Chapter 134

A five-star hotel.

At this time, the directors, screenwriters, and leading actors of the crew of “Happiness Must Knock at the Door” are holding a celebration banquet.

Once the TV series were broadcast, they were widely discussed. Although they are all negative reviews, black is red, as long as the ratings are high.

“Cheers to our victory!”


“In other words, our director is really amazing. We even aimed at such a market, provoked the anger of the people, and made the ratings soar.”

“The director is awesome!”

“Director, to you this cup!”

The atmosphere of the celebration banquet was very warm, one by one, happy for the good results of the TV series.

The director sternly smiled proudly: “Don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t deliberately provoke the audience. My TV series is full of positive energy. It shows the values ​​of life that have gone through hardships and infatuation, and convey the positive, good and beautiful Energy is a reference to the current impetuous social atmosphere.”

Everyone laughed.

“The director is right!”

“positive energy!”

“The current social atmosphere is really impetuous, and it is necessary to direct people like you to give people light.”

One after another.

And at this moment…


The door was knocked open!

The heroine’s agent rushed in panting.

“It’s not good, something happened!”

The audience was stunned, the wine glasses stopped, and they all looked over.

Heroine Wu Xi: “What happened?”

The agent panicked and said: “The relevant department just issued a notice and criticized our “Happiness Must Knock on the Door”, saying that the three views are not correct, reversing history and ordering it to stop broadcasting.


The wine glass broke!


“How can it be?”

Everyone was taken aback and stood up abruptly.

The agent was emotional: “This is more than that, the relevant departments also announced that they will block the director and starring role of the crew!”


The protagonist Nie Jin and the heroine Wu Xi sat down on the ground. They were excited and excited just because of the explosion of the TV series. At this moment, they all turned into despair!

And the director Yan Qu, his face turned pale!


This is definitely the harshest punishment for actors and directors!

They will not be able to mix in this industry in the future.

The director Yan Qu looked at the agent: “Why? Why are our TV series blocked?”

The agent smiled bitterly: “Because Professor Lin posted a Weibo and criticized our TV series…”

Although Lin Jun broke their good deeds, the agent still said respectfully and did not dare to call his name directly.

This is prestige!

“It’s him!”

Hearing the name ‘Professor Lin’, whether it is the director or the lead actor, he suddenly felt ashamed of thunder and his face paled.


If it is someone else, there may still be room for change.

But if Lin Jun speaks out in person, it means that everything will be irreversible, because the relevant departments dare not disobey Lin Jun at all.

Ling Ling Ling~~~~

At this moment, the mobile phone of the heroine Wu Xi rang.

“Wu Xi, I am the brand manager of Dior Company. I now inform you that because of Wu Xi’s improper behavior, the endorsement contract signed by Dior and you will be invalidated from today. At the same time, Wu Xi, who is the defaulting party, needs to pay Dior Company The double penalty is 40 million…”

Patter~~~(Read more @

The phone fell to the ground.

Wu Xi’s eyes straightened and she was stupid on the spot.

Endorsement, no more!

And also compensate 40 million in liquidated damages.

Subsequently, the telephone ringing kept ringing, and five endorsement brands successively called Wu Xi to terminate their endorsements and also to pursue liquidated damages.

The protagonist Nie Jin is no exception. He has successively received calls from the endorsement company to terminate the contract.

Wu Xi and Nie Jin, their careers are completely over!


The audience is deadly quiet!

Everyone was dumbfounded, just because of Lin Jun’s Weibo, everything was reversed, from heaven to hell!

Hu Jian province.

International airport.

Today the international airport welcomed a group of guests from overseas.

Afro-national dragon descendants.

In the last non-national disaster, the people of the Dragon descendants were evacuated from the coastal cities ahead of schedule because of the guidance of the Dragon Kingdom, with fewer losses.

At the same time, because of the recent rise of the Dragon Nation, which has repeatedly blocked and killed monsters, as well as alien medical technology, the international power has gradually suppressed the Beacon Nation.

Therefore, countless dragon descendants who have settled abroad for decades and hundreds of years returned to China.

And Hu Jian province is the country’s largest city where the descendants of the dragon descendants are born, so during this period tens of thousands of descendants of the dragon descendants have returned from abroad to worship their ancestors in Hu Jian Province.

The old man stepped on this land, feeling a lot, and couldn’t help tears in his eyes.

But the young people watched everywhere, full of curiosity about everything in the Long Kingdom.

There is also a surprise!

“Hey, doesn’t it mean that Long Country is very poor and backward? It doesn’t look like it.”

They looked at the provincial capital of Hujian Province, with many tall buildings, neat and spacious streets, and shopping malls, which was very lively, and it was not worse than those big cities in Africa.

It doesn’t look like poverty and backwardness…

“If this is considered backward, isn’t our Na Kui Song the countryside?”

“I remember that Huzhou is just an ordinary provincial capital, and there are real big cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Hangzhou. Huzhou is so prosperous. Wouldn’t Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Hangzhou be more prosperous?”

···········Find Flowers 0 ·················································································································

The prosperity of Huzhou has subverted the three views of these young people.

The next day, under the leadership of their elders, they came to the Chen’s Ancestral Hall to worship their ancestors.

Then, under the introduction of the ancestral clan elders, they learned what is called historical heritage:

One family and two prime ministers, nine generations of eight Taishi…

79 people have been on the list of scholars in the past dynasties…

One dynasty and two ministers, the second generation and two generals, the third generation and two academicians…

All kinds of awesome!

These young people who came back from overseas couldn’t help but boiled with enthusiasm after listening to the brilliant history of the Chen family, and their sense of identity for recognizing their ancestors was exploded, and they no longer thought that the Dragon Kingdom was no good.

If the dragon country is not good, is it good for the African country to break the ground?

“Excuse me, can we return to the nationality of Long Country?”

A young man raised his hand and asked.

The clan elder said frankly: “This may be a little difficult, because the nationality of Long Country is one of the most difficult nationalities in the world, and the pass rate is very low.

…… ……. …….

Caiyun Province.

In the jungle.

Hunter Amu started a new day of hunting in the mountains.

He is the best hunter in the surrounding villages of thirty miles and eighteen. He makes a living by hunting. Because of local policy, he was not checked the water meter.

Today, he went into the mountain again to patrol the animal traps he placed.


In front of him where he placed the trap, there was a low growl.

Amu’s expression condensed.


What monster?

This sound has never been heard before!

He was cautious, spent 5 minutes approaching the trap, and then saw the monster in the trap pit!

Dark skin, thick and thick teeth, claws like human hands…

Moreover, there are still six legs! !

“What is this!!”

Amu was taken aback! !

This monster is yelling at Amu in a low voice,

But it lost too much blood, but it couldn’t escape the trap, so it could only growl threatening Amu not to approach.

Three hours later…

Tamu Village is fried!

Amu brought back a monster corpse who didn’t know what it was!

Six legs!

Never seen it before!

Even the well-informed 90-year-old hunter has never heard of such a monster!

The village party secretary realized that it was wrong and hurried to call the police.

Soon after, the police arrived in Tamu Village.

The police couldn’t help being surprised when they saw the monster!


ps: Thanks to wojiaoayao for the great reward of 100 yuan, and other book friends for their rewards~mua~~

. Eight.

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