Cicada Moving

Chapter 942: search results

Chapter 942 Search results

 “Report, found Lafa booby trap.”

The little agent responsible for searching the house carefully came to the yard with a made M24 grenade in his hand, and reported to Zuo Zhong and others who were discussing the investigation of the case.

Everyone looked at each other, a trace of solemnity flashed in their eyes. Such a violent behavior looked like a Japanese spy. Could it be that the person who stole the medicine was really Japanese?

Zuo Zhongchao nodded to Gui Youguang and motioned for him to take a look at the grenade. Da Guangtou was in charge of the special operations team and was very familiar with weapons at home and abroad. He might be able to find something.

After receiving the order, Gui Youguang walked to the little agent. He took the grenade and looked at it carefully for a while. He even disassembled the bomb body and rubbed the charge inside. He looked like an expert.

After a while, he raised his head and reported: "Deputy Director, this was produced by the Gongxian Arsenal before the war. Judging from the number on it, it should be the batch distributed to the Jinling City Defense Force and us and the Special Agent Headquarters.

This kind of grenade is only half as powerful as the German one, because the wooden handle of the original German M24 grenade is hollow and can be filled with more charges, but the Gongxian Arsenal can only produce solid wooden handles.

The military was not very satisfied with this and believed that it would be difficult to inflict a fatal blow on the enemy in field operations. Therefore, Shangfeng gave them to the second-line troops and intelligence systems and treated them as waste.

I remember that a total of more than 5,000 weapons were issued at that time. Due to the westward migration, the loss of weapons was relatively serious, and all specific files and information were destroyed. Now it is difficult to trace the source. "

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but be a little surprised. The source of the weapons turned out to be the city defense and intelligence systems. Could it be that there was another mole in the Central Command, or was there someone in the Military Command who was reselling ammunition?

In addition, the last time the Central Commander-in-Chief arrested the underground party, he was beaten to a pulp by a submachine gun, and Xu Enzeng was almost blown up by a mortar bomb. This time, it was the Military Commander who encountered a grenade.

The intelligence war is really getting more and more intense. If it continues like this, the risks of performing missions in the future will become higher and higher. God knows what heavy firepower the enemy will use.

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong greeted everyone and walked into the room. He immediately saw the dark hole in the wall. The hole was large enough for Lin Yuan to use both hands to steal the penicillin from the freezer.

He took out his flashlight and shined it into the dark hole, and found a loose thin wire hanging in it. This should be the booby cord. If the searchers had been more aggressive, they would have been in trouble today.

Picked up a brick that the little agent had removed, Zuo Zhong turned the light closer and observed it carefully. He soon discovered that the edge of the brick was covered with dense scratches, with regular spacing and consistent depth.

It seems that Lin Yuan was very careful when removing the bricks. He scraped away the lime and adhesive around the bricks bit by bit to ensure that no noise or movement was made. It was indeed the method of a professional spy.

At the same time, the opponent's hands were very steady and patient. These scratches proved this. Zuo Zhong seemed to see Lin Yuan half-crouched on the ground, holding tools and sweating profusely while taking out bricks.

Suddenly, an inconspicuous bamboo thread appeared under the bright light. Zuo Zhong stretched out his hand to the side, and Wu Chunyang immediately handed over a pair of tweezers. It goes without saying that everyone has worked together for many years and has a tacit understanding.

Zuo Zhong carefully clamped the bamboo silk and looked at it over and over for a while. The bamboo silk was green in color, as if it had fallen from fresh bamboo. It might have come from Lin Yuan's brick-removing tools, but it was of little value.

There are many natural bamboo forests around the mountain city, and there are countless small bamboo bushes even in the city. The target is easy to obtain, and there is no way to find the opponent's movement track through this clue.

As for identifying specific bamboo species through bamboo silk, that is the fantasy of film and television drama screenwriters. No intelligence agency, let alone the military, can do it, and it will be difficult even in later generations.

Putting the bamboo silk into the small cloth bag, Zuo Zhong continued to check the inside of the cave, but after more than ten minutes of searching, nothing was found. The target was very cautious and left no other usable clues.

Squatting next to the wall, he thought for a moment, then looked at the pharmacy opposite the cave entrance. The freezer with a hole in the back stood quietly in the darkness. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

“Gui Youguang, ask the hospital staff if there have been any strange sounds around the hospital in the past three days.” Zuo Zhong frowned and turned around to issue an order.

After hearing the order, Gui Youguang ran out in a hurry without even asking the reason. After being tortured by reality for so long, this guy is getting better and better now.

Wu Chunyang, who was watching the whole process, thought thoughtfully when he heard the words. He might be able to take out bricks without making any noise, but it is impossible to open the freezer without making any noise, especially when cutting wooden boards, lead plates, and tin plates.

 The pharmacy is manned 24 hours a day. The only possibility is that someone is covering the target's actions, such as making some noise to attract the attention of the pharmacy staff.

This place is located in the city, and there are residential areas around it. It is normal for some noise to occur. As long as the time to open the freezer is controlled, Lin Yuan's actions will be difficult to detect.

This case has become more complicated. Before Lin Yuan can figure it out, another collaborator has emerged. However, this is not bad news. The more links there are, the easier it is to find clues.

Perhaps they can open a gap from their collaborators. As the saying goes, every gain must come with a loss. If the other party is really making noise to protect Lin Yuan, it will definitely attract the attention of surrounding residents.

Not long after, Gui Youguang ran back and reported excitedly: "Secretary-in-Chief, you guessed it right. Two days ago in the morning, a wedding team passed by nearby, and the sound of playing was very loud.

It lasted about ten minutes. At that time, the guard went to take a look. Since no problem was found, he ignored these people and just asked them to leave the hospital as soon as possible. ” ˆ ˜ The wedding team.

 Two days ago.

Zuo Zhong looked a little confused after hearing this, but the time was right. The question was, did the cover operation require so many people to participate? You must know that the more people involved, the greater the flaw.

 Cooperators can buy firecrackers and light them anywhere near the hospital. This way they can effectively provide cover without exposing themselves.

Judging from the details of Lin Yuan's stolen medicine, the other party was definitely not an ordinary agent. Why would he make such a stupid mistake? He always felt that something was not right.


After thinking quickly in his mind for a few seconds, Wu Chunyang's name was highlighted on the left: "Take your people to track down the collaborators. I guess the wedding team is hired, but with so many people and such loud movements, someone must have seen something. "

Having said this, he looked at Gu Qi again: "Lao Gu, your people are responsible for the internal review. Not only Renxin Hospital, but also the staff of the bureau headquarters must go through it.

The family fortune has grown and people’s hearts have become scattered. It’s time to remind everyone and let the brothers know what they can and cannot do. It will be too late to regret after making a big mistake.

 I will communicate with the bureau chief about this matter, and other departments will cooperate with your two bureaus. If anything suspicious is found, they will be suspended directly. If there is evidence, they will be arrested. Do you understand? "


Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi replied together, then turned and left. Such a simple task did not require Zuo Zhong to say anything, they could arrange the investigation themselves.

Zuo Zhong watched the two of them go away, raised his hand to look at his watch, and called Shang Gui Youguang to prepare to return to the bureau headquarters. Such a big thing had happened and he had to report it to Dai Chunfeng.

Teacher Cheap also hopes to make a fortune from penicillin. He must be very serious about knowing that someone has stolen the medicine. If he hides it from the other party, Lao Dai may think too much.

Just as he guessed, when Dai Chunfeng heard the report, he became furious and smashed his desk. However, it was not because of the medicine, but because he was angry about the appearance of a thief in the military command.

“Be cautious, investigate, must investigate. Everyone below me will be subject to investigation. This time the other party can leak information about penicillin, and next time it can leak information about the party and the state. You must pay more attention to it.”

Lao Dai knitted his brows, stood under the photo of the former President and said sadly: "I will say hello to the archives room and allow the second office to access the personnel files. You asked Gu Qi to keep it confidential.

You are right. Now that the team has grown, some people have learned to rest on their laurels, learned to play with women, learned to eat and drink, and have long forgotten their original ideal of separating lives.

This is a dangerous sign. For example, that guy Zheng Tingbing is busy doing small business all day long, and he doesn't look like a party-state official. I think it may be the intelligence he leaked to the outside world. "

Dai Chunfeng casually dumped Lao Zheng as the scapegoat. It seemed that there had been changes at the top level. Zheng Tingbing had been dormant for several years and Zheng Tingbing might be making a comeback again. Zuo Zhong speculated silently.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lao Dai revealed with a face full of envy and hatred: "The principal did not know whose slander he had listened to, and he intended to let the man named Zheng also serve as the deputy director of the business department in the second hall of the military command department.

Once Zheng Tingbing succeeds, in the future you and I will be called Deputy Director Zheng. Huh, he wants to make money and be an official at the same time, but he is very cool and unrestrained. He is really a villain. "

While in Changcheng, Dai Chunfeng took advantage of Zuo Zhong's attempt to steal the Japanese military action plan in Beiping, and was promoted to lieutenant general. He also became the nominal deputy director of the Second Department of the Military Command Department, and he became extremely popular for a while.

Unexpectedly, not long after he was proud, Zheng Tingbing was also going to be the deputy director, responsible for specific business, and his status was higher than the other party. How could Lao Dai swallow this breath.

Zuo Zhong looked at the jealous old Dai, who was beyond recognition, and said to him that he had connections with Lao Zheng in the past, but now he has a big wallet, rich people, and it is normal for him to be promoted.

However, he immediately promised that he would "seriously understand" the cheap teacher's order and prevent people with ulterior motives from occupying high positions in the military command bureau. Isn't it just a trick? He is familiar with it.

As for the result, there is no guarantee. Letting Lao Zheng be the deputy director of the Second Department of the Military Command Department is someone's power check and balance technique, which cannot be destroyed by a small mistake.

Dai Chunfeng finished venting, sat down expressionlessly, and once again told Zuo Zhongyong to catch the person who stole the medicine and leaked the secret as soon as possible, and the penicillin test work could not be stopped.

Zuo Zhong repeatedly said that he was resigning respectfully. After returning to his office, he went through what happened today in his mind again, holding his chin with his hands and lost in thought.

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