Cicada Moving

Chapter 943: awkward

Chapter 943 Awkward

 Early morning the next day after the medicine was stolen.

Zuo Zhong met his younger brother Zuo Jun and Cheng Danli, the eldest daughter of the Nanyang Cheng family who had just returned from the northwest, at the Juntong Guest House. The three of them sat around the table and enjoyed breakfast.

After taking a sip of freshly ground soy milk, Zuo Zhong took out his handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, and asked curiously: "Miss Cheng, why didn't Miss Luo come back with you?"

“Yongying studied dance in Shanghai, and the Luyi School in the northwest has many famous teachers. She plans to stay for a while.” Speaking of Luo Yongying, Cheng Danli looked reluctant to leave.

  Sometimes the friendship between people is so strange. A young lady and an ordinary girl in Shanghai only got along for less than two months, but they became real good friends.

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly, then pretended not to care and asked, "Hasn't Miss Cheng ever thought about staying in the northwest? The underground party is promoting that the northwest is now a sacred place for life in the Republic of China.

Countless young people risked their lives to cross the blockade to study and live there. Even the children and relatives of many Party officials yearned for the Northwest, haha. "

He laughed with a smile on his face. When his eyes glanced at Cheng Danli, who had an indifferent expression, he suddenly realized that his behavior was becoming more and more like a spy.

 Fortunately, Cheng Danli didn't pay attention. She knocked the egg gracefully with a silver spoon and replied: "Danli saw a lot when I went to the northwest this time. It is indeed a hot land.

Unlike the young people in Nanyang who are full of confusion, every young person in the northwest knows what they want, and they don’t care even if they are extremely poor materially.

 It’s just that my identity prevents me from agreeing with some of their practices. Perhaps, as my father said, it is more appropriate to observe from a certain distance. "

She is really a smart girl who doesn't give any excuses when she speaks. Zuo Zhong nodded secretly, then turned around and saw Zuo Jun who was slurping his porridge. He wanted to kick him out.

Deputy Director Zuo, who was deeply worried about his younger brother's future, sighed, put down the handkerchief in his hand, considered his words, and made a pun.

“Zuo Jun, I have arranged a plane and you will leave for Changi tomorrow morning. Miss Cheng, I will leave my younger brother to you. Please take good care of your brother after we arrive in Nanyang.”

Cheng Danli's face turned red when she heard this, but she didn't say anything. She just nodded and then lowered her head and fiddled with the eggs in the bowl, as if she could find a flower inside.

 Zuo Jun, who was drinking porridge, almost choked. He coughed several times and muttered: "Brother, what are you talking about? I still want to stay in the country for a while."

Zuo Zhong, who was so angry that his nose was crooked with anger, said: "Leave a p, you won't be able to leave if you don't leave. The things your grandfather asked you to bring have caused trouble. There is no guarantee that no one will attack you."

Tomorrow morning I will ask your sister Yijun to take you to the airport in my special car. You must not get off the plane until Changi. Miss Cheng's family has a good relationship with the British, so you will be safe when you arrive at Changi.

 It is obviously not convenient for me to send you away. When I see my grandfather, father and mother, I say hello to me and tell Zuo Duo not to make my grandfather angry. When the Japanese are driven away, our family will be reunited. "

 Being in the intelligence field, it’s easy to think in the dark when considering things. The deputy director of the Military Command Bureau sounds like he has a high position of authority, but he is nothing in front of the real power.

Once the results of the penicillin efficacy test came out, he could not guarantee Zuo Jun's safety at all. Rather than being passive, it was better to leave while the current situation was chaotic.

No matter how long their hands are, those people would not dare to ask for help from the British. Just like a certain person, they have always paid close attention to the international outlook and their waist is very soft.

Hearing what Zuo Zhong said, Zuo Jun immediately understood the seriousness of the matter and whispered "yes" and stopped talking. He knew that the other party arranged this for his own good.

 After saying this, the three of them walked around the mountain city together after breakfast. On the way, Zuo Zhong took advantage of Cheng Danli taking pictures everywhere with his camera, and gave his younger brother some instructions.

 In the future, the Zuo family’s industries must move closer to electronics, energy and minerals. Australia and New Zealand must open more labor-intensive factories to bring the surrounding people onto the Zuo family’s ship.

 Western politicians may target a wealthy person, but not a wealthy person with many employees, and this phenomenon becomes more and more obvious as time goes by.

Zuo Jun kept these intentions in mind and took the initiative to ask questions when he encountered something he didn't understand. The two brothers initially decided on the development path of the Zuo family through questions and answers.

 The next day, Zuo Zhong accompanied the two of them to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountain city, and had lunch and dinner together. After a day of getting along, the relationship between Zuo Jun and Cheng Danli had improved significantly.

Zuo Chong is happy to see this happen. It's not that Luo Yongying is not good, it's just that he is destined to be in the northwest. The other party's choice to stay in the northwest for his ideal means that some things have ended before they started.

 Early the next morning.

A transport plane soared into the sky from Guangyangba Airport, circled in a circle and then flew towards the south. It disappeared into the clouds after a while. Zuo Zhong stood on a small motorboat and looked at the scene with a complicated expression.

Gao Ziheng, who was standing next to him, comforted him when he saw this: "Don't worry, I arranged the best aircraft and the best crew, and the call was not made by the Ministry of Aviation, but in the name of training.

Deputy Director Zuo, you promised me that as long as the penicillin is confirmed to be effective, you will send some to the Air Force. I have several wounded people waiting to be used. ” ˆ ˆ ˆ Zuo Zhong’s face darkened, and his original parting mood was instantly destroyed. Thinking that the air force would be useful in the future, he finally resisted the urge to kick the opponent into the water.

 After another burst of heart-beating assurances, he separated from the satisfied Gao Ziheng and returned to No. 29 Luojiawan. He picked up the phone and asked about the progress of Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi.

 Investigating the wedding team and internal review are not difficult tasks. The task has been assigned for a day. With the working capabilities of the first and second offices, something should be gained.

Five minutes later, Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi walked into Zuo Zhong’s office in a hurry. They stopped in front of the desk. Gu Qi reported first as the representative.

“Deputy Chairman, the files of all hospital staff are being screened, and the interpersonal relationships are also being traced. Currently, it is found that 4 people have stolen controlled drugs and sold them privately, and 7 people have close relationships with members of the public.

Furthermore, their income does not match their actual consumption, and their food and drink expenses are better than mine, the director of the department. I have arranged personnel to monitor these 11 people throughout the day, and arrest them immediately if any problems are found. "

 There are actually 11 suspicious persons in a small benevolent hospital. If we put it into the entire military command headquarters and local district stations, will the number become 100? 200?

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you will be shocked if you check. The lax military discipline is already shocking. Zuo Zhong clutched the pen tightly in his hand and stared at Gu Qi with a gloomy expression.

“Investigation, all officials from the bureau level down will be investigated, including me. I want to see how many ghosts there are in the bureau. Are the party and state raising them to leak information?

I still laugh at Xu Enzeng all day long. If things continue like this, I am afraid that the military command will become a second secret service headquarters. This is intolerable. Once found out, they will be arrested first and then interrogated, and they will be severely punished! "

 Speaking of the last few words, Zuo Zhong slapped the table hard. He looked very angry, but in fact he didn't care too much. This will happen to any organization that develops to a certain stage.

During the previous expansion, all kinds of cats and dogs got in. Someone took a note from this minister or that commander. The military commander simply couldn't refuse, so he took this opportunity to clean it up.

Gu Qi said he understood, and then took a step back to make way for Wu Chunyang. The early spring sunshine shone into the office, and Wu Chunyang lowered his head and took a step forward.

“Reporting to the Deputy Director, you issued the order the night before yesterday, and the First Department immediately launched a search and platoon near Nanji Gate to look for the wedding team that appeared outside the hospital that day.

 According to the confessions of multiple witnesses, the wedding team did not pick up the bride at Nanjimen that day. Instead, it circled around the residential area and moved toward the city.

We followed the time and direction indicated by the other party and found that the wedding team disbanded three miles away from the hospital, which meant that the wedding did not exist at all. "

"does not exist?"

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Under the golden sunshine, Zuo Zhong muttered to himself. After Wu Chunyang confirmed, he got up and went to the window to close the gauze curtains, then turned around and made a little joke.

"We people, who deal with darkness every day, are not used to seeing the light. You can continue."


Wu Chunyang smiled and continued what he said before: "After confirming that the wedding does not exist, I turned the direction of investigation to the trumpeters and bearers. You said that these people should be hired.

 Through the relationship with Wenrentang, I called in related industry personnel from Zhangbei, urban area, and Nan'an area for enquiry, and it took less than an hour to find the person in charge of the wedding team.

The other party said that the employer was a middle-aged man, who was also in the team at the time. They played and played near Nanji Gate for more than ten minutes, and then the other party took them away.

Although it was a bit strange, the other party did not give me a penny less, and the person in charge did not ask any more questions. I have asked people to interview witnesses who have seen the middle-aged man and draw a simulated portrait. The portrait will be out before dark. "

"Da da…"

Zuo Zhong tapped his desk lightly with his pen, and an indescribable and awkward feeling came to his heart.

The contrast between Lin Yuan's superb methods of stealing penicillin and the poor performance of his collaborators is too great.

The collaborator hired people to go to Renxin Hospital in such a arrogant manner without covering up the entire process, as if he was afraid that the military commander would not find him. Could this be a trap?

 But as for the purpose, everyone has a reason for doing anything. Zuo Zhong waved his hand and asked Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang to continue investigating. He came to the window and looked into the distance with his hands behind his back.

Opponents such as the underground party, warlords, internal factions of the Kuomintang, the Japanese, the British, etc. flashed through his mind, but he found nothing and had no clue at all.

Zuo Zhong raised his hand to open the gauze curtains, folded his arms and soaked in the sunshine, but the space was slightly vibrating. He took out his mobile phone, opened the text message, and quickly translated the message and took a look.

 “I hope you can find out more about penicillin, old K.”

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