Chapter 123


Prime Minister’s Office.

Knock on the door.

“Come in!” The Prime Minister was working on some documents without looking up.

The secretary walked in quickly, looking nervous.

“Your Excellency Prime Minister, I just got news that monsters might attack our country!”


The Prime Minister knocked over the cup next to him, his face ugly.

“You mean, monsters will attack our country?”

“It is possible, not necessarily.” The secretary corrected.

“Who said this?”

“Long Kingdom just held a press conference and announced that this time a total of 4 monsters have come to our Southeast Asia, and we are not the first to bear the brunt of the attack. The probability of being attacked is as high as 88.2%…”

“Long Country? Haha~~~” the prime minister subconsciously said with disdain, “this must be deliberately speaking, to make our people panic.”

The contradiction between the dragon country and the African country has a long history.

Paradox 1: Dragon people accounted for a large proportion of 613 African countries, as high as about 20%, and their wealth accounted for more than 50%.

The dragon people do not like to fight for power, so they have not achieved much politically. The political power is basically in the hands of the locals.

The imbalance between political power and economic power has intensified the contradiction between the two parties.

The local people with political power feel that the dragon people occupy too many resources in the society and occupy the resource space of the local people, so they will set up various policies to support the local people, suppress the dragon people, and stimulate conflicts between the two sides.

In addition, the culture of the local people is not confident, and the dragon people are proud of the five thousand years of glorious civilization in their hometown. Both sides have a sense of inferiority and pride, forming a daily contradiction.

The second contradiction is the conflict in the territorial waters. Many territorial sea conflicts occur every year, such as fishing boats being arrested by the other side, or collisions between the two sides. Even more serious is the exploration and extraction of marine resources, such as petroleum and rare earths.

In addition, the Beacon Nation’s provocative and discordant actions behind the scenes, fueling the flames, and fishing boat offensives have led to dissatisfaction with Long Nation, whether it is a high-level political or a private person.

The only exception is those tourist areas. For the huge tourist market of Longguo, local residents have to please tourists. But in fact, there are still all kinds of dissatisfaction with Longguo secretly.

The Prime Minister waved his hand: “Don’t pay attention to Longguo’s words.”

The secretary turned and left. When he was about to close the door, he stopped talking, and finally couldn’t help saying:

“But, Prime Minister, what if the monsters do come and come directly to our capital? Please think twice, Prime Minister.”

After speaking, closed the door and left.

The Prime Minister was a little panicked now.

What if the monster does come?

What to resist?

Guns bought from Lighthouse Country?

Do not make jokes!

The lighthouse country’s own state-of-the-art weapons can’t be used by monsters. The garbage weapons sold by the lighthouse country have a ghost use!


The Prime Minister hurriedly called the Great Emperor of the Black Palace of the Lighthouse Kingdom for help.

Austrian Emperor received a call from the African Prime Minister and sneered on the spot!

What a joke, there are only 20 mechas in the lighthouse country now, and you are not an important ally in the African country!

What if those two level 4 monsters come to the lighthouse country?

What does the lighthouse country use to block level 4 monsters?

So Emperor Austrian simply refused.

“I’m sorry, the lighthouse country does not currently have enough mechas stationed in the coastal areas around the lighthouse country, so it is impossible to send mechas to Africa…”

“Is it really bad?”

“I’m sorry…” Emperor Austrian thought for a while, after all, the African countries are a strategic ally to restrain the Dragon State, and they cannot let the African countries be too disappointed.

So he made another suggestion.

“In view of the long-standing friendship between the African country and our lighthouse country, one month later, the lighthouse country is willing to sell a mecha to the African country at a price of 12% off to defend the African country and resist monsters.

Non-State Prime Minister: “However, we are now a non-state monster…”

Emperor Ao: “That’s it, I have something to do…”

Emperor Austrian took the opportunity to hang up!

African Prime Minister: “…”

At this time, the secretary knocked on the door again and came in with a heavy face.

“Prime Minister, another monster just changed its direction and came in the direction of our non-state. It is 420 kilometers away. The probability of invading the non-state is 96.%…”


“One more?!”

The Prime Minister was shocked and stood up.

One is not enough, come two!

His face is green.

“How to do?”

He walked around the office, trying to find a way.

The secretary suggested: “Prime Minister, we can ask the lighthouse country for help…”

The Prime Minister looked ugly: “Do you think I didn’t call? But Emperor Nao refused to send mechs over!”

The secretary was surprised: “They refused?!”

. .

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