Cicada Moving

Chapter 932: Plum, Bamboo, Orchid and Chrysanthemum (modified version)

Chapter 932 Plum, Bamboo, Orchid and Chrysanthemum (revised version)

 In 1939, the all-out war of resistance had lasted for nearly a year and a half. At this time, the international and domestic situation had undergone tremendous changes, and the whole world was filled with disturbing emotions.

 Internationally, the situation in Europe is becoming increasingly tense. Under the leadership of a certain bearded man, the German army has set its sights on Czechoslovakia. Although this small country has a small population and land, it has advanced military industry.

For example, the Skoda Arsenal is the second largest arsenal in Europe after the Krupp Arsenal in Germany, and the Brno State Arsenal that produces the famous Czech light machine gun.

Once the Germans obtain these arsenals, they will break through the industrial restrictions placed on Germany by the Allied Powers after the war in Europe and become a normal country capable of independently manufacturing all modern weapons.

Domestically, with the extension of the front line, the Japanese military strength became more dispersed and morale continued to decline. The heavy war consumption and the abnormal development of the military industry put Japan's economy and finance into increasingly difficult situations.

 The development of guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines and the expansion of anti-Japanese base areas posed an increasingly serious threat to the Japanese army. Faced with the situation that the war was becoming protracted, the Japanese aggressors had to change their strategy of invading China.

 Militarily, the Japanese army basically stopped strategic attacks on frontal battlefields, gradually focused on attacking and eliminating resistance forces in the occupied areas, and vigorously carried out public security warfare.

Politically, it changed to a policy mainly based on inducement to surrender, in an attempt to induce the Kuomintang Party to compromise and surrender, and even united with the Kuomintang Party to launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against the underground party, further dividing the leftists in the government.

In general, China and Japan have been exhausted from the war and have begun to lick the wounds caused by the war. The struggle between the two sides has gradually moved from a frontal battlefield to an economic, political, and intelligence contest.


In the heavily guarded office of Japan's Special Committee on China, Doihara, the director of the agency, two people sat opposite each other on the tatami, drinking tea and talking.

 “Mr. Hase, you have done a very good job. The empire needs these economic data very much. With them, the cabinet can effectively evaluate the country’s war potential.”

“This is all due to your command, Mr. Doihara, and the great support you have given to the Hase Agency. Otherwise, we would not be able to conduct such a large-scale investigation. Arigado is enough.”

In the room, Doihara, who had been promoted to lieutenant general, gently picked up the cherry blossom pattern iron pot, poured a cup of tea for Hase Ryosuke, who was opposite him with his head lowered and holding the cup in both hands, and praised with a smile.

“Mr. Hase is too self-effacing. Your ability is the key. People in the General Staff Headquarters have also received a lot of resources, but they have failed again and again. It’s really a headache.”

He shook his head helplessly as he spoke, and then a smile appeared on his face: "But I will be able to relax soon, Tokyo has new arrangements for me, and the new agency director is already on the way.

I hope you can cooperate with the other party to continue to infiltrate the Chinese and obtain more intelligence for the empire. In addition, the cabinet asked me for my opinion on the personnel of the commission's assistant officers, and I recommended 伱.

Mr. Hase, you have been in Shanghai for many years. You are familiar with the local situation and have deep friendships with diplomats from European and American countries. You are the most suitable candidate. Don’t let me down. "

Doihara put down the iron kettle in his hand and revealed with a smile that he was about to leave Shanghai. Hase Ryosuke was stunned when he heard the news, then showed anger and hugged Buping for the other party.

“Why did the cabinet transfer you? Without your leadership, what should we do? Those guys in high positions only know how to fight for power and have no idea about the situation on the front line.

 In their eyes, the Chinese are like scarecrows in the fields, who can fall down with just a slight push. Who can understand your difficulties, general? I want to send a message to Tokyo to oppose this matter. "

 “Mr. Hase! This is not what you should say.”

Doihara scolded with a serious expression, perhaps feeling that his tone was too harsh, and sighed to explain the details of the transfer: "This matter is a joint decision between His Majesty Tianlu and the cabinet, and cannot be discussed.

When our operations with the Germans suffered setbacks in Changcheng, the senior management became dissatisfied with me. After the failure of the day-changing plan, this dissatisfaction reached its limit. It was the best choice for me to leave.

In addition, I am from the Kwantung Army and have a closer relationship with the North China Military. The Central China Expeditionary Army has long complained about this. The military’s opinions must be taken seriously. You can just wait for your appointment with peace of mind.

 Besides, this new agency chief has some connections with you and is also from North China, so you don’t have to worry about the other party’s attitude towards you. You will have three main tasks in the future. "

Hase Ryosuke was a little confused when he heard this. He knew him and was from the North China Front Army. Who could it be? Out of curiosity, he pretended to be disappointed, lowered his head, and replied respectfully.

 “Hai, please give me your instructions, General.”

Doihara noticed the other party's reaction and was very satisfied. No one wanted to promote a white-eyed wolf. Then he raised three fingers and talked about three things.

“The first is to help Mr. Ji establish the new government in Jinling. We must use the Chinese to defeat the Chinese, use the Chinese to check and balance the Chinese, and completely divide the Republic of China and never allow them to unite.

 The second is the situation where the unified and Pingheng military forces operate independently in China. Whether it is the Central China Expeditionary Army or the North China Front Army, they are both imperial armies. They can only be more powerful if they are clenched into a fist.

The third is to instigate rebellion against the Gui Provincial Army, which has always been at odds with someone in Shancheng, and the old members of the Beiyang Warlords, such as Tang and Wu. If they are willing to cooperate, the success of the empire will be just around the corner. "

 Finally, he took out a document and handed it to Hase Ryosuke: "In order to facilitate your work, I will hand over to you some of the imperial moles who have been placed at the top of the government. Here is the list.

 You must make good use of these people and protect them. It took me a lot of effort to instigate rebellion and recruit these moles. Our enemies are very professional and cannot be taken lightly. "

Hase Ryosuke swallowed his saliva. Doihara was in charge of all intelligence personnel of the Japanese military in the Republic of China. It must be very important for Mole to be taken so seriously by the other party. To him, importance means more money. Thinking of this, his fingers moved slightly and he wanted to raise his hand to take the document, but then he realized that the other person was Doihara.

This person has been engaged in intelligence work for decades and is extremely cunning. Would he give important information to him so easily? This seems to be a trap, at least there is something wrong with it.

 After thinking for a few seconds, Ryousuke Hase took over the file. Regardless of whether it was a trap or not, he had to accept the normal work handover, but he had to be cautious about the subsequent processing of the file.

Doihara smiled even more when he saw this. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Of course, this was not to serve tea to guests. After drinking, Doihara turned to chatting about news in Japan and the intelligence system.

“Mr. Hase, during the Cabinet meeting in December last year, in order to better manage the occupied areas, the Prime Minister decided to establish a central organization in China to oversee the people’s livelihood affairs in each region.

The name of the organization is Xingyayuan, with the Prime Minister as the president, the Foreign Minister, the Tibetan Minister, the Land Minister, and the Marine Minister concurrently as vice presidents. It has jurisdiction over the Ministry of Political Affairs, the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Naturalization and the Ministry of Technology.

It has also set up branches in Beiping, Shanghai, Daocheng, Hankou, Yangcheng, Xiamen, Jinling and other places to be responsible for all political, economic and cultural affairs except initial diplomacy.

It seems that many people are dissatisfied with the military having complete control over the occupied areas. For example, your Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed different opinions many times in previous meetings. "

Looking at the smiling Doihara, Ryosuke Hase shrank his head in embarrassment. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs did indeed put forward different opinions, and then the two foreign ministers "voluntarily" resigned.

Now the military dominates everything, and the importance of diplomatic work has repeatedly declined. If it were not for the need to win over European and American countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would have long ago become a subordinate agency of the Ministry of War.

Doihara glanced at him, temporarily stopped teasing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and continued: "These people are not only dissatisfied with the military, but also distrustful of the Special Committee on China, and want to completely break it up.

To prevent the intelligence system from reverting to the previous situation where the military, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the cabinet worked independently, I asked the cabinet to establish different secret service agencies for different strategic targets.

 There are initially four such secret service agencies. When it becomes impossible to do anything, the Special Committee on China will be merged into a certain agency. Don’t worry, your duties will not change.

For the purpose of confidentiality, I named these four agencies Mei, Bamboo, Lan, and Ju respectively. Their locations and tasks are different. I will give you a general overview, and you must pay attention to confidentiality.

 Among them, the Mei Agency is located in Shanghai and is fully responsible for handling all matters related to Ji. The head of the agency is Yingzuo Zhenzhao. He made great contributions in the negotiations with Ji and was praised by Tian Locust.

The Bamboo Agency is located in Hankou. The chief of the agency is Shiro Shibayama. This person was once the chief of the Jinmen secret service. His main task is to instigate rebellion against the Beiyang warlords Tang and Wu. You need to communicate with them more.

The Lan Agency is also located in Shanghai. The head of the agency is Lieutenant General He Zhiying. This is a China expert and the head of the Bingzhou secret service. He is responsible for driving a wedge between the Gui clique warlords Li and Bai and Shancheng.

Ju Agency is a temporary agency located in Min Province. The director of the agency has not yet been determined. Its mission is to bribe the commander-in-chief of the Fujian-Guangdong Border Guard Army or other frustrated soldiers of the government and adopt them for the empire's use. "

 Hingya Yuan, four intelligence agencies.

 Hase Ryosuke quickly memorized this information in his mind and silently calculated the price given by Fat Tiger. As for the locusts and the country, don't be stupid. By now, anyone with a discerning eye knows that Japan cannot defeat the Republic of China.

After the battles in Shanghai, Jinling, Changcheng, and North China, the Guo army was indeed defeated, but Japan gained nothing. Except for carloads of corpses and wounded soldiers, there was nothing.

The occupied areas are full of rebellious Chinese. In some places in the north, if a small group of soldiers goes out of the city, half of them come back, which is considered to be the blessing of Amaterasu. What is the point of this kind of war?

 So the most important thing is to make more money. When things get bad, go directly to South America or North America and live a life like a human being. Leave the Locusts to these fools to serve.

Just when he was happily dreaming about the beautiful life in the future, someone knocked on the door. Doihara said please come in. The person walked into the house with heavy steps and said hello in a low voice.

 “Doihara-kun, Hase-kun, long time no see.”

Hase Ryosuke heard the sound and looked around, his mouth slowly opened. Damn it, it turned out to be Osako Tsusada from the Tsumen Aoki Mansion. Could it be that the new agency director Doihara mentioned was this **** bastard?

Thinking of the stinginess and stinginess of the other party, Changgu's face wrinkled together, and he had the urge to run away. If he worked for such a person, it would be better to shoot him to death. Baga ya road!

Osako Tsusada noticed Hase's actions, and a cheerful smile appeared in his eyes. He had not been so happy for a long time since the failed operation to steal military intelligence at the Aoki Mansion two years ago.

God knows why some people said he was a traitor, which led to him being interrogated for more than a year. If it weren't for the help of his classmates in the military, he would never have been able to get out of the gendarmerie.

  (This paragraph comes from section 675)

Fortunately, after the war between China and Japan, the empire needed experienced intelligence personnel, so he was released and re-entrusted with important tasks. However, he did not expect to encounter "non-nationals" from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After a few years, the other party has changed from the special high class of a consulate to the head of the institution. It ’s God’ s eyes. I heard that some people have a lot of private income.

Hase Ryosuke, who was next to him, didn't know what was going on. Suddenly he felt cold and shivered.

at the same time.

At the Chaotianmen Pier in a mountain city thousands of miles away, a passenger ship docked slowly. A young man walked down the gangway, carrying a suitcase and looking up at the undulating mountain city. He was shocked.

In a daze, two young girls walked up to him and patted his shoulders playfully. The young man turned around and helped each other pick up their luggage. The three of them walked up the steps talking and laughing.

  The subject has influenza A and is being taken care of.



 (End of this chapter)

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