Chapter 139

Lighthouse country.

The black palace.

“Mr. President, we have already determined the goal of Longguo’s large-scale operation.”

The secretary pointed to a red dot on the map. It was the wormhole in Tamu Village, Choi Yun Province.

The Austrian Emperor was puzzled: “It turned out not to invade the country to the south? What is there? It is worth the mecha, and then a large number of troops need to be mobilized-?”

Secretary: “Our spies have not arrived there yet. However, according to the information we collected from the Dragon Kingdom network, several netizens revealed that an unusual creature, a six-legged wolf, appeared there. However, we have not yet confirmed the news. true and false.”

Emperor Austrian had a faint hunch that this matter was very important.

“Order the Intelligence Bureau to get the information at all costs!”


Dragon country.

An elders group meeting concerning the future millennium plan of the Dragon Kingdom is being held.

Lin Jun calmly talked freely.

“I have always planned to develop the wormhole in the Mariana Trench and explore the other world, but the wormhole is too deep and the current technology is not mature enough to be developed.”

“And limited to the difficulty of personnel mobilization, so alien colonization was not considered.”

“It’s different now!”

Lin Jun’s voice was raised once.

“The world opposite this wormhole in Caiyun Province is far less dangerous than the world of Monster Planet.”

“Through these colonial soldiers, we can find that with our strength, we can completely withstand the attacks of humans from another world and gain a firm foothold on Pandora.”

“At the same time, the wormhole of this planet is in our country, right on the ground. It is difficult to mobilize personnel and is a very suitable planet for colonization.”

“This is a huge opportunity for Long Guo.”

After listening to Lin Jun’s analysis, the elders combined the confessions of the captured Pandora colonial soldiers.

“I agree.”

“Yes, this opportunity really cannot be let go.”

“A monster in the monster world, the things in the body can bring about the leaps and bounds of the evolution of our science and technology; and the Pandora Star, there are infinite precious resources, creatures, minerals, elements…With this world, our Dragon Kingdom will benefit. There will be more.”

The elders agreed.

Lin Jun said: “Dear elders, in our [Qianlong Ascension Project], the “population explosion plan” that was scheduled to be launched next year must now be advanced. ”

[Population Explosion Plan]: Encourage childbirth on a large scale, so that the Dragon Kingdom can obtain more population resources, and support the Dragon Kingdom to stand on top of the world in the future.

Now that Longguo’s fertility rate is declining year by year, and its aging is accelerating, the original demographic dividend period has passed.

The problem facing Longguo now is not too much population, but too little population.

Therefore, encouraging childbirth has become an imperative.

What’s more, because of the appearance of Lin Jun, the rise of the Dragon Kingdom is no longer in doubt.

As a result, the pressure of a small population has become a major factor restricting the rise of the Dragon Kingdom.

In view of the above several situations, in the “Qianlong Ascension Project”, one of the plans is –

“Population Explosion Plan”!

Encourage fertility!

Reduce the burden of childbirth and increase childbirth subsidies, so that childbirth is no longer a burden for the family, but for the welfare of the family.

Tax cuts, tax exemptions, maternity subsidies, financial support for schooling…These are all important benefits in the “population explosion plan.”

And now,

Another Pandora star appeared!

Need more population to colonize!

The population gap has become bigger!

and so,

The “population explosion plan” is about to start ahead of schedule.

Grand Elder: “Okay, I agree. The “Population Explosion Project” will start this month! ”

Other elders echoed: “Agree!”

End of the meeting.(Read more @

An order was soon passed to the Health Commission.

The next thing is the work of the Health Committee.

Lin Jun ended the video conference of the elders group.

He is going to visit Pandora.

First: Go to the human base “Gate of Hell” and control there.

Second: If you can, you can reach cooperation with Namee.


Lin Jun has no plans for this.

Because Pandora has a Gaia consciousness-eva!

This can be regarded as a kind of mythical life, controlling the life of the entire planet, and you don’t know how many hole cards are hidden.

That’s why Lin Jun didn’t try to provoke this kind of fearful existence.

“All mecha divisions obey orders!”


The ten mecha divisions were solemn.

Lin Jun ordered: “Saber Athena and Phoenix guerrillas stay here to protect the wormhole… other mecha divisions, take mechas and follow me into Pandora Star!”

All mecha divisions: “Yes!!!”

Although Sabre Athena and Phoenix Guerrilla were unwilling, they also wanted to visit Pandora, but since Lin Jun gave the order, they could only obey the order.

Lin Jun then dialed the number of the Southern Army qu: “Immediately send a helicopter to transport 500 soldiers to Pandora Star.”

The leader of the army qu: “Yes!”

Soon, 30 large helicopters transported 500 soldiers and arrived.

Lin Jun finished all this,

Did another thing: Divination!

This trip to Pandora may not be foolproof, so Lin Jun needs to do a divination.

“System, I want to redeem a copy of “Future Memorabilia”…”

···········Find Flowers 0 ·················································································································

Lin Jun needs to see how much his decision will bring to the future.

[Ding… Consume 1 billion popularity points and get a copy of “Future Memorabilia”…]

——”On July 18, 2154, the 157-year-old man’s greatest prophet, Lin Jun, passed away, and the world mourned…”

Lin Jun: “Huh??”

I live longer? 32 years postponed!


However, it is clear that this trip to Pandora is not life-threatening.

——”In 2240, the Dragon Kingdom took the lead, and the Earth Federation was established…”

The time is 38 years ahead of the previous timeline.

——”In 2800, colonization planet No. 1 and No. 2 colonization planet lost their signals… The wormhole is still there, but it cannot pass… The earth seems to be restricted…”

The time is exactly the same, there is no change.

……. .. …

——”On October 1, 3020, a drop-shaped alien spacecraft appeared in the solar system…”

The time is exactly the same, there is no change.

——“On January 3, 1001 in Pandora’s calendar, Pandora’s planet and the outer spacecraft lost their signal, human friend artificial intelligence life [Galaxy] was invaded by mysterious forces, Pandora fell into chaos… Gaia consciousness eva predicted that Pandora was about to die… ”

——”On January 4, 1001 in the Pandora calendar, a drop-shaped alien spacecraft appeared over Pandora Star…”

“Future Memorabilia” comes to an abrupt end.

Obviously, the earth was annihilated.

And this time there is more Pandora calendar.

But it is clear that Pandora’s Star has also been destroyed.

After reading this “Future Memorabilia”, Lin Jun’s heart is heavy.

“Forget it, 1000 years later, it’s my shit!”

Lin Jun cursed secretly.

“set off!!”

With an order, 9 mechas and 30 large helicopters entered the wormhole!

Pandora’s Journey,


Pandora star.

On the edge of the wormhole.

Sergeant Jackson took more than 30 people, guarding the wormhole.

“How come Colonel Miles haven’t come back?”

“Yeah, I promised to give back once every 10 minutes, why haven’t I responded yet?”

“Did something happen on that side?”

A cloud of haze enveloped the hearts of the soldiers, and the hearts of the people were hesitant.

at this time……

There are ripples in the wormhole~~~


A huge behemoth (Mecha) with the sky, came out of the wormhole.

All the soldiers looked up and stared at this terrifying figure.

this moment,

Cold hands and feet! ! !

. Eight.

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