Cicada Moving

Chapter 946: Trap

Chapter 946 Entrapment

 In April 1939, the mountain city had been under Japanese air raids for more than half a year. Japanese navy and army bombers flew over the mountain city from time to time, dropped a few aerial bombs on the densely populated area and then left arrogantly.

  Some people and their whole families were killed in the explosion, and their bodies were left unclaimed. Some people were left lying on the street with their few belongings missing. The engineer battalion of the Air Defense Command had no time to deal with the corpses every day.

Zuo Zhong sat in the back seat of the car and looked out the window at the dilapidated street scene and sighed secretly. The Japanese even carried out indiscriminate bombings, and it was really strange that the national government had not declared war on Japan.

Just when he was angry about the corruption of the Guodang, Wu Chunyang next to him introduced Lin Yuan's hiding place. A small map of the mountain city was spread out, and the location of Jiaochangkou was drawn in a circle.

“Deputy Chairman, the target’s pseudonym is Wang, and he is hiding in a private house. It is a warehouse in the backyard of a warehouse. The target rented it early last year. The external reason is to store goods and live there.

 Lin Yuan wore a facial disguise when renting the house, and rarely appeared in Pingshi, so the landlord did not recognize that the person in the reward photo was the other person. It was not until he looked at the reward again today that he discovered it.

A few days ago, Lin Yuan went there directly after leaving Nanji Gate. He has not been out since. He ate, drank and had diarrhea in the room. He told the landlord that he had a cold and could not see anyone.

I have sent someone to the City Department to get the construction drawings and figured out the structure of the house. The main body of the warehouse is made of bricks and cement. It has only one door and one rear window, which is very solid. "

 “Wait, cement room?”

Zuo Zhong turned to look at the blueprint Wu Chunyang took out and frowned: "What kind of background is that warehouse? It can afford to use cement to build a house. Could it be that he is a relative of some government official?"

There is a reason why he asked this. Cement was introduced into the country from the previous dynasty. Until the Republic of China, the supply was in short supply and the price was high. After the war, it became a strategic material and could not be purchased even with money.

It is normal for a warehouse to have a brick or wooden building, but using cement is a bit of a luxury, unless the cement used in building the house does not need to be spent at your own expense, and the national government pays for it. This has happened before.

The defense line between Jinling and Shanghai was designed to be a reinforced concrete structure. As a result, a lot of cement disappeared inexplicably and became flower ponds or sidewalks in the homes of officers.

Wu Chunyang looked helpless and nodded: "Yes, the boss behind the warehouse has something to do with the upper management. The cement used should come from the air-raid shelter construction project, including the bricks.

This safe house was definitely carefully selected by Lin Yuan. The boss has connections and the police station will not come to inspect the house. The house is sturdy and can be used as a fortress as long as there is heavy firepower.

In addition, Jiaochangkou is a densely populated area. Once Lin Yuan rushes into the crowd, he can easily escape and even take hostages to confront us for a long time. The operation is very difficult.

 In order to prevent exposure, I asked my brothers to be on guard at a distance, first screen the surrounding suspicious persons, make sure there are no problems, and then slowly surround the target to avoid unnecessary casualties. "

 Commanding an arrest operation is not the first time for Wu Chunyang, but it is undoubtedly a difficult challenge for Wu Chunyang to prevent the target from escaping and break through the solid bunker.

Zuo Zhong looked at the thickness of the wall and the small size of the doors and windows marked on the drawing, and cursed in his heart. Even if the cement is free, there is no need to build the warehouse as a bunker.

Furthermore, Jiaochangkou is obviously located on the ridge of the mountain city, but the terrain is open and flat. It is connected to many streets in the east and north directions, making it a rare "big flat dam" in the city.

 The surrounding wooden goods street, porcelain street, herbal medicine street, clothes street, fish market street, millet market, lime market and cotton wool street are the areas with the largest floating population in the mountain city.

 Some industry gangs have also set up their headquarters here, such as the stone, wood, mud, and bamboo industries. From the perspective of the external environment alone, this place is indeed a suitable location to build a safe house.

Thinking through various action plans, Zuo Zhong gave his own opinion: "We must trap him, let the landlord cooperate, lure Lin Yuan out of the safe house, and arrest him in the yard or other places.

Tell the warehouse owner that if he doesn't cooperate, I don't care what kind of scumbag backing he has. Misappropriating war supplies and destroying air defense facilities are capital crimes. Let him think carefully about where to go. "


Of course, Wu Chunyang had no objection. It would be nice to trap him. Not only would the loss be small, but he could also capture the target alive. Their goal was to find the person behind the theft of penicillin and the medicine, which required a living person.

The car drove for a few minutes and slowly stopped at the Third Waterworks of Shancheng, a few hundred meters west of Jiaochangkou. The staff inside were all replaced by military commanders' agents.

Zuo Zhong got off the car and followed Wu Chunyang to a water exchange station on the hillside. Following the direction pointed by the other party, he picked up his binoculars and looked at a yard in the distance, and soon saw the cement house.

Like the information, the gray cement wall appears to be very solid. Let alone guns, even mortars may not be able to blow open the wall. Explosions can, but they can easily damage the target.

“Chunyang, please inform the landlord to come out and have a bad attitude when you bring him here. Let’s try this person’s quality.”

 Putting down the telescope, Zuo Zhong looked forward and said that he wanted to trap the landlord, focusing on the landlord. He wanted to see if the other party had enough mental quality to face the target.

 with a plan no matter how much they plan now — might as well find a way to attack by force. Sometimes sacrifice is inevitable. Wu Chunyang immediately turned around and whispered something to the little spy. Soon a man walked out of the yard where Lin Yuan was, stood at the door and looked around, and then went into the alley.

Not long after, a sedan swayed into the waterworks. After getting off the sedan, the bearer pulled a person out of the sedan. It was the landlord who had just come out of the yard.

At this time, the other party was already tied up, his eyes were covered with a black cloth, and his mouth was gagged. He kept whining and twisting his body, looking dissatisfied.

Zuo Zhong nodded with satisfaction. Ordinary people would be scared to death when encountering this kind of situation. They would not dare to resist. From this, it can be seen that this person is not a timid person.

After admiring it for a while, he had a smile on his face and reprimanded his subordinates hypocritically: "Didn't I ask you to invite the landlord over? Why are you so rude? Please loosen your bonds quickly."

The agents did not argue. They quickly took off the black cloth from the landlord's face and mouth, pulled out a dagger and cut the rope around the landlord's wrist, then stood aside and lowered their heads.

Furthermore, after the landlord lost his restraints, he immediately cursed angrily: "I know that your military command is unreliable. I don't want the reward. I will go to the national government to accuse you.

We provide wealth to the party and state, but not only are we not protected, but we are detained without reason. Others are afraid of your military commander, but I am not afraid of you. If you know better, let me go! "

 Very good, very energetic.

Zuo Zhong smiled and raised his hands to applaud softly. It was different with the backstage. It seemed that he didn't have to worry. As long as the other party maintained this momentum, it was no problem to trap Lin Yuan.

So he took a step closer and said kindly: "Haha, sir, please calm down and introduce yourself. I am."

five minutes later.

The landlord lost his previous air. He bent down and promised with a smile: "Don't worry, don't worry, we just tricked that guy out of the house. I promise to do it."

I told him that he needed to check the circuit. The warehouse was built a few years ago and there had been problems with the circuit before. This would definitely not arouse the other party's suspicion. What do you think? "


Zuo Zhong patted the landlord on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "I still like your unruly demeanor before, but since Mr. Landlady volunteered, I will do as you say."

Then he warned: "But if something goes wrong with the action, I will be angry. Anyone who dares to make Zuo angry will be either in the soil or in the water. Do you understand?"

 “Understand, a hundred villains understand.”

The landlord nodded quickly with a forced smile, but in his heart he wanted to cut this spy into pieces. If I volunteer, just do as I say.

If you really want to do what I said, I wonder if I can go home. He finally understood that none of these military commanders are good, especially this playful and smiling deputy director.

Zuo Zhong didn't care what he thought. He waved his hand and asked Wu Chunyang to guide the other party on what to say later, where to stand, how to deal with the target when he went out, etc.

The key to entrapment is suddenness and speed. If the landlord blocks the operatives' path and gives Lin Yuan a chance to resist, the situation will be difficult to clean up.

In order to make the landlord familiar with the action plan more intuitively, the agents drew a floor plan of the yard with chalk on the open space of the water plant yard and simulated the action steps over and over again.

Finally before dark, the temporary training came to an end. The landlord walked out of the water plant alone. At the same time, Gui Youguang also mixed with the crowd with a few special operations team members.

After a long period of observation and testing, the investigators found no security posts or suspicious persons around. The conditions for trapping were basically mature, and it was time to take action.

Just as the agents were nervously preparing, Lin Yuan in the cement room suddenly opened his eyes, slowly climbed up from the wooden bed, sat on the edge of the bed and straightened his collar.

In the quiet room, the golden afterglow shone in from the back window, projecting his figure on the wall. Lin Yuan's movements were extremely serious. After straightening his clothes, he looked at his watch, as if waiting for something.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang? The electric lighting company is coming to repair the circuit in a moment. Could you please open the door later? I have said it several times, and finally these guys are here." The landlord's slightly impatient voice sounded outside the door.


Lin Yuan simply replied and ignored the grumbling landlord outside. He looked up at the red sunset outside the window and let the warm sunshine shine on his face.

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