Cicada Moving

Chapter 944: Clues tracing

Chapter 944: Clues Tracking

Zuo Zhong looked helplessly at the content of the telegram. Even the underground party joined in the fun. It seemed that penicillin was more important than he thought, especially in this time of raging war.

He squinted his eyes, casually replied to the call he had received and sent it out. He put the phone back into space. Now was not the time to reply to old K. He had to let the bullets fly for a while.

 Penicillin is a top secret, and only the top leaders of the Guo Party have it in their hands. How did the underground party know about it? Zuo Zhong thought about it and quickly felt relieved. Everyone in the world is red, it's normal.

He then sat down and processed the official documents until Wu Chunyang arrived again in the afternoon, holding a mock portrait in his hand and a smile on his face.

“Deputy Chairman, the portrait has come out. I asked everyone who has seen the collaborator to identify it. They all agreed that the portrait is 70% similar to the real person. I suggest that the portrait be distributed immediately.

It has only been a few days since the incident. If someone has seen the collaborators, they may still remember it. However, this may not be true after a long time. Our time window is very short. "

Zuo Zhong asked him to sit down first, took the portrait and took a look at it. A middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance and sharp eyes appeared on the page. The military commander's simulation portrait artist was very skilled.

Don't think that 70% similarity is simple. From the perspective of outsiders, simulated portraits are just like ordinary paintings. There is nothing special about drawing on the drawing paper, as long as you have the skills.

But in fact, it takes at least several years of training from an ordinary painter to a simulation painter, because simulation portraits are more of a spiritual resemblance, and this resemblance completely relies on experience for analysis and judgment.

As for how to gain experience, there is no other way except long-term training. Military simulation painters often go to stations and docks to observe passengers to hone their professional abilities.

For example, if you find someone you don’t know, and the painter looks at him for a few seconds and then turns away, if the portrait painted by the painter is 60% similar in expression, then it is basically qualified.

After staring at the man in the painting for a long time, Zuo Zhong took out Lin Yuan's photo from the drawer of his desk, handed the two things to Wu Chunyang, and gave an order.

“Just do what you said. This is the photo of Lin Yuan that Gui Youguang found. Print the photo and portrait and hand them over to the police station, sentry post, and Ge Lao Association, and post them in the city to offer a reward.

The bounty is set at 1,000 French coins, and the person who provides valid information will also get half of it. Before tomorrow morning, I want the city foxes and rats in the mountain city to know about this matter, both the police officers and the people. "

"Understood, I will make arrangements immediately." Wu Chunyang nodded and left without any hesitation. Offering rewards is an old tradition in the military, and it was often used to track down Japanese spies during the Secret Service period.

And the more chaotic the world is, the better the effect of the reward will be, because many people have fled to mountain cities without food and clothing. When they see a reward of 1,000 French currency, they will definitely search desperately.

The police station and the Ge Lao Association will also do their jobs carefully, not for money. Being able to establish a good relationship with the military commander is what many people dream of. It only takes two people and it doesn't cost money, so why not do it.

The reality is pretty much what Wu Chunyang thought. After the still-warm photocopies and photos were distributed, the black and white streets of the mountain city started to move, and the streets and alleys were full of wide-open eyes.

As long as people move, they will definitely leave traces, even intelligence personnel. When dawn the next day, pieces of news, whether true or false, were sent to the military commander and Zuo Zhong.

“Six days ago, there were suspected collaborators near Central Park in the main urban area of ​​the mountain city. This information was provided by the street patrol police and was supported by personnel from surrounding shops, so it is more credible.”

In the military conference room, Zuo Zhong was sitting at the top. Gu Qi, Song Minghao, Gui Youguang and Wu Jingzhong were sitting on both sides of the rectangular conference table. Wu Chunyang was speaking at this time.

He looked at the report in his hand, paused and continued to report: "Five days ago, someone saw Lin Yuan and his collaborators meeting in a teahouse in Nanjimen. The process lasted about ten minutes.

Furthermore, the collaborator appeared at Chuqimen two days ago and had a conversation with an unidentified person. The person who provided clues was a refugee. Since the conversation between the two was too short, the other party did not have any more clues.

The situation is probably like this. The other information either has no circumstantial evidence, or the content is too vague to determine whether it is true or false. Only these three pieces of information are worth tracing. Please give instructions from the deputy chairperson on how to deal with them. "

 “Well, sit down first.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand, stood up and walked to the mountain city map hanging in the conference room. He marked the three places Wu Chunyang just mentioned with a pen, then crossed his arms and frowned.

Needless to say, Nanji Gate is the location of Renxin Hospital, but Central Park and Chuqi Gate are a bit interesting. These two places are the locations of many government agencies and are not far apart.

For example, there is the Sichuan-Kanglan Appeasement Office, the Central Party Headquarters and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs near Central Park. They are also only one street away from the Executive Yuan of the National Government, making it the most heavily guarded place in the mountain city.

 And Chuqimen is the official location of someone’s camp and the office of the Central Government. It is surrounded by spies and military police. Pedestrians may be stopped for inspection and questioning at any time.

Why should Lin Yuan's collaborators go to such a dangerous place? The first thing they should consider is safety. An intelligence officer who frequently appears at Nanji Gate and Chuqi Gate is simply asking for death.

Zuo Zhong stood there without saying a word. After more than ten minutes, he turned to Gu Qi and said, "Lao Gu, tell me about the findings of your two offices. Apart from the 11 suspicious persons, are there any other situations?" "Yes."

Gu Qi's face turned red and he puffed out his belly and replied loudly: "After detailed investigation and questioning, we found that a cleaner named Zhang Laoqi in the hospital had overlapped in space with the collaborator.

This man was originally the concierge of a wealthy family in the mountain city. He is sixty-two years old and has no children. He has a clean background and his past life experience can be verified. He does not look like a lurking intelligence agent.

I don’t know how he got connected with a certain officer of Junweihui. With this connection, the bureau headquarters accepted him as usual. Seeing that he had no special skills, he was assigned to Renxin Hospital.

 Zhang Laoqi is responsible for cleaning the wards, dormitories, and offices inside the hospital. He has the opportunity to enter the pharmacy, has contact with medical staff who know about penicillin, and has the ability to obtain information.

In the past ten days, Zhang Laoqi took advantage of the opportunity to go out to buy daily necessities and violated disciplines many times by going to the technical court to have fun. The problem is that the street where the technical court is located is very close to the Central Park.

What is even more suspicious is that it is a high-end technical institute, and the guests it receives are either government officials or well-off businessmen, who cannot afford it with the meager salary of a hospital cleaner.

 After investigating his dormitory and bank accounts, no suspicious cash or deposits were found. Based on the above information, Zhang Laoqi is likely to have secret accounts and large amounts of unidentified income. "

 A cleaner goes to a high-tech college.

As Zuo Zhong listened, he moved his eyes to the map. Judging from Gu Qi's story, the man named Zhang Laoqi had appeared in Central Park many times, which was indeed very suspicious.

The main urban area of ​​the mountain city is not big, but it is more than 20 square kilometers, and there are hundreds of technical institutes with countless half-open doors. Why did the other party choose to go there? This is too coincidental.

After another period of silence, he asked Gu Qi where Zhang Laoqi was and whether he had any control over it. Now that the news about penicillin was leaked and the medicine was stolen, he wanted to prevent the enemy from killing anyone.

Gu Qi reported that the person had been arrested. As soon as the person was handcuffed, he was so frightened that he urinated and shit, but said nothing. He obviously knew that telling him what he had done would lead to death.

In any case, this guy has also been in the hospital for several months, and he should have understood the fate of a thief under the influence of his ears and eyes, so it is human nature and understandable to refuse to let go.

"Go and have a look when you have time. I'll only give you one day."

 Understanding is understanding, but Zuo Zhong still sent Da Baldou, who is best at torture. If the other party can't even take down an untrained ordinary person, he might as well go to Japan as a field worker.

Hearing the words, Gui Youguang perked up, made a military salute and bared his teeth and left. Seeing him gearing up, Zuo Zhong mourned for Zhang Laoqi for a second, and then asked Wu Chunyang two questions.

"Chunyang, except for appearing in the teahouse five days ago, has no one seen Lin Yuan? A living person needs to eat and drink, and it is impossible to disappear out of thin air. By the way, how is the investigation by Rongcheng?"

The information registered by Lin Yuan at the police station showed that he was from Chengdu. At that time, he also provided the road note issued by the Chengdu Police Station. Zuo Zhong had previously asked Rongcheng to verify the information. The result should be available after two days.

Wu Chunyang shook his head when he heard the inquiry: "It is true that no one has seen Lin Yuan. He may have left or is hiding somewhere. The mountain city is so big, it is not too difficult to build a safe house.

As for the investigation in Rongcheng, the results were also fruitless. The address and name registered by Lin Yuan were all real, but the person did not match up. The real Lin Yuan died of illness last year. They opened the coffin and checked, but there was no problem. "

It turned out to be an imposter, and Zuo Zhong was a little helpless. There were too many floating people in the mountain city. If he expected the police station to call and verify the authenticity of each registrant's file, it would be better to hope that the sun would rise from the west.

If the party organs were really so responsible, the situation would not be like this. Moreover, Lin Yuan looked gentle and gentle, his appearance was quite deceptive, and he really did not look like a dangerous person.

Zuo Zhong looked at his watch and decided to speed up the investigation process. If Lin Yuan hid well, he would find a collaborator. If either of the two was caught, he would be able to figure out who stole the medicine.

And he has a concern. If the person who steals the medicine is an underground party, he can find the person earlier so that he can respond. The longer the delay is, the more passive he will be.

 Thinking of Zuo Zhong clapped his hands, waiting for Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang looked over and said: "We will increase the reward to 3,000 French currency, and we must find Lin Yuan and his collaborators as soon as possible.

The previous bounty should also be distributed, and newspapers should publish this matter. Let everyone know that our military commander keeps his word. There must be brave men under the heavy reward, so go quickly. "

 Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang, and Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong who had been listening in, walked out of the conference room one after another and conveyed Zuo Zhong's latest order to the outside world. The whole mountain city was shaken again.

 (End of this chapter)

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