headache more and more as he thought about it, whispered his worries. Zuo Zhong, who had already planned it, smiled and did not answer. He walked to Wu Xiwen and was silent for a while before speaking slowly.

"Mr. Wu, I have read your file. In order to make your identity look more credible, your country's intelligence agency massacred an entire village. How old were you at that time, 22 years old, right? You are not young at this time, According to your Japanese law, women can get married when they are 16 years old and men can get married when they are 18 years old. Didn’t you leave some blood for your family before performing your mission? "

Wu Xiwen lowered his head slightly after hearing this and subconsciously avoided Zuo Zhong's eyes. It was obvious that what he just said had hit something, but he still did not speak and passively resisted the interrogation.

Zuo Chong seemed not to notice Wu Xiwen's little move, and said with a smile: "If I guess correctly, you have another family in Japan, so you don't care about Yamashiro's wife and children, and you are not afraid of threats.

 Before you lurk, someone should have told you that if one day you are arrested, as long as you do not reveal important information, your family will not be liquidated and will even be better off than before.

On the contrary, once you completely surrender to us, they will be thrown into prison and receive the most cruel punishment. Your entire family will also suffer humiliation and will never be able to raise their heads.

In addition, from a blood perspective, compared to the descendants with the blood of the so-called Yamato nation, your children in the mountain city are nothing. Am I right? Oh, what should I do? "

After speaking, he pretended to be troubled and asked Wu Chunyang: "Chunyang, let me test you. If you kidnap a rich man's son, but the other person has countless children, how can you get the money?"


Wu Chunyang thought for a while and said decisively: "Catch all his children, or kill all the other children, leaving only one to inherit the family business. The other party will definitely give money."


 Zuo Zhong clapped his hands softly and turned around to ask Wu Xiwen: "Did you hear that? My men helped me think of a good idea. If you only have your wife and children in Shancheng left, wouldn't they be valuable?

Remind you again that we can get a plan for change, and naturally you can also find your family. Don't think that they are safe in Japan. The energy of military uniforms is larger than you think. "

Facing the threat, Wu Xiwen was very calm. The leakage of the day-changing plan indeed proved that there was a mole in the imperial government at the top, but his family was protected by the General Staff Headquarters and nothing would happen.

Thinking of his children and wife far away in his hometown, he tried to anger Zuo Zhong: "Mr. Zuo, don't waste your efforts. No one knows where they are, and you can't get close to that place.

I advise you to kill me directly. As a glorious soldier of the Japanese Empire, it is my honor to dedicate myself to His Majesty and the Empire. I will not confess. It’s a black card! Half a year! "

Zuo Zhong sighed, couldn't these Japanese spies use a new word? Are you tired of shouting this sentence all day long? He immediately stretched out his little finger to press his ears, and said in a strange way.

“Tsk, tsk, why are you shouting so loudly? Your locusts can’t hear you, and your life is in my hands. It’s not up to you to decide when to die, it all depends on my mood.

I have warned you before that if you are not honest, I will make you spend the rest of your life in pain. Mr. Wu, you don’t think I am joking with you, do you? "

After asking the other party coldly, Zuo Zhong looked at Gui Youguang and the little agent who came in holding three signal guidance stations. His expression changed instantly and he returned to smiling and pointed at the door.

 “Mr. Wu, look.”

Wu Xiwen looked up, his eyes stayed on the machine for a moment and turned to the side. He regretted it in his heart. He only needed to persist for two more days, just two days, and the task would be completed.

He now only hopes that the General Staff Headquarters will treat his family favorably, raise his children, and allow them to join the army and serve the empire as adults, as agreed.

Zuo Zhong noticed the death in his eyes, patted the signal guidance platform and said to himself: "You have been delaying for the past two days, I guess the next bombing is not far away.

 Otherwise, you would not surrender voluntarily when captured. All you want to do is use your life to cover the second bombing and strive for a prosperous and bright future for your family. "

 “It’s so sad to sing and cry~”

He sighed with emotion, then looked directly at Wu Xiwen with a grin showing his teeth: "Wu Zhangqi, tell me, if I find a dangerous place near the official residence to install these three pieces of equipment, will your plane be fooled?

If I deploy a few more anti-aircraft artillery regiments nearby and suddenly fire while the bombers are diving at low altitude, if one or two bombers come, will the General Staff Headquarters think that you have surrendered and liquidate your family? "

“Baga! Despicable! Shameless!”

The dying Wu Xiwen cursed loudly, and several agents behind him almost stopped him. This shows how angry he is, and also proves that he is scared.

After getting the answer he wanted, Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction. Catching a few spies wouldn't make the Japanese top brass feel bad, but shooting down a few expensive bombers would!

 Because the death of a few people is nothing more than sending a few more postcards. Bombers cost a lot of money to purchase, and the Japanese are very clear about this.

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