Cicada Moving

Chapter 945: soft hearted

Chapter 945 Soft-hearted

  3,000 French currency was enough to buy 60 oxen in the 24th year of the Republic of China. Even after repeated currency issuances and war failures, it still had half of its original purchasing power in 1939.

This means that whoever can find Lin Yuan or a collaborator can suddenly become a "rich man" with dozens of large animals. How can we not make people crazy?

The mountain city with its ups and downs and complex terrain has not been able to stop the people, police officers, and cadres who want to get rich overnight. They wander around every corner of the city looking for their goals.

Especially the next morning, the newspaper published photos of the three valid clue providers receiving the bounty. The situation immediately reached a climax, and hundreds of people poured into the streets.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of all parties. The City Defense Headquarters and the Huangshan Official Residence called the military commander respectively to inquire about relevant matters.

Even Director Zhu of the Central Military Commission personally contacted Zuo Zhong, asking around and asking if there was a big case being handled, and whether the Central Military Commission could provide help like he did with the Ge Laohui Japanese espionage case.

 The dignified veteran of the Kuomintang Party asked a junior for help in such a low voice. It was obvious that Xu Enzeng had become arrogant again during this period, and the internal fighting within the Central Government had once again intensified, otherwise the other party would not have done this.

After all, Xu Enzeng has Er Chen, who controls the party affairs system, as his back-up. With these two people assisting him, it is normal for this old boy to be able to compete with Zhu Liu first.

Thinking of the plight of the old principal, Zuo Zhong chose to tell the truth. The general was investigating the theft of penicillin and told the truth, emphasizing the importance of those two goals.

Zhu Liang sighed after hearing this and complained to him about Xu Enzeng's arrogance. According to him, Xu Enzeng transferred most of the Zhongtong's manpower, equipment and vehicles on the pretext of investigating the case.

He also used the excuse that the case involved the underground party to frustrate Director Zhu and refused to disclose the specific circumstances of the case, leaving the other party with only dozens of civilian personnel at his disposal.

Zuo Zhong was shocked after hearing this. Although Xu Enzeng seemed to be unable to do anything, and ate nothing, he looked like a standard waste.

  But that’s not what he is doing to destroy it. In terms of ability and skill, Xu Enzeng is by no means a simple person. If you underestimate this person, you will suffer a big loss.

So whether Xu En’s additional personnel want to oust Zhu Liuxian, or are they really investigating the case? This issue must be investigated as soon as possible. The surname Xu is too destructive and must be taken seriously.

Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes and immediately patted his chest and assured Zhu Liuxian that if he found the target, he would definitely add the names of the old principal and the Central Commander in the report and say a few nice words.

This is not taking credit. There is a saying that if the teacher has something to do, the disciple should obey his efforts. Without Zhu Liu first opening the Zhejiang Provincial Police School, how would Zuo Zhong be where he is today, right?

Don’t forget the well digger when drinking water. If this matter spreads, it may become a good talk. How can the matter of respecting teachers and teaching be confused with favoritism and bending the law? It is vulgar and too vulgar.

By the way, Zuo Zhong asked about the case Xu Enzeng was investigating. Although Xu Enzeng did not report to Zhu Liuxian, as a veteran in official career, Zuo Zhong did not believe that the other party had no back-up plan.

Sure enough, Zhu Liuxian smiled and accepted the good intention and then inadvertently revealed that an important person from the underground party had surrendered to the Central Government, and Xu Enzeng had been busy with this matter during this time.

If Xu Enzeng hadn't concealed the truth too tightly this time and hid the surrenderers tightly, Zhu Liuxian would have intercepted the incident long ago, so there would be no need to take credit from the students and military commanders.

 There is a traitor!

He is also an important person. This person allowed Xu Enzeng to mobilize most of the power of the Central Government to cooperate, and he must have extremely important information in his hands.

Zuo Zhong's eyes flashed, he smiled and said a few polite words and hung up the phone. Then he held a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. His entire face was hidden behind the smoke and his face could not be seen clearly.

More than an hour later, he walked out of the office and came to He Yijun's desk. Seeing that the other person was writing something with his head down, he raised his hand and knocked on the table.

"Yijun, tell the evidence room to send me the evidence from the Renxin Hospital scene, including the freezer, grenades and hair trap items."

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

He Yijun raised his head with a smile. After watching Zuo Zhong leave, he picked up the phone and called the evidence room, informing the other party to send the things to the deputy director's office.

After receiving the order from the second-ranking figure in the military, the evidence room did not dare to neglect. Several small agents immediately climbed up the stairs carrying a freezer weighing hundreds of kilograms.

The clerks and agents who passed by looked gloating about the misfortune, but they flexibly moved out of the way. This showed that the senior officer was having a nervous breakdown, and no one wanted to be criticized for it.

 Just why would a senior officer want a freezer with a big hole in it? Could it be that this is a new trend from above calling for a tough war of resistance? People who are thoughtful will keep it in their hearts.

After the episode, Zuo Zhong sat behind his desk and waved his hand to let the little agent go out. When he was the director, he could be approachable, eat and drink with his subordinates, and chat with the low-level operatives.

But when he was the director, this was no longer possible. Except for his old subordinates who knew the situation well, he couldn't be too friendly with anyone, because he didn't know whether the other party would act recklessly under his banner.

This can be regarded as a side effect of promotion. Zuo Zhong shook his head and picked up the wire and grenade on the table. Of course, the charge, detonator and delay tube in the grenade had been taken out and stored separately.

 Glancing at the steel wire that had become loose due to long-term tension, he straightened it and then looked at the drawstring at the bottom of the grenade, connecting the two together.

This is the pull trap. As long as the steel wire is touched and pulled, the pull rope will pull out the friction wire in the friction copper bag. During the pulling process, the spark generated by the friction starts the igniter and ignites the delay tube.

After 4.5 seconds, the heat detonates the detonator, causing the warhead to explode. This process is very fast. If someone sees the white smoke at the end of the grenade, it is basically goodbye to this world. The scene in movies and TV shows where the enemy throws a grenade and the protagonist picks it up and throws it back cannot be said to be impossible in reality, provided that the person's hands and feet are particularly fast.

Under normal circumstances, at least 2 seconds have elapsed from the time the grenade was thrown plus the time it took to fly in the air. This means that the protagonist must instantly determine the landing point of the grenade, bend down to pick it up, and then throw it out.

 It takes about 2 seconds to complete these three actions. This means that no matter how fast the protagonist's hands and feet are, the grenade will still explode when thrown.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong suddenly pulled it with a half-smile, and the igniter of the grenade's wooden handle immediately made a clicking sound and emitted thick smoke, but there was no movement after a while.


Looking at the grenade body in his hand, he muttered to himself, unable to hide the smile on his face, as if he had thought of something very interesting.

Today is another cloudy day in the mountain city. The sun shyly hid behind the clouds and reached the skyline unknowingly. By the time Zuo Zhong walked out of the office again, it was already setting.

"Inform Gui Youguang to come see me. I asked this guy to interrogate the target yesterday, but there is still no news yet." He stood in the corridor and said to He Yijun with a frown.

“If Captain Gui takes action, he will definitely be able to pry open the other party’s mouth. Maybe he is sorting out his confession.” He Yijun replied softly, picking up the phone and preparing to answer the call.

Zuo Zhong thought of Da Guangtou's behavior when he left yesterday and sneered: "Hmph, I think he really went back far and wide. It would take a day to interrogate a cleaner.

Go to the special operations team and ask him to run to see me immediately. By the way, tell the first and second offices that the investigation of the suspect and the internal review must not stop. "

After saying that, he turned around and returned to the office. He sat on the chair with his eyes straight in the direction of the door. Some people's tails were raised and needed a beating.


Not long after, a series of heavy footsteps came closer and closer, and finally stopped outside the door. After more than ten seconds, a shiny head quietly stuck its way into the door, and it happened to catch Zuo Zhong's eyes.

 “Ahem...Deputy Director.”

Gui Youguang, whose scalp was numb, walked in with a forced smile, put a document on the table politely, and loudly reported the results of the interrogation with his chest puffed out.

“Yesterday, I was ordered to go to the detention center to interrogate the suspect Zhang Laoqi. After interrogation overnight, the man confessed that someone used money to induce him to sell medicines from the hospital half a month ago.”

"Selling medicine? Tell me more specifically, where did he, a cleaner, get the medicine? Who induced him? Was it Lin Yuan's collaborator?" Zuo Zhong asked expressionlessly.

Gui Youguang grinned and gave a thumbs up like a dogleg: "Deputy Sir, you are really clever. After the simulated portrait identification, it was Lin Yuan's collaborator who induced Zhang Laoqi.

 Speaking of stealing medicine, these two people thought of tricks that ordinary people would never think of. Zhang Laoqi collected the used infusion bottles together, took out the remaining medicine and took them out of the hospital.

Pills are even simpler. The old boy stole them when he had the chance and cheated when he didn't. He lied that he was sick and pretended that he had no money for treatment. The brothers were deceived as soon as they softened their hearts.

In less than half a month, he used these two tricks to obtain a lot of white medicine and sulfonamides, all of which were sold to his collaborators at high prices. The place where the two of them traded was the Advanced Technical Institute. "

 The agent is soft-hearted and deceived?

This matter is quite darkly humorous. Zuo Zhong didn’t know what to say. Should he be happy that the agents’ conscience was still intact, or be angry because of their carelessness? Neither seemed right.

After holding it in for a while, the angry Deputy Director Zuo slapped the table: "Besides these, what else did Zhang Laoqi confess? Did he reveal the penicillin information and the location of the freezer?

 What was the collaborator's surname, name, and identity? Did he explain it? I am not interested in how he and his collaborator stole the medicine. It is the job of the police station to catch petty thieves.

I just want to catch Lin Yuan and his collaborators. If the medicine falls into the hands of the Japanese, Gui Youguang, you kid, prepare to go to Japan and fight the Japanese under Fu Ling! "

 In the end, Gui Youguang was not only not afraid, but also became energetic. His eyes were shining and he said: "Is it true, Deputy Director, Zhang Laoqi killed me without knowing anything about penicillin and the freezer.

He didn’t know the details of his collaborator. The two of them only talked about money and information when they met. The other party was very generous with the money, otherwise he wouldn’t have the money to spend money at a high-end technical institute.

Judging from the accent, the collaborator is a native of the mountain city. At least he has lived there for a long time and is proficient in mountain city slang. Zhang Laoqi is very sure of this. "

 “You...can’t be carved from rotten wood!”

Zuo Zhong pointed at this **** and was trembling with anger. Just when he was about to scold him, the door of the office was knocked again, and he said angrily to come in.

"Vice-seat! Found it, we found Lin Yuan's trace!" Outside the door was Wu Chunyang. He heard the sound and opened the door, and excitedly reported the good news to Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong stood up suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he forcefully uttered the word "Go" in his mouth. He took the coat handed by Gui Youguang, put it on, and walked out with the two of them.

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