Cicada Moving

Chapter 938: Leaked (new plot officially unfolds)

Chapter 938 leaked (new plot officially unfolds)

 April 1939.

It has been a month since Zuo Jun came to the mountain city. During this period, Zuo Zhong took him to visit the famous scenic spots around him in his free time. As for Cheng Danli and Luo Yongying, they set off to the northwest half a month ago.

They have the route issued by the military commander. Chief Hu should give some face to the good friend Lao Dai. Besides, as the eldest daughter of the Cheng family, no one dares to do anything to these two girls.

This afternoon, under the early spring sunshine, Zuo Zhong and Zuo Jun walked slowly on the bluestone path of Ciqikou Ancient Town. As they walked, the two brothers chatted about Zuo Jun's arrangements for returning to New Zealand.

There are only two young men in the Zuo family, and one of them has to stay in the Republic of China. The burden of the whole family falls on Zuo Jun's shoulders. He cannot stay in the country for too long and must return early.

A dozen little spies were patrolling around. Zuo Zhong clasped his hands and looked at his brother who was a little depressed. With a smile on his lips, he told the other party the route he had planned and gossiped a bit.

“Brother, don’t leave Shanghai when you go back. If you stay with me these days, maybe someone will notice. It’s safer to take a plane directly to Southeast Asia.

Besides, didn't Miss Cheng send a telegram from Northwest City two days ago, asking you to wait for her to return to China together, and you can be a companion, but what on earth do you think?

Miss Cheng and Miss Luo are both good girls, knowledgeable and smart. You must not be a betrayer. There is a saying that it is the hardest to betray a beautiful woman. Do you understand?

 It’s no longer the previous dynasty. Don’t even think about marrying a concubine or a side wife. Your father and mother won’t agree. So decide who you like as soon as possible and don’t be indecisive. "

Hearing these words, Zuo Jun blushed and said embarrassedly: "Miss Cheng and Miss Luo and I are just friends. We have absolutely no relationship between men and women. Brother, I don't understand what you are saying."


Zuo Zhong patted the other party's head, and said with a faint smile: "You want to lie in front of me, you are still young, don't you just like both girls, but don't know how to choose.

Zuo Jun, you and I feel helpless living in this era, because we are burdened with too much, belonging to the country, the nation, the family, and finally our own. Some things must be decided as soon as possible.

Miss Cheng comes from a good family. If you marry her, you will at least save a few decades of struggle. Besides, she is very well behaved. With Miss Cheng watching over you, I, the eldest brother, can rest assured.

Miss Luo is innocent, lively and cute, with a pure heart in her heart. She is still willing to save others in the face of power, and is not reckless. She is indeed a good partner.

Where to go, you have to ask your own heart. What I just said was a joke. Although our Zuo family is not as good as the Cheng family, the money is enough, and you don’t need to marry anyone. "

He didn’t tell his younger brother who to look for or who not to look for. Parents’ orders and matchmaker’s words were not important in the Zuo family, a new era family where tradition and trend coexist. What was important was what he liked.

After the two talked, Zuo Jun went back to the guest house with a thoughtful look on his face. Zuo Zhong got into the car and arrived at No. 29 Luojiawan. As soon as he got off the car, he heard someone shouting from behind him.

“Deputy Director Zuo, the bureau chief asked you to go to his office with us. It’s urgent.”

Zuo Zhong looked back and saw that it was Li Wei, Lao Dai's secretary. Next to him was the elusive Zheng Tingbing and the despicable villain Li Qiwu. It was strange how these three guys got together.

Especially Li Wei and Li Qiwu, one is the secretary to the bureau and the other is the chief secretary. They have conflicts in terms of authority and have always been incompatible. What made them resolve their feud?

There is also Zheng Tingbing, who is busy with his business all day long. He is more like a businessman and more like an official. I heard that one-tenth of the private ships on the Changjiang River belong to this deputy director of military command.

Zuo Zhong, who was confused, smiled and greeted the three of them warmly. The four of them walked into the building together and arrived at Dai Chunfeng's office.

“Oh, you guys are here, please sit down and wait for me for a few minutes.”

Lao Dai, who was processing official documents, saw a few people arriving and pointed to the reception area. Then he lowered his head and began to write and draw.

  “Yes, Director.”

Zuo Chong replied with a smile, and sat down on the sofa relaxedly, but his heart sank suddenly. Li Wei just said that Lao Dai came to them for something urgent. Since it was an emergency, why not just say it.

 Who is Lao Dai targeting with this threatening move? Is it Zheng Tingbing, Li Qiwu, or him? Could it be that his identity has been exposed.

Zuo Zhong felt the British Mills grenade in the space, and slowly regained his composure. At worst, he might take these guys with him to hell, and let everyone be his companions on the road to hell.

Suddenly, he noticed that Li and Wei were winking at each other. Zheng Tingbing's eyes almost popped out, and Li Qiwu's face was flushed.

After winking, Li Wei coughed and spoke: "Deputy Director Zuo, I heard that your brother has come to Shancheng. Why don't you tell him so that the bureau can entertain him?"

kindness? Why did it involve Zuo Jun? No one in this business wants to involve their family members. As an old member of the military command, Li Wei should know this rule.

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but feel a little unhappy, but then he thought of a possibility. His eyes quickly glanced at Zheng Tingbing and Li Qiwu, and he saw two words written on their faces - greed.  Penicillin exposed!

 He immediately understood the meaning of today's drama. Information about penicillin must have been leaked. No wonder these three people appeared together. This was because he saw the huge interests behind the drug.

 It is true that money can make a fool of himself. By the way, this was probably Lao Dai’s idea. The cheap teacher was afraid that he would be embarrassed to ask for penicillin directly, so he asked Li and Zheng to come forward.

Zuo Zhong glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that Lao Dai was tilting his head slightly, listening to the noise here with his ears raised. Sure enough, the other party may have heard some news, and this matter can no longer be hidden.

Thinking of this, he nodded: "Secretary Li is very well-informed. Yes, brother-in-law came back from abroad to visit me on the old man's order, and he brought some new Western gadgets with him.

Since it was a minor matter, I didn’t notify Secretary Li. Now it seems that it is Zuo’s fault. So, in two days I will set up a table and invite the bureau seats to come with you all. "

When Li Wei heard the deputy director Tangtang apologize to him, he knew that his previous words had offended the smiling tiger. He quickly waved his hands to express that he couldn't bear it, and then squatted aside with a dry laugh.

Zheng Tingbing next to him scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously when he saw this. Thinking that the magic medicine that "can cure all diseases" was right in front of him, how could he hold it back? In desperation, he pushed Li Wei aside and asked anxiously.

“Deputy Director Zuo, you know my personality and say whatever you want. I would like to ask if your brother has brought back a medicine called penicillin?

In addition, whether this medicine can really treat pneumonia or wound inflammation? Brother Zuo, I have several pharmaceutical sales channels to ensure that you will not suffer any loss. "

 Before he finished speaking, Li Qiwu, who had always been at odds with Zuo Zhong, also came forward, shamelessly wanting a piece of the pie, but he didn't know where he came from.

"Yes, yes, Li also has channels to sell medicine. Deputy Director Zuo, if you eat meat, let the brothers drink some soup. The committee members have said that we should be united sincerely."

The provocation in Li Qi's five words was very obvious. He was eating meat and drinking soup, and he even carried someone out, clearly accusing Zuo Zhong of being too selfish.

Facing this situation, Zuo Zhong not only did not get angry, but he breathed a sigh of relief. The other party seemed not to know that the penicillin was produced by the Zuo family. It seemed that the problem was not Gui Youguang.

When Zuo Jun talked to him that day, there were three people in the car. If something went wrong with Gui Youguang, who controls the highest armed force of the military intelligence system, he would be in big trouble.

From Zheng Tingbing’s words, the information may have been leaked from Ling Sanping’s people. Those people only knew about the medicine and its general effect, but did not know the true origin of the medicine.

Someone must have realized the preciousness of penicillin and was unable to obtain enough benefits from it, so they spread the news and prepared to fish in troubled waters.

 Zuo Zhong, who was full of secret hatred, spread his hands towards the three people opposite him: "Deputy Director Zheng, Director Li, and my younger brother did bring some medicine back. It's called penicillin. I really don't know how effective it is.

This drug is the latest technology of several pharmaceutical companies in the United States. The Zuo family obtained some samples by chance. The old man was worried that I would be injured on the front line, so he sent his younger brother to take the risk to the mountain city.

It is said that it can treat most bacterial infections and inflammations. Since the authenticity is unknown, I gave them to Renxin Hospital for research and prepared to report the results to the bureau in detail.

 Director Li, it’s not Zuo who told you. We who do intelligence work must be cautious in doing things, and we can’t just listen to the wind and rain. If everyone is like you, what do you want the brothers below to do? "

Hands on, who can't? Zuo Zhong expertly put on a pair of small shoes for Li Qiwu. In terms of stabbing him, he was like a younger brother to him.

“Haha, everyone is having a heated discussion.”

At this time, Dai Chunfeng put down the gold pen that Zuo Zhong had given him a few years ago, and came to the reception area with a smile. He pressed his hands down to ask everyone who was about to stand up to sit down, and then sat down on the main seat.

The elegant Lao Dai held on to the armrest of the sofa, turned his head to look at the respectful Zuo Zhong, and then looked at the other three people who were fidgeting, and said in a low voice.

"Some people say that Shen is hiding something from me. I don't believe it. This is a shameless provocation. As senior cadres of the military command, you must not believe such nonsense."

Since Shen Zhong said that he would wait for the test results of the drug to come out, just wait and don't be so impatient. If this is called it called Penicillin? "

As he spoke, he glanced at Zuo Zhong. Seeing Zuo Zhong nod, he spoke again: "If it's really that effective, I believe Shen will handle it properly. Don't fight within yourself and let people outside see the joke."

 High, really high. Zuo Zhong really wants to give Teacher Cheap a thumbs up. You have said both good and bad things. What else can I say? Of course I accept it happily.

Besides, medicines can be sold to anyone, so it is better to sell them to Lao Dai and Zheng Tingbing. At least they can earn back the people's wealth and money that the other parties have plundered, which can be regarded as saving the country through industry.

Recalling the amount of money Dai and Zheng had in the bank, Zuo Zhong patted his chest and promised not to disappoint his teacher and old colleagues. He would immediately notify them of the results of the experiment.

Having achieved the desired result, Dai Chunfeng and Zheng Tingbing laughed heartily, and the atmosphere in the room instantly changed and was filled with joy.

As for a certain rusher, let's go to the enemy-occupied area to take on important responsibilities, Zuo Dadu, who never holds grudges, looked at Li Qiwu with a pale face and smiled.

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