Cicada Moving

Chapter 951: Ji Boxian

Chapter 951 Ji Boxian

The arrest operation by the military commander in Central Park ended up being a mess. The intended purpose of the operation was not accomplished. Lin Yuan was taken back, and the pencil was also taken back by the commander-in-chief.

Xu Enzeng refused to hand over this witness who could prove that there was a spy in the military commander. This old boy had been holding back his bad intentions and wanted to give the military commander a cruel blow.

It's hard to say whether this was the instruction from Er Chen. The loss of the old position of director of the Military Statistics Bureau has always been a pain in Xiao Chen's heart, especially now that intelligence is becoming more and more important.

If you don't give it, don't give it. Zuo Zhong didn't pay too much attention. After getting the confession materials of Pencil and the records of his interrogation by the Central Government, he let Xu Enzeng and his party go.

They are all members of the government. They can't fight in public. Even if someone takes care of him, a fellow countryman, he won't allow this to happen.

 So there can only be one result - go back to each home, find each mother, wait for orders from the two directors, Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian, and then decide what to do next.

 In fact, when Dai Chunfeng learned about this, he just smiled slightly and didn't take it to heart at all. What is his current status and what is Xu Enzeng's status.

 One is Lieutenant General Guo Junquanxu, one is the deputy director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, one is the nominal deputy director of the Second Office of the Military Command Department, and the other does not have any position in the higher-level agency.

Even if Xu Enzeng’s conspiracy succeeds, so what? If someone can only blame him for a few words, can he be removed from his position? That is simply impossible.

  If the underground party wants to remove someone because there is a traitor under them, then the first person the government wants to remove is..., after all, there are too many connections between the underground party and the underground party.

 The words "you are in me, and I am in you" are more appropriate. In this case, it is impossible to check everything in detail. That would cause people to lose heart and cause big problems.

What Dai Chunfeng is really concerned about is the insiders in Renxin Hospital and even the bureau headquarters. This is more serious than Xu Enzeng's secret assassination. It is eroding the foundation of the towering building of Juntong.

 So he immediately contacted Zhu Liuxian, who had just received Xu Enzeng's report, and agreed on the method and process of cooperation between the two parties. Finally, it was decided that the military commander would be the chief judge and the central commander would be the assessor.

Zhu Liuxian thought clearly. Instead of holding the case in his hands as a mascot, it would be better to hand it over, and the credit would not be reduced anyway.

The other party would rather be taken advantage of by the military commander than give up the credit to Xu Enzeng. This shows how hateful Xu Enzeng's previous actions were, which made the old gentleman anxious.

 But Zuo Zhong was very satisfied with this result. Lin Yuan and Pencil were two traitors, with two versions. He had not received such an interesting case for a long time.

 In order to better discuss the case, Zuo Zhong called the directors and deputy directors of the first and second divisions to the office to look at the Central Unification information together.

He Yijun brought several cups of hot tea into the room on a tray, and everyone stood up to take them and put them on the coffee table. Then they sat on the sofa and waited for the meeting to start.

Zuo Zhong, who was at the desk, also packed up the documents and came to the reception area, skillfully winning people's hearts: "Everyone, relax, this is not outside, brothers, don't be nervous."

After finishing speaking, he sat in the middle seat and looked around: "Everyone has read the pencil confession and confession. If you have any ideas, please tell me whatever comes to mind."

 Everyone was silent for a moment, and Gu Qi broke the silence first: "Deputy Chairman, counter-espionage is the job of our Second Division, so let me introduce the general situation of the pencil.

This person's real name is Ji Boxian. He was born in 1900. He is 39 years old this year. He is a native of Shancheng and a veteran among dissidents. He once went to Red Russia to study propaganda and journalism.

According to his confession, he set out from Hong Russia by boat in the early 26th year of the Republic of China, passed through the port city and Yangcheng, and traveled through half of the Republic of China by land transportation to the northwest.

He then joined the Overseas Work Group of the Underground Party. This organization was composed of students from various schools with overseas social connections. Its role was to publicize the Underground Party’s ideas and anti-war propositions.

It is worth mentioning that although the information given to us by the Central Military Commission did not mention it, I learned some very important information through Shen Dongxin and other channels.

 That is because Ji Boxian's work in the overseas working group was very effective, so he was transferred to the Northwest Special Working Committee in 1938, that is, in the second half of last year. "

 Special Working Committee.

Everyone present was a little surprised. This is the highest intelligence agency of the underground party. In the past, it has always been kept under strict confidentiality, shrouded in fog, and very mysterious.

 The party does not know how many people there are in this agency, what specific work it does, its organizational structure, and who is in charge. It is not even clear whether there is a special working committee.

Today is the first time that they have clearly learned about the existence of such an organization from the underground party traitors. Not to mention other things, just having this harvest is a great achievement.

 “Lao Gu, expand the story.”

Zuo Zhong interjected with interest. He was indeed very interested in the intelligence system of the underground party in the northwest period, because even in modern times, there is very little information on this aspect. “Okay, deputy seat.”

Gu Qi nodded and recounted the details: "According to Ji Boxian's explanation, the Special Working Committee has four departments, the War Zone Department, the City Department, the Cadre Department and the Security Department.

The war zone department has a minister whose surname is Du. He participated in the shutdown of the Anyuan coal mine. During the Chang'an incident, he served as the colonel section chief of Zhang Ershuai's inspection department. He was a very experienced intelligence officer.

 In the Urban Department, the minister’s surname is Fan, (all fictitious, please do not match him), he is the person in charge of the Party’s Shanghai Special Branch. This person acts cautiously and is an extremely dangerous person.

 In the Administration Department, the minister is ominous. The remaining Security Department was merged with the newly formed Ministry of Social Affairs two months ago. The chief minister has a virtual position, and there are two deputy ministers responsible for major business. "

Speaking of this, a smile suddenly appeared on Gu Qi's face: "One of these two deputy ministers is very familiar to us, and that is Mr. Ke, a good friend of Deputy Director Xu's secretary."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Everyone burst into laughter. This Mr. Ke was indeed Xu Enzeng's "old friend". Xu believed that he was shrewd and very reliable, and promoted him to the position of Chief of the Telecommunications Section of the Shanghai Radio Administration Bureau.

In this position, Mr. Ke had access to the most advanced and confidential radio equipment and code books of the Republic of China at that time. Xu Enzeng was simply the number one hero of the underground party.

When everyone had finished laughing, Gucci, who was smiling, said with a serious face: "I want to remind everyone that this Ministry of Social Affairs will be our biggest enemy and must not be underestimated.

 First, Mr. Ke, I won’t say more about this. Second, most of the members of the Social Department are elites from the former Shanghai Special Branch and the former Southwest Political and Security Bureau, and they are very powerful. "

Everyone's smiles faded when they heard this. These two agencies are old rivals. Their professionalism, personnel quality, and willpower are all top-notch. It is indeed worthy of heightened vigilance.

Seeing that his words had attracted attention, Gu Qi continued to introduce the information: "Ji Boxian joined the Ministry of Social Affairs because of his firm beliefs, at least on the surface.

In fact, this person loves vanity, is greedy for life, and is afraid of death. He has long been dissatisfied with the difficult material conditions in the northwest. Taking advantage of the opportunity of being assigned by the Ministry of Social Affairs, he returned to the mountain city to engage in intelligence work.

As soon as Ji Boxian came out of the poor valley and came into contact with the colorful world of the mountain city, he stayed in high-end hotels and ate in high-end restaurants every day, and soon spent all the funds given by the underground party for activities.

According to the rules of the underground party, he would have to spend decades in prison even if he died, so he simply surrendered to the Central Government and provided a lot of information to Xu Enzeng.

For example, the address of the transportation station he used on his way back to the northwest from abroad, and the personnel information. It is said that there were people there who rescued him. This shows the poor character of this person.

Another example is the specific tasks of the Ministry of Social Affairs. First, it is to systematically fight against traitors, prevent these people from mixing into the underground party, and ensure the execution of military and political tasks and the consolidation of the organization.

 The second is to dispatch intelligence personnel in a planned manner to use every opportunity to break into the Japanese puppets and us, and to use all possible people to strengthen intelligence collection.

 The third is to collect specific materials and facts about the activities of enemy spies and educate our own personnel, improve the vigilance of our own personnel, and prevent things like Secretary Xu Enzeng from happening.

 The fourth is to manage the work of confidential departments and ensure the execution of confidentiality work. The above all follow the principles of three diligence and three modernization, that is, diligent study, diligent work, diligent making friends, professionalization, socialization and legalization.

Ji Boxian came to Shancheng this time to perform his second task. During the process, he judged from the intelligence he received and the information he collected that there was an underground party insider in Renxin Hospital.

His confession said that this insider passed information and medicine through Lin Yuan. The northwest side attached great importance to this line, so they sent Ji here. However, he had only been here for a short time and had not met the insider yet.

Xu Enzeng knew that this matter was like a treasure. Some time ago, he sent many people to cooperate and protect Ji Boxian. He wanted to use the traitor to target us, and at the same time prevent Ji from being discovered and silenced by the underground party. "

Hearing this, everyone present frowned. It sounded like Ji Boxian was determined to rectify the situation anyway, so the credibility of the information he provided was very high.

 So Lin Yuan is lying?

The inside information of the hospital is actually in the hands of the other party. So what is Lin Yuan's purpose in helping the army capture Ji Boxian? Could it be that the underground party already knows that this person has surrendered?

But this doesn’t make sense. If the underground party knew that Ji Boxian was cooperating with the Central Unification Committee, bullets or bombs should be waiting for him instead of sending another person into the tiger’s mouth.

Zuo Zhong picked up the tea cup and took a sip, nodded and motioned for Gu Qi to sit down, and looked at his thoughtful subordinates with joy: "Okay, being able to know so much intelligence about the underground party is already considered a victory.

As for who is lying, Ji Boxian or Lin Yuan, they will tell the truth when they get to the interrogation room. In this case, I suggest that the interrogation officially starts tomorrow. Does anyone have any objections? "


Everyone shook their heads together. The chief respects you for discussing with you, but if you take it seriously, you are being stupid. Besides, as the deputy director said, the truth will soon be revealed under severe punishment.

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