Chapter 158

After half a month,

Lin Jun once again traveled through the wormhole and came to Pandora’s Star.

Because a spy had entered the wormhole once, the bases on both sides of the wormhole became more alert.

Riding on the helicopter, Lin Jun quickly arrived at the base of Hell’s Gate.

As soon as he arrived at the base, Professor Sun Fang, the leader of the 18th scientific research group and a biologist, walked over excitedly with a plant.

“Professor Lin, see what we found!”

Lin Jun looked at the plant in Sun Fang’s hand. The root system of the tree roots is extremely developed. The’lower body’ is at least 10 times that of the’upper body’, and the leaves are relatively thin.

“Is this a plant in the desert?”

Lin Jun judged.

Only plants in the desert can have such a powerful root system.

Sun Fang nodded excitedly: “Yes, it is a desert plant. Originally, I thought Pandora did not have a desert, but after observing from the satellites in the sky, I realized that it also has a desert climate. Because there are such plants in the desert.” 753

“The Na’vi people said that the name of this plant is ‘doruo’, which means ‘desert flower’. It is dormant in the dry season. When it rains, they quickly absorb water to re-grow and bloom beautiful flowers.”.

“And its leaves mutate into slender white hairs, which can reduce the damage of strong sunlight to plants and reduce water evaporation. At the same time, it can also cause moisture to continuously accumulate and condense into water droplets, which drip onto the ground where the roots are distributed very shallowly. absorb.”

Professor Sun Fang excitedly pointed to the various parts of the “Duo Luohua” and introduced.

“Professor Lin, you see, its stalks have become thick and thick, with ribs, allowing their bodies to expand and contract freely. They can quickly expand when there is a lot of water in their bodies, and they can shrink inward when they are dry and lack water, which not only protects the plant epidermis, but also It has the effect of dissipating heat and cooling.”

“Not only that, most of its stalks turn green and can photosynthesize like leaves…”

“Professor Lin, a super desert plant at this time is a hundred times stronger than the bachelor tree, Buddha belly tree, Welwitschia, Echinocephalus, Tianlunzhu… on the other side of the earth!”

Lin Jun’s eyes lit up at this time.

“You mean, go to those desert places in the Dragon Kingdom?”


Professor Sun Fang nodded sharply: “I think it will definitely transform the deserts in the northwestern region of Long Nation into oasis!”

Lin Jun nodded: “Okay, this can be considered. If it can really transform the desert, it will be considered a great achievement!”

After sending away the elated Professor Sun Fang, Lin Jun was just about to sit down and rest. As a result, the princess Netini of the Omadikaya tribe visited the base of Hell’s Gate.

She made a shocking proposal to Lin Jun.(Read more @

“Are you sure?” Lin Jun looked stunned, “Your Omadikeya tribe, want to visit the earth? Establish diplomatic relations with the Long Kingdom?”

Netini nodded: “Yes, my father is full of curiosity about the Dragon Kingdom, and wants to go to the earth to meet the elders of the Dragon Kingdom.”

Lin Jun thought for a while, this seems to be okay.

Anyway, when the Nameis went to the earth, they would not expose the lies of the Dragon Kingdom about the underground world.

Lin Jun nodded: “I agree in principle to this matter. I will convey the wishes of the chief of the Omadikaya tribe to the elders…”

Nettini saluted: “Okay.”

She was really ready to leave, and Lin Jun stopped her at this time.

“Wait, I have something to give to your tribe, and you just take it back…”

Soon, a soldier ran over with a large box of things.

Lin Jun picked up the contents in the box—the headset.

“This is the latest simultaneous translator I have produced. It accepts American and Chinese… With it, your Nami people and our Longguo can communicate with each other without barriers.”

When the princess Nettini heard it, her eyes lit up.

“This is a good thing!”

As the relationship between the two parties heats up, the language problem between the two parties has become an obstacle.

This simultaneous translator solves this perfectly.


The imperial capital of the Long Kingdom.

The establishment of diplomatic relations with the Na’vi people made the elders attach great importance.

The group of elders convened a special meeting.

The elder sighed: “Unexpectedly, this Namei would even want to visit Long Kingdom and establish diplomatic relations with Long Kingdom.”

Third elder: “Obviously, this is Lin Jun’s identity that played a role. Otherwise, with the actions of the Blue Stars on Pandora, it would be good not to hate us humans, let alone establish diplomatic relations.”

Nine Elders: “This is the first time in the history of the world that humans have established diplomatic relations with an alien. It must be solemn to show the importance and respect of our Dragon Kingdom! Our Dragon Kingdom is a country of etiquette, and you must not neglect the friends of the Nawei people.”

The elder nodded: “Yes, it should be grand. This matter is left to Lin Jun. Diplomacy will help. It must be bigger.”

March 15th.

It has been a month and a half since the last monster invasion.

The new monster has not yet appeared, and the world has once again fallen into calm. Every country is vigorously developing the people’s livelihood economy and focusing on the research and development of mecha technology in the field of science and technology.

War is the best impetus for the development of science and technology.

With the untimely bomb of monster invasion, mecha technology is developing by leaps and bounds.

However, in these peaceful days,

The outgoing of a message,

Caused a huge sensation in the world!

“For the first time in human history: the civilized races of the underground world will officially establish diplomatic relations with the Dragon Kingdom on April 1st!”

. .

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