Cicada Moving

Chapter 952: Xu Enzeng becomes more stable

 Chapter 952 Xu Enzeng becomes more stable

 The next morning.

More than a dozen cars filed into the Military Unification Bureau headquarters at No. 29 Luojiawan. After the convoy stopped, Shen Dongxin was the first to get out of the car, went to the back row and opened the door, and Zhu Liang, who was smiling, got out of the car with his head held high.

In the last car, Xu Enzeng, who looked like a dead mother, brought Ji Boxian, the underground traitor pencil, and reluctantly got out and stood with a group of Central Committee secret agents.

 “Brother Zhu, it’s been a long time.”

Dai Chunfeng, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried forward, reached out and grabbed Zhu Liuxian's hand and said loudly, with Zuo Zhong as a bond, the two people who had been unhappy about the ownership of the Zhejiang Provincial Police Academy were able to resolve their old feud.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. This saying is really true. In order to jointly deal with Er Chen and Xu Enzeng, Lao Dai gave Zhu Liuxian enough face this time, and the entire military command bureau came forward to greet his old rival.

The two of them were both old-timers in the officialdom. They exchanged greetings with smiles while shaking hands. Zheng Tingbing and Zuo Zhong also joined in. They walked towards the interrogation room talking and laughing, pretending not to see someone.

 “To bully others too much. Bully others too much”

Xu Enzeng was so angry that he was shaking all over and kept mumbling something. Next to him, Ji Boxian and the Central Unification Agent subconsciously took a few steps to the side, fearing that Deputy Director Xu would go crazy and vent his anger on them.

To be honest, Gu Qi was kind. Seeing Lao Xu standing there trembling while performing, he couldn't bear it. He smiled and chatted with him and invited him to participate in the interrogation. Xu Enzeng was not embarrassed at all.

When the middle and high-level officials from both the military and central government came to the interrogation room, they immediately blocked up the small room. Zheng Tingbing was very discerning and immediately found an excuse to leave.

The rest of the spies also consciously stood outside the door. Only Dai Chunfeng, Zhu Liuxian, Zuo Zhong, Xu Enzeng, Wu Chunyang, Gu Qi and others were left in the room. Everyone politely found a place to sit down.

The most embarrassing thing was Ji Boxian. He stood alone in the middle of the room, neither standing nor sitting. Especially when he saw Lin Yuan on the interrogation chair, a few drops of cold sweat slowly dripped from his forehead.

 “There is light, please sit down, Mr. Ji.”

After Zuo Zhong poured a cup of hot water for Teacher Xianyi and the old principal respectively, he glanced at the frightened Ji Boxian and said to Gui Youguang with a smile on his lips.

"Okay, deputy seat." Gui Youguang, who was wearing an oilcloth and sitting on a backrest, touched his bald forehead, bared his teeth and stretched out his hand to drag Ji Boxian to another interrogation chair and push him in.

The bald man is not dressed like a civil servant, but rather like a butcher in a slaughterhouse. Coupled with his ferocious expression and appearance, it is really a bit scary.

Ji Boxian was almost in tears, but he did not dare to resist. He could only lie down on the small table and shouted at Xu Enzeng: "Deputy Director Xu, Mr. Xu, this... this is different from what we said."

At this time, everyone looked at Mr. Xu, with playful eyes, as if they suspected that Xu Enzeng had a tacit understanding with this underground traitor, or with the underground party. After all, this had happened more than once.

Xu Enzeng's scalp was numb and he slapped the table: "What nonsense? What did Xu say? I'm telling you, you'd better tell the truth and don't bite randomly. Did you hear that?"

Before he finished speaking, Zuo Zhong chuckled: "Okay, okay, Deputy Director Xu, what are you in a hurry for? I look like you scared Mr. Ji. Come on, Mr. Ji, ignore him. I am Zuo Zhong, Deputy Director of the Military Command."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Boxian became even more frightened. The scene in Central Park yesterday was too confusing. He didn't know who this young agent was. Now that he heard that the other party was the murderous Zuo Zhong, he almost peeed in fear.

Zuo Zhong didn't know how much psychological shadow his name brought to this person. After introducing himself, he smiled and pointed to Lin Yuan next to him, directly stating the purpose of today's interrogation.

"Mr. Ji, you are familiar with this person next to me. The reason for inviting you two here is to clarify one thing. Mr. Lin said that our military commander's insiders are Mr. Ji's people, but Mr. Ji, your confession is exactly the opposite.

Then the question is, who of the two is lying? I hope you can tell the truth. I promise not to let go of the past. If you are worried, you can ask our Director Dai and Director Zhu. "

Dai Chunfeng nodded immediately and gave his guarantee: "Well, as long as you two can repent and break up with the underground party, I will guarantee your life safety, otherwise."

Lao Dai looked at Lin and Ji with a sad look. His meaning was very clear. If they were dishonest, the military commander would have to use other means. It was not certain whether they would be able to survive by then.

"Yes, Mr. Ji, Mr. Lin, I, Zhu Liuxian, vouch for my reputation. If you tell the truth, I guarantee that nothing will happen to you." Zhu Liuxian also expressed his attitude at the right time.

 “I said, I said!”

Lin Yuan did not wait for Zhu Liu to finish speaking, and immediately started to repeat what he had explained before. In and out of his words, he regretted joining the underground party and was willing to surrender to the military reunification and the Kuomintang party.

At the end of the sentence, he burst into tears. Not to mention the secret agents, even Ji Boxian was made to doubt his life by this scene. But thinking of the other party's scolding in Central Park, he quickly retorted.

"Sir, this guy is lying to you. Yesterday he asked me why I wanted to be a traitor. Listen, this is something only a die-hard would say. Please check it out, sirs."

Ji Boxian stretched out his head and shouted excitedly to the people present. His eyes were red. People who didn't know thought he had been wronged a lot.

As a result, Lin Yuan became even more angry and yelled at him directly: "Put P, ​​I am obviously testing you to see if you have brought anyone else to join me. I don't know why you stood up after hearing this.

I immediately spoke to remind the military commanders, and even took action to press you to the ground. Everyone saw this. Mr. Ji, if you want to put the blame on me, stop dreaming! "

Hearing the words, Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Li first looked at Zuo Zhong. Zuo Zhong nodded helplessly: "There was indeed a conversation between them, but they were too far away to monitor. The rest is the same as what Mr. Lin said." Isolated evidence does not stand up.

Although Zuo Zhong was very reliable in the eyes of the two directors, they did not listen to one side or the other. They turned their attention to the ugly face of Xu Enzeng. Xu Enzeng could only tell the truth.

“Xu was also far away and didn’t hear clearly what they were saying, but Mr. Ji...”

"Okay, Deputy Director Xu, just say yes and no. You don't have to explain to Ji Boxian. Don't forget that you are the deputy director of the party-state, not the Zheng committee member of the underground party."

Before Xu Enzeng could finish speaking, Zhu Liang interrupted him with a simple sentence. Even though this man spoke and acted like a scholar, he was unambiguous in general.

Just now these few words came out, Xu Enzeng was like mud, and it was either **** or shit. If he said a few more words, maybe the dismissal and investigation order from the attendant's office would come.

Dai Chunfeng raised the corner of his mouth after witnessing this good show, and suddenly remembered the medicine again, and quickly asked Lin Yuan: "Mr. Lin, you stole the penicillin. You said that you had handed over the medicine to Mr. Ji, right?" ?"


Lin Yuan admitted frankly and took the initiative to add: "Ji Boxian told me at the Nanjimen Teahouse that the news of penicillin was leaked and asked me to steal the medicine as soon as possible to avoid being involved.

He also gave me the location and height of the freezer, and cooperated with me outside. I successfully took away the medicine, restored the scene, and then handed the medicine over at Chuqimen. "

 “Lie! You are lying!”

Ji Boxian couldn't bear it any longer. He broke free from the control of the little agent behind him and let out a roar. After he roared, he seemed to have thought of something, and stared at Xu Enzeng with hopeful eyes.

“Deputy Director Xu, you were present at the two meetings between the teahouse and Chu Qimen. I was the spy who inquired about the military command for you, and I was definitely not reporting the leakage of penicillin or obtaining the medicine.

 You must testify for me that I was wronged. Don’t forget that without me, the Central Committee would not be able to know the secrets of the northwest intelligence system. I sincerely want to serve the party and the state. "


When Xu Enzeng heard the word "testify", the Party official's instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages automatically activated. He laughed dryly twice and looked at Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian, throwing away all his responsibilities.

“At that time, Xu wanted to find more underground party members through this Lin Yuan, and he indeed arranged operatives around, but because he was worried about being discovered by the other party, the personnel stayed far away.

 So what Mr. Ji and Mr. Lin said during the two meetings was all dictated by Mr. Ji's oral dictation. I'm not sure whether there were any errors or concealments in the process.

As for whether Mr. Lin gave Mr. Ji penicillin, I don’t know. When we were at Chuqimen, the man surnamed Lin was very professional and carried his back to block all surveillance views.

Furthermore, Mr. Ji surrendered to the government on his own initiative. According to past rules, we are not allowed to search him at will. This was the case during the Secret Service Headquarters. This is to prevent personnel from getting resentful anyway. "

  After shirking the responsibility and putting himself in an invincible position, Xu Enzeng changed the subject again before Ji Boxian could question it, wanting to use other evidence to prove Ji Boxian's reliability.

“However, Mr. Ji has not been to other places these days except for meeting and resting at his residence. If the penicillin is really taken away by him, he can only hide it in his residence.

Just one search can prove Mr. Ji's innocence. I am willing to lead the team myself. In addition, Xu would like to advise Mr. Lin that what is false is false and cannot be true. Don't make mistakes. "

Xu Enzeng is really smart. Perhaps he was tricked by the previous intelligence section chiefs. Now his first reaction when encountering something is to pick himself out first, and highlight one word, stable.

Hearing the screening method he proposed, Ji Bo was overjoyed and hurriedly agreed. Lin Yuan looked indifferent, and the decision-making power of the matter was left to Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows at this, and said with a half-smile: "What if the penicillin is taken away by you, Deputy Director Xu? Who knows if you have any secret cooperation with the underground party."


Xu Enzeng was furious. He stood up and raised three fingers and swore: "If I, Xu Enzeng, have anything to do with the underground party, I will be struck by five thunderbolts from the sky, and I will die badly!"

"Okay, be careful, don't say anything that undermines unity, let's go search Mr. Ji's residence first, treat it as a routine inspection, and let us both send people together to prevent fraud."

Zhu Liuxian on the side smiled and persuaded, after all, Xu Enzeng is also a member of the Central Government. As the director, he must speak up, otherwise the people below him will inevitably feel chilled. This is the principle.

Zuo Zhong heard the old principal come forward and saw Dai Chunfeng nodding slightly. He turned around and ordered Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang: "You two accompany Deputy Director Xu. Watch carefully. Do you understand?"


Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang accurately grasped the three words "watch closely". After replying to the order, they took the angry Xu Enzeng to their left and right, and followed him out of the interrogation room as if they were watching a thief.

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