Chapter 115

January 1, 2021.

21:30 in the evening.

Lin Jun is watching the final finals of the Mecha Contest.

Organic methyl land.

Didi didi~~~~~

The long-lost siren once again sounded at the base.

The originally peaceful base suddenly became lively.

“The Wormhole Detector is moving…”

“The mouth of the wormhole has expanded by 10%…”

“A monster that can only reach level 4, drilled a wormhole!”

“Another level 4 monster has drilled a wormhole!”

As the broadcast sound continued to sound, everyone’s relaxed expressions suddenly became serious.




Finally, the number stopped at eleven!

11 monsters!

An unprecedented number!

Compared with the last 5, it is twice as many!

Moreover, there are 4 monsters that are only level 4!

Lin Jun walked out of the room and looked at the 11 red dots in the Mariana Trench in the Earth projection.

After a few minutes, the 11 monsters began to separate and leave in all directions in the south, east, north, and west.

“Professor Lin, there are 4 of them who came to Long Country!”

“They are Magic City, Guangdong City, Hong Kong City…”

“Among them, Hong Kong City has two fourth-level ones, while Guangdong City and Magic City are three-level…”


The audience gasped for a while.

Four directly at a time, and two of them are level four!

This battle is really big!


The information of each monster was detected.

Monster: Standing-tailed Rat

Level: Level 4

Height: 63 meters

Weight: 2690 tons

Monster: Ridgeback Turtle

Level: Level 4

Height: 81 meters

Weight: 2900 tons(Read more @

There are two other three-level monsters, giant toads and giant spiders.

Lin Jun frowned: “Jarvis, immediately measure how long it will take them to reach the target.”

Jarvis: “This time the monsters are faster. It only takes 15 hours for the monsters to reach the magic city, 30 hours for the city of Guangdong, 32 hours for the city of Hong Kong…”

Everyone frowned.

“It’s too close at this time.”

“Aren’t the mecha divisions selected by the mecha contest just going to come in handy?”

Everyone looked at Lin Jun and waited for Lin Jun’s decision.

Lin Jun thought for a while: “Four mechas go to the magic city, three mechas go to Guangdong city, I go to Hong Kong city…”

Lin Jun looked serious and ordered: “When the competition is over, we will call them to the machine, urgent task!”

“Yes!!” Everyone listened to the order.

After half an hour.


After 3 hours of the final battle, a total of 35 7*5 mecha divisions were formally established.

The number of global audiences at this time: 1.85 billion!

High-pitched, passionate background music echoed over the entire Fengchao Stadium,

The heat is in full swing, and the passion is surging!

“Let us have 7 mecha divisions who have won the championship, come on! The stage!!!”

The host’s roar and shout.

“Saber Athena-Xiao Lengyu!”

“Phoenix Guerrilla——Zhuang Xiaonan!”

“The Heroic Protector…”

Seven champions stepped onto the front desk one by one.

Accept the attention of the public.

The seven newly appointed mecha divisions are no more than 22 years old. Facing this scene tonight, they are naturally very excited.

One of them, Zhang Wu, who was more lively, couldn’t wait to vent his excitement with a roar on the spot.

The cheers and cheers of the audience almost overturned the entire stadium, igniting young people from all over the world through live broadcasts and rebroadcasts!

This may be the peak moment of the younger generation!

It also made the young mecha divisions in Area 51 of the Lighthouse Country even more sour…

“I want to do this too!”

“One day, I will be so shining!”

After the game, a total of 35 young people returned to the backstage at 7*5.

I was about to go back to the hotel to rest as planned, but the person in charge of the contest came over and said to them.

“The hotel break is cancelled… an urgent task!”

“We’re going to Mecha Land now!”

The 35 young people were shocked.

Urgent task?

Then I was overjoyed.

“Could it be… the monster is here?”

Suddenly all of them were eagerly excited, because it means that they will have the opportunity to drive a real mech immediately!

The person in charge said solemnly: “You will know when you arrive.”

After 10 minutes, they were taken by helicopter gunship to the Mecha ground.

“It’s the first time I’ve made a helicopter, and it’s still Wuzhi. This time some blown it!”

“Don’t get excited too early. When you turn on the armor, wouldn’t it be more blowing?”

After entering the Mecha Land, they took the elevator and descended 150 meters to the underground base.

Then I met Lin Jun.

“Professor Lin! 0.8”

“Boss Lin Jun!”

After they saw Lin Jun, they shouted and were surprised.

Zhang Wu, who was naturally jumpy, knelt down, came to Lin Jun and hugged his thigh!

“Big brother, be worshipped by the little brother!”

Lin Jun: “………………”

“Get up, I want to talk about something serious…”

Lin Jun glanced at everyone, and finally couldn’t help but pause on Xiao Lengyu’s face.

It was really exactly the same as Xiao Lengyu who was a thousand years later.

“Now it’s an urgent task. Four monsters are invading the Dragon Kingdom!”


ps: I originally wanted to write about the competition, but it turned out…I didn’t write well, so I deleted it.


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