Cicada Moving

Chapter 937: do the right thing

Chapter 937 Do the right thing

 Guanshengyuan Hotel.

Deputy Director Yang told a joke about the Minister of the Interior and his concubine. A burst of laughter erupted in the box. Zuo Zhong gave him a thumbs up. Even his own superiors dared to make up the joke. He had the guts to do it.

Although Lao Yang’s official position is not high, he is really good at waiting for dinner parties and quickly livens up the atmosphere. No wonder he is well-informed. Not everyone can do the job of a broker.

Zuo Jun, Cheng Danli, and Luo Yongying also relaxed a little, and listened to the speeches of the senior government officials. Unlike the imaginary clouds and fog, Zuo Zhong and others spoke very directly.

At this time, Lao Bai took a sip of wine and said drunkenly: "Deputy Director Zuo, you are still the best. You killed hundreds of Pao Ge as soon as you arrived in the mountain city. The people in the Brother Laohui were so scared that they didn't even dare to let go.

 There is no strong dragon that can suppress local snakes. As long as you are here, all local snakes are fake. If you ask them to go east, they will not dare to go west. I won’t say any more. I’d like to give you a drink, brother. Thank you for your recommendation. "

After speaking, Bai Wenzhi stood up unsteadily, raised his head and drank a glass of red wine in one gulp, then hung the glass upside down to show his sincerity. Such heroic spirit attracted Gucci and others to cheer loudly.

 Hundreds of people killed?

Zuo Jun was startled when he heard this, but he was not too scared. He believed that his eldest brother was a person with a bottom line and would not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Those who died were probably spies and traitors.

Those who have not personally experienced this will never understand how severe a blow it has had on the morale of the people. Even the vice president of the Kuomintang Party surrendered, and many people lost hope in the war.

Cheng Danli and Luo Yongying turned pale. Zuo Zhong was talking and laughing with them before, making them forget that the other party held countless lives and deaths in their hands, and a single order could destroy families. Now the police chief's words were a warning to them. Awake.

Moreover, when Zuo Zhong heard Lao Bai's words, he pressed his hand to let him sit down. Then he finished the wine, blocked the rim of the wine glass with his hand, and shook his head at Deputy Director Yang who was pouring the wine.

“Okay, that’s it for the wine. We have a special job and we don’t want to get drunk. Besides, there are ladies here today, so we have to be more decent to avoid losing our composure after drinking.”

After he said this, it was natural that he could not drink any more wine. The knowledgeable boss Xian immediately asked people to remove the wine utensils, and two pots of fragrant tea with a light fragrance were brought up to sober up everyone.

Not only that, the waiter also half-opened the window and lit a burner of agarwood. The smell of wine in the room quickly dissipated, and everyone started chatting in the faint fragrance as Bai Wenzhi just said.

“Deputy Director Zuo, what the military commander did to boost morale was that Ji ran away. At that time, many officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs resigned and fled. If you hadn’t killed those brothers who colluded with Japanese spies, things would have been very bad.”

Deputy Director Yang held the tea cup and calmly slapped Zuo Zhong on the fart. There was anger and happiness on his face. When it came to acting skills, Lao Yang was also a veritable talent.

When he finished speaking, Boss Xian nodded in agreement: "This is very true. Originally, some guests were planning to move west to Rongcheng. As soon as the news came out that the military commander would execute traitors and Japanese spies, the trend of escape came to an abrupt end.

It all depends on Commander Zuo's strategizing and timely detection of the Japanese conspiracy. Otherwise, we would not have time to escape. How could we live and do business in such a stable manner? You deserve the greatest credit. "

Zuo Zhong smiled softly and said nothing. Just listen to these beautiful words. As long as there is nothing wrong with your brain, everyone understands that there is no future in following someone Ji. What the military commander does is not important.

With red eyes, Bai Wenzhi slapped the table: "That's the reason. I, Lao Bai, don't obey anyone, so I obey Deputy Director Zuo. When I saw Commander Zuo, I knew he was no ordinary person.

Look, in just a few years, Commander Zuo became the Major General of the Guo Army and the Deputy Director of the Military Command Bureau. In a few years, I'm afraid you and I will have to call Commander Zuo General Zuo. "

Zuo Zhong really wants to give this guy a big mouth. He just drank a few bowls of cat urine and is now grinning. General, you really think that military ranks in the government are wholesale. You might as well make me the committee chief.

Before he could say anything to stop him, Bai Wenzhi, perhaps sensing that the topic was a bit sensitive, changed the topic and talked about the underground party. To be precise, it was about the blockade of the northwest by the party authorities.

“Deputy Director Zuo, I have asked our police department to conduct interrogations of passers-by, especially those young students who are young and unruly, to strictly prevent the spread of red blood. What are your instructions on this matter?

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy the underground party has poured into the students. Illegal border crossings that break through the blockade and go there have become more and more serious recently.

Some people even clamored to break the bones and connect the tendons, peel off the skin and flesh, but still have the heart. As long as there is still breath, they will crawl to the northwest city. The arrogance is very arrogant and has reached a shocking level. "

 Bai Wenzhi, who smelled of alcohol, introduced the current situation, raised his hand to pick up the teacup, drank a cup of hot tea, unbuttoned his collar and continued.

“After the Songhu War, a group of young people walked more than 10,000 miles from Shanghai to the northwest in the name of a national salvation group, which lasted 13 months. The impact of this incident was extremely bad, and the committee was extremely angry when they learned about it.

Another reporter said that the city gate of Northwest City is open all day long, and there are young people walking from all directions all day long, carrying luggage and burning hope, entering the city gate to join the life-saving team.

Listen, it’s okay to go on like this. If we don’t take care of it, I’m afraid the country will not be a country. Moreover, these **** have caused me to be scolded **** by the superiors. They must be dealt with seriously. "

The people in the room had different expressions when they heard his words. Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang, and He Yijun looked normal, Boss Xian smiled and said nothing, and Zuo Jun and the other two looked at each other, feeling a little panicked.

 After a while, Gu Qi, who had not spoken before, coughed lightly, put the tea cup heavily on the table, and expressed his thoughts with a nonchalant expression.

“If we deal with it seriously, we need to deal with it seriously. Since the second half of last year, in order to prevent the students who were bewitched from going to the northwest, a total of 7 checkpoints have been set up along the road of more than 400 kilometers.

As long as the local police station and army feel that the person is suspicious during the interrogation, they will immediately detain, imprison him in a labor camp, or even shoot him, or forcibly send him to the special police training class in Lancheng. These students have neither intelligence foundation nor the awareness to join the military. How can they be used after training? Rather than doing this, it is better to let them go so that we can deploy some manpower."

 “Lao Gu, you drank too much.”

Zuo Zhong said lightly, stopped Gu Qi's words, and then looked at Bai Wenzhi: "I know very well what you said. Young people are the future of the country and nation, and we must fight for it.

That labor camp was run by Chief Hu, as you know. Chief Hu has a close relationship with Director Dai. The military has reached its limit when it comes to this. It cannot kill all the students.

So it’s your fault, Lao Bai, to try your best to persuade these students to return. If you really can’t persuade them, just let them go. Now everyone says that the northwest is a holy land, but in my opinion, that’s not the case.

For example, these two ladies at our table want to take a look, so let them compare themselves. Are we, the party, afraid of dissidents? What do you think? "

 You have asked this, what else can we say?

 Bai Wenzhi and Deputy Director Yang nodded repeatedly. This is political correctness. Anyone who dares to say that the Guo Party is inferior to the underground party will inevitably be charged with spying. This red line cannot be touched.

Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction, rubbed his forehead pretendingly and said, "Okay, it's almost time to disperse. Lao Gu, Chunyang, and Lao Bai go out and wait for me. Zuo Jun, you and your friends will stay here."


 Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang stood up and replied, leading Bai Wenzhi, Deputy Director Yang, and Mr. Xian out of the private room. Only He Yijun and Zuo Jun were left in the private room, who were quietly pouring tea.

“What, do you have any thoughts after listening to what we said?” Zuo Zhong just noticed that his younger brother seemed to have something to say. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he asked others to leave, and then asked.

Zuo Jun was silent for a few seconds and scratched his head helplessly: "Brother, shouldn't the government treat students well? Why should they be prohibited from going to the northwest? This seems to be inconsistent with the former president's will.

Also, judging from the reaction of Director White, brother, you have a lot of power. In this position, do you have to do things that you have no control over, such as intercepting students? "

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zuo Chong smiled happily. Even if his love for this boy was not in vain, the other party did not start attacking his relatives indiscriminately like those "brothers and sisters" in movies and TV series.

After laughing, he took out his gun and slapped it on the table, saying meaningfully: "A gun can kill people or save people. Who it targets and who it protects depends on the person holding the gun."

 There is nothing you have to do yourself. The important thing is that you have to understand whether what you are doing is beneficial to the country and the nation. Yes, then you must persevere, no matter what others say. "

Zuo Jun, Cheng Danli, and Luo Yongying looked confused. They could not fully understand these words based on their life experiences. Could it be that wrong things done involuntarily were not wrong things?

Seeing that they still didn't understand, Zuo Zhong stood up from his seat and waved to the three of them to follow him. After going out, he asked Gu Qi and Bai Wenzhi to take a ride to a certain place.

More than ten minutes later, the motorcade stopped in front of a small building. There was a plaque hanging on the small building, which said Chunhonglou. It looked like a feasting and feasting scene. Zuo Jun looked at it curiously, not knowing what Zuo Zhong meant.

Zuo Zhong had no intention of explaining to him. He nodded to Bai Wenzhi who walked to the car window and said in a deep voice: "Old Bai, seal the Chunhong Building for me." After that, he closed his eyes.

 Bai Wenzhi ran away, and after a while, Ula Ula's sirens blared, and police cars came speeding towards and stopped with squeaking brakes, blocking Chunhong Building.

A large number of black men in police uniforms jumped out of the car and kicked in the door without saying a word and entered the store. Several men who were watching the scene were pushed to the ground one by one, their foreheads were pressed against the muzzles of the guns, and their whole bodies were shaking with fear.

Even though they were some distance away, the commotion inside could still be heard in the car. After a while, a group of men and women with their heads lowered came out handcuffed in a long line.

It only lasted for more than ten minutes. Just now, the Chunhong Building, which was full of singing and dancing, and the feasting and feasting, suddenly gave people a sense of dilapidation, causing the surrounding people to talk a lot.

“This is a jiayuan. Many people reported that they forced women and beat and kicked them if they disobeyed. Several people were beaten to death by them, but the police station did not find any evidence.”

Zuo Zhong, who was in the car, spoke slowly: "Because the boss here is a deputy director of the Shancheng Police Department, the people in the building received the news before the investigators went out.

For other people, it is extremely difficult to investigate this case, but for me, it doesn’t matter whether there is evidence or not. If there is no evidence, I will still prosecute him. The crime is colluding with dissidents.

You think this is the right thing to do? I think, at least in the eyes of the women who were bullied by them, I was the one who saved them from the pit of fire that will never be restored.

If I were not the deputy director of the Military Command Bureau, would I be able to do this? Obviously not. In the future, if you encounter the so-called inability to control yourself, you must learn to borrow this power for your own use. "

 The previous situation and Zuo Zhong’s words were undoubtedly shocking to Zuo Jun, Cheng Danli, and Luo Yongying. Some long-standing concepts were shattered and violently collided...

Everyone, please take care of your health, I'm coughing to death. The idea for the last plot comes from a certain novel I like very much. I can't name it, but the heroine's name is Qi Jie. Old bookworms should know it.

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