Chapter 124

“Yes, the lighthouse country rejected my request for help.” The African Prime Minister was full of anger.

“Then…” the secretary asked weakly, “Should we ask Long Guo for help?”

The secretary knows that the entire African country is full of atmospheres that reject the Dragon Country, and the Prime Minister is one of the ‘outstanding ones’ and has made remarks against the Dragon Country on many occasions.

The Prime Minister nodded: “For Africa, this is the only way to go.”

He quickly dialed the number of Elder Longguo.

“What? I want the mechas of the Dragon Kingdom to go to Africa to prevent the monsters from invading? I’m sorry, those mechas are under maintenance (in fact, nothing at all), so they cannot go.

“Elder, please help the African country. Since ancient times, the African country and the Dragon country have been friendly neighbors. After the founding of the country, they have been friendly exchanges…Balabara…”

The African Prime Minister eloquently blew up the friendly relations between the African countries and the Dragon countries.

The great elder sneered again and again.

Friendly leader?

Really bullshit!

We can remember all the things you have done under the command of the Beacon State in recent years ~ in a small book.

Moreover, we all know that the dragon people have suffered a lot of unfair treatment in Africa.

Talk to me about friendly relations now?

Is it too late?

“Sorry, I remember that your relationship with the Beacon Nation should be very good. They have 20 mechas. You can ask for help from them…”

African Prime Minister: “The Beacon State refused.”

The elder ‘shocked’: “Ah, I refused? Isn’t it? Isn’t the relationship between your two countries very good? How can they die? Is it plastic brotherhood?”

In that tone, it was as if he had heard something ‘unbelievable’.

African Prime Minister: “…”

Heartbroken! !

This face is so painful!

The Prime Minister thought for a while: “Let’s talk about it, what conditions does Dragon Kingdom need to make a move?”

The Grand Elder laughed and said: “I’m sorry, you are not a country, I look down on Long Nation!”

After speaking, just hang up the phone.



Hearing the busy tone of the call, the African Prime Minister looked gloomy!


Angrily shoot the desktop!

“Longguo, don’t let me seize the opportunity to make you look good!”

After thinking about it, he instructed the secretary to pass on the news that the monster might arrive, and evacuate the major coastal cities across the country.

Especially in the capital city of Mali, with a population of 12.88 million, evacuation will be a very slow and arduous task.

City of Mali.(Read more @

The capital of Africa.

It is the largest port in the African country, located on the east coast of the Gulf of Mali, the largest island in the African country, and is close to the excellent natural harbor-the Gulf of Mali.

Mali is the economic center of Africa. More than half of the country’s industrial enterprises are concentrated, mainly including textile, oil extraction, rice milling, sugar making, tobacco, hemp rope, and metallurgical enterprises. The output value accounts for 60% of the country. At the same time, it is also the most important transportation hub and trade port of the African country, where 1/3 of the country’s export goods and 4/5 of the imported goods are concentrated here.

Today, a huge chaos has started here.

Great evacuation! !

When the sirens sounded over the city, the citizens knew that a monster might attack here, and only 2 hours were left.

Think about San Francisco, think about the City of Angels, think about Gotham City…

All citizens were frightened and evacuated inland.

However, people who are interested soon noticed a problem:

“Why are there so few dragons?”


“They seem to have evacuated early, and they persuaded me to evacuate. I didn’t believe it at the time…”

“Isn’t it? Evacuate long ago? Where did they get the news?”

“It goes without saying that it was notified by the Dragon Kingdom. Although the relationship between the two sides is far apart, blood is still thicker than water and cannot be completely divided.”

“Long Country…”

When some people hear this word, there is envy, jealousy, and resentment…

Very complicated.

50 kilometers away from Mali…

The large retreat unit composed of more than 300,000 dragons has already evacuated 2 hours in advance and evacuated to the inner mountainous area 50 kilometers away.

At first glance, it was desolate.

But the victory is safe, the monster will not come here.

The dragon people in Mali city had received a notice from the dragon country two hours ago, and then quickly organized manpower and began to evacuate Mali in a large group.

Because the dragon people are often suppressed by the local people, they are relatively united. Therefore, the organization of the evacuation is very fast, and they evacuated Mali earlier than others, avoiding the chaos during the evacuation.

···········Find Flowers 0 ·················································································································

When the city of Mali was stuck in a traffic jam, they had completely left the city of Mali.

In the team, a mental boy asked an elder.

“Uncle Chen, do you say that the hometown of Longguo will send mechs over?”

Uncle Chen shook his head: “It shouldn’t, otherwise we don’t need to notify us to evacuate…You also know the relationship between the African country and the Long Kingdom. It is very bad. The motherland is not a great person. Why should we come to save?

The young man asked again: “Uncle Chen, I have never been to Longguo in my hometown. Tell me about things in my hometown.”

Uncle Chen’s face smiled kindly: “My ancestral home is Hu Jian. The people there are very united. If there is an accident alone, the whole family can often come out to help. Outsiders dare not bully… We can take root here in Africa Germination depends on unity!”

…… …. …

Then, Chen Shuxing came and talked a lot about his hometown.

More and more young people gathered around, listening with relish.

He was very happy that these young people were interested in the motherland. In the past, these young people were brainwashed by the lighthouse country. They felt that the Dragon Kingdom was backward, impoverished, and ignorant, making them, the older generation, very angry and helpless.

The recent rise of the Dragon Kingdom has also made many young people interested in, looking up and admiring the Dragon Kingdom. This is a good thing. At least they can recognize where their ancestors are.

The young man’s eyes were full of yearning.

“If I have time, I want to go to Long Country.”

“I want to go too.”

“I want, too.”

Many young people said one after another.

Uncle Chen felt relieved when he heard the words.

Two hours passed in a flash.

The real-time road map of the monster announced by Dragon Kingdom shows:

Two third-level monsters are only 10 kilometers away from Mali!

Probability of attack: 100%! !

Only one-third of the population of Mali was evacuated, and this moment was plunged into great chaos!

Some thugs couldn’t escape, they began to rob, murder, rob, arson, beat, smash, and rob…

More and more people are joining this ranks.

The whole city is messed up!

At this time, at the Prime Minister’s Office, the Prime Minister fell into a chair, looking at the red dots of the two monsters on the map, his face pale.

“Mali, it’s over!!”

. Eight.

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