Chapter 141

Lin Jun came to the base command center.

At this time, the inside of the command center was in a mess, obviously after a fight.

Fortunately, the command center can continue to operate and still control the entire Hellgate base.

“Jarvis, it’s up to you next…”

“Okay, Master.”

Lin Jun inserted the newly produced interface into the computer system of Hell’s Gate.

The data flow of Jarvis clone came in and began to analyze and occupy the entire base system.

It took more than an hour,

Jarvis thoroughly analyzed the computer system of this human civilization similar to the human beings on Earth, and then optimized his own program to completely occupy the entire system.

In addition,

The sound of fighting around the base gradually subsided, and all colonial soldiers and technicians were detained.

Door of hell,

Officially fell into the hands of Lin Jun!

It also officially announced that Dragon Kingdom has officially taken a solid first step in Pandora.

This side of the earth.

Lighthouse country.

The black palace.

“Mr. President, we have discovered the secret of Long Country Caiyun Province!”

The secretary screamed in excitement and rushed into the office briskly.

She was so excited that she forgot to knock on the door.

Emperor Austrian: “What’s the secret?”

The secretary excitedly said: “Our military satellites kept paying attention to the 28th place in turn, and finally discovered a great secret. A total of 9 mechas and 30 helicopters disappeared in that place out of thin air…that is, that place There may be a wormhole!!!”


Emperor Ao was taken aback and stood up abruptly: “Are you sure? It’s a wormhole?”

The secretary nodded: “This is an analysis report submitted by our scientists. They affirmed this speculation. If it were not for a wormhole, there would be no way to explain why 9 mechas and 30 helicopters disappeared out of thin air.”

Emperor Austrian took the analysis report, and there were a series of data on it. The physical parameters of the location of the ‘wormhole’ became different from those in other places.

At this time, the director of the Intelligence Bureau walked in.

“Mr. President, we sacrificed a spy and got a set of photos from Longguo Caiyun Province… I need you to look at it…”


Put a stack of photos in front of Emperor Austrian.

——Photo 1: Six-legged Viper Wolf…

——Photo 2: The results of anatomy by a biologist…


Emperor Ao took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

“There are really aliens!”

“Moreover, there is a wormhole!”

Then there is excitement!

If the lighthouse nation can occupy this wormhole, wouldn’t it be possible to occupy an alien planet? The infinite resources, thinking about it, made Ao Da Di’s scalp numb, and his whole body trembled with excitement!

However, when he thought that the wormhole was in the Dragon Kingdom now, Emperor Ao couldn’t help gritting his teeth bitterly.

“Damn it! Whatever good things are taken by the Dragon Kingdom!”

“No, we have to unite with other countries to put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom!”

Soon, the Austrian Emperor began to call the prime ministers of various countries.

“Wormhole? Really?”

“Is it impossible? Are you sure?”

At the beginning, countries did not believe it because it was too nonsense.

However, in the face of the ‘evidence’ of Emperor Austria, they finally believed it!

then,(Read more @

They are sour!

Full of jealousy of Longguo!

“Why is Dragon Kingdom again?”

“Why not in our country?”

“Damn it, this is the hope for the rise of mankind, how can the Dragon Kingdom swallow it alone?!”

“The Dragon Kingdom must share the wormhole!”

“This is a wormhole for all mankind. It is not an impulse owned by the Dragon Kingdom. It must be shared!”

Under envy, jealousy and hatred,

Countries have begun to promote fishing vessels.

Soon, under the instructions of their superiors, major media from all over the world began to scramble to disclose the issue of the extraterrestrial wormhole in Caiyun Province, Long Kingdom.

“Shock! Longguo has discovered an alien habitable planet! 》

“Alien Wormhole? This is the hope for the rise of mankind! 》

“The first step of human interstellar steps, Long Kingdom Caiyun Province found a wormhole that can colonize a livable planet! 》

The powerful fishing vessel promotion capabilities of the Lighthouse Country suddenly became known to the world.

The whole world is in an uproar!

Alien Wormhole!

Livable planet!

Big event!

This can already be regarded as the biggest event in human history!

Whatever World War I or World War II, we must stand aside!

Alien colonization can be said to be an idea that every human has had in mind, and it represents the hope of mankind in the future!

Subsequently, the lighthouse countries and countries began the second step:

Pressure from fishing vessels!

“Shock! The selfish Dragon Kingdom is ready to swallow the alien planet! 》

“This is the gospel of global humanity, not the private property of a country in the Dragon Kingdom! 》

“The Dragon Kingdom without a bottom line, a thorough egoist! 》

Stirring the global human dissatisfaction towards the Dragon Kingdom, even hatred.

Expect to put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom.

And the effect is also very good.

Sure enough, people all over the world are full of greed for colonizing alien planets.

“The alien planet belongs to the global human race.”

“The Dragon Kingdom should share!”

Countless people shouted.

And these news, naturally, can’t hide the netizens in Long Country.

“Caiyun Province, is there really a wormhole?”

“I can testify, indeed, I saw a dead alien monster.”

“I heard that Lin Jun has taken 9 mechas into the wormhole and went to explore aliens.”

“Resolutely disagree to share the wormhole.”

“The wormhole is in the Dragon Kingdom, so naturally it belongs to the Dragon Kingdom!”

“That group of foreigners is really disgusting. Seeing that others have something good, they yelled to share. They have forgotten the technical and economic blockade back then.”

“Yes, if this wormhole is opened in the Lighthouse Country, will the Lighthouse Congress share it with foreign countries? Obviously, no!”

“These people are just hooligans!”

The pressure on fishing vessels abroad has long been anticipated by the Gangsters.

When the wormhole appeared, Long Kingdom knew that it couldn’t hide it, but he didn’t expect the lighthouse country to move so fast.

Fortunately, Dragon Kingdom is already preparing.

Pandora is a whole planet.

How can I let others interfere?

Want to fart

the next day

Long Guo held a very large-scale press conference.

Because things are too exaggerated, too big.

Even the small countries in 723 Africa sent reporters over.

The number of reporters has reached an unprecedented number of more than 10,000!

The entire conference hall was densely packed with reporters.

As soon as the meeting began, a reporter from the Beacon Country could not wait to stand up.

“Mr. Zhao Shuang, did the Dragon Kingdom discover the wormhole and lead to another world? Does the Dragon Kingdom want to share it?”

The audience is looking forward to it.

His eyes are eager.

Zhao Shuang looked serious: “Wormholes, alien colonies, these are all falsehoods, they are all rumors.

Reporters from the audience: “…………………………”

I rub?

Is it okay for you to open your eyes and talk nonsense?

The reporter from the lighthouse country was angry when leaving the ground: “Then, how did Longguo explain that 10 mechas and 30 helicopters disappeared directly?”

Zhao Shuang is a simple and honest person: “Do you know the theory of the hollowness of the earth? This central theory refers to the fact that the interior of the earth is composed of multiple hollow spheres. The gaps between the spheres are densely planted and the climate is pleasant. On the earth On the surface, there are passages that can lead into the inner earth. People who find these passages can enter the inner earth…”

“And now!!”

“Our Dragon Kingdom has found this passage and entered the inner earth!”

Zhao Shuang’s expression of excitement and excitement seemed to be proud of discovering the inner earth.

The audience: “………………………………”

At a loss~~


At a loss~~

Not an alien world?

Is it the inner earth?


. .

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