Cicada Moving

Chapter 931: You are not fighting alone (End of this paragraph, rest tomorrow)

Chapter 931: Not fighting alone (end of this paragraph, have a day off tomorrow)

 February 1939.

It started to snow lightly in the sky, and it turned into rain when it fell on the ground. The weather became extremely cold, and the agents of Luojiawan No. 29 were walking around in the military compound with their hands and feet.

Zuo Zhong was sitting in his office, reviewing an execution report with a pen, and from time to time he would draw a red circle on a name, which represented the end of a life.

As the deputy director of military affairs, all serious and important cases within the national government will eventually be reported to him, especially cases involving Japanese spies, and the criminals will be solved by him.

In the past two months alone, the number of traitors executed by his hands has reached thousands. When the outside world mentions the name of military commander, everyone is frightened, and the nickname of Smiling Tiger has become more and more popular.

There is no other way. High-level officials of the national government and someone have issued a death order, requiring severe sanctions against all traitors. Those who can be punished by death will not be punished without a deadline, and those who can be punished will never be punished by a deadline.

The reason is that after Ji escaped to Hanoi, Japan issued the third Konoe statement at the same time, stating that although Japan was prepared to use force to sweep away the country consistently, it also hoped to cooperate with people with insight.

And proposed the realization of mutual good neighborliness, joint prevention of republicanism and economic cooperation as conditions for cooperation. In fact, he wanted to turn China into a Japanese colony and enslave the Chinese people.

At this time, someone stood up and expressed the hope that the government could use the Third Konoe Declaration as a model to exchange sincerity with Japan, so that not only the northern provinces could be preserved, but the rest of the fallen places could also be recovered.

Furthermore, the independence and integrity of the sovereignty and administration of the Republic of China can be maintained, and it is even expected to recover the colonies occupied by Western countries and realize the true unification of the country. These remarks are extremely confusing.

 Someone immediately published a long article refuting Japan's Konoe's statement, arguing that Konoe's so-called new East Asian order and the coordinated relationship between Japan and Manchuria were to turn the Republic of China into Japan's big concession.

In this way, even if the Republic of China does not become a slave state of Japan, it will become a non-equal relationship like the Liao and Song Dynasties. In fact, it will merge with Japan and end thousands of years of Chinese civilization.

He also criticized Konoe’s so-called economic cooperation, which amounted to manipulating the Republic of China’s tariffs and finance, monopolizing the Republic of China’s production and trade, monopolizing hegemony in East Asia, and then controlling the Republic of China’s military, politics, culture and even diplomacy.

What Japan really wants is to annex the entire Republic of China and eliminate the nation. He called on the people across the country to set their goals and make determinations. The harder, stronger, more persistent, and more courageous they will be, the whole country will be united and continue to work hard.

Objectively speaking, this article is very beautifully written. Even someone who reread this article himself felt "very happy" and believed that it was enough to let the Japanese know the government's position and put an end to their threats and deceptions.

On the other hand, someone sent Ji's relatives and friends to Hanoi to persuade him, hoping that the other party would not make the same mistake again and again, and asked him not to publicly propose peace, not to sever relations with the government, and not to live in Hong Kong but he could go to Europe.

As a result, on the day of Wu Xiwen's execution, Ji published a telegram through the Nanhua Daily, openly treason and surrendering to the enemy. The date was based on the rhyme of the telegram on that day, and the outside world called it "Yandian".

In the telegram, the other party blatantly sang praises for the Japanese invaders, whitewashed their own treasonous behavior, completely merged with the Japanese, and went to the opposite side of the Chinese nation's national resistance war.

This incident had a very bad impact, making the Guo Party extremely embarrassed, the dignified vice president treason, and all walks of life questioned the legitimacy of the government, which directly led to the instability of the morale of the frontline military.

So two days after the pornographic news was sent out, the top leaders of the Kuomintang Party held a meeting on New Year's Day and passed the decision to expel Ji and revoke all his positions, expressing to all forces in the country the determination of the Kuomintang Party to resist Japan.

At the meeting, someone lamented that a certain person, Ji, who was entrusted with great responsibility by the party and the country, left his post without permission during the anti-Japanese crisis, disappeared in other places, and spread fallacies that were contrary to national policy.

The contents of the telegram were covered up by the enemy at every turn, and they did not hesitate to confuse right and wrong, and went even further to deceive the people. As far as their behavior is concerned, it is a standard act of collaborating with the enemy and seeking surrender.

His crimes of violating discipline and endangering the party and the country are clearly exposed, and it is difficult to tolerate the great righteousness. Party discipline must be strictly enforced to set the record straight. At the end of the sentence, someone was even choked up and could not speak.

As to whether it is true or not, it depends on the opinion of different people. Anyway, according to the information obtained by Zuo Zhong, after a certain person returned to the Huangshan official residence after the conference, he cooked three bowls of rice in a row at night.

It wasn't enough to expel Ji. In order to warn others not to follow Ji and defect to Japan, the government and someone also took out the traitors in the Kuomintang-controlled area to scare the monkeys.

Once the orders were given to the top, the people below had to find ways to complete them. As a result, many would-be traitors who were in a wait-and-see state were killed. A large number were arrested and shot, but no one cried out for them.

This effectively prevented the expansion of the wave of surrender. Ji thought that there was no shortage of people in the party who hoped to compromise and make peace with Japan. With their own influence and status, someone would definitely follow.

As a result, these people were frightened out of their wits by the **** methods of the military commander and cut off contact with him one after another. Ji's wishful thinking came to nothing, and his treasonous behavior was opposed by the people across the country.

 Some military and political personnel who had a good relationship with Ji, such as Zhang and Yu from Guangdong, called Ji on many occasions and scolded him bloody, blaming the other party for fallacies, serving the enemy, betraying the country and seeking glory, etc.

It was required to return someone to the crowd, to be punished, and to refresh the morale with Su Ji Gang, and expressed the support of the government and someone, insisting on the Anti -Japanese War to the end.

In addition, representatives of the overseas Chinese in Nanyang immediately called the government to accuse Mr. Ji of openly agreeing with the Japanese aggressors' conditions for subjugation, and demanded that the government announce his crimes and establish national laws to determine the hearts of the people at home and abroad.

Overseas Chinese in the United States also called in support on the same day, demanding that all the initiators and peacemakers be charged as traitors. This will make someone completely socialized in the Chinese society, and the prestige accumulated over the years will be wiped out in one fell swoop.

Recalling the turbulent situation during this period in his mind, Zuo Zhong put down his pen and rubbed his wrist. He picked up the phone and called He Yijun to take the report and distribute it to various places for implementation as soon as possible.

Detention centers and prisons in many places are now full, and executions cannot be postponed. If they can use their lives to contribute to the cause of resisting Japan, those death row inmates can be considered to have deserved their death.

As soon as He Yijun left, Song Minghao walked in mysteriously and told Zuo Zhong a major event related to the unification of China. Zuo Zhong was stunned after hearing this and asked the other party a question. "What are you talking about? Xu Enzeng wants to establish a new unification of the Central Committee??? He also led a team to arrest the underground party?"

 (Give it a try, Lao Xu changed his name and it won’t have the same flavor anymore)

 “Yes, deputy seat.”

Song Minghao said with a smile: "Director Zhu and Dongxin performed well in the Japanese espionage case and were praised by the commissioners. Many members of the Central Committee took the opportunity to change their families, and the surnamed Xu was completely ignored.

This guy didn't give up and wanted to start a new business by arresting the underground party. I don't know where he found an underground party stronghold and took people there himself. My insider said that many people died. "

Zuo Zhong was startled. On the surface, he calmly asked about the casualties on both sides. When Song Minghao finished answering, he almost laughed out loud, Xu Enzeng, Xu Enzeng, you are such a genius.

  The other party's action can be summarized in four sentences, that is, Deputy Director Xu rushed up, Deputy Director Xu crawled out, Deputy Director Xu fainted, and Deputy Director Xu cried.

As soon as the other party and a group of Central Unification agents broke into the underground party stronghold, they were beaten by five or six submachine guns and fled. Before leaving, the other party even detonated a mortar shell at a certain time.

If Xu Enzeng hadn't run fast enough, he would have been shattered into pieces. Although he would not be able to leave his innocence in the world, the local crops would definitely grow well in the coming year. It is a pity.

Zuo Zhong sometimes really doesn’t understand what the other party thinks. Do you have the strength to fight with the underground party? You also want to establish a new central government. It’s really a blind idea. How much fake wine will you have to drink?

It's just that when did the underground party's operational style become so unrestrained? The submachine guns fired head-on, and the mortars broke off. Such a strong aggressiveness is quite a bit like the old secret service.

Throwing a cigarette to Gu Qi, he said with a serious expression as he was concerned about the country and the people: "Old Gu, there must be traitors within the Central Unification Committee, otherwise how would the underground party know about Xu Enzeng's actions?

Also, submachine guns and artillery shells are not so easy to obtain, alas! These thieves are really hateful. If they fall into my hands, I will definitely let them know how powerful the military commander is. "

 After saying two harsh words, Deputy Director Zuo showed a regretful expression, bringing to life a fruit party elite who cares about the party and the country and is unparalleled in loyalty. No, it is vivid.

Song Minghao's eyes were full of admiration, and he said to himself that the deputy director was the deputy director, and his lies seemed to be true, so he quickly expressed his agreement and started to praise him skillfully.

"What you're saying is, Zhongtong, it's normal for a domestic thief to appear, but being able to get weapons means that the thief's status must be high. Do you want us to go to the two places to follow him?"

Otherwise, Director Zhu and Dong Xin might not be able to explain to their superiors when things get big, so they might find a few scapegoats to get the matter out of the way first, so as not to blame the commissioner. "

 The reason why the old youtiao are the old youtiaos is because they understand the world so well, the various stakes in the organization, and how to exploit the loopholes in the system, the flexibility of the process, and the flexibility of the rules.

Song Minghao understood that a good central commander would be a central commander who maintains a good relationship with the military commander. If everyone gets rich, everyone will make contributions together. Just like this time, the central commander has gained a lot of benefits from the capture of Japanese spies.

 Otherwise, why did those spies change offices? Is it because of Director Zhu's status? There are some reasons, but not all. Don't forget that Xu Enzeng has Er Chen as his backstage and is not afraid of Zhu Liuxian.

There are no eternal friends and no eternal enemies, only eternal interests, and no frivolous money of spies. That's why those spies who can't see the rabbit but the hawk will not decide to join Director Zhu so quickly.

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied with Song Minghao's sensibleness, but he still shook his head: "Forget it, if you can think of this, my old principal and Dongxin must also have thought that it is not convenient for us to participate in this matter."

After saying that, he sent the other party away and stayed alone in the office until get off work. After dark, he drove away from the Luojiawan headquarters, parked in a safe house, and then disappeared on the streets of the mountain city.

As the night got darker, the owner of the incense and candle shop at Haitangxi Wharf carried a few bags of food and walked into an alley in the main city. He walked around and came to a small courtyard, looked around and knocked on the door.

Soon the courtyard door was opened, and one person hid behind the door in the darkness. When the visitor came in, he immediately closed the door. The two of them arrived at the main room in the courtyard one after another, and then the dim oil lamp quietly turned on.

An hour later, the door opened again, and the shop owner went out and left quickly. The people in the courtyard slowly closed the door with their hands, and the moonlight shone on the other person's face. It was Du Heng who was snatching medicine in the military camp.

On the wall dozens of meters away from the small courtyard, Zuo Zhong slowly zoomed in on the camera on his mobile phone, stopped the lens on the other person, pressed the shutter with his hand, and jumped to the ground after taking the photo.

He adjusted his facial disguise at will, took off his special double-sided coat and put it on inside out, walking slowly in the narrow and complicated streets, silently thinking about the relationship between Du Heng, Fang Wei and the shop owner.

Through two months of tracking and investigation, he is now able to determine that the other parties are all underground party members whose mission is to collect medicines or other supplies and do not participate in intelligence collection. They are deep lurkers.

 Among them, Du Heng was the drug collector, Fang Wei was the transportation officer, and the store owner should be the emergency contact person. As for the person who took the drug store by boat from the cemetery, he was probably a member of the drug transport team.

 Guangyangba Airport.

Zuo Zhong flashed a map around the cemetery in his mind. Only that one place nearby was inhabited, and the Fourth Brigade stationed there also took on the task of air transportation from the mountain city to other places.

Perhaps it was some kind of induction among his peers. He suddenly thought that when he took Wu Xiwen on the plane, Guan Shaoyu, who was silent and unusually low-key the whole time, seemed to have caught a glimmer of inspiration.

Lying in the quiet streets of the mountain city, Zuo Zhong was not alone at all. He knew that he was not fighting alone. The steps under his feet became firmer and his figure merged into the night little by little.

  (Take a day off tomorrow and start a new paragraph)

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