Chapter 157

Secret base number two.

In a certain room.

Wang Lu, 35 years old, ostensibly a student of chief engineer.

In fact, he was a lighthouse spy who had been lurking for a long time.

Originally he was just a game of chess, and the Lighthouse Country sent him to the Shenhai Aircraft Industry Group.

Why do you say that he is playing chess? Because Dragon Kingdom’s fighters are two or three generations behind Beacon Kingdom, and Beacon Kingdom looks down on it, so it is difficult to obtain valuable information.

Unexpectedly, this game of chess was used today.

After the political trial, and then checked for three generations, there was no problem, no one knew that he was a spy.

Then he entered the secret base No. 2 and learned about the spacecraft.

However, because of the stricter secrecy measures, he reluctantly sent a key message: “The Dragon Kingdom captured a spaceship from the underground world.”


Today, he received feedback from the Beacon State through the correspondent.

Originally he thought it was a huge reward, but he was looking forward to it.


The feedback I got was: “Don’t send false news again!”

Wang Lu: “…………………………”

Lift the table (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻!

Who said this is fake news!

This is the real news, okay!

The mentality has collapsed!

At this moment, the door of the room opened automatically, and a group of soldiers swarmed in.

The gun was aimed at him.

“Wang Lu, you have been arrested!”

The soldiers were full of anger.

Unexpectedly, someone in the base would be a spy, betraying state secrets!

Wang Lu’s face changed drastically, and then shouted: “Why arrest me? Don’t wrong me!”

The soldier sneered: “Do you think it is useful to say that you are wronged? Professor Lin invented a Veritaserum, you can’t escape!”

Wang Lu was still struggling: “You really wronged me!”

One minute later…

Under the influence of the Siren Potion, Wang Lu confided all the information.

Ten minutes later, an old cleaner in the imperial capital was arrested. He turned out to be an old ghost who had hidden for thirty years.

An hour later, Longguo obtained a new fake document and passed it back to the lighthouse country through the old cleaner.

Lin Jun did not expect that there would be a spy in the base.

Fortunately, there are not many information leaks, and the funny thing is that Emperor Austria thought it was fake.

In a flash, half a month passed.

Lin Jun is learning the technology of the “Star of Entrepreneurship” at the base. With his talent of “a man cursed by knowledge”, learning these things is simply too easy.(Read more @

To be honest, the technological content of “Entrepreneur Star” is not too high. He does not have the curvature engine in science fiction, nor does he know how to interstellar transition, nor does it have antigravity technology, nor artificial gravity technology…none.

Therefore, it only took Lin Jun 3 days to complete the study.

The mechanical engineers of Blue Star were stunned one by one!

The scientists of the Long Kingdom were also dumbfounded, and even many young people have become fans, brothers, and sisters of Lin Jun!

Only the salted fishes who are familiar with Lin Jun have a calm face.

“What a big deal…` “…”

“Lin Jun did this kind of thing, isn’t it a basic fuck?”

“Basic exercise, no cows, all sit…”

In the following ten days, Lin Jun began to design a new spacecraft based on the technology he had mastered!

Name: Flying Dragon One

Power: large new element reactor

Length: 1500 meters

Weight: 8000 tons

Technology: artificial gravity (exchange price 1 billion popularity value), plasma shield, laser cannon, hibernation chamber, oxygen generator, hydration machine…

After half a month,

Lin Jun finished the design of the spacecraft.

Then, as the focus of the next step, it was sent to the owner of the No. 2 secret base.

That day,

The entire base is a sensation!

Everyone looked at Lin Jun like a god!

“My God~~~”

“Just studied a spaceship and designed a new spaceship?”

“And by the way, artificial gravity has been researched?”

“Doesn’t it mean that the unified force has been breached?”

“Is that human being?”

“This is simply a god!”

Even the older generations were shocked one by one, and heart disease was on the verge of onset.

The younger generation worshipped Lin Jun even more, kneeling neatly and shouting ‘666’~! !

And the mechanical engineers of Blue Star were so shocked that their eyes fell out, or that they were all scared!

Lin Jun’s strength is terrifying!

They know how difficult it is to digest the “star of entrepreneurship” and redesign a new spacecraft.

What’s more, Lin Jun even designed artificial gravity!

Artificial gravity, this is no ordinary difficulty!

It is actually gravitation.


The gravitational force generated between mass objects is very small, and it is impossible to obtain a gravitational force as large as gravity under artificial conditions!

Being able to create artificial gravity means that the Great God Lin Jun has already come up with the [Great Unification Force]!

Great unified force: the unification of the four basic forces, this is the technology that countless scientists dream of!

Great God Lin Jun!


Originally, they were still wondering whether their Blue Star would retaliate against the Earth because of Pandora’s star being occupied.

But now it seems that the Earth is lucky if it doesn’t turn around and beat Blue Star.

At this moment, they were completely convinced!

Longguo, very good!

Under the leadership of the Great God Lin Jun, they may be able to see more advanced technology and a broader universe.

At this time,


“Great unity, I finally see great unity!”

“Unexpectedly, the grand unified force is like this!”


An old senior looked at the information and laughed.

Soon someone exclaimed again.

“Come on, Mr. Zhang has a heart attack!”

“Here, Mr. Liu also had a heart attack! The doctor is coming soon!”

The scene was in chaos.


ps: The great unified force is just an assumption. Among the four basic forces at present, only the weak force and the electromagnetic force have been “proved” in theory (referred to as the electroweak force).

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