Cicada Moving

: A bedtime story (free)

 A bedtime story (free)

  (Drinking too much, a local legend, there are errors in punctuation when dictating and text recognition, please don’t mind)

There is Gaoyou Lake not far from Yangzhou City. Legend has it that there was an ancient city in the center of the lake, which was flooded a long time ago and sank to the bottom of the lake.

One day, a pair of brothers rowed a small boat to fish in the center of the lake. The two brothers were poor and had to make a living by catching some fish every day. Due to their hard work and practicality, they lived a decent life.

Unconsciously, a layer of thick fog rose on the lake, and the faint sound of people and horses neighing could be heard. The two brothers looked into the fog with wide eyes, and suddenly discovered that a street market had appeared in the fog.

They thought that the boat was rowing in the wrong direction and arrived at a nearby market town. They thought that they just lacked an iron pot for cooking at home, so they parked the fishing boat on the shore, walked ashore and walked into the city.

 The market was extremely lively. Pedestrians came and went, and the words they spoke were all in local dialects. The two brothers didn't pay attention. After picking and choosing, they bought an iron pot and boarded the boat to go home.

 After returning home, the eldest brother put a bowl of rice into the pot and lit the fire. A pot of fragrant rice was quickly cooked. The two brothers devoured the rice and ate it up.

 After eating, the two of them slept in the same clothes. It didn't take long for them to fall asleep, but as they fell asleep, the two of them suddenly smelled a scent, and the scent became stronger and stronger.

Finally, the two brothers opened their eyes and followed the smell. Suddenly, they found that there was a pot full of rice in the iron pot they had just finished eating.

Combining the strangeness between the city and the iron pot, the two brothers understood that they were not going to a market town, but the city that sank to the bottom of the lake. This iron pot was not an ordinary iron pot.

From then on, the two brothers lived a life without worries about food and clothing. They no longer bothered to go fishing in the lake and just lay at home all day long.

 But as time passed, the two brothers were no longer satisfied with just eating enough, but thought of more things to do with the iron pot.

For example, if rice is exchanged for silver or copper coins, will the iron pot be filled with gold, silver and jewelry when they wake up?

The two of them became more and more excited as they thought about it. They collected all the belongings in the house and put them into the iron pot. Then they lay on the bed and closed their eyes beautifully.

But soon, the sky changed drastically, strong winds arose, dark clouds filled the lake, and the waves became higher and higher. Amid the screams of the two brothers, the boat quickly sank to the bottom of the lake.

Many years later, someone mistakenly entered the city at the bottom of the lake and saw the two brothers again in a daze. However, in the blink of an eye, the other brothers disappeared into the sea of ​​people...

(When I was a child, the author saw with his own eyes the porcelain pieces fished out by relatives from the bottom of the lake. He couldn't help but sigh that the world has changed a lot. He drank too much and slept.)

 (End of this chapter)

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