Chapter 114

Organic methyl land.

Lin Jun turned on the system.

[Ding…The system has been upgraded and new functions have been added…]

Host: Lin Jun

Identity background: Traverser, future savior (??)

Gold Finger: [Human Savior System]

Talent: “Man Cursed by Knowledge”, “Combat Intuition”

Cosmic gene development degree~: 12.3%

Knowledge: Slightly

Task: Slightly

Popularity value: 12.3 billion points

Mall: lve

Future memorabilia: It can consume 1 billion popularity points to obtain memorabilia for the next thousand years (note: every action of the host will produce a butterfly effect) (note: it is not possible to view all the major events of the host before his death).

The system is upgraded.

However, there is only one more function-[Future Notes].

Since Lin Jun killed the first monster and got [1 chance to shuttle to the future in 1000 years], he never got this kind of shuttle opportunity.

And that time, Lin Jun acquired a lot of very useful technology, and even gained the enhancement of [Gene Pharmacy], so that Lin Jun’s body is always in a very strong state.

“The system has been suggesting me to pay attention to the future…I need to pay attention to this point…”

“In addition, with this new feature [Future Memorabilia], the system may be prompting me.”

“With a popularity value of 1 billion, I can earn more than that at a time. You can try to redeem it and see what is different about this [Future Memorabilia].”

Lin Jun thought about it.

Directly redeemed a copy of 【Future Memorabilia】.

Soon, Lin Jun’s system panel displayed a long list of messages.

——”On July 8, 2020, the Prophet Lin Jun made the first mech and named it the Wanderer.”

——”July 15, 2020…Jarvis…”

These two are exactly the same as those marked by Lin Jun last time after crossing 1000 years.

The next few articles are all the same.

Then it becomes a bunch of ¥#¥%…garbled.

——”September 18, 2122, the death of the greatest prophet of mankind · Lin Jun, global grief…”

still the same.

Lin Jun is ‘dead’ and the date is the same.

——”In December 2122, humans succeeded in annihilating the crater 50 kilometers east of Emerald on the second colony, and after annihilating a pioneer, Kaijumon’s nest, they discovered that it contained a rare element-element 208. The metal becomes’active’, and the mecha has realized the function of [Transformers] from then on, and its combat effectiveness has increased a hundredfold!”

Lin Jun: “……………………”

Damn it!(Read more @


This element is awesome!

But what is this Emerald planet? Is it related to Kaijumon, is it the world on the other side of the wormhole?

——”In 2130, the world’s top scientist Xiao Fenghuang successfully passed the Gaia consciousness of the No. 1 colonial planet Pandora, connected to the artificial intelligence [sun], and successfully evolved the [sun] into a real artificial intelligence life [Galaxy].

Lin Jun: “……………………”

Another big deal!

Pandora Star!

Isn’t this the planet in the “Avatar” movie? How did it become a colony planet of the earth?

No, with the technology of the earth at that time, it was logically impossible to colonize the interstellar on a large scale.

Only one possibility is:


Lin Jun was really shocked at this moment!

“and many more……”

At this time, Lin Jun noticed the prefix of Pandora Star——

Colonial Planet One!

In other words, Pandora was developed earlier than the Emerald planet of Kaijumon.

I just don’t know what the wormhole is on this planet, and where is the location of the wormhole.

——”In 2278, the Dragon Kingdom took the lead and the Earth Federation was established…”

The time is 22 years ahead of the previous timeline.

——”In 2500, the probe Pioneer, which had left the solar system for one year before, lost its signal.”

still the same.

——”In 2800, colonization planet No. 1 and No. 2 colonization planet lost their signals… The wormhole is still there, but it cannot pass… The earth seems to be restricted…”

——”On October 1, 3020, a drop-shaped alien spacecraft appeared in the solar system…”

These two are different from the previous timeline.

This is the end of “Future Memorabilia”.

Lin Jun frowned.

He remembers the last time he came back from the future 1000 years later, it was October 1, 3020.

···········Find Flowers 0 ·················································································································

This time is a coincidence.

Could it be that the earth had been destroyed at that time?

The system panel is closed.

Lin Jun wrote on the paper:

Planet Pandora-“Avatar”!

Planet Emerald-“Pacific Rim”!

As for whether the earth will be extinct 1000 years later, Lin Jun doesn’t have much idea, anyway, he is not qualified to manage that far.

But there is no doubt that this time the “big event” has changed. It may be because I want to explore another world of the wormhole, so I will derive a new timeline, and then there will be more planet Pandora, Planet Emerald.

Time flies, and half a month has passed.

Under the leadership of Lin Jun, Longguo held a grand selection contest for the mecha division that lasted for half a month.

The format is very simple.

Participants: All the players with A-level ratings (102,315 in total).

The first round (elimination): ten new maps, twenty new monsters of various types. Defeat the monsters and score (previously cleared) to enter 1000 players, advance.

The second round: Start with seven mecha players, 10 new maps, 20 new monsters, and finally score the top 15 (the top 15 of each mecha).

The third round: 10 new maps, 20 new monsters, and finally each type of mecha player chooses the top 5.

At the beginning of the game, the whole country plunged into a warm atmosphere.

On the Internet and in reality, the Mecha Contest is being discussed everywhere.

Comparable to the annual college entrance examination!

Even many colleges and high schools have suspended classes to cheer for the players.

And abroad, many countries directly purchased the broadcasting rights to pay attention to this major game.

It can be said that this is a competition that has attracted worldwide attention, and it is only a competition that belongs to the Dragon Kingdom itself.

On December 20th, the first round of the elimination round was over and 1,000 players were selected.

On December 25th, the second round of the semi-finals ended and 7*15 contestants were selected.

On January 1, 2021, New Year’s Day, the third round of the Mecha Division finals officially begins!

Venue-Fengchao Stadium!

. Eight.

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