Cicada Moving

Chapter 934: Current situation at home

Chapter 934 Current Situation at Home

Zuo Zhong let go of his younger brother Zuo Jun, looked him up and down, patted his strong shoulder, and showed a satisfied smile. After not seeing each other for a few years, the little guy who used to follow him asking for sweets had grown into an adult.

Different from the intrigues of big families on TV, the three brothers and sisters of the Zuo family are all born from the same mother. They have had a good relationship since childhood. There are no dirty calculations and conspiracies. He is naturally happy to see his younger brother reunited after a long absence.

Moreover, the other party used He Yijun's younger brother identity to contact him. He was obviously worried that there would be spies obstructing the dock. He acted so cautiously, and he was worthy of being his smiling brother.

But Zuo Zhong was a little confused. The old man had the radio station and operator he left behind. Why didn't New Zealand tell him about Zuo Jun's return to China? Could it be that the other party came back secretly?

Thinking of this, he frowned and asked a few questions: "Did you return to the country without permission? How did you return to the country? Which country's passport did you use? Did you meet any Japanese on the way?"

Zuo Jun saw that his eldest brother's expression was wrong and quickly explained: "Brother, don't worry, my return to China this time was approved by my grandfather. The reason why I did not notify in advance was because I was worried that the message would be leaked.

I took a British cruise from New Zealand to Changi, where I transferred to a Japanese cruise. I held a Peruvian passport. The Japanese were very polite and even waived the fare.

 After the cruise ship arrived in Shanghai, the Japanese military police and navy came on board to search the ship. Since I did not carry any weapons or electrical equipment, I passed the inspection easily. "

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. The Japanese really did not dare to offend Peru. Peru is located in the west of South America and on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Like most countries in the Americas, Peru has historically been a living area for Indians.

With the advent of the Age of Discovery, different races from other continents also poured into this new continent. These foreign races include not only white people from Europe, but also yellow people from East Asia.

At the beginning of the 19th century, after the South American Pacific War to compete for saltpeter resources, Latin American countries, including Peru, generally lacked labor, so invitations were sent to various countries to send immigrants to live there.

At that time, Japan had a huge population and the contradiction between man and land was quite prominent. Peru was described as a "golden mountain" by the Japanese Overseas Immigration Company. A large number of Japanese young people flocked here to work and dreamed of returning home in rich clothes.

 After years of multiplication, the Japanese in Peru now number in the hundreds of thousands, and there are frequent business exchanges between Peru and Japan. The local food and minerals are in great need of the Japanese.

Therefore, Japan has always been very polite to South American citizens, even if the citizen is Asian, because once they offend the other party, immigration and other things are another matter, but they will lose South America as a source of minerals.

The Japanese, who were already trapped in the quagmire of war, could not bear this loss. Unexpectedly, the old man actually tried to use foreign countries to control foreign countries. As expected, having an old man in a family is like having a treasure.

As for why the Japanese did not cut off the land and water passenger transportation from Shanghai to the mountain city, there are two reasons.

  First, there are commercial interests. The Japanese shipping company has strong connections in the military, which will delay the other party from making money. The capitalists are not so easy to talk to.

 The second is to allow more refugees to go to mountain cities to put more pressure on the government. If these people don’t have enough to eat or wear, they will also get into big trouble if they make a fuss.

These things flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind. He wanted to ask Zuo Jun why he came back to China, but then he saw two girls not far away, with playful smiles on their faces. His brother has really grown up.

Zuo Jun followed his eyes, hesitated and called the two of them to Zuo Zhong's side, and introduced in a low voice: "Brother, don't get me wrong, these two are companions I met by chance in Changi and Shanghai.

One is Cheng Danli, the eldest daughter of the Nanyang Cheng family, and each is Luo Yongying, a progressive student from Shanghai. They are planning to take a detour from the mountain city to the northwest to have a look. Can you open a road for them?

I heard that the management of the Guo army around the northwest is very strict. If there is no road, not only will it be difficult to pass, but they will be detained. I was worried that they would get into trouble, so I took it upon myself to invite them to go with me. Look, brother."

 Speaking, Zuo Jun lowered his head. Since his brother took office in the government, he has become more and more powerful. Even if he is a biological brother, he is a little scared when he looks into each other's eyes.

Cheng Danli and Luo Yongying next to them were so frightened by their friend's brother that they dared not speak out. Cheng Danli, who came from a big family, was the first to react. She tugged on Luo Yongying's clothes and whispered hello.

 “I’ve met Mr. Zuo.”

 “Hello, Sir Zuo.”

Like quails, the two girls said to each other anxiously that they were incompetent but not stupid. The police sergeant who collapsed on the ground had already proven that the other was terrible.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the two people quickly and made an instant judgment. The two people were thin and showed no signs of exercise. They acted and spoke normally and did not look like they had received intelligence training.

He is still very confident in his observation ability. Besides, there are only a few directions to the northwest, and the two old people are qualified to issue them. If something goes wrong, he will not be blamed.

Zuo Zhong's expression changed, and he comforted the two girls amiably: "Miss Cheng, Miss Luo, there is no need to worry, I will send someone to deliver the road to the northwest tomorrow, and it will not delay your trip.

In addition, you have been tired from traveling all the way. As Zuo Jun’s brother, I should entertain you well. How about you two stay in our military commander’s guest house, which is clean and safe? "

 He ​​said he was asking for opinions, but in fact Zuo Zhong did not give them a chance to object. After speaking, he told He Yijun: "Yijun, take Miss Cheng and Miss Luo to the guest house and say that they are my guests."

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

He Yijun looked at the three young people with red faces, nodded with a smile, then walked to the two girls and said hello, and the group walked to the car laughing and talking.

Suddenly, Zuo Jun thought of the family of three, and whispered the whole story to Zuo Zhong. At the same time, he told Zuo Zhong the actions of Cheng Danli and Luo Jiaying, wanting to see how his brother would deal with it.

   “There is light.”     “There!”

"Leave the two brothers to investigate. If there are no problems, let them go. Then tell Lao Bai to take care of his own people. If he can't, I don't mind helping him. The police chief also needs to investigate Check it out.”


Zuo Chong and Gui Youguang decided the fate of everyone present in just a few words. The first one was just a formality, while the second one was serious.

It is an easy thing for the military commander to find fault with someone, especially a policeman with dirty hands and feet. It doesn't matter if he can't find a current one.

After the Chongli Society Japanese spy case, Bai Wenzhi became the police chief of the mountain city with the help of the military commander. The other party would never fall out with the military commander for a small police chief.

After arranging the follow-up arrangements, Zuo Zhong got into the special car first and waved Zuo Jun over. As soon as the two of them got into the car, Gui Youguang, the guest driver, stepped on the accelerator, and the car jumped out like an arrow.

He Yijun and the two girls were following behind the car. Several cars were driving at high speed on the streets of Shancheng, moving towards Luojiawan. The Zuo Chong brothers were chatting about family matters in the car.

 “How are the health of the old man, father, and mother? How is Zuo Duo’s studies?”

No matter what position you are in, as a son of man, the most important thing you care about is the health of your elders. Although there is a radio station that keeps in touch, Zuo Zhong still wants to hear his brother’s personal introduction.

  When mentioning this matter, Zuo Jun replied with a smile: "When I first arrived in New Zealand, the old man was so angry when he saw those foreigners planting crops in the fields so casually without fertilizing and managing them. He went to work in the fields himself.

Over the past few years, my body has become even healthier than when I was at home, and even my hair has turned a lot darker. The servants at home say that my grandfather has rejuvenated and has become a child again. My father and mother are fine and often go for walks on the beach together.

As for my younger sister, she studied in a British missionary school during the day, and went home at night to be taught Chinese by her grandfather. In the words of the old man, although we have gone abroad, we can never forget where our roots are. "

  Yes, people should remember where their roots are.

Zuo Zhong very much agrees with the old man’s education method. Many people forget their hometown after immigrating. The first generation may still remember where they came from, and the next generation may become banana people in an instant.

Therefore, Chinese language education is indispensable. It allows the Chinese blood to continue to be passed down in a foreign country thousands of miles away, so as to prevent the descendants of the family from being unworthy descendants who betray the country and seek glory like Mr. Ji.

Handling back his longing, Zuo Zhong finally had the opportunity to ask the other party about the purpose of coming back this time. Zuo Jun risked his life to come to the mountain city through enemy-occupied areas, and it was definitely not as simple as visiting relatives.

Sure enough, Zuo Jun patted his head when he heard this, and took out two large iron cans from his suitcase. The words "tooth powder" were written in bold English on the cans. This confused Zuo Zhong. The old man wanted to purchase it on his behalf. ? ?

While he was thinking, he saw Zuo Jun open one of the tin cans, and a faint fragrance came. Then Zuo Jun carefully closed the car curtain and said mysteriously.

“Brother, when we first arrived in New Zealand, you asked your grandfather in the telegram to find an author named Fleming in the New England Journal of Medicine and fund his research.

The old man spent a lot of effort to find out the whereabouts of this person through an article written in the 18th year of the Republic of China, and invited him to New Zealand for research at a cost of 10,000 US dollars.

According to Fleming, he discovered a specific drug that was effective against scarlet fever, diphtheria, as well as various tuberculosis, septicemia, pneumonia, and typhoid fever. Unfortunately, there were too few strains of bacteria.

Grandfather remembered that your elder brother said that Fleming’s research could be done on melons, so he immediately carried out relevant experiments, and the results were very successful. These are the finished products.

Mr. Fleming named them penicillin, which means penicillin. It has a strong killing effect on most bacteria and is harmless to one's own cells.

I disguised them as tooth powder, and the Japanese who searched didn't pay attention at all. Brother, the old man asked me to deliver them to you personally. I have completed this task.

By the way, this dry powder must be stored in a cool, dark environment. Brother, you'd better find an icehouse. Mr. Fleming said that the medicine can be stored for a long time. "

Gui Youguang couldn't help but turn his head and looked at the tin can in Zuo Jun's hand with bright eyes. As a senior intelligence officer, he knew the value of these medicines all too well.

 If nothing else, most of the injured soldiers on the front line died of inflammation and complications. If this medicine is so amazing, they can survive.

Veterans are the most valuable asset of an army. The more veterans the enemy fights, the more veterans they fight. The more veterans the enemy fights, the fewer veterans they fight. It is obvious who wins and who loses.

Zuo Zhong, who was in the back seat, also took a deep breath. Penicillin was really created. He originally just wanted to try it, but he didn't expect that the old man would pay so much attention to it and actually found Fleming.

 He seemed to see countless amounts of money coming in. This income alone could make the Zuo family one of the richest people in the world, but before that, there was a problem that had to be solved.

That is, we must first find a good backer, otherwise the Zuo family will be like a child holding onto gold in the busy city. With the virtues of a gangster, they will definitely find a way to rob it after learning about penicillin.

But before he could come up with a solution, Zuo Jun lowered his voice and said the old man's other arrangement. As long as there is no problem with this matter, the Zuo family will have peace of mind in the next few decades!

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