Cicada Moving

Chapter 929: It's going to rain. My mother wants to get married.

  In the early morning of December 17, 1938.

The mountain city was as quiet as usual, and the people had already fallen asleep. However, in the mountains of the South Bank area, countless people hid in the trees and stared at the dark night sky.

Zuo Zhong and Lao Dai were also among them. The master and the apprentice stood at the entrance of a cave, stretching out their heads to observe the southeast direction from time to time, with anxious expressions on their faces.

This is already the third day they have been waiting for Japanese bombers here. Three days ago, Wei Daming, director of the Military Telecommunications Department, personally repaired three signal guidance towers and installed them in this mountain.

The military even spent a lot of money and mobilized three anti-aircraft units and dozens of German-made and Swiss-made anti-aircraft guns of various calibers, which were deployed on nearby mountain tops to prepare for the arrival of the Japanese.

 In someone’s words, the Japanese must be taught an unforgettable lesson. It’s understandable. After all, no one wants to be bombed into the sky while sleeping. He doesn’t want another slumber party.

 Lao Dai looked a little irritated while looking at the twinkling starry sky. After a long time, he asked Zuo Zhong: "Shenzhu, do you think the Japanese will be fooled? What if the news of Wu Xiwen's arrest is leaked and they don't come?"

“Teacher, please sit down.” Zuo Zhong brought a small horse and put it at Lao Dai’s feet, and then patiently explained: “The student thinks this is unlikely. If it is true, Wu Xiwen will not be so nervous.

 Besides, I have already told people that our search of the official residence has yielded no results. The Japanese are so adventurous that they will definitely take a gamble when they receive the news, because the benefits of a successful bombing are too great. "

 Lao Dai nodded slightly. This is true. Once the assassination operation against the enemy's leader is successful, it will have a great change in the situation, especially since there is someone in the top brass of the national government, Ji, who has an eye-catching relationship with the Japanese.

Relieved, he sat on the maza and chatted with Zuo Zhong about daily life. This is also a kind of leadership art. Talking about private matters can bring closer the relationship between boss and subordinates than talking about business matters.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly a shout came from outside: "Night navigation lights were found in the southeast direction, two in number, altitude 3,000, distance 10,000, speed 160 knots, accelerating."

Three soldiers of the Guo army lay on a long anti-aircraft rangefinder. They loudly announced the number, height, distance and speed of the targets. At the same time, they slowly adjusted the rangefinder and continued to observe. (with easter eggs)

Lao Dai stood up in a hurry, lay down at the entrance of the cave and looked outside, and soon discovered that there were several dimming and brightening lights in the southeast sky approaching quickly. Just as they guessed, the Japanese were really coming!

“Follow my orders and prepare tracer bullets.”

Beside the rangefinder, an air defense force staff member communicated with the observer while holding a microphone and passing the firing elements to the surrounding air defense artillery groups, ready to fire at any time.

Zuo Zhong came to Lao Dai and quietly watched the bombers getting closer and closer. His heart was extremely calm. After waiting for several days, he finally saw the real owner. Now it was up to the air defense force.

According to intelligence from Xiaoliuqiu, Shanghai and frontline troops, the bomber currently used by the Japanese army is the Mitsubishi Type 96 land attack aircraft, with a crew of 7, a range of 4,400 kilometers, a ceiling of 9,200 meters, and a maximum take-off weight of 8 tons.

The engines are two 1075-horsepower air-cooled engines manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The maximum speed is 375 kilometers per hour. It is equipped with three 7.7 mm machine guns, a 20 mm caliber cannon, and 800 kg aerial bombs or torpedoes.

Not to mention other things, the two 96 land attack aircraft carried 1,600 kilograms of aerial bombs alone. In order to completely kill someone, the Japanese, who had always been stingy, finally became generous.

As long as these two planes are shot down, the Japanese will definitely liquidate Wu Xiwen's family to ashes. Wu Xiwen will have to surrender if he doesn't surrender, unless he is willing to cut off his descendants.

At this time, each of the two Japanese bombers in the night sky had a navigator wearing an earphone, carefully listening to the signals from the signal control platform, and constantly reporting to the pilots in the cockpit.

The pilot wearing a flight hat listened to the sound from behind, looked out the window at the dark ground, adjusted the rudder flexibly with his feet, and accelerated little by little according to the route guided by the guidance console.

 “Thirty seconds to prepare.”

 “Twenty-five seconds to prepare.”

 “Twenty seconds to prepare.”

After confirming that the aircraft is on the correct course, the navigator stares at his watch, judges the distance between the aircraft and the target through the signal strength of the auxiliary signal guidance station, and keeps counting down in his mouth.

They have trained this attack procedure countless times in Xiaoliuqiu and are very familiar with it. When the countdown clock jumped to the last frame, the navigator shouted without raising his head.


The two 96 land attack aircraft immediately lowered their noses and dived toward the ground one after the other. The sweating pilot pushed the throttle to the bottom, held the control stick with both hands, and stared at the altimeter.

According to the plan, the plane will fly over the target in ten seconds. As long as the aerial bomb is dropped, they will become heroes who change history and the war situation. All the Japanese in the cabin are excited.

The dive phase was fleeting. The pilot on one of the bombers glanced at the windshield at the last second before dropping the bomb. His pupils suddenly dilated, and he pulled the control stick with all his strength and roared at the top of his lungs.

 “Touch the mountain!”

Under the hazy moonlight, I saw a mountain ridge getting closer and closer. The pilot who was struggling to control the plane to climb didn't understand why there were obstacles on the route. There was obviously nothing during the last bombing.

As soon as the flight crew members heard the warning, their bodies were pressed tightly against their seats in the next second. Under the huge overload, blood flowed from the head to the abdomen and legs, and the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood increased rapidly.

Everyone's eyes began to darken, but as the elite of the Japanese Army Air Force, they still did not forget their mission at this time. The pilot suppressed his headache and pressed the bomb release button, and the bomb immediately detached from the bomb hook.

The aircraft's maneuverability was enhanced after the weight reduction. It should have successfully recovered from the dive state and ascended to escape. Unfortunately, it was too late. Amidst the desperate roar of the pilot, the bomber directly hit the mountain.                           institutions。


After two loud explosions, a large crater was blown out of an open space in the middle of the valley. A bright light flashed on the mountainside not far away, and the dull sound of explosions continued to echo in the mountains.

The other 96 land attack aircraft was lucky enough to not encounter any mountains on its route. After discovering that its companion had hit the mountain, it immediately dropped bombs to reduce weight and speed up in an attempt to escape. In this case, all fools knew it was a trap.

But Zuo Zhong had been preparing for such a long time, how could he let the opponent run away? Following the order from the air defense staff, dozens of anti-aircraft guns unleashed their firepower into the sky, and the night sky was illuminated by countless tracer bullets.

Lao Dai on the ground stood with his hands on his hips, watching the tongues of flames passing by the Japanese plane swinging left and right. The smile on his face never stopped. After grinning for a while, he turned to look at his proud disciple.

“Shen Zhi, very good, the Japanese have indeed fallen into the trap. We have finally lived up to the expectations of the commission. Setting the false target in the mountains and using the terrain to eliminate the enemy is a stroke of genius.”

 “The teacher is so complimentary.”

Zuo Zhong shook his head modestly, and started to flatter me: "It's all teacher, you commanded well and won the battle thousands of miles away. The students only did a trivial job, so they don't deserve such praise."

“Hahaha, you.” Lao Dai laughed and pointed at him, his eyes returned to the sky. The second Japanese plane struggled to hold on under the intensive anti-aircraft fire, and its fuselage was hit in many places.

As the two of them were talking, a ball of fire suddenly lit up on the wing of the plane, and then it fell into the mountains. At this point, the two 96 land attack aircraft that the Japanese had high hopes for all crashed.

Having lost the threat above their heads, the air defense troops turned on their searchlights to scan the combat airspace, and soon discovered several white parachutes falling precariously to the ground.

 “Return to the light and take action.”

 “Yes! Deputy seat.”

Upon seeing this, Zuo Zhong called Gui Youguang's name and ordered the other party to arrest them. At the beginning of the plan, he had anticipated the possibility of the Japanese parachuting and had already prepared a search team.

 Gui Youguang waved his hand, and groups of agents equipped with submachine guns and police dogs rushed out. The continuous barking of dogs brought Lao Dai back to his senses and pulled Zuo Zhong aside.

“Is it okay for people named Ji?”

 Lao Dai asked with a serious expression. It was almost certain that someone Ji was colluding with the Japanese. Now that the Japanese plane was shot down, the other side was likely to take any action. This is a serious political issue that military commanders must pay attention to.

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong looked around and whispered back: "Don't worry, teacher, I have already sent Gu Qi and Song Minghao's two departments there, and they sent back a message before.

 At about 10 o'clock last night, a truck loaded with Mr. Ji's gold and silver jewelry, daily necessities, important books and official documents left the mountain city under the **** of secretaries and guards.

 According to the information we have received, the destination is likely to be Kunming. In addition, there is also movement at the Coral Dam Civil Airport. A passenger plane with a full tank of fuel is parked next to the runway. "


Lao Dai's head was buzzing when he heard it. This was clearly a gesture of escaping. No, if he was just escaping, there was no need to be so cautious. The second-in-command in the government was clearly going to surrender to the enemy.

Thinking of the seriousness of this matter, he immediately wanted to report it to someone, but was stopped by Zuo Zhong. The master and apprentice murmured in the corner for a long time, and Lao Dai's expression changed again and again.

In the end, he did not go to find someone. Instead, he looked at Guo Jun who was cleaning the battlefield, said it was going to rain and his mother was getting married, and left, and gave Zuo Zhong full authority to handle the task related to Ji.

 For Lao Dai, neither Japanese spies nor underground parties are important. What is important is someone's attitude. If his immediate boss wants to kill people with a borrowed knife, he will naturally not have any objection.

  At 8:00 a.m. on December 18, 1938.

The season is approaching heavy snow, and northwest winds are whistling and blowing from the fast-moving Jialingjiang River. It is freezing and the heavily guarded Coral Dam Airport is full of patrolling soldiers.

A jeep drove quickly to the runway and stopped. Three men and one woman got out of the car one after another. They all looked around and moved furtively. Five minutes later, another black car came.

The distraught Mr. Ji and his wife got out of the car and walked to the plane with his cronies who arrived first. When the guard next to the plane saw the vice president arriving, he did not dare to stop him and quickly pulled up the gangway.

Ji hurriedly boarded the gangway, looked back at Shancheng halfway, and then sighed and got into the cabin. The other people climbed onto the plane as if they were running for their lives, without any delay.

One minute later, the plane roared from the runway and leapt into the sky, flying to the distant Kunming, taking Ji, who had said that his sword would turn into a sword, and lived up to his youthful achievements, into an unknown future.

On the tower, Zuo Zhong, who was watching the whole process, put back his telescope, turned around and left the airport. Some things were destined to happen, just like Lao Dai said it was going to rain and my mother was going to get married, so let him go.

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