Cicada Moving

Chapter 930: Fallout and Discovery (Revised Version)

  December 29, 1938.

 It is advisable to clean, offer sacrifices and pray for blessings, but avoid burial.

Twelve days have passed since the air defense troops shot down two Japanese planes, and eleven days have passed since Ji escaped from the mountain city. After learning these two pieces of news, Wu Xiwen finally took action.

Having lost his family in Japan, he could only try his best to keep his wife and children in Yamashiro. For any East Asian, family reproduction is engraved in their bones, and no one can accept the elimination of heirs.

According to his confession, the military commander captured more than a dozen senior spies in the government, military, and commercial institutions. These people formed a tight intelligence network to infiltrate the government from the political, military, economic, and technological aspects.

After ten days of "vigorous" interrogation, the arrested persons repented, confessed to the crimes they had committed, and admitted that they served the Japanese and stole confidential information.

In addition, the so-called day-changing plan is the same as what Zuo Zhong judged, that is, assassinating someone in order to support someone Ji to ascend to power. It is a very old trick, but if it really succeeds, the Republic of China is in danger.

The military commander reported his confession to the Military Council. Perhaps the case involved someone, and the government agencies showed amazing work efficiency and issued a ruling in compliance with the law that day.

Since the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, batches of traitors have appeared in the Republic of China. These people not only signed surrender treaties with the Japanese politically, but also wantonly betrayed the interests of the country and the nation.

Military, they also actively cooperated with the invading Japanese army in killing compatriots, arresting anti-Japanese armed forces, and suppressing people in occupied areas, causing countless murders and causing countless families to lose their lives.

At the same time, they also sneaked into the rear to collect intelligence and act as spies, disrupting social order, helping the invaders economically to rob wealth, and ideologically cooperating with enslavement education, corroding and disintegrating the national will to resist.

Compared to the Japanese, these traitors who are willing to serve as the Japs’ minions are even more harmful to the nation, because they make many people pessimistic about the country’s future.

 For a time, the whole country issued a call for severe punishment of traitors. The national government followed suit and promulgated the "Regulations on the Punishment of Traitors" a few months ago, which designated fourteen behaviors as acts of traitors. The text was posted everywhere.

These fourteen types of traitor behavior are specifically those who conspire with the enemy, those who attempt to disturb public order, those who recruit soldiers or other laborers or slave laborers, and those who obstruct public servants from performing their duties.

· Those who supply, sell, purchase, and transport military supplies or raw materials for manufacturing ordnance, supply monetary assets, disrupt finance, or destroy transportation, communications, or military fortifications.

Those who supply, sell, and transport rice, wheat, flour, cereals, and other items that can be used as food, or leak, detect, or steal information, documents, or items related to military, political, and economic matters.

Those who act as guides or hold other military-related positions, those who put poisons in drinking water and food, and those who incite soldiers, civil servants and civilians to defect and collaborate with the enemy.

Any suspect who violates the above provisions shall be sentenced to death or life imprisonment according to the seriousness of the crime. Those who harbor and condone are guilty of the same crime and shall be severely punished.

The consequences of what Wu Xiwen and his men did were very serious, and the circumstances were so abominable that not killing them was not enough to quell the public's anger, and not killing them was not enough to warn the world, so they were all sentenced to execution by firing squad, and the military commander was responsible for executing them.

Shancheng Coralba Airport.

The beach where Zuo Zhong and Wu Xiwen played cards a few days ago was once again full of prisoners and spies involved in the case. Zuo Zhong, Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang and others stood by the car in the distance, silently waiting for the execution time to arrive.

When the sun was high in the sky, Zuo Zhong raised his hand to look at his watch and nodded to the person in charge of the execution. The person in charge immediately shouted to prepare, and the executioners holding rifles raised their muzzles and aimed at the prisoners.

 “Vice-seat, smoke.”

At this time, Gu Qi next to him handed over a cigarette. Zuo Zhong took it and lit the lighter. He glanced at Wu Xiwen, who was looking up at the sky, and reported something in a low voice.

“Earlier, you asked me and Lao Song to monitor the person named Ji. Before he left, he wrote a letter to Mr. Bu Lei and placed it on the table in the bedroom. Do you want to report this matter to the superior?

Also, the Dian Provincial Station sent news that Mr. Ji and his party members flew to Kunming on the 18th, and set off again on the 19th for Hanoi. They are now under the surveillance of the Hanoi Station. Do you want to? "

 Gu Qi made a beheading motion. Hanoi Station is a large station with dozens of intelligence and operational personnel, which is enough to secretly sanction Ji. Of course, the premise is to get approval from the superior.


Amidst the gunfire, Zuo Zhong shook his head and said something he didn't even believe: "No need, the commissioner doesn't want to ruin Mr. Ji's political life, and hopes to pull him back from the road of treason and surrender to the enemy. We are strictly prohibited from doing anything."

Mr. Bu Lei is a good friend of the committee and should not be offended easily. So, you can give the letter to the other party quietly and ask how to deal with it. The other party will decide everything. Don't say anything else.

 Inform the Hanoi Station to monitor closely, not to act rashly, and to record all the people who have had contact with the person named Ji. By the way, who has he been in close contact with in the past two days? "

Gu Qi took a puff of cigarette, frowned and replied: "Mr. Ji's residence in Hanoi is No. 27 Gao Lang Street. It is a Western-style building, three stories high, facing the street, with a lawn in front of the door and a small small building behind the building. The courtyard is surrounded by a low wall.

There are palms and coconuts with tall crowns in front and behind the house. The house is completely shaded from the sun. Moreover, it is a high-end residential area. The French police station often patrols nearby, so our people cannot monitor it at close range.

At present, we only know that the president of the "South China Daily" visited Mr. Ji several times. He was once a political instructor in Huangpu. In December 16th of the Republic of China, he traveled to France with Mr. Ji and founded the "Remaining Newsletter".

 He ​​suddenly left Jinling in the winter of the 18th year of the Republic of China and went to the port city to found the Nanhua News Agency. In February the 19th year of the Republic of China, he founded the "Nanhua Daily" and has served as its president to this day. It is said that the other party also took Ji's wife as his godmother. Analysts believe that Ji probably wanted to publish certain articles through the Nanhua Daily to respond to the criticism from the government and the press about his trip to Hanoi, and even to achieve the purpose of fighting against the Shancheng government. "

 Gu Qi expressed his biggest worry in one breath. Ji was not an ordinary person. A skinny camel was bigger than a horse. He had strong connections in the government. Once he publicly voted for Japan, the consequences would be serious.

From a distance, Wu Xiwen smiled and nodded, then fell to the ground with a gun in his heart. As for why he was smiling, maybe it was because Zuo Zhong promised him to keep his wife and children alive.

Zuo Zhong's expression remained normal. He turned around and patted Gu Qi on the shoulder: "Never mind, this kind of thing is not something you and I should consider. Just hand in the report. Whether to kill or to retain him depends on the order of the commission."

After saying that, he opened the door and sat in the back seat of the car. Before leaving, he stretched out his head and called Wu Chunyang: "Chunyang, inform the brothers in the official residence and let them lift the blockade and make a handover with the attendant's office.

During the investigation of the case, no one was allowed to enter or leave the official residence. All the prisoners were executed, and the commissioners urged them several times. Apparently they were not satisfied with the temporary residence and wanted to return to Huangshan to live, so it would be better to let them go as soon as possible. "

 “Yes, deputy seat.”

Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang quickly saluted in return and watched Zuo Zhong's car slowly drive away.

That evening, the Huangshan official residence was filled with joy. A certain person and his wife came back with a group of entourage. This was a good thing for the handymen and clerks, at least they no longer had to think about finding a new job.

The security guards responsible for the security of the official residence are also very happy. As temporarily assigned guards, if the official residence is abolished, they will have only one way to go back and forth, and their generous allowances will be gone.

In the guard dormitory, everyone was organizing their bunks and swearing at Agent Gou. They had been imprisoned for so many days inexplicably. It was normal for these soldiers to be angry.

Fang Wei, who was recommended by the 88th Division to work as a guard at the official residence and was also one of the three suspects discovered by Wu Chunyang among the employees of the official residence, did not participate in the discussion.

  After tidying up the bedding, he changed into casual clothes, said hello to the squad leader and left the room. Others who were "greeting" Lao Dai's ancestors warmly did not pay too much attention.

New Year's Day is approaching, and they all know that the other party is going to pay homage to his parents. In this time of war and chaos, it is a blessing to be able to burn a few sticks of incense for the deceased relatives.

Thinking of their family members who were thousands of miles away and whose life or death was uncertain, the guards sighed secretly, looked gloomy, stopped cursing the agents, sat down one after another, and stared blankly, with red eyes.

Fang Wei was unaware of his colleague's actions. He walked directly from the official residence to Haitang Creek Pier and walked around a few times, as if looking for something. After half an hour, he stopped and frowned.

After thinking for a while, he set off again and walked to the outside of the pier. At the entrance of a candle shop, he used his peripheral vision to observe the surrounding pedestrians and vendors, and then walked in.

 “Hello guest, what do you need?”

When the boss at the counter saw someone coming in, he immediately smiled and said something. This man was wearing a long coat and a melon cap. He didn't look like a businessman, but more like a teacher.

“Bring me ten knives of yellow paper and a handful of incense.”

Fang Wei replied casually. He put his left hand in his pocket and hooked his index finger tightly on the grenade ring in his pocket. His eyes paused on the boss's face as he asked casually.

“I came to your store some time ago. Did the original clerk quit?”

The boss lowered his head to prepare the items and explained: "No, no, he is seriously ill and is still recuperating at home. If you need anything in the future, just come to me directly. Please give me three yuan."

The other party said that he turned around and quoted a price, and carefully placed a cloth bag filled with yellow paper on the counter. Then he reached out and patted the bag, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Hearing that the guy was fine, Fang Wei nodded slightly, dropped a few French coins, picked up the cloth bag, turned around, and strode toward the east. His back was quickly blocked by the bustling crowd.

Two hours later, in a cemetery in the mountains, he gently wiped a tombstone and then lit the yellow paper. A wisp of green smoke flew straight up and flew deep into the white clouds.

After burning the yellow papyrus, Fang Wei left in a low mood. Only half of the incense was left and placed in the open space in front of the tomb, expressing a son's longing for his parents.

A few more hours later, the sky gradually darkened. A cold wind blew through the cemetery and stirred up ashes. The surrounding branches made a rattling sound when they collided. The atmosphere seemed a bit strange.

At the bank not far from the cemetery, a small boat quietly docked. Then a figure got off the boat and bowed to the tombstone of Fang Wei's parents, and took something from behind the tombstone.

Just at this time, dark clouds covered the moon, and the cemetery became invisible. When the dark clouds drifted away and the moonlight fell, the black shadow had long since disappeared, and the boat on the shore had disappeared.

In the woods a few hundred meters away, a man slowly walked out from behind a big tree. It was Zuo Zhong who had left the execution site. When he saw this scene, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled on his face.

 A paragraph I posted before has disappeared. I have modified it and see if it can be posted.

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