Chapter 140


Sergeant Jackson yelled in horror.

He has no reason not to panic.

After Colonel Miles went to the opposite side of the wormhole, there was no news, and it didn’t take long for a terrifying metal giant to come out across the wormhole.

“This is definitely the enemy!”

“Captain Miles is probably already in trouble!”


“Cannonball, blow me!!”

All the soldiers held their guns in horror and fired wildly, and the shells rang out.


That metal giant is unscathed!

Lin Jun’s controller [Dangerous Wanderer], with a wave of his hand, he directly flew the helicopters and swept down the colonial soldiers.

When the surrounding beasts heard the movement, they fled.

Soon, all colonial soldiers were cleared by Lin Jun.

One by one soldiers lay on the ground, looking up at the giant metal giant in despair.

This is exactly the difference in combat power generation.

“What kind of monster is this!”

“It’s over, our base is over!”


They watched in more horror at the metal giants one after another, coming from the other side of the wormhole.

More desperate!

Fortunately, in the end, they saw a group of human soldiers sitting on a backward helicopter, drilling out a wormhole.

Colonial soldier: “???”


No… Isn’t this a metal giant? Isn’t it an alien?

Why did the humans suddenly come here?

And it seems to be of Asian race…

Just when many colonial soldiers were blindfolded, the metal giant spoke.

Lin Jun Dangerous Wanderer: “Catch all these people and send them back to Earth for interrogation. The others will follow me to the gates of hell.”

Soldier: “Yes!”

Colonial soldier: “???”

Metal giant… can speak human words?

One of the colonial soldiers was the Nth generation of Chinese, named Link, who understood some Chinese.

“No, you are from the country of Xia!” Asian Link exclaimed in surprise.

“What Xia people? We are Longguo people!” Longguo soldier said unhappy.

All handcuffed,

Bring back to earth.

…(Read more @

Hell’s Gate Human Base.

Command center.

“Lieutenant Colonel Barton, it’s not good. There was news from the wormhole just now that a seventy or eighty-meter-high metal giant rushed out of the wormhole and was killing it!”

“What? Metal Giant?!”

“Where is Colonel Miles?”

“I went to the wormhole and never came back!”

Suddenly, the entire command center suddenly became a mess.

Obviously, Colonel Miles, who had gone to the other side, had already rushed to the street, and he had also provoke powerful enemies.

at this time……

Woo woo~~~~~~

A shrill alarm sounded over the base of Hell’s Gate.

“The enemy is coming!!”

“100 kilometers away from the east, 9 huge flying objects approached quickly at a speed of 2580km/h!!”

“The length of the flying object is estimated to be 80 meters and the weight is 2000 tons!”

“Estimated to arrive at the gate of hell in 14 minutes!”

At this time, the entire base was in chaos.

“Gogogo~~~ Get your weapon right away and get ready to fight!”

Fortunately, the soldiers at the base of Hell’s Gate are all well-trained, well-trained, and experienced soldiers, because monsters attack here almost every day.

Soon, all the cannons in the entire base were ready, all fighters lifted off, and all soldiers were loaded with live ammunition, nervously looking at the eastern sky.

The whole base is quiet!


It can be heard!

Tension, panic, unknown fear… emotions spread again!

14 minutes came in an instant.

Boom boom boom~~~~

Nine mechas fell into the square at the gate of hell.

The huge body has a sense of towering into the clouds, bringing a terrifying aura, making everyone uncontrollable and having a sense of suffocation!

All the colonial soldiers swallowed…

“(English) All soldiers from Blue Star, you are surrounded!”

“Let down your weapon, hand in your gun and don’t kill!”

All colonial soldiers: “???”

English language?

As the temporary supreme commander of the base, Lieutenant Colonel Patton, how could he manage any English but not English at this time.

All enemies must be killed!


All of a sudden, the entire base’s artillery fire directed at 9 mechas.

It is a pity that the 9 mecha defensive armors are used to defend against the powerful attack power of the Kaiju beast. These shells hit the mecha, which is simply tickling.

Lin Jun sneered.

He has no affection for these foreigners at all.

“All killed, leaving technical soldiers and scientific researchers!”


Lin Jun ordered, and all mechas began to show their muscles.

When an electromagnetic gun passed by, all the planes and tanks were all fragmented.

The electric whip flew, and the fortifications were broken one by one, and the soldiers were beaten up and down.

Less than 3 minutes…

The entire base of Hell Gate suffered heavy casualties. 0.8

Not long after, the helicopter arrived, and 500 Longguo soldiers quickly got off the plane.

They have already been on the plane and have been popularized with the information on the planet Pandora, so they are not surprised at this time.

Lin Jun ordered:

“Clean up, and pay attention to keeping technical personnel as much as possible. In case of resistance, kill them.”


All the soldiers saluted, and then under the arrangement of their superiors, they scattered around, captured the colonial soldiers, and occupied the gates of hell.

Everything is so simple.

As for the colonial soldiers, they were arrested and stunned.

“How come human beings?”

At a loss~~



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