Chapter 142

“What is the theory of the hollowness of the earth? I have never heard of it, you Dragon Kingdom don’t want to deceive people!!”

A reporter said angrily.

Zhao Shuang was surprised: “This reporter, have you never heard of the theory of the hollow of the earth? This is a very famous theory, and many scientists firmly believe that it exists.”

“The surface area of ​​the earth we know now is 510 million square kilometers, but the weight is only 60 trillion tons. If the earth is solid, this weight should be far more than this number.”

“In July 1960, the secret expedition team discovered that there was a 1,000-kilometer underground corridor under the Andes, which was later blocked by the Peruvian government and no one was allowed to enter… It is very likely a path to the center of the earth The passage of space.”

“And the bottomless sea of ​​the Mediterranean…”

The spokesperson Zhao Shuang smiled, eloquently speaking about the hollowness of the earth.

Before the meeting, he was personally told by the Ninth Elders, knowing that this was Professor Lin’s idea of ​​a way to divert the world’s attention.

In order not to make mistakes, he ruthlessly smashed all kinds of materials on Earth Hollow Theory overnight, and now, he uses these materials to stun everyone present.

I have to say that Professor Lin is awesome! !

Look at the reporters at the scene, one by one was fooled and lame.

“Does it really find the space in the center of the earth?”

“It sounds like there is no way to refute it.”

More importantly, the theory of the hollow of the earth is more convincing than the wormhole.

After all, a wormhole from the distant universe of wireless light-years together with the earth and another world suitable for survival is very bizarre.

At this time, a reporter from Napoguo asked: “Since the Dragon Kingdom has mastered such an important geocentric channel, it is of great significance to mankind, can I share it with the world?”

Zhao Shuang shrugged: “For this question, please refer to the economic and technological blockade of the Dragon Kingdom by Western countries from the last century to the present…” “…”

Journalists from all western countries: “………………”

Soon, the news spread throughout the world.

“Earth Hollow Theory? How did I know it for the first time?”

“If the theory of the hollow of the earth has become a reality, isn’t it possible that the theory of the plane of the earth is also true?”

“Yes, I read popular science knowledge. Scientists who support the theory of the plane of the earth have perfected this theory so much that I can’t tell the truth from the false.”

“What’s wrong with the hollow of the earth? Couldn’t the Dragon Kingdom share this space? That belongs to all mankind on the earth!”

“Strongly request Long Kingdom to surrender the entrance to the center of the earth!”


Lighthouse country.

A scientist is explaining the theory of the hollow of the earth to Emperor Austria.

Then I introduced the [Secret Underground Promenade] and [Mediterranean Bottomless Cave].(Read more @

[Mediterranean Bottomless Hole]: In a small area of ​​the Mediterranean Sea, 30,000 tons of seawater are continuously lost every day, with a depth of more than 3,000 meters. It is also an area with a high frequency of earthquakes worldwide.

“Our Beacon National Geographic Society sent a team to go to the field to dye the sea water with a dark dye, and 130 kilograms of rose-colored plastic particles. As a result, no matter how dark the dye is and how many particles there are, there is no trace. ”

“Some experts have leaked into the underground world, and some experts say it might be a wormhole leading to another world?”

Under the influence of the Dragon Kingdom, Emperor Austrian was popularized by his own scientists, and then he was crippled.

I thought it really had geocentric space to say…

“Immediately send out scientists and prospecting personnel to conduct surveys on the secrets and the Mediterranean.”

Soon, a team of thousands of people was dispatched to Secret Lu and the Mediterranean.

The other countries of Victoria, Napoleon, and Will… not to be outdone, sent scientific expedition teams one after another.

Caiyun Province is here.

At this time, the army is assembled!

Completely remove all the villages in the radius of 50, and then implement all-round 360-degree monitoring.

And near the wormhole, a simple greenhouse was temporarily constructed to cover the wormhole.

Obstruct the exploration of military satellites in the sky.

In addition, around a kilometer around the wormhole, various construction machinery were urgently transferred to clear the light.

Tree, cut down!

Mountain, flatten!

Cement the foundation and consolidate the road surface.

In less than a day, a huge open space was pushed out here to pour cement.

In the temporary greenhouse, a piece of 23333~~~~

“Puff~~~The hollow theory of the earth, which makes me laugh so hard, hahaha!”

“Professor Lin is really awesome. He thought of the Hollow Earth and read the whole world to Huyou.”

“It is estimated that they found the dead in the lighthouse country. They don’t know that ours is Pandora outside the wormhole, not the center of the earth.

At this moment, a soldier drilled a wormhole and returned to the earth.

“¨” Report to the leader. At present, under the leadership of Professor Lin Jun, our Dragon Kingdom has completely occupied the gate of Hell, the human base of Pandora. In 5 minutes, 3050 prisoners will arrive here. Please prepare to receive it! ”

“In addition, Professor Lin Jun ordered that more soldiers should be sent to the human base on Pandora as soon as possible!”


Occupied Pandora’s human base?

All the researchers and soldiers boiled and danced for joy.

“Fast speed!”

“Professor Lin is awesome!”

At this time, the vomiting Si Ling of the Southern Army had arrived here and took over the top commander.

Si Ling has a solemn face: “Go back and report to Professor Lin. Later, we will send 50 helicopters, 40 planes, and 12,000 soldiers into Pandora. Please rest assured…”

Soldier salutes: “Yes!”

Pandora star.

3000 kilometers away.

Omadikeya tribe, under the sacred tree.

Princess Netini: “Father, just got the news that the gate of hell, the human base, has been occupied by another human, and this human is even more powerful, with a powerful metal monster of 70 or 80 meters high. Human beings were arrested without the ability to resist.”

The tribal chief frowned: “A strange human? Where did it come from?”

Princess Netini: “I don’t know, it seems to have appeared out of thin air.”

The tribal chief sighed: “I hope we won’t bring us wars and disasters…”

And at this moment… research…

A red mecha flew from the sky far away.

“Enemy attack!!!”

The whole tribe suddenly became confused.

. .

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