Cicada Moving

Chapter 935: discuss

Chapter 935 Discussion

 In the speeding car, Zuo Jun lowered his voice and revealed: "My grandfather reached a secret agreement with several major American pharmaceutical companies through Senior Situ of the North American Commune, and the contents include three points.

 First, our Zuo family uses technology as equity capital and enjoys 10% of the profits from the penicillin drug. Zhigongshe and a gentleman who is closely related to Zhigongshe each also receive 10%.

 2. The American Drug Alliance must ensure the safety of Zuo's family and negotiate with the New Zealand and British governments when necessary to ensure that our legitimate interests are not harmed. This is guaranteed by Zhi Commune.

 Sanzuo has the right to sell penicillin in New Zealand, Australia, and the Republic of China, but the price must not be lower than the public sales price of the pharmaceutical alliance, and the technology must not be transferred to other parties. "

Zuo Zhong felt relieved after hearing this. Jiang is still old and hot. The old man knew that relying on the strength of the Zuo family could not build a trust, so he decisively attracted other pharmaceutical companies to form a cartel alliance.

It is an even better move to bring the Commune into the game. The other party has deep connections in the United States and even the entire West. For example, the current President of the United States, His Excellency, once served as the Commune’s lawyer.

If he guessed correctly, it should be the American pharmaceutical company that the former lawyer contacted. Otherwise, those capitalists would not easily release 10% of the profits to the Zuo family.

 Zuo Zhong, who was in a good mood, closed the tin can and put it away solemnly. These two large cans of penicillin could save many people. For example, there were a group of intelligence officers at Renxin Hospital with inflamed wounds.

These agents were all injured while collecting intelligence on the front line. Their actions can be called national heroes. They should not die silently on the bed like this.

 “There is light.”

 After thinking for a while, Zuo Zhong raised his head and said to Gui Youguang: "You will give the medicine to Dr. Ling later, tell him the scope of application of penicillin, and ask him to use it with caution.

 The dry powder should be diluted with saline, and the specific dosage is left to them to explore by themselves. It is best to give the wounded a small amount to try before injection to avoid allergies, so be sure to be sparing.

 Without the order from the bureau chief and me, the experimental results are not allowed to be told to anyone, and penicillin is not allowed to be taken out of the hospital. Violators will be dealt with according to family law. You will follow up on this matter. "

 “Yes, deputy seat.”

  Gui Youguang, who was sitting in the driver's seat, nodded vigorously. Medicines are related to the lives of countless brothers, and there is no room for carelessness. If people know the effects of penicillin, someone may get the wrong idea.

Zuo Chong saw that he understood the seriousness of the matter, and turned to chat with Zuo Jun about the Zuo family's industrial development in New Zealand and Australia. The answer was very gratifying.

After the Zuo family, relatives, friends, and tenants arrived in New Zealand, in addition to cultivating the purchased farmland, they also invested heavily in mineral resources, electronics industry, and military manufacturing.

 Thanks to the U.S. dollars sponsored by the Japanese and traitors, the Zuo family had enough cash to acquire related enterprises, centralize them and operate them according to Zuo Zhong's suggestions.

 At present, the Zuo family has discovered and mined several large-scale iron ore, aluminum ore and coal mines in eastern, northern and western Australia, employing thousands of employees, including white people.

 In order to make rational use of these resources, they recruited many German and American weapons engineers with high salaries, manufactured several old-fashioned bolt-action rifles, and sold them to Africa at low prices.

 Because the price is relatively low and does not come with any political clauses, the sales of these rifles are quite good, and the research and manufacturing of light and heavy machine guns and even artillery are also coming to an end.

 When the new factory is completed, Zuo's arsenal will be able to produce all weapons except large-caliber artillery. Cooperating with the shipping company, it will be able to transport artillery to any corner of the world.

As for the electronics industry, there is not much progress at this stage. We have only purchased some patents from Bell Labs and Calvin Company, and there is still some time before we can manufacture military-grade radios on our own.

After Zuo Jun introduced the general situation, he quietly reported a number. Zuo Zhong heard it and touched his nose. If the composition was determined in the future, he would have a place high or low on the telephone poles on the roadside.

As the two talked, the convoy arrived at Juntong's guest house. When the director heard that Deputy Director Zuo had a guest, he personally led a group of staff to greet him with a smile and a very respectful attitude.

Standing at the door of the guest house, Zuo Zhong pointed to the renovated three-story building and said to his brother: "There is 24-hour hot water and a telephone here. Just call if you need anything, and the director will arrange it.

I have too many confidential documents in my dormitory, so I won’t let you go, otherwise the information will be leaked, and you will be subject to investigation even if you are my brother. You go up and put your luggage first, and I will pick you up later. "

 After saying that, he waved his hand for the other party to go upstairs, and signaled Gui Youguang to go to Renxin Hospital to deliver penicillin. Then he and He Yijun came to the car to discuss the departure of Danli and Luo Yongying.

"Yijun, what do you think? Did they meet by chance or did they have a plan to get close to Zuo Jun?"

Zuo Zhong held a cigarette in his mouth and glanced at the three people who were following the staff upstairs.

He Yijun thought about it seriously and shook his head: "I chatted with them on the way. Cheng Danli's English is fluent and she has a standard southeastern British accent. This is consistent with her self-reported experience of studying at Bonneton Girls' School. I have also observed There were no wounds on her hands. She wrinkled her nose slightly when she smelled the gun oil from the driver's gun, but she was not nervous, indicating that she had not, at least rarely, touched a gun before.

To sum up, Cheng Danli probably did not approach Zuo Jun intentionally. By the way, deputy director, there was a car following us before. It should be the bodyguard sent by the Cheng family to protect Cheng Danli. "

"Well, I noticed it before." Zuo Zhong chuckled and said jokingly: "How can the Cheng family feel relieved when the eldest lady goes out? It's normal to have someone to protect her, so don't worry about those bodyguards."

He and the military commander are no strangers to the Cheng family in Nanyang. The first generation of the Cheng family went to Nanyang to make a living by opening a rice shop during the previous dynasty. Due to the fair prices and the good faith of young people, the business gradually grew.

But what really made the Cheng family become the richest man in Nanyang was its second-generation head, Cheng Danli’s father. This man had a unique business vision, and he decisively engaged in multi-faceted operations as soon as he inherited the family business.

He first opened a number of canneries before anyone else, grabbing the largest market. He also opened rubber plantations to provide raw materials for Europe and the United States, which greatly improved the family's risk resistance.

No matter how the situation in Nanyang has changed over the years, the Cheng family has not been affected at all. They are still guests of royal families and governments of various countries. Even Western colonists do not dare to underestimate this Chinese family.

 Because when one person controls 60% of the food, 30% of the rubber, and 70% of the cans in Southeast Asia, no one dares to speak loudly to the other person.

Moreover, Cheng Danli’s father was a philanthropic and very patriotic man. He joined the Tongmenghui in 1910 and had a close relationship with the former president. He founded many middle schools and universities in the country.

Even if someone sees each other, they should address each other as Mr. Cheng. There is really no need for such a person to plot against the Zuo family. Regardless of how much penicillin earns, they can earn back the money by simply increasing the price of rice.

The Nanyang Overseas Chinese Association established by the other party donated hundreds of millions of legal tender and a large amount of materials to the government in 1938 alone. It was regarded as a rescue operation for the country, but how could it care about the small money from selling medicine.

But what Zuo Zhong couldn't figure out was why the eldest daughter of the Cheng family wanted to go to the northwest. Is this Cheng Danli's own idea or the Cheng family's idea? If someone knows about this, it's probably time to break the defense again.

At this time, a window on the third floor was pushed open. Cheng Danli and Luo Yongying stretched out their heads and waved happily. He Yijun waved and turned to Zuo Zhong to report the results of her test on Luo Yongying.

“Deputy Director, Luo Yongying lives in the French Concession in Shanghai. I deliberately asked her a few questions about the French Concession. She answered quickly and without hesitation. It was obvious that she was very familiar with the place.

Furthermore, she said that she bought a boat ticket to the mountain city before Zuo Jun and Cheng Danli set off. This needs to be verified. If this is true, it means that she did not intend to get close to Zuo Jun. "

 After several years of working in the intelligence agency, He Yijun learned to speak with reasoning and evidence, and did not relax his vigilance just because the target was two young women.

After listening to this, Zuo Zhong leaned on the engine and replied with a smile: "It seems that Zuo Jun is quite charming. Not only did he abduct a young lady from the Cheng family, but he also sent a progressive young woman from this family into the hands of our military commander.

This silly boy, if I weren't here today, these two girls would be in trouble. They are still too young and don't know that anything related to the northwest carries huge risks. "

He said this for a reason. Not to mention anything else, just because Cheng and Luo wanted to go from Shancheng to the northwest was enough for them to go to the prison and undergo the most stringent interrogation.

Of course, there won’t be much problem after Cheng Danli reveals her identity. The unlucky thing is that Luo Yongying came from the enemy-occupied area and went to the underground party. The Central Command and the police station will never let such a suspicious person go.

He Yijun showed a faint smile. Because of this, she felt that the two girls were not a big problem. Professional spies would not take such risks. The so-called more dangerous the safer it depends on the situation.

 The current situation is that the national government, which was in a stalemate with the Japanese army on the front battlefield, felt that it was okay again and once again turned its attention to the underground party. The relationship between the two parties became increasingly tense.

While the two were chatting, Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang arrived in a car. They had followed Zuo Zhong to Zuo's house in Ningbo. When they heard Zuo Jun coming to the mountain city, they hurried over to say hello. Otherwise, the intelligence agency had no secrets.

“Vice Chair, Lao Bai called to invite you and all of us to go to Guanshengyuan for a banquet①. He said that he found the best Cantonese chef there to cook. He wanted to clean up Zuo Jun’s life and apologize for the incident at the dock.”

Gu Qi informed Bai Wenzhi about the meal, and explained to him with a smile: "He has sent the police chief to the top of the mountain to look at the communication tower. If you still don't feel relieved, he will send this person to the mountain."

Zuo Zhong snorted and wanted to scold Lao Bai, but somehow he nodded. He swore with his party spirit that this had absolutely nothing to do with those golden local products.

It’s hard to refuse the kindness. After all, we are old friends who have known each other for many years. We can’t beat them to death with one blow. We should avoid past mistakes and avoid future mistakes, treat illnesses and save people, and give comrades who have made mistakes a chance to correct themselves.

 When working in the government, one must follow rules and more importantly, be humane. Politics without humaneness is short-lived. Just at this time, Zuo Jun and the others came downstairs. Zuo Zhong waved his hand and said: "Let's go."

①The information states that it opened during the Spring Festival of 1939, but several memoirs in the Harvard Online Library say it differently. Some say it was in 1938, and some said it was early 1939, so it is assumed that it was opened at this time.

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