Cicada Moving

Chapter 941: Courtyard search

Chapter 941 Search in the courtyard


It is located in the southwest corner of the mountain city, with the Wengcheng facing west. The city gate has the four characters Nanping Yongcui, facing the pleasant Nanshan Mountain on the other side of the river. It is an important transportation thoroughfare for citizens in the city to go out of the city and cross the river by ferry.

 In addition, the open plain outside the city gate is convenient for business, and many merchants engaged in the sale of firewood, vegetables, and firewood are concentrated here. Therefore, Nanji Gate has been one of the most important gates of the mountain city since ancient times.

The Guo Army's city defense force stationed a battalion here. After receiving the news of the military blockade, this force took the initiative to provide help and assisted the spies in controlling the surrounding residents.

When Zuo Zhong and others arrived at the residential area, they happened to see groups of soldiers driving people out of their homes. There were shouts of curses, begging for mercy and crying everywhere.

The streets and alleys were filled with frightened parents holding their children, as well as elderly people who were stumbling and unable to move. The early spring night wind blew, and the crowd shivered with cold.

Facing this scene, Zuo Zhong's mood did not fluctuate at all. Compassion does not control soldiers, justice does not manage finances, emotion does not establish affairs, and kindness does not serve as an official. In his position, sometimes he must be ruthless.

It would be okay if the penicillin was stolen by other domestic forces or underground parties, but if it were the Japanese who stole the drug, it would be troublesome and may cause historical changes.

 Once the Japanese are able to determine the huge role of penicillin, they will definitely study it. With Japan's chemical and biological water level, it is entirely possible to achieve mass production within a few years.

 So it is necessary to find out who stole the medicine and the medicine as soon as possible. Penicillin cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the Japanese under any circumstances. For this purpose, even if it harasses the people, it must be done.

At this time, Gui Youguang walked out of a small courtyard. Behind the courtyard was the pharmacy of Renxin Hospital. Zuo Zhong asked loudly: "Youguang, how is the situation?"

"Report, the person ran away." Gui Youguang replied with a frustrated look: "The house was kept very clean, and even the ground in the yard was swept. It was definitely done by an expert."

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly after hearing this. Since the medicine was stolen, what would the other party do if he didn't retreat? He would have been arrested by the military commander. Now let's see if we can find some clues on the spot.

Although the medicine thief had cleaned up, the geese left a sound. It was impossible for such a big house not to leave some traces. Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong didn't say anything and walked into the yard.

This is a standard mountain town residence. Due to the restrictions of the terrain, the courtyard is very narrow, without any extra decoration. The ground is paved with cobblestones along the edge, which has a quite charming charm.

There is a row house on each of the other three sides of the yard. The one on the left is like a study, the one on the right is a kitchen, and the front is the main house. The three rooms are all made of wooden structures, with the columns painted black and the doors and windows painted light brown.

There are also small green tiles protruding from the roof, and together with the antique window lattice, it can be seen that the original owner is an elegant person. Zuo Zhong looked around and turned around to ask Gui Youguang again.

“What is the situation with this house? Is the suspect a tenant or the owner? According to public security regulations and wartime regulations, everyone in the city must register at the police station. Do you have any information on the other party?”

Gui Youguang was well prepared and took a file from the little agent next to him and began to report: "The original owner of the house was a teacher, and it was rented to a man who called himself Lin Yuan a month ago.

  The reservation was made for one year, and the rent was paid in one lump sum, using semi-new French currency. The other party told the landlord that he was a businessman, doing some lumber business in Chengdu and Chongqing, running a gang, and not having a fixed store.

This is the information and photos left by Lin Yuan at the police station. According to the information, this person is 30 years old, from Chengdu, with a high school education, 168 centimeters tall, and 60 kilograms in weight. His fingerprints have been recorded.

I have asked people to make 1,000 photocopies of Lin Yuan's photos, which can be distributed to various checkpoints and Ge Laohui in the city at any time. Deputy Director, this **** will never escape as long as he dares to show his face. "

 “There is no hurry, this matter should not be publicized.”

 He replied perfunctorily. Zuo Zhong took the file and looked at it a few times. The picture showed a man with dark skin, no beard, and no glasses. No wonder Gui Youguang was so confident.

Facial disguise is not a spell. Simply using makeup and oral fillers to change your appearance without auxiliary props can be easily seen through, especially by men.

“Let the Rongcheng authorities verify the information.” Zuo Zhong said after reading and closing the file, then stepped into the main room, raised his hand and shined the flashlight around, and finally stopped at the back wall.

 A large wall table and two Taishi chairs were placed against the wall, blocking his sight. He bent down, put his head under the table and looked up.

Different from the blue brick walls of the hospital pharmacy, the walls here were painted with a layer of white lime, but the lime didn't seem to be completely dry, and a faint smell filled the air.

Zuo Zhong wiped the wall with his fingers, and a white mark immediately appeared on his fingertips. From this, it can be known that the target named Lin Yuan retreated very hastily.

One more thing, it was almost a month since Zuo Jun returned to China, and it was also a month since Lin Yuan rented the house. This period of time was enough for the other party to steal medicine and evacuate. Why did Lin Yuan take action only three days ago.

Is there a possibility that Lin Yuan was not planning to steal the medicine, at least not in the near future? The one-year lease can also prove this.

 So what happened that made the other party suddenly decide to steal the medicine and retreat, completely changing the original plan and not even having time to wait for the lime to dry.

 Is it because the news about penicillin leaked, or are there other reasons?

Rubbing the powder from his fingers, Zuo Zhong said slowly: "Yes, when was the last time the surrounding residents saw Lin Yuan? In addition, have they seen anyone else enter this small courtyard?" Followed behind him The bald head immediately replied: "Just last night, the neighbor saw the target leaving the yard in a hurry without carrying any luggage.

As for the other people, there is no mention in the confession. Lin Yuan was very busy. He went out before dawn every day and returned home after dark. He rarely communicated with his neighbors. "

 “Haha, a lonely businessman?”

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong sneered, stood up and pointed at the wall table and ordered: "Clear all the furniture out, remember to take photos first, shovel the lime off bit by bit, look for the hole leading to the pharmacy, pay attention to safety."

As soon as he finished speaking, several spies immediately swarmed over and quickly emptied the main room. Then they squatted next to the wall and concentrated on cleaning up the wall with a shovel.

Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi on the side walked up to Zuo Zhong and strongly asked him to go out and wait. No one knew whether the target had set a trap in the wall, or it was safer to stay away.

With an unruly nod, several people came to the yard together and discussed the case under the faint moonlight. Wu Chunyang first raised something.

“Deputy Director, I just read the information. Youguang just brought Penicillin to the hospital, and Lin Yuan rented a house nearby. Where did his information come from? This must be clarified.

My opinion is that the hospital must have an informant from the other party. Even if not, someone must have inadvertently disclosed the location of the medicines to outsiders. This is a serious leak.

I think it’s best for Dr. Ling to withdraw from the investigation temporarily. Don’t get me wrong, Dr. Ling. I’m not targeting you. This is the normal process and regulations of case investigation, and no one is allowed to make an exception. "

 After saying that, Wu Chunyang looked at the silent Ling Sanping. What he said was all the truth. Anyone who has an interest in the case himself or his relatives should avoid it. This is also to protect the other party.

Guchi and Gui Youguang remained silent to express their agreement with this suggestion. If it were them, they would do the same thing. Otherwise, if something went wrong in the case, they would not be able to explain it even if they opened their mouths ten times.

Many people think that there are too many regulations in the agency and are too rigid. In fact, they have not thought about the reasons for setting up these regulations. Only when they make no mistakes can they perform official duties with confidence.

Ling Sanping obviously knew this, and quickly asked Zuo Zhong for instructions, asking to go back to the dormitory to self-isolate, and then left the residential area accompanied or monitored by a small agent.

When he walked away, Gu Qi was the first to express his opinion. He also thought about the question that Zuo Zhong had thought about before, that is, why Lin Yuan retreated in such a hurry and whether he could open a breakthrough from here.

“Deputy Officer, one month is enough time for the other party to steal the medicine and retreat. There is no need to stay for such a long time. I think Lin Yuan not only wants to steal the medicine, but also has other purposes.

For example, the research results of Renxin Hospital on penicillin, and even our future generic materials, are the goals of this person, but the news about the drug was leaked, and he had to leave.

 I thought the same as Chunyang. Even if the pharmacy staff did not find out the problem, it does not mean that there are no accomplices of Lin Yuan inside the hospital. The pharmacy is not a confidential place and many people have gone there.

As long as you are careful and observant, it is not difficult to obtain information about medicines and freezers. Then you can draw a schematic diagram and the target can determine the location of the hole through the wall through simple calculations and measurements.

I think we can loosen things up outside and tighten things up inside. On the one hand, we can let the public know that the thief comes from the outside. On the other hand, we can secretly investigate hospital members, focusing on their interactions with outsiders. "

  Gu Qi expressed his suggestion, using fake news to confuse possible insiders, and then quietly identifying suspicious persons. This is a common routine for internal review, but it is very practical.

Zuo Zhong took two steps with his hands behind his back, and nodded slightly to agree with this opinion. He ordered the release of the people in the pharmacy. He just didn't want to make the matter a big deal, and he still had to investigate what should be investigated.

Everyone unified the idea of ​​​​detecting the case in a few words. The little agent in the house also shoveled the wall clean, and found a hole with signs of restoration in the shoveled wall.

These military commanders responsible for collecting evidence have received professional training and know how to extract important physical evidence even if the scene is destroyed, and how to eliminate hidden dangers.

Soon, a hole of more than ten centimeters was cleared. A small agent slowly put his hand into the hole. After a few seconds, he didn't know what he touched. He froze in place, with cold sweat covering his forehead.

 “Slow down, don’t move!”

He tried his best to steady his body and shouted in a low voice to the companion beside him. Then he moved his arm slightly, as if he was groping for something. After a long time, he slowly withdrew his hand, revealing something.

A made M24 grenade with the bottom iron cover removed suddenly appeared in the hands of the little agent. The search personnel present swallowed their saliva and were filled with fear.

The internal explosive charge of the Gong-made M24 is not as large as that of the German-made original, and its killing radius has reached 5 meters. It is more lethal in a small space. As long as it explodes, there is absolutely no possibility for them to survive.

The little agent who tried to remain calm coiled the rope into the wooden handle to prevent his hand from detonating the grenade by mistake. After doing so, he wiped the cold sweat from his head, breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Hurry and report to the deputy seat."

I have been experimenting recently and found that some words are fine if written alone, but if another word appears in the context, it is easy to block them when they are put together.

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