Chapter 133

Pandora star.

Gaia realized Eva felt a wormhole appeared in it.

On the other side of this wormhole, it felt an infinite crisis…

Not now, but in the next 1,000 years!

“Professor Lin, what’s the matter? Your complexion doesn’t seem very good?”

At the base, the researcher saw that Lin Jun’s face was not so good, and couldn’t help but ask with concern.

“It’s okay, I stayed up late yesterday.” Lin Jun said in an unhappy mood, what shit system rewards, what Pandora star wormhole…

You are telling me where the wormhole is!

If you don’t tell me, how do I know where the wormhole is?

Tired! !

Lin Jun left the Jiji Land and came to the headquarters of Longqi Group.

“Professor Lin, in the case of a large-scale production capacity explosion, we have produced 4 models of 8 million Longqi electric vehicles. The market has responded very well, and the supply is in short supply.”

President Zhang Hongyuan reported to Lin Jun respectfully.

Lin Jun: “Where are the eliminated cars 677?”

Zhang Hongyuan: “According to your instructions from Professor Lin, all the cars that have not been scrapped have been shipped abroad and sold.”

Lin Jun nodded.

After listening to the report, Lin Jun went to the Monster Research Base, where a new alloy was researched.

Light metal No. 1, the hardness is three times that of diamond, but it is very light, and the density is only one-fifth that of aluminum.

Then took a look at the growth of the little monster.

After walking around and relaxing, Lin Jun finally feels better.

Back at Mecha Ground, a young researcher was cursing as soon as he entered the door.

“These nasty Muyang dogs are disgusting!”

“It’s really licking to make people nauseous.”

Obviously something happened that made him angry.

Lin Jun is surprised, there are still Mu foreign dogs now?

I have to say that this kind of people is awesome, and they can’t stop killing them no matter what.

“Professor Lin!”

When the researcher saw Lin Jun, he was overjoyed.

“What’s wrong? So angry” Lin Jun couldn’t help being curious.(Read more @

“Professor Lin, it’s like this. Didn’t I play the show just now, but I ended up with a TV show. Those people licked the disgusting look of the foreigners, which refreshed my three views, and it was also broadcast on the golden channel of the popular satellite TV. Amazing!”

The young researcher began to talk about Barabara.

It turned out that he was talking about a TV series called “Happy Must Knock on the Door”.

The summary of the TV series is: the doctor goddess who graduated from medical school + his wife cheated on the African chieftain, and died after giving birth to an inhuman child. The phoenix male protagonist with a green head shouldered the responsibility of supporting the family and was hated by the inhuman children. Accepted by inhuman children.

Lin Jun finished listening: “…………………………”


Damn it!

Amazing, this plot!

No wonder the young researcher was very angry when he watched it, but he was also very angry when he changed to Lin Jun!

Be green, and have to pick up.

Receiving is not enough. I have to bear the humiliation to accept his wife and children, and be misunderstood by his wife, and then the male protagonist will please him in various ways.

Finally received inhuman forgiveness, and finally the actor is satisfied!

By the way, the female protagonist (not the wife) also persuades the male protagonist to be kind and all kinds of ‘positive energy’.


Lin Jun is disgusting!

Lin Jun would like to know that screenwriters like this kind of happiness to knock on the door?

What values ​​do you want to promote to the audience when making such a TV series?

Take a look at the descriptions of the Dragon Man who connects to the black plate in the play. They are negative comments about Phoenix men, flattery, and so on.

The inhuman descriptions of the men in the Dragon Kingdom are positive comments from the chief and Gao Fushuai. The intention of raising the inhuman men to devalue the men in the Dragon Kingdom is obviously outrageous!

This is simply rolling all the disgusting settings into a dung ball, letting the Dragon Kingdom man swallow it and then pull out a golden egg.

Lin Jun opened the commentary on the TV show curiously.

“This SB director should go eat shit!”

“I hope that from the director to the producer, and everyone involved in this play, [Happy] will knock on the door.”

“Does this sand sculpture director and screenwriter really want to be born in Daheizhou and grow under the black star?”

“Resist spiritual colonization!”

Sure enough, it was a curse.

And the drama party issued another announcement: the actors have worked hard, the show party has worked hard, please bear with me, please don’t spread rumors. At the same time, this drama is also a TV drama full of positive energy. I hope everyone understands…

Lin Jun: “………………”

Ten thousand grass mud horses galloped past.

Really positive energy.

The Dragon Kingdom has risen, why are there so many kneeling clans?

Really annoying!

Next, the play began to spread within the base, and it attracted countless people’s disgust and swearing.

“This kind of drama is actually a star. It can be seen that there are many Muyang dogs in China.”

“This kind of drama is simply distorting the audience’s view of right and wrong, and it must be banned.”

Lin Jun thought for a while, opened Weibo and wrote:

——”Many people in the base are talking about a TV series “Happy Must Knock on the Door”. I looked at the summary of the plot and it was disgusting. I hope that the relevant departments will take care of it. The rise of the Dragon Kingdom is not easy. Don’t be distorted.

Lin Jun’s Weibo is so huge that it has 300 million followers.

And it’s still a fan!

As soon as Weibo came out, the domestic Internet was all boiled.

“I’m going to take a look at what TV show is so disgusting? Even Lin Jun can’t help but curse.”

“Strong onlookers… Fuck, I just searched it, and reading the profile made me sick.”

“I watched this TV series, I just want to tell the crew: Knock Nima!”

“What a man kneeling and licking foreigners, my God, what age is this? There are people like this?”

“At the time I thought it was a functional script that was impossible to pass review and was used to launder investment money. I really never thought it would actually be broadcast!!!”

“Don’t say anything, from then on, these protagonists have been black!”

“The crew is heartbroken!”

“I want to ask: Who is our loveliest person fighting for?”


ps: If it is similar to a TV series, it is purely coincidental

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