Chapter 156

After being moved, Lin Jun started to get into the topic.

“The reason why so many technicians are called is because there is an extremely important project that requires everyone to work together…”

“Look, everyone!”


Lin Jun snapped his fingers.

A huge projection suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall.

-“Entrepreneurship Star” spacecraft.

As soon as it appeared, the audience was stunned.

“what is this?”

“How does it look like a spaceship?”



Thousand faces are dumbfounded.

Lin Jun said: “Yes, this is a spaceship, we just fished it out from the underground world… ahem, ahem.”

The audience: “…………………………”



This is how it sounds a little weird.

Lin Jun said seriously: “Don’t guess, this is a spacecraft that we captured after we truly occupied an underground civilization. It was captured in flight, so its practicality is beyond doubt.”


This is still weird.

The underground people still need spacecraft?

Are you kidding me?


Lin Jun started 28 to split the structure of “Star of Entrepreneurship”, and briefly disassembled part by part.

“This is the bow…”

“The two red fans are the cooling plates of the engine…”

“What is stored in these four big spheres is not fuel, but the working fluid helium…”

“After the engine part is the cargo area…”

“The centrifugal arms at both ends, which create artificial gravity, are the employee modules…”

“The hibernation warehouse area is used for long-distance interstellar voyages…”

“Its speed can reach 0.75 times the speed of light…”


The audience was quiet.


Is it really a spaceship?

Do hibernation chambers and centrifugal force make artificial gravity?

What is the working fluid, helium?

0.75 times the speed of light?

Everyone was stunned, as if they were talking about the heavenly book…

Lin Jun expected this situation and didn’t care. The purpose of today’s meeting was to inform everyone about the situation and let them have a general understanding.

Soon, the meeting ended.

All the old seniors and students left the meeting room sluggishly.

Then began to distribute houses, clothes, high-tech watches with artificial intelligence…(Read more @

Settle in, then eat.


Chief Engineer Zhang Da and other old friends who had been together before were sitting together for dinner.

“Huh, what kind of fruit is this?”

Chief Engineer Zhang Da picked up a purple star-spotted “Pitaya”.

“It feels like dragon fruit, but it’s not like it, it’s bigger than dragon fruit!”

“I asked the chef just now, and he said that the fruit of the underground world at this time, called purple dragon fruit, is very nutritious and has many beneficial elements. If you eat too much, it can delay aging and inhibit disease.”

Chief Engineer Zhang Da bit down.

The rich juice flowed from the corner of the mouth, and a fragrant scent exploded on the taste buds.

“Oh~~ my goodness~~ this is delicious!”

Chief Engineer Zhang Da uttered a pleasant compliment, and then couldn’t help but ate a few more mouthfuls.

Cool! !

Others were curious to eat, and as a result, they felt full of oral satisfaction as soon as they ate it. It was great!

Later, they ate meat from another world, but it was no different from the meat of the earth.

Rested for one night.

the next day,

They regrouped and came to a new place.

A huge karst cave several hundred meters high and 2 kilometers long.

A huge spaceship full of science fiction is being quickly assembled by huge robotic arms.

The embryonic form of the spaceship has been revealed.


Everyone was shocked!

It turned out to be the spaceship Lin Jun introduced yesterday!

This spaceship actually has it!

My goodness!

“If it is true, isn’t our Dragon Kingdom…”

“Our Dragon Kingdom finally has the technology for space navigation?”

Everyone looked at the spaceship with shining eyes, and their beards trembled with incoherent excitement.

Only the universe is the end of science and technology.

Every scientist dreams and yearns for the universe in his heart, looking forward to flying away from the earth one day to explore the universe.

The deeper the love for the motherland, the more we know the gap between Longguo’s aerospace technology and the lighthouse country.

This gap makes people sad.

So when you see this complete spaceship in front of everyone, you can imagine the excitement of the older generation of scientists.

“Good, good, good!”

Chief Engineer Zhang Da tears: “Maybe in my lifetime, I will be able to step into space!”

Lin Jun came over at this time: “It must be possible, and it is not difficult.”

“In the days to come, you need to study this spacecraft: first study its functions, then dismantle, re-study the components inside, and finally reverse engineer and re-derive the technology of this spacecraft. Repeatedly, gradually grasp……”

“For this, I have arranged some teachers for you…”

Lin Jun made a move.

The mechanical engineers of the captive Crooked Nuts spacecraft came from not far away.

They have confessed their fate.

Lin Jun promised them that as long as they wholeheartedly teach the scientists of the Dragon Kingdom, they will get a truly free man after 5 years. After working for 10 years, they will obtain the nationality of the Dragon Kingdom and enjoy national treatment.

On the Dragon State side, the large-scale deployment of a large number of aviation and aerospace technical backbones, naturally, can not hide the lighthouse nation.

“What the hell is Dragon Kingdom doing?”

The Austrian Emperor was worried.

Recently, the Dragon Kingdom moved frequently and couldn’t understand every step, which made Emperor Ao very unhappy.

Especially last time, the so-called “Encyclopedia of the Underworld”, it took him half a month to react – this is a false information!

Almost vomiting blood! !

What shit king of agents!

What shit is impossible to complete the mission agency!


Give me false information!

Tuk Tuk Tuk~~~

At this moment, the intelligence director knocked on the door and walked in, his expression on his face was joyful and heaviness.

“Mr. President, we finally discovered a big secret!”

“What’s the secret?”

“Long Kingdom captured a spaceship from the underground world!”



Austrian Emperor threw a cup directly!


The spaceship of God’s horse!

It’s all in the underground world, and you’re still riding a spaceship?

Can you have a bit of IQ? !

Emperor Austrian couldn’t help but think of the “Encyclopedia of the Underworld” again. He was very angry, feeling that his IQ was being played by the people of the Long Kingdom, rubbing and rubbing on the ground…

What a shame! !

. .

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