Cicada Moving

Chapter 936: Current situation of mountain city

Chapter 936: Current Situation of Mountain City

 There is a saying in the Kuomintang-controlled areas that the front is tight and the rear is tight, which means that the front is raging and the soldiers have no food and clothing, while the Kuomintang bureaucrats are singing and dancing in the rear, eating and drinking wantonly, especially in mountain cities.

 Zuo Jun, Cheng Danli, and Luo Yongying stepped out of the car and stood on Du Post Street, the core area of ​​the main city. The three of them looked at the bustling and endless flow of people and had a deeper understanding of this sentence.

  This street is extremely bustling with shopping malls and banks such as Huahua Company, Hengdeli Watch Shop, Juxingcheng Bank, and Postal Savings and Remittance Bureau, as well as the Cathay Grand Theatre, Experimental Theatre, the Only Cinema, and Shengping Cinema.

From time to time, you can see the fat-bellied fruit party elites walking into department stores selling high-end Western goods with young girls on their arms, or well-dressed gentlemen walking with their heads held high while holding their civilized poles, walking past ragged burdeners.

Luo Yongying had a complicated expression when he saw this scene, but he didn't know what to say. After all, with the military commander around him, Leng Touqing wouldn't live long in this world.

Cheng Danli, on the other hand, bluntly asked Zuo Zhong on the side: "Sir Zuo, a shopkeeper at home has returned to Nanyang. He talks about the people's livelihood conditions in the country and the plight of the army, which always makes people sigh.

According to the regulations of the government, each soldier in the army can receive 24 taels of rice per day, but it is always not enough. The military salary of 35 yuan per month is not paid in real terms. It is not enough to buy firewood, let alone buy vegetables.

But I also heard that when Vice President Kong of the Executive Yuan was in Jinling, he had a banquet for ministers and ministers. The luxury was eye-popping. There were fifteen guests and the total cost was more than 190 yuan, including 50 yuan for tobacco and alcohol alone. about.

A banquet for a rich man and half a year's food for a poor man is indeed true. At this time of great national crisis, **** battles ahead, and a shrinking country, the highest officials still do not hesitate to spend money on banquets.

Under such circumstances, if military discipline is not broken and the government does not treat the soldiers as human beings, how can they defeat the Japanese with strong soldiers and horses? Do you think these things are true or false? "

 She used the mouth of the manager of the Cheng family to directly express her dissatisfaction with the government. She not only made her attitude clear, but also left enough room for tact. The eldest lady of the Cheng family is indeed not simple.

Facing such a pointed question, Zuo Zhong did not and could not avoid it, because the other party was not asking on behalf of an individual, but on behalf of millions of Nanyang compatriots, and the response must be appropriate.

He pondered for a moment and then slowly replied: "The committee has launched the New Life Movement and set a price limit for banquets, requiring that each banquet should not exceed 8 yuan, and I only drink boiled water every day, so my life can be described as frugal.

On the other hand, it is a fact that due to bureaucracy or work requirements, some officials are unable to perform in accordance with the regulations. It goes without saying that the government has indeed failed in its duties.

However, some of the banquets exceeded the standard due to the discretion of the store owners. In order to obtain more profits, these profiteers raised the dining standards without authorization, and many officials were speechless.

As for the impact of eating and drinking on the front line, I think this is alarmist. Miss Cheng, you need to know that most of these soldiers come from the countryside. Being a soldier is just to eat the imperial rations and support their families.

 What really caused the defeat and low morale on the front line were the corrupt officials who drank the blood of the soldiers. In response, our military commander, under the order of the commission, arrested and executed more than a hundred officials at all levels.

It is unrealistic to completely prevent this situation from happening. We can only tighten the curse on the officials from time to time to make them have some scruples and try to let the lower-level soldiers get the treatment they deserve. "

Zuo Zhong made it very clear in these words, the appointments are good, the officials are bad, military failure is not determined by eating and drinking, and there are bad people among the people, who completely shirk the responsibility.

After hearing this, Cheng Danli did not agree or refute, nor did she inquire into the details. A polite smile suitable for a formal occasion appeared on her delicate face, and she stood there quietly without speaking.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the other person, she was a smart girl, and then looked at the stupid Zuo Jun, and sighed secretly, if this stupid boy really becomes the son-in-law of the Cheng family, he will be in trouble in the future.

Shaking his head to drive this thought out of his mind, he raised his hand to look at his watch and said to everyone: "Let's go, otherwise Lao Bai should be anxious. Let's also try what authentic Cantonese food tastes like."

After speaking, he looked at his brother and the two girls: "Today, the director of the Shancheng Police Department specially hosted a banquet to apologize to you. At the same time, he assured me that things like before will not happen again at Chaotianmen Pier."

 The police chief apologized to them?

Zuo Jun and the other two people were shocked and immediately realized that the other party was looking at Zuo Zhong's face. If there was no such relationship, what awaited them might not be an apology.

On the other side, Gu Qi led everyone towards a beautifully decorated restaurant and introduced: "Guanshengyuan has three floors. The ground floor is the candy and pastry sales department and the ice cream room.

 There is a catering department on the second floor, with private seats and private rooms specializing in Cantonese cuisine. The third floor is the office. The boss of Guanshengyuan is here personally. This place can be regarded as the first-class restaurant in the mountain city. "

As he was talking, three people walked out of the gate of Guanshengyuan. Bai Wenzhi, Deputy Director Yang of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and a strange middle-aged man quickened their pace, laughed and extended their hands to Zuo Zhong.

“Deputy Director Zuo, welcome, welcome.”

Bai Wenzhi, whose face was flushed, bent slightly and saluted respectfully. He showed no trace of the unruly attitude he had when they first met a few years ago. This was because he had confused the officialdom.

Zuo Zhong shook hands with him reservedly, turned around and greeted Deputy Director Yang with a smile: "Old Yang, farewell to Jinling. We haven't seen each other for almost a year. What's the matter? I heard that I'm going to be promoted again?

If you have the opportunity, you need to remind Lao Bai that you ca n’t always bow your head, and you have to look up at the road. This time, he will catch my relatives and friends, and next time, will he have to catch the relatives of the seat? " As soon as he said this, Bai Wenzhi took out his handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and apologized again. Deputy Director Yang also explained from the side. Everyone showed up and chatted happily for a while, before Zuo Zhong relaxed.

"Old Bai, you are one of our own, so I will say a few more words. You can get no credit for serving as an errand, but you must not offend others. You are recommended by our military commander. If anything goes wrong, I will also bear the responsibility."

Let this matter be like this, send the police sergeant away as soon as possible, and your police department will come forward to compensate the tourists who were blackmailed. If anyone appears again under the pretext of counterintelligence and extortion, he will be severely punished.

By the way, I heard that my sister-in-law secretly transported a lot of local specialties from her hometown in Shandong Province last year. There were three trucks transporting them. You can transport two boxes to me later. Isn't it difficult? "

 “It’s not difficult, it’s not difficult.”

Bai Wenzhi gritted his teeth and replied, cursing in his heart that the **** agent Gou was really spying on senior officials of the government, that's all. It was just two boxes of local specialties. He accepted this mistake.

After finishing the business talk, he didn’t speak the whole time. The strange middle-aged man who kept smiling raised his hand to invite everyone: "Sir, please take a seat inside. I have arranged the best private room."

Deputy Director Yang seemed to have thought of something when he heard this, and quickly introduced Zuo Zhong: "Deputy Director Zuo, this is Mr. Xian, the boss of Guanshengyuan. He is a famous food tycoon in the Republic of China.

When Mr. Xian heard that you were coming, he specially hired his best Cantonese chef to take charge of the banquet. He and I are good friends. It is difficult to do business in this current situation, so I will ask you to take care of me in the future. "

 Zuo Zhong looked at the humble middle-aged man in front of him, gave a gentle greeting and walked into the restaurant. However, Mr. Xian was overjoyed and quickly called the waiter to entertain the people who were accompanying him.

Getting a response from the deputy director of the Military Command Bureau, even if it was just a slight hum, was enough to make some people who were dissatisfied with the autumn wind retreat. The several thousand French coins given to Deputy Director Yang were not in vain.

 Zuo Jun in the crowd blinked. He knew that his brother held a high position and was very powerful, but he was still a little surprised to see a big businessman like Mr. Xian treat him and others so carefully.

During the chat, everyone came to the deserted second floor and walked into a magnificent private room. The security agent immediately controlled the stairs and windows, and some people asked for the location of the kitchen and went to check.

Zuo Zhong looked at his younger brother who had an awkward expression and explained casually: "Okay, I'm not talking about pomp and circumstance. It's actually my job that can easily offend people, and I have to guard against some things."

 After saying that, he sat down at the top table. After some humility, Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang sat down on the left and right. Zuo Jun and the three ladies also sat down under Bai Wenzhi's arrangement. The banquet officially began.

One after another beautifully made and fragrant delicacies were served, and many rare delicacies from the mountains and seas were delivered to the table as if they were free. The level of luxury even made Cheng Danli, the eldest daughter of the Cheng family, secretly stunned.

Zuo Zhong hesitated for a moment while holding up his chopsticks, frowned and asked Bai: "At this time of national crisis, the committee requires that the cost of the banquet should not exceed 8 yuan. Lao Bai, aren't you going too far?"

 “It’s not too much, don’t worry.”

Bai Wenzhi said flatteringly: "This banquet is funded by me personally, and it is definitely not a consumption of public funds. Besides, although these dishes are exquisite, they are actually samples, and the price is not expensive, right, Lao Xian?"

Mr. Xian looked as normal and smiled in agreement: "Yes, Guanshengyuan was moved from Shanghai to Shancheng. I don't know if it will suit the local people's taste, so we prepared a few tables of food for everyone to try.

Speaking of the price, it is exactly 7 yuan, which absolutely meets the standards set by the committee. Deputy Director Zuo, please don’t be polite. Being able to get your tasting is a blessing that no one can ask for.

 It is also thanks to Director Bai and Deputy Director Yang that I have the opportunity to meet you. If I were not worried about affecting your reputation and living up to Director Bai's good intentions, I should be the one to treat you. "

 What does it mean to be able to speak? This is called being able to speak.

Zuo Zhong sniffed the shark fin soup in front of him, pointed at Boss Xian and laughed: "Very good, I like you. If you have anything to do in the future, please contact the Military Command Office, provided you don't break the law."

Boss Xian didn’t even dare to say that, he is just a businessman. There are indeed common practices of capitalists such as oppressing employees, but he really doesn’t dare to do anything illegal. If the money is gone, you can make more, but if you lose your life, It’s really gone.

Seeing that the other party expressed his attitude, Zuo Zhong didn’t say much. He raised the bright red wine and faced everyone: “Come on, everyone, since it is Lao Bai himself who is treating the guests, let’s not be polite, cheers!”

 This paragraph is related to the new plot

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